*Angerly walks in your path*

*Angerly walks in your path*


"I have a use for you"

*Angerly rides horse while pealing an egg with leather gloves*

*Ghostfucks his sister*

"Hmmm, very careful now"

Attached: taboo.jpg (623x383, 40K)

This is basically the same show as Peaky Blinders, the only difference is the clothes

Attached: Tom Hardy and hat Taboo.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Be VERY.... careful now


Attached: likedatsound.gif (480x270, 1.95M)


>won’t be in season 2
What’s the point?

this show has better memes

Attached: 1511220687938.png (562x525, 231K)

two seconds apart

>*Angerly walks in your path*
>*Angerly rides horse while pealing an egg with leather gloves*


Does PB have ghostfucking?

Is it good ? Wanted to give it a try when it aired but always missed Episods.

Its kino


peaky blinders is a 2/10 NOOTKA's on a scale of 1-10 with TABOO being 10/10 NOOTKA's and very high on the HMMMMMMMMM scale

It's nothing like Peaky Blinders what are you smoking.

Attached: taboo-3.webm (1284x718, 1.14M)


The show is 90% edgy walking and no setbacks exist for our macho hero, it's the same show

ITT: times you acted like Delaney

>wake up covered in last night's voodoo dust
>don filth encrusted trench coat and absurd hat
>stride out of my room as if I have two watermelons under my arms
>sister looks at me weird and shuts her bedroom door
>decide I will go to the kinoplex today
>hum angry walking music on my way down the street
>suddenly see a guy and girl with clipboards walk up to me
>*unsheathes karambit*
>grab guy by the shoulders
>mhmm crown or company?
>girl just stutters something about cancer research
>tell her to take off that fucking dress
>guy starts getting angry and shrugs me off
>tell them I am always in their heads, always, and walk away
>get to kinoplex
>african man at the counter doesn't understand my negro speak for some reason
>asks if I'd like popcorn or a drink
>tell him I want all the tea in china
>can't stop staring at the ghost that's behind him though
>make a weird mmrahAH sound and just leave
>spend the rest of the day squatting in front of my fireplace chanting, dick in hand



Attached: 1334.jpg (512x512, 48K)

>african man at the counter doesn't understand my negro speak for some reason
Poor Robert.

If Venom wasn't such a big hit we probably wouldve had S2 by now

Attached: Screenshot_20190907-135045.jpg (1440x1882, 350K)

Goddamnit I miss nootkaposting so much


be very careful


A company man mmhhhhmmmmm?

FUCKING Americans

Why does that faggy Terror show get memed nonstop when Taboo was so much better?