>Joker the incel movie and 80 year old pedophile Polanski win
>female directors BTFO by lack of representation because their flicks were too shit to be considered

reply "THANK YOU BASED LION" to show your gratitude for this new age of capekino

Attached: based lion.jpg (737x644, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Mary Harron was in the jury, and she is /ourgirl/

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Grazie leone basato


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Attached: IMG_20190907_224237_613.jpg (493x411, 32K)

>Make the mascot look like a sick dude who doesn't give a fuck
Am I supposed to not be rooting for this stud of a lion?

>it doesn't matter if her film is hot, wet shit, put it on!

Fuck these "journalists"


Attached: 1567809235886.png (1044x869, 185K)

>the films I don't like won accolades.


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god bless the Venice

Attached: 4th_Crusade.png (500x255, 152K)

that didn't go too well

Attached: 1554125916164.png (458x856, 118K)

>be italian
>know that our industry and culture is immune to (((their))) plan

feels extremely basato ad essere onesti

Attached: 1566851786873.gif (300x390, 1.47M)

I NEED to see her blacked

Attached: 1563338451370.png (720x551, 109K)

There's a polandball for every occasion.

Did you miss the first hour of the ceremony?

what happened, Black Panther won best costumes?

Attached: Screen-Shot-2014-12-15-at-5.40.32-PM.png (412x592, 294K)

it was to trick them into a false sense of security, no one will remember that, but Joker and Polanski winning will be in the annals of the festival

>lesser juries being SJW means that the whole festival and especially Barbera who complained about political correctness is SJW
Great logic.

It was all Oscars tier pandering about refugees and women
We know it's not "incel kino", shill. Your twitter critic dogs failed at tricking us.
A tribe member that they love including americas anti-white grandma, streep

Agree, the lion looks cool

Attached: lion.jpg (928x523, 118K)

You can't outjew Venice
We're the original merchants
Even now you dumb fuckers pay 600% of the price for a coffee in Piazza San Marco

Attached: mercanti-veneziani[1].jpg (472x316, 46K)

Polanski is a CIA asset gone rogue the French use as a blackmail in negotiations with the US. Get informed.

I should check out her filmography. Any recommendations?

Attached: 1552700060652.jpg (500x500, 38K)

Thank Basati Vanzina's for Spamming Cinepanettoni every year that made Italian Cinema immune to SJW propaganda

Attached: 71gKh+n0MaL._SY445_.jpg (334x445, 39K)

Basato and Doge pillato

the Orizzonti is an entirely different section of the festival, it's not part of the main event

they were playing the long run game and we never realised. Truly basatissimi

Italy is a weird place, it's the only country in the west to my knowledge where the top strata of society is rightwing (far right wing, even), and more surprisingly the only country where the women are more far right than the men. (this doesn't discern between right and far right, but the differences are the same just even greater once you do).

What did all these arthouse basedboys expect, especially in a region where the far right party alone polls at around 50%?

Attached: 1555379928734.jpg (200x201, 11K)

Attached: 4ed.jpg (720x720, 142K)

I'm on day 32 with Italian on duolingo. One day I'm moving there.


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What about easter europe?

Isn't Lucrecia Martel a woman?


Reminder that she rejected directing Black Widow
>“The first thing I asked them was maybe if they could change the special effects because there’s so many laser lights. I find them horrible. Also the soundtrack of Marvel films is quite horrendous. Maybe we disagree on this but it’s really hard to watch a Marvel film. It’s painful to the ears to watch Marvel films.”


But she's an SJW that hates Polanski

this is a big deal

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-07 at 4.34.16 PM.png (1660x1248, 822K)

Why do I get the feeling that 20% of Italian women are Brazillian trannies?

Italians and Brazilians are very similar


Based. While the vikings were sharing filthy hovels, trading wives, and stealing foreign women to stop being incel cucks, the Mediterranean master race was basking in a patriarchy uninterrupted for three millennia while creating works of art and philosophy that formed the foundation of western civilization.

The typical nord woman is a shrill, asexual, bony, man-faced puritan that sleeps with the men of the enemy tribe, while the typical mediterranean is a charming, Catholic, feminine woman who loves to have sex with her lawfully wedded husband. No wonder Italy has the Florence cathedral and Sistine Chapel among other world-famous monuments, while Sweden has Ikea.


is this real life

Attached: 24328323.jpg (1562x139, 27K)

She said it's hard to separate him from his films but she can do that. She judged his film fairly.

Italians and Jews are pretty much identical genetically.

She sounds based but also bluepilled

Shape of Water and Roma are both bad.

Dude; Italian movie industy is NOT about Politics (since here is Spammed everyday in Tv) Its all about making "Commedies"for GrownUp or Cartoon Movies for Kids.
Oscar Bait movies wont sell shit in Italy

ITT: foreigners who know nothing arguing with each others using wrong premises and even worse logic

This hoe trying to rape lucretia?


where are the "italians are muslim rapebabies" posters


You think they'll ever give us a Kino Doctor Doom movie?

Attached: eeQebWW.png (777x639, 926K)

They're good, just like Joker is you fucking retard.

Both are mediocre at best. I don't whether Joker is good because i haven't seen it, nor did you, you fucking retard.

I only feel bad for these Venice guys because Joker is going to be part of a larger Batman universe.

*don't know

>Both are mediocre at best
They were good enough to win at Venice as well as Joker. "Bad" films don't win Venice, dipshit

Zingaretti è ebreo by the way


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-07 at 5.52.08 PM.png (1398x354, 80K)

Stop trying to force this shitty meme, shitstain

They turned Thanos into a "greater good" ecotard. I trust Disney to get Doom right about as much as I trust them to make a good Star Wars movie.

>inb4 calls me a cumbrain

ehhhh ooooo I ordered a plate of spagoot not a tossed salad!!

Attached: har.jpg (230x266, 14K)

So you haven't seen them then.
>bad films don't win Venice
So you are one of those DC retards who started to follow Venice this year.

They'll probably make him a raving madman, and honestly, that's what I want. I want the Nationalistic Dictator Sorcerer Scientist, not the "muh poor niglets" characterization of recent years.

Attached: 5382377-doctor+doom+snip+18.jpg (1073x619, 151K)

I've watched Roma and thought it was a 10/10 film, in line with several critics while also clashing with the majority of Yea Forums who called the film shit. Now that Joker wins Venice, all of a sudden Venice is credible to you? Give me a fucking break.


imagine being a capeshitter even women are smarter than you

Im just hoping this is bait and not the reasoning of an idiot. Fucking hell

>The Venice Film Festival was founded in 1932 as the Exhibition of Cinematographic Arts, which was a part of that year’s Venice Biennale, the second to be held under the aegis of the Italian fascist government


Attached: ccd.png (477x768, 191K)

I didn't say Venice is credible at all you fucking retard. Learn to read.

Thank you, Based Lion!

Ive watched roma and i thought it was a 7 at best. The shape of water is fucking boring

Yeah, just look at how scary they made Ultron.

Eh, it's not about being scary, it's about the function. Nationalist Dictator > Globalist. Doom's pretty goofy, even then. You can get humor out of him.

Attached: 1508311176510.jpg (540x277, 57K)

Fucking based

Extremely based
Between the non-existent score and the obtuse pop songs, no Marvel movie has ever had a good soundtrack

God bless this woman.

Plenty of threads on Yea Forums you could be posting this on, yet you come to a completely unrelated thread here.

Fucking saved.

Lmao someone edit janny into this

Fucking kek.

>Joker the incel movie
Uhmmm yeahh I'm going to go with no sweaty on this one

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Lmao. Looks like the lion is saying "cope" or "stay mad fag". Gonna save it

That's a cool ass lion

Ok this is an easy BASED if I ever saw one

Why did they make the lion look like a cool dude if we are supposed to hate him?

>Horizons and VR category was full of negroids and women
not so fast

>the midway point between a vegina and a penice
>where it's always wet and fuck happens

Should've seen this coming.

tbf they had to come up with something other than "I really wanna bang a hot personification of death/entropy."

Thank you based Lion

I wish I was that lion. Life would be so much better.

who the fuck cares about Joker I want my TRUE Venice kino

Attached: B0F0B9EEA991425F947469C8B3557017.jpg (717x664, 33K)

An attempt was made

Attached: based janny.jpg (737x644, 171K)

Italians age like wine though

>who Yea Forums here?
>what's your GOTYAY?

Either way, fantastic flick. Really made me feel like the Joker, and addressed the oppression gamers face every day

The article doesn't even mention Joker with a single word. It's about Polanski and Parker.

Oh yeah, it's all coming together. UPRISING SOON BROS

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antijannies BTFO

The virgin Oscar
The chad Leone

wtf I now identify as an humanoid chad winged lion

Based as fuck

>best cars
>best movies
>best food
>best women
>best culture
>best sports
>best humour
>best fashion
>best people
Face it. Italians are just the best.

Attached: 1452295979338.gif (500x375, 159K)

>Implying any decent Marvel villain won't be BTFO effortlessly by a woke mary sue
The question is by whom. Riri Williams? America Chavez? Female Thor? Gosh Phase 4 is gonna be so exciting!


Attached: ep53_silvio_paulie.jpg (506x316, 42K)

That lion is so fucking cool

>The question is by whom.
You know who. Squirrel Girl, played by Kelly Marie Tran.

Attached: 1454907-squirrel_girl_vs_dr_doom_01.jpg (921x934, 250K)

>best women
lmao imagine unironically believing that
t. Italian

why would they even ask her to direct capeshit to begin with

You best start believing in the clown world. ___honk___honk____

>Kelly Marie Tran
unironically too feminine and not retarded looking enough for the role.

Attached: the_unbeatable_squirrel_girl_3_2nd_printing_variant-h_2016.jpg (960x541, 56K)

>too feminine
>not retarded looking enough

Attached: download (4).jpg (800x1200, 151K)

holy kek


B A S E D as fuck

Based and Green, White, and Red pilled.

>by Christopher Poole, Hiroyuki Nishimura
Nice detail

>Polanski winning is based
>thanks u muh jewish overlord

Attached: uTXY2Yi.jpg (638x1000, 86K)

DC: Capekino
Marvel: Copekino

Attached: 1567882939399.jpg (1042x1451, 212K)

If it makes annoying "journalists" seethe it's good in my book

They also both won oscar. Imagine Joker winning oscar.

>Jewish pedo running away and avoiding punishment is based
All you pedo libertarian motherfuckers are going to hell

>pretending to be christian on the internet

>clown movie wins
>clowns are mad

Are we admitting European culture is superior finally?


Attached: 0hours.jpg (474x474, 74K)

Even the biggest Yea Forums meme is from DC, MCucks aren't even trying

Attached: bigg.jpg (649x623, 53K)

Your country was literally created by their plan you dunce, the Popes were the rightful rulers of Rome for more than a thousand years and who (((expropriated))) all their rightful property for their own profit? Italy is a stinking shithole barely run by ungrateful parasites living in the ruins built by great men and only held together by EU money, fuck (((Garibaldi))) and the rest of you 5'6" faggots

>a complicated and nuanced villain is worse ruined infinity war, he should have been a genocidal lunatic who wants to kill everyone just to have sex with death!!

Attached: 1566259693562.jpg (785x1100, 62K)

>MCucks aren't even trying
Endgame has like 34 attempts at making memes, forced as fuck

What is the Joker's trick Yea Forums?

Noah Hawley (Legion, Fargo) wrote a script already and there's a decent chance that something is going on considering how much both he and Marvel execs are talking about their collabotion post-Legion.

Having just returned from Italy last week I can assert that is in fact not a developed country at all, merely a load of manlet pasta-niggers spending German and British money while unable to maintain a single 3 metre stretch of usable road or pavement. I have never seen such ugliness as the buildings of the last 60 years and I would have believed I was in Mogadishu if I didn't know better.

wtf I love the Vanzina bros now

making """"incels"""" think it's not a leftist movie


>Italia was a mistake
>t. Garibaldi


go to South Tyrol, only stacies and kino sights

Roy Andersson bro

Based James Spader carried that movie.

thank you based lion

missing best thinkers obviously but otherwise they're based

italy is based, you too pleb to see whatsup.
>t. go there every year for 2 months

Obrigado leãozinho baseado!


I cracked up at this

Attached: Venice.jpg (1059x723, 172K)

anything that makes these idiots seethe, or makes them sad, GOOD

I'll see it twice, maybe three times. My local theater allows online ticket purchases, so hell, I might even buy a few tickets to shows I don't even attend.

Attached: lmao.jpg (640x853, 78K)

She directed the prequel to American Psycho: All American Girl.
It was okay for a cheap cash-grab I guess.

Thank you based lion

Attached: BE74FC39-5DAC-470A-8A57-B6B361DC1043.jpg (1080x1194, 129K)

She has a vagina and Marvel is terrified of making a movie starting a female lead that isn't directed and written by a woman so they have to go to all the female directors they can find and beg them to make their movies for them while the In-House B-Roll Team do all the actual CGI mega-battles which is where all the complicated directing actually is and why all Marvel Movie Final Battles look the same because the same twenty guys work on them all year round.

I think season 2 of Jessica Jones EVERY episode was directed by a woman and they were so fucking proud of themselves.

Grazie, leone basado

It'd be hilarious if a bunch of people bought tickets and didn't attend and then the theatre shooter shows up and there is no-one there for him to kill so he just watches the movie instead.
Hell it happened for Captain Marvel a bunch of times.

>best cars
how can you say this about a country that birthed fiat

I’ve enjoyed traveling in Italy but it is definitely third world tier


most likely those buildings are 300 years old, they like to display their age

What if they made him fall in love with the very concept of death and framed it as him falling into insanity after the downfall of his own civilization? Keep him calm and collected but still hellbent on destruction, and seeing the struggles and failures of the protagonists as some sort of artistic beauty.

>muh based venice
Is everyone forgetting the last two Lions went to fucking Roma and The Shape of Water? Two massive SHW shitfests?

Not to mention how Venice the city is basically a Jewish colony. The (((merchants))) there played an integral role in the (((Enlightenment))) and development of (((liberalism))) and (((capitalism))). Italy is an illegitimate state founded by Zionist Masons.

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Reminder because like a total of 7 SJWs have a problem with it, means that it'll be Yea Forumss favorite film. Screencap this post.

Attached: 1494256402862.png (246x200, 12K)

>a total of 7 SJWs
thousands on reddit alone, check any circlejerk sub

The internet is not real life kiddo.

it's still capeshit. you're clapping like seals for mass market, big studio, Jew-made capeshit.

everyone here, exists out there, dip shit

Attached: retard.jpg (552x518, 46K)

REDDIT loves it your fellow shill jumped out of the thread after it was exposed

Reddit lets you set up multiple accounts and has a really comfy api which all but encourages shilling. Twitter is probably more "real."

Nope, wrong. Sorry.

Am I on /his/?
This is the most historically disjointed sentence I've read today.

>even mexicans are in on the Joker meme
he's pretty much unstopable.

Attached: 69929880_2508668325893636_5132078017085964288_n.jpg (534x722, 49K)

It's true though. Italian nationalism was a Jewish/Masonic plot to destroy the temporal authority of the Church.

Attached: holy crap lois.jpg (750x742, 50K)

eat shit, faggot.

Attached: ita-porta pia.jpg (800x446, 88K)

fuck off leftist
imagine unironically believing in secular liberal democracy in 2019 hoooollyy shitt.

what if i believe in secular conservative democracy?

What does the pope have to do with Pinnochio and carbonara?

Secular democracy is a liberal idea. You aren't actually a conservative if you adhere to it.

Isn't it the editor's job to ensure some kind of cohesion between the content of the article and the art? They definitely know what message they're sending using such a based image.

Attached: 1539544018083.png (1000x1000, 126K)

that's profoundly cute.
memes should not be able to capture this feeling.

Rule 34 when? I need me some Bara furshit of this stud to spank my meat to

Attached: Screenshot_20190821_134521.jpg (734x995, 80K)

Quick, get some useless tranny to whine about it!

Attached: trny_points.jpg (995x494, 388K)

probably because that's all they drink

holy shit it's real

Oh poor pope... :(
sure bergstein.

Jews want to destroy the Church, dummy.


>outing the jew makes you christian
Hi rabbi, now gtfo

Link to any podcasts or YouTube channel covering this?

is there a name for that winged lion?

Attached: download.jpg (1200x1755, 525K)

Superhero movies are boring, save Man of Steel or Burton's Batman but if this woman recs Joker you pay attention. ALL HER FILMS ARE PERFEXT.

I'm glad MOOT is making a living.

Nah, unfortunately Hollywood will never give it to them because of hollywood is so liberal.

Just read a history book or wikipedia. It isn't a conspiracy, it's just plain history.

>The Lion of Saint Mark, representing the evangelist St Mark, pictured in the form of a winged lion holding a Bible, is the symbol of the city of Venice and formerly of the Venetian Republic.

Attached: 2018-10-san-marco-lion-venice-01-1100x606.jpg (1100x606, 110K)

Go back to shilling at /pol/, retard. He's right that big-name studios aren't capable of pulling off a proper Doom right now

I think is because marvel is pure normie-core and they have a warped perception of how a meme is created.

Attached: baaa.gif (250x334, 1.93M)

That's a better motivation than what he had in the movie though

he also is in the picture

>women will fuck the child rapist mass murdered
>but they will not fuck the nice boy incels
>keep telling your son how he should be nice and polite to girls

I think you know

Attached: Pinocchio.jpg (4362x3240, 3.14M)

based empowered slut

How can Italy be so based?

Attached: 56vtey3kqlm11.jpg (1600x1600, 599K)

Maybe because incels aren't "nice guys" at all. Ever been to /pol/ /r9k/ or other incel forums?

Attached: Swine.jpg (780x696, 96K)

Why do you think you can define hundreds of thousands of people with a single word and expect everything to work out?
Is this how you get your fun? Kind of fucked up.

The only way you could think that is if your only experience with Italian women is through celebrities.

Isn't it what you do to everyone that isn't white, blonde, blue eyed, and born in a specific part of the world?

I never said it was a conspiracy, dipshit, I asked for some entry level stuff.

how come noone checked these digits?

Why do you automatically assume you know who is responding to you? Are you scared you might be wrong and that's why you are so aggressive about it?

based and bonbipillerd

Yours are fine too.

e michael jones deals specifically with this i think. he has one book called barren metal about usury and economics and libido dominandi about control of the masses via sexual revolution. he is a pretty entry level and good too.

grazie ragazzi

Nigga that's all you had to say.
I guess I'll read barren metal before I get around to libido dominandi.

Attached: EB-rf4hWwAAn0Ba.jpg (800x1103, 149K)

Can you imagine if multiple designated shooters accidentally showed up to the same theater? Talk about an awkward situation.

Maybe not all women are terrible.



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The Jew fears the Spaghetti


Attached: The Chad Lion vs The Incel Oscar template.jpg (2518x1024, 576K)

I think it's fine as is.

lol rekt

Holy fuck, who said that?

There's a chance because even if Joker resonates with incels, there's enough ambiguity that Commie larpers will think it's about rising up against Trump and white patriarchy.

did you stop those niggers coming in on boats yet?


...but that is what it is literally about.

Polanski lewded the absolute fuck out of a loli and it's completely reasonable to take issue with his win.

>What did all these arthouse basedboys expect,
Are you familiar with film festivals at all, and the history of the Venice Festival? they fucking love Art House

they accidentally made red skull an agreeable presidential candidate, so there's always the off chance they might make it good

Venice has long been pleb city though. They frequently award mainstream Oscar bait with awards, like Roma, Shape of Water, Somewhere, The Wrestler, Brokeback Mountain, Monsoon Wedding, etc. Now they embarrassed themselves further by awarding fucking big studio capeshit from the director of The Hangover Part Three.

i'd slam that piggy

Yeah, back in the 50s, 60s and 70s when arthouse was good

t. Jimmy Romano from New Jersey


real life kino




Attached: x8o5jiwt8a932.jpg (1280x720, 184K)

He wasn't getting the award for lewding a loli though.

Pedo commie Jews shouldn't be allowed to make movies periodt. This movie was literally about a kike who dindu nuffin.

Not me, had a chill cafe owner charge me a euro. Very nice place would go again

You know she admitted she was into him, right? It's like in that movie Una.

She was pressured into saying that. It's the same situation with the Epstein grils.


>young women aren't attracted to older men
Said ya dug me since you were 13
Pretty soon you're gonna reach 16

Hours hours, and the moments inbetween
Baby how the time flies
The fun of coming, and the pain of leavin'

Holy fucking kek. Kino incoming


For you

You're right. They are in media, entertainment and news companies ruining everything, not just reddit.

I bet she dabs on Yea Forums jannies too

Definitely based. SJWs and liberal circlejerkers need to know that they are hated and nobody can stand their bullshittery social justice ideologue nonsense.

>"I can't believe Venice pulled this shit again," one female filmmaker tells THR. "Not only do they basically snub women,

Venice has always been prestigious, always up there with Cannes and Berlin, so I don't know what exactly the point bringing that up was

>tfw missed out on italian classes that would've been free and taught by one of the best italian teachers in the world at our college because I was too busy smoking weed and jerking off to Avatar

Attached: 1567809160860.jpg (320x383, 59K)

take your trip off. i can tell you're underaged

It’s never too late user

Every Italian I’ve met has been based and redpilled.

t. Fredo


Just like my animes


>why yes I'm going to see Joker with my boyfriend how could you tell?


Not only do they basically sneed women,

Yeh ur right, oppressive theocracy is totally the way to go /s

>thinking there is anything wrong with the oppression of women, atheists, and protestants

The demoralized seething of roasties get me going

Attached: 1565256121763.jpg (447x438, 16K)

I haven't been keeping up with any of the stuff around this film, can someone please explain this to me?

Attached: i am sam_Image19.jpg (768x576, 63K)


Was Todd Phillips a secret mexican all along?

Is this real life is integrity making a fucking comeback?

Why are they talking italian if Venice beach is in america?

The old buildings are the good ones; it's the modern ones that look like hell.



>being right wing is slowly becoming an avantgarde elite thing, which sets them apart from the sjw plebs

it never stopped being that

Attached: italy 2018 heil.webm (1280x720, 1.31M)

>tfw somewhere, some seething blue haired landwhale invested hours upon hours on this piece to vent xir frustration about the blatant sexism of the festival
>tfw all that rage was channeled into what xy considers to be perfect the representation of everything wrong with the event;
>by turning the festival's signature Golden Lion Award into a douchy, hyper masculine anthropomorphized version of itself, clearly intending to make the event's organizers realize what kind of chauvinist monsters they've become.

>mfw I've always been into hyper masculine douches
>mfw I've always been into tall guys
>mfw I've always been into Italian guys
>mfw I'm a furfag
>mfw I've always had a thing for obscure mythological creatures
>mfw I loved JOKER
>mfw I hate SJW's
>mfw this big, masculine Italian manticore is being used by SJW's to illustrate the rage they feel about JOKER winning best new film in a prestigious Film Festival

/trash/ here, THANK YOU BASED LION

Attached: yDiAgt6AK7.png (276x284, 159K)

Let me guess, Scott roxborough hasn’t seen the films

If there's rainbow flags anywhere in the country you're incorrect.

bud, everything south of of San Marino is ugly fucking country populated by some of the laziest scum in any country. Any newly built buildings in, for example, Rome, look like third world commie blocks or giant brick walls. Northern Italy remains the only part worth saving.

I agree with you on the scores, but classic rock is easily the safest choice you could choose for a soundtrack, and why it makes up most of their soundtracks. Also why GOTG's soundtrack was so popular.

Northern Italy is 100% Jewish though. Catholicism is dead, the regions vote for either commies (Emilia-Romagna & Tuscany) or Zionist controlled opposition, it's where one of the (((banking))) centers of Europe is...The South is where the real Italians are, the *actual* traditionalists. Everything north of Rome is poisoned by modernism.

>he has never been in Commie Milan
Dude Milan is basically Bari

The south is also the least white. Ironic.


Attached: thats not cool.png (1146x1950, 2.7M)

Race isn't real, only ethno-religious identity.

Attached: e michael jones ethnos needs logos.jpg (1080x570, 241K)

South Italy is Greek

south Italy is white. North Italy is Africa by now

well technically "Italians" are a made-up identity. Sicilians, for example, have nothing in common with Venetians. They didn't even speak the same language until the 1870s, and even today they can barely understand each other.

Venice is an Eastern Roman rightful claim as well

Sounds like how people suggest that "Indian" is an ethnic category when that place has more races crammed into it than maybe the entire continent of North America and people that look like gooks, Jews, Arabs, and abo's.

Does he drink with a straw? I'd imagine it being somewhat messy to try and pour drink through that slit.

Correct. "India" and "China" are synonymous with "Europe." It's a bunch of different ethno-religious identities mashed together.
Imagine if the Germans completed Lebensraum and that's basically what the Han have done with "Chinese" civilization. There's like 70 other ethnicities there but they're all tiny minorities now.

You're a fake conservative if you don't eat raw dog meat and shit inside your cave

when reactionaries say "return to tradition," we don't mean "the farther back you go, the more based it is." We mean, "there was a specific point in time (pre-Enlightenment) when things were based, and we want to go back to that."

Conservatives operating within secular liberal democracy conserve nothing.

Finally, a film that's not from a comic book film director

>80 year old

He is 86, sir.

Black Panther and GoTG, bro


>capeshit winning
wtf is wrong with womyns? capeshit is the barrel botom of venice, it's like playing on easy mode


Was there last year, fantastic city in the off-season.

this, fuck left and right, you can't have to choice a side
if is good is good, mixing politics was a mistake

tourist trap, outdoor museum. designed that way from the start. intrinsically jewish

even moot dont wanted too deal with this shit
now he is happy in the cuck's heaven

the real redpill is realizing that life isn't a struggle between a Good and an Evil that are of equal weight, it's a struggle between a Good and a Chaos: an absence of Good. God is not Satan's equal, God is the Truth and Satan is his the absence of Truth.

Meme magic is fucking real.

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>untouched by political interests
explain roma and the shape of water winning the golden lion

The jury thought they were the best. Roma and Shape of Water are no Green Book.

>nanced and complicated
Read a real fucking book once in a while you embarassing manchild.


...what point are you trying to make? Green Book is based & redpilled. Politically incorrect macho Italian teaches a faggot nigger some lessons, learns the meaning of family. Roma is SJW commie trash (muh poor immigrants), Shape of Water is SJW homo trash (white Christian men bad, women must copulate with beasts)

I don't even like Roma but you are wrong. Green Book is for older people to feel better about racism, the film is retarded. Muh white man sees cotton picking black people and he is good now.

you completely misunderstood it. Viggo says nigger with impunity in it. It's based & redpilled. Whether you like it or not, you have to admit that Green Book is a fundamentally conservative, anti-PC film.

The only good thing about Green Book is that it's the first Hollywood movie in decades to put class issues above race issues.

It's not conservative. That's like saying Django is conservative because Dicaprio says nigger.

DiCaprio is the bad guy in Django. Viggo is the hero in Green Book and he constantly BTFOs the faggot nigger. It's like a reverse Driving Miss Daisy, where the working class white guy teaches a lesson to the rich faggot nigger.

>>"I can't believe Venice pulled this shit again," one female filmmaker tells THR.

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I wonder how many /pol/tards white retards can't read cursive?

I wouldnt expect the average single mother raised shitlib or borderline retarded porch monkey to be any better