Movie tries to confuse the viewer

>movie tries to confuse the viewer

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You're getting cucked

my wife's son

My wife

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Theresa is my mom or my mother in law


Unopened parachutes.

Her sperm donor.

a parachute XD

refrigerators, the dead guy forgot to deploy his

If you want to have a Pauly Shore thread you could just say so next time

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bottle of polen sprign


Obviously the dead guy is inside the first guys backpack

Water. The guy who lived opened his pack to drink some and so he didn't die of dehydration.

Grandmother in law if married. If not married then no relation

A secret.

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parachutes are not carried in backpacks

Wife, when the bbc has her you don’t have her. And everyone wants to share the wife with bbc

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Take two pills.
Put them both on the scale.
If same weight, eat one of the pills from the scale.
If not the same weight, eat one of the pills off the scale.

I only need it once.

A secret.


I'm only 13, but also 53. What am I?

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A transager?

BC/ AD conundrum or benjamin button disease

Throw all the pills away since one of them is poisoned. What am I a heroin addict and those pills are my only fix?

Weigh three vs. three.
>one side is heavier
Weigh one vs. one out of those three. The heavier one is poisoned. If they're the same, the odd one out is poisoned.
>both sides are the same
Weigh the remaining two. The heavier one is poisoned.

All of them.

This isn’t a riddle this is just a fucking question don’t post this shit
This one is illogical

just eat all the pills

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Randomly take 6 pills. Split them into three and weigh them against each other.
If the pills weigh the same, then take the remaining two pills and weigh them. The heavier pill is the poison pill.
If there was a difference between the six pills, take the heavier group of three. Take two random pills and weigh them against each other. If they weigh the same, then the unweighed pill is the poison pill. If they differ, then the heavier pill is poisonous.