I hate niggers

i hate niggers

Attached: firearm homicide rate by race.png (780x700, 159K)

they hate you too

>3. You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums:
>b. Racism

ok nigger


Attached: 1567676163600.png (782x968, 156K)

Facts can't be racist.

Attached: 1562266615355.gif (417x317, 39K)

there is no racism on Yea Forums it's just porn so that rule is wrong

out of date by a decade

what the hell is wrong with finland and austria? Cant believe they are worst than fucking france which is filled with niggers and muslims

it's probably the imported niggers

. You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums:
>>b. Racism

Attached: 1567721802335.png (344x971, 300K)

There's no source for any of these charts btw, try searching and you get to a site called internationalskeptics.com lmao

Attached: crime and demography.jpg (894x1024, 69K)

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i, nate higgers

i'm not disputing black american violence you nigger, i'm talking about white american muder rates being equal to europe which is pure bullshit

find me a reputable source, you can't

the source is in the image you fucking left wing mongoloid

Who cares about the source of the chart? Any stupid nigger can make a chart compiling facts.
Now, can you post anything that contradicts the statistics? Can you show that they're false?

Attached: 1542903799093.jpg (333x357, 9K)

Go ahead and post the OCED study of this elusive graph then, you can't. When I search all I get is another reputable source, ramzpaul KEK

think about if all the guns went away, all these niggers wouldnt be killing each other

there's no study, just the raw statistics from those agencies listed in the picture, ok you disgusting subhuman liberal parasite?

this is bait, niggers would use black market guns and knives a la london and actual humans would have no way to defend themselves from nigger or spic infestation

im advocating for guns though, its keeping the nig popoulation down

>there's no study

Thanks for admitting it, mutt! The only European nation white Americans have a similar murder rate to is Russia.

>no racism outside of Yea Forums
>Yea Forums is always full of IR porn

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Attached: 1565888200033.jpg (409x409, 67K)

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Attached: 1527604044148.png (690x768, 71K)

look at the left wing dog cope
2020 is going to be so fucking easy with literal bottom feeders such as you self-humiliating in public every other second

god you're pitiful kid, no wonder your dad left you

London murder rate - 1.5
White Americans - 1.7

Why are white American mutts so violent? London is a violent hellhole according to the American media.

Attached: 1564869798792.jpg (960x684, 189K)

I like how brainlets think spouting "correlation doesn't equal causation" is just an all-around refutation of everything.

Well, unless they make an inference. Then correlation is clearly causation.

Reported. See you in three days.

now post the racial breakdown of that london murder rate and compare

look at how the left wing amoeba tries to deceive like a 10 year old girl. leftism is some form of brain damage, the brain does not develop properly and as a result you have deranged soulless NPC robots like this retard

Attached: 54.jpg (720x960, 53K)

Uhm sweetie, announcing reports is against the rules.
(I do not say If I have or have not reported you)








Attached: cuck.png (269x257, 76K)

fuck trump

>ITT seething incels

Attached: 23435365746.png (1639x960, 1.67M)

is this how shes going to win 2020

This is literally just what comes up on google when you search "white kid rectangle frame glasses"

Good goy hate the niggers

Here's the actual one lmao

Attached: 1565556810277.jpg (3009x3240, 2.14M)

oy vey delete