Kinos with this feel?

kinos with this feel?

Attached: pitbull-comic.png (625x909, 57K)

Get blacked racist

>Comparing races to dog breeds
And /pol/cels want people to take their pseudoscience seriously


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>when you realize stonetoss is a virgin that got cucked by a black man
I fucking lol'd when I found out.

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seething negroid

Hey OP, I have an idea for your comic:

>panel 1: white guy looking out his window at all the brown people
>panel 2: POV from a video recorder as the brown people glare at the camera
>panel 3: same image as panel 2, except framed by a jootube uploading interface that says the video is finished uploading
>panel 4: jootube screen telling the viewer that their account has been suspended for racism

Source? This is hilarious

The reason why this argument can’t work is because most species of dogs in today’s time were or are selectively bred to create a specific type of dog, sometimes even inbreeding with their siblings or parents to keep that breed pure.
You cannot equate this to humans because humans were not selective bred by some outside force.

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His Jewish ass.

whose mac did that nig steal?

>these dangerous species aren't dangerous because they weren't selectively chosen to be dangerous

Isn’t if funny how facts only count when they support the poltards view on the world.

For example, pic related was made by Jewish conmen

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stonetoss thread! fuckin based n redpilled.

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And this is because of the government keeping whitey down.

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And the classic. If it was black vs white polbabys would be saying it was evidence of blacks being subhuman. Cause it’s male vs female it’s evidence of men being more confident and driven

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>pitbulls maul children
>nigs ditch children
false equivalency

All scientists are jews apparently to these schizos

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jews are obsessed with being dominated by outsiders and subject whites to their insane fetishes

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the white envy is strong in here

The worst thing is that the guy having a hysterical meltdown itt is probably white

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women don't get consequenced nearly as often. i'm not saying men don't commit more crime, i'm saying women get away with almost 100% of shit they do in all aspects of life.

>You cannot equate this to humans because humans were not selective bred by some outside force.

American blacks were.

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Kid behind him is wearing the same clothes

Women are a lot stronger than women, so when a women loses her shit she just does a small bit of harm that isn't worth calling the police over, bet when a guy loses his shit, he can fucking wreck someone and the police needs to get involved.

*Men are a lot stronger than women

>small bit of harm
still a crime

Sure, but it generally doesn't get reported, so it isn't added to that graph.

You fucking beta orbiting apologist piece of shit.

the projection is strong

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Whenever someone defends pitbulls they say I hate them because black people own them and im just racist.
I am racist but i still hate pitbulls for what they are, not because their owners are black

This guy always reminded me of akuma

Attached: Akuma-1.jpg (1809x1041, 486K)

A healthy, stable person made this image

Reminder that stonetoss is an incel (which is why he is racist.)

Attached: stonetoss incel3423.png (1000x1000, 337K)

>All of this is according to my personal research which consisted of googling

kek what a bitch

Nah he’s been in public before and you can find pic of him. He looks kind of like mike ma

>black people
>on Yea Forums

No he doesn't do public appearances. There are thousands of people trying to dox him after all.

>he doesn't like it when its done to him
my job is done here

Stonetoss used to go under the name of Shmorky

I love how he BTFO's women and calls them out on their hypocrisy

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He's also a devout virgin

Implying it isnt c.ucks

>men are more aggressive than women

wow incredible insight user, your social studies degree was useful after all

>selectively breeding a dog to be unpredictable and aggressive in order to make money winning dogfights
It makes no cycling sense, probably because it’s not true. They were bred for strength not temperament. You don’t breed a fucking fighting dog not to obey you.

Fucking hell im too drunk for this shit