The age of DC has begun!

The age of DC has begun!

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no way, artsy movies never get huge boxoffice
movie's gonna do great for its budget, but nowhere near marvel numbers

TLJ made 235M opening

Record for the month of october. Venom has the current record.

I’m sure it’s an incredibly specific “record” like “best opening for an R-rated movie released in the fall unaffiliated with Disney released in X number of theaters on a weekend where there is no rain and the audience is at least 50% male” or some shit.

It's the record for October. I think "It" has the record for biggest R rated OW

>The age of DC has begun
you mean the age of clowns

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that's because the age of marvel already ended with Endgame

No deadpool 2 has that record.

>Budget: $55 million
>Open weekend estimate: $100 million

>Last Jedi
>Budget: $200–317 million
>Opening weekend: $220 million

record for DC
they need all the help they can get

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I’,m unironically thinking about seeing this

>>Budget: $200–317 million
Okay, Bounding Into Comics.



so no woke did well ?

who would of thunk ?

That's literally from the Wikipedia page and BoxOfficeMojo you retard


m-maybe now DC will understand what their role can be and make MoS 2 the way it's supposed to be instead of trying to force it to be a DC-MCU hybrid that pleases nobody

Like the whole jew WOKE strat was a bad meme !
so they can get winrar


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>the farther away from zack snyder the DC movies get the more well received and successful they are
Imagine being a snydercuck in 2019.

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>still no good Superman

I guess.


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Joker is a much more Snyderesque film though

>fucked up so bad hes gone to netflix to make a zombie movie with meme actors
Why is he so trash bros?

It's getting good reviews, so obviously not.

Fucking beautiful.

>Why is he so trash bros?
Honestly I think he just got too big too fast.
The dawn of the dead remake and 300 were both relatively low budget movies that made a shitload of money for the studios, and both spawned a decade of copy cat movies.
So the studios gave him a blank check to go jerk off on camera.
I like his dawn and 300, but I can't help but think he needed to spend more time being a working director before getting let lose.
Also WB handled the entire thing like fucking retards.

I don't want to see it opening week because I dont want to get shot by some crazy copycat

Why are you shills so stupid

This dumb bitch gave TLJ 4/5. Nobody should give a fuck what she thinks ever again. She already tanked her credibility.

>Also WB handled the entire thing like fucking retards.
They almost fucked up this movie too
>Warner Bros. was considering casting Leonardo DiCaprio as the Joker, hoping to use his frequent collaborator Scorsese's involvement to lure him

This is why I always sign up to be the backup designated shooter. You stay behind the snipers nest in a protected posture with a rat hole straight into the popcorn mines for snacks.

So all the critics that liked TLJ and Joker can't be trusted too?

I pray for this, too.


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How will this film tie into Pattinson Batman though

I think it is supposed to just be a standalone movie.

About damn time

This. Maybe people will finally stop trying to fit a square peg into a round hole and wake up to what he gave us.

I mean that sounds pretty kino, why is it rotten?

Here we go again
the pleb spics of snyder try to pretend they're part of this

Why is everybody talking about this movie as if it was in the theaters already?

could be a 100 billion opening weekend even.

I'm going to laugh when it turns out to be far left propoganda and you all got played.

They hate Snyder. They don't nudge him on anything remotely like a unbiased fashion. They insist on seeing him as a meathead, and therefore overlook or dismiss all the things his fans point out. In other words, they're a lot like you.

>They hate Snyder
Cause he's a fucking idiot with no understanding of the characters he was adapting.

It's also now tracking for a record number of incels shooting up theaters.

>future post
>hey guys, user here from that 985,825,110th Joker thread
>when I posted that it's gonna be lefty propogando and I'll laugh
>so here I am


Suckin on my titties like you wanted me calling me all the time.

>when it turns out
excuse me? we've already established it's just that and all the critics crying "incel" are just trying to get people to check out their site

Actually read the script if you’re going to complain before it even releases. Saying it’s far left is like saying Dfens is the hero of Falling Down.

Someone call the burn ward.

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It's getting praise so no it isn't.

Yeah. Find one whose reviews you generally agree with and rely on them. That's literally the only way to find a metric for yourself that's remotely reliable. Aggregate scores are trash.

If you like reviewers who actually critique films for their execution, acting, writing, and production quality, stick with one who does that. If you're a cuck who likes reviews that are more soapbox opinion pieces about the "importance" of a film and how it's "what we need right now," do yourself and everyone else a favor and end yourself.

That's actually good. I'm tired of shared universe shit, but the next batman films should have the joker in it

Yo lil zoomie, you're a fucking moron who gets all his character information from children's cartoons, well made children's cartoons, but made for children nonetheless. If that's all you have to bring to the discusdion, you lost before you even started.

If you knew fuck-all about the Batman, you'd have recognized the part of his arc we were in from BvS's second Batcave scene.

Actually we've already discussed that at length too
All signs point anti white male

>the next batman films should have the joker in it
Fuck off, I'm tired of the fucking joker, batman has plenty other villains that you can build a good story around, from psycho serial killers, to organized crime, to full blown capeshit badguys who are trying to take over the world. Not everything needs to be le ebin jokester.
Honestly I'd rather see a batman movie where he's just fighting the bottomless cesspit of corruption and crime in the world's worst city.

100 million deaths?

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Even the bad reviews just make me ant to watch the movie more.

You know, except Murray, Joker’s friends & the entire Wayne family - who despite being upperclass, are defended at the climax as having never wronged Joker in any real fashion.

He’s not in Batman 2021, which will likely be as you described. Why not include Phoenix joker in the follow up (2023)? You can say what you want, but we all know Batman and Joker is fucking Kino and the only interesting capeshit

Absolutely not. Subdued and arthouse-y are the absolute opposite from Snyder. Captain Marvel is more snyderesque than Joker is going to be.

Todd Phillips confirmed that was an earlier version of the script.

MoS *is* an arthouse movie till the third act. Fuck, so is BvS.

>>Warner Bros. was considering casting Leonardo DiCaprio as the Joker, hoping to use his frequent collaborator Scorsese's involvement to lure him
Could've been kino as well. just because this version seemed to work out, doesn't mean another approach wouldn't have been awesome too.

>with the success of Joker
>DC has decided to make more solo villain stories with them as the protag
>"Riddler" is in talks right now
>"Penguin" is still on the drawing boards on how it's all gonna play out
>and the next villain to have his own solo movie
>which is highly anticipated because of a meme that was birthed from an memegroup imageboard of hate that doesn't like janitors for some reason

It's for you

Arthouse movies don't usually have so much blatant product placement.

Weak argument. What businesses do you expect to see in flyover America? I don't see you bitching about the LexCorp product placement.

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I love you.

You can tell this twitter teen cinema fan just picked up Venice this year because jokester was in it
>MoS *is* an arthouse movie till the third act. Fuck, so is BvS.
fucking lol


Bane and pic related basically have the same back-story, besides the whole being a clone of professor x thing..

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You watch the way everything up until the Kryptonians show up is shot and tell me how I'm wrong.

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>You watch the way everything up until the Kryptonians show up
So you mean literally turn it off during the opening credits?
Whoa, such bold, so deep!

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I love you too, now take your pick

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Thanks for proving my point.

Either way, fantastic flick. Really made me feel like the Joker, and addressed the oppression gamers face every day

Omg flying dildos so artsy. Maybe he has a point

For me, it's "No Country for Big Men."

how hyped are you "fxhxxm"?

So just like real life ?

When you consider what they're there to convey, yeah, I do.

You guys watched a sci-fi re-imagining of the Horus Myth and couldn't be assed to notice.

If Joker gets his origin, maybe this could be The Massketa Man’s

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Yeah and there's no way Joker would win at Venice either

>The dawn of the dead remake and 300
Both objectively trash movies that were only popular because neocon media hyped them as they were useful propaganda to get the USA into a forever war mentality.

So when is the first theatre mass shooting scheduled for ?

LOL thats funny because I would never pay to see some lame incel cry about his life for 2 hours. Im sure a lot of others feel the same way. Will make like 55 mill opening weekend and a total of 450 mill in box office. Screencap this

Holy fuck, did you ever miss some subtext.

This is fake. It's way higher than that, considering people like me who order tickets at the door.

As a black man I reject this cauc sickness.


Eat the disc

2/3rds of the remake was alright but the last third ended like they were running out of money or something. There was no good reason to ever leave the damn mall and the chasing after the dog shit used to force it was totally retarded.

Yeah the message will be BAN ASSUALT KNIVES AND LINT it true that Arthur getting rejected is the last thing that causes him to snap?

I'm not into these kind of movies but I'm surprised it's doing well since I heard it apparently "panders to nazis" and shit. If that's true then I'd watch it.

It made him realise we need to rise up against the Chads and Veronicas of this world.

The zombie assault vehicles were a fun idea and something everyone had thought about, but then they wreck them 4 blocks away from the mall for no good reason.

That’s why I say to this day Land if the Dead would have been 100% better if it was Mad Max with zombies instead of the ZOMBIES RISE UP crap we got


It's a Joker film


>Land if the Dead would have been 100% better if it was Mad Max with zombies instead of the ZOMBIES RISE UP crap we got
It should have been asia argento being forced into more and more extreme and degrading sexual encounters until they discover her pussy juice cures zombieitis and an entire zombie horde gang bangs her to regain her humanity.

heath ledger looks like an old granny with smeared makeup in comparison to the others

It's almost our time. Soon we'll be able to say the N word in public again.

Yes october. What's the problem?

You do know that Land of the Dead basically was the original script for Day of the Dead (the one that got shelved due to the fact that Romero's backers balked at doing a big budget zombie film that wouldn't get submitted to the MPAA due to fear of gettign slapped with an X-Rating, and demanded changes to said script to get an R-Rating or else Romero would get half the budget he requested and have to create a brand new script from scratch to go with said budget and still release it unrated)? With only minor cosmetic changes to reflect the then current year and alternate footage that was shot for the theatrical release, due to decades later causing Romero to cave and let the film go to the MPAA/get an R-Rating in exchange for the uncut version being the cut that went to home video right?

They should release the Snydercut as promotion for Joker. Joker is clearly influenced by the work of Snyder.

No I didn’t actually, thanks for the info

Mass shooting when?

Exactly my kind of kino.


just like bible camp

This was written by a woman, wasn’t it?

Okay, disneymom.


that was legit more interesting then most of the movies discussed on Yea Forums.

I wish we still had discussions on Yea Forums about stuff, instead of just shitposts.

Directed by S. Craig Zahler

>artsy movies

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It's gonna break a bil, it's this generation's Psycho


He is lyibg. The original Day of the Dead script is out there... bigger in scope to the version that was made into the 1985 version, but still closer than the fucking fireworks launching truck leguzamas cringe movie.