What are some kino about living in the third world?
What are some kino about living in the third world?
How many more mass shootings need to happen in Texas before those retards drop this argument
>inb4 10 million self reported uses of a gun for self defense
I bet those Hong Kong protesters wish they had some guns.
who knows but we will never get there so who cares?
More people die to suicide via guns than shootings.
But, y'know, muh mass shootings -- perpetrated by more non-whites than whites. In fact, one opened fire at a football game and injured 7 a week or more ago. You heard about that one, right? Of course you did.
The last Texas mass shooter bought an illegal gun made from a unlicensed backyard gunmaker after the laws prevented him from legally buying a gun as he was successfully marked by the system as at risk. How do you stop people from illegally making and buying their own guns?
hk protesters are in the WRONG
>a few dozen people die
>we should restrict the rights of law abiding gun owners instead
>hk protesters are in the WRONG
But the same people who want to ban guns in the US say that the HK protesters are correct.
Everyone knows there is a fundamental difference between gang/group identity crime, and aimless mass shootings. Gang bangers don't shoot themselves after trying to kill as many humans as possible, while almost every mass shooter usually tries or chickens out. It's a fundamentally different psychology and motivation for the crime. You could make the argument gang shootings do way more actual social damage though.
Also, nobody viscerally cares about statistics, we literally don't even care that our soldiers are mass executing themselves.
>inb4 10 million self reported uses of a gun for self defense
You can't just ignore facts just because you don't like it. Those numbers come form the CDC
>be in Middle America
>imma shop some where else if i cant bring my gun in!
>due to decades of Walmart domination all smaller businesses shut down long ago
Good job
but....we THANK them for their service! Why are vets so fucking ungrateful?
t. blue state never been to middle america
Yah because firearms stop tanks.
They shoot tank drivers and fuel trucks pretty well
>threaten to shop elsewhere
As if they have a choice.
Also these are the same people that shopped Walmart tier stores for chinese made trash as they shouted "Buy American. Shop Local." when there was still a chance to do so. Fuck these dumbfuck two faced redneck faggots. Thier word means nothing.
>common firearms shoot through armored tanks
>We need to have guns when we go to stores to protect ourselves from people who bring guns to stores.
Tank can't kick doors collect guns etc.
Thankfully I don't have to shoot at tanks. The tank crews families are perfectly fine targets.
they do
Tanks don't effectively suppress populations, mate. Infantry does.
>Incel shoots up your customers
>Ban the customers from being able to protect themselves if it happens again
Third World shitholes tend to have stringent anti-gun laws you sheltered little white socialist.
if you have tanks then why are you worried about my little gun?
They stop cops pretty well though
>Tiananmen square and many other similar incidents never happened
Educate yourself dumbass.
Not cops in tanks you insufferable retard.
You really have no idea how modern SWAT operates do you?
>implying you will have that option
You have no idea what you are talking about. Your fantasy is a long ways from reality.
>this one example everybody knows which is so iconic because it had never happened before or after and then some ones that might exist but even i can't name
shut the fuck up
just keep banning shit lmao
Cry more you son of a bitch. There's nothing on this earth you could to stop mass shootings no matter how many times you beg big daddy government to take away your rights so you could feel safe.
tianneman square was a victory by the people, that's why the chinese government censors it now. therefore he is correct, the tank failed to suppress the people
>implying corporations give a flying fuck about anything that doesn't result in the most profits
The tanks only broke up the crowds, it was still the job of the infantry to do the dirty work
>7 people die because an incel shoots them
>7 people die because a nigger shoots them
What's the difference?
one was born that way the other was born in a society
What's especially funny about this pic is that there's a maximum security prison not 20 minutes away from that Wal-Mart
>Tiananmen square and many other similar incidents never happened
Correct nothing happened.
Please explain the difference between a nigger shooting up a house party and hitting no one related to whatever gang dispute inspired this, and a cracker shooting some random citizens, also not related to whatever inspired him.
Is his sister lactating?
the difference is you're a virgin who thinks this matters
He's right, and why would he? All they have is the town walmart...in every town.
>guns can't stop tanks or jets!
They literally can. My local airport is both a civilian commercial airport and hosts an air national guard base. They have about fifteen F-15s just sitting there, unprotected, under awnings or doorless hangers, all visible from the fucking main road that passes near the airport. A car with five guys in it could just pull up to the fence and they would have about a 300 meter shot straight into tens of millions of dollars worth of sensitive military hardware. One shot to the cockpit with even an intermediate round would likely fuck up hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of avionics and ground the aircraft for at least two days while repairs were made. If you wanted to go all out, you could take ten guys and a large truck, crash through the chain link gate, kill the two or three bored, unbloodied, weekend warrior national guardsmen guarding the base, and you'd have free reign to just sit there and dump magazine after magazine into each aircrafts flight deck and engines along with killing any flight crews or maintenance crews present. That's not even considering an attack on the munitions bunkers on the other side if the airport or using high caliber weapons (.50BMG, 20mm, etc) to knock out the radar installation. This is all at ONE small airport. Synch the process up at one or two other guard armories and a group of maybe fifty people with rifles can cost the government hundreds of millions of dollars and seriously hamper the national guard all in a single afternoon.
Ban unregistered tools. There is no constitutional amendment protecting tools
>inb4 the facts that contradict my deranged ideology
can't make this shit up
talk about not knowing what you're talking about
Quickly look up how many tanks the US has
Then how many are deployed overseas
And then with a straight face tell me there would be any threatening amount of armor across the entire US if they had to.