The great debate
The great debate
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I argue that they should work together and be given $400 million
This man gets it
One is a slav vampire, while the other one is our lord and savior who came down to show us the error of our ways.
The Room was definitely not self aware, however Breens films are still up for debate.
Breens voice hurts to listen to.
>tfw will never have a Van Helsing film starring Breen as Helsing and Tommy as Dracula
Why did you have to go and make me sad, user? Why?
But Tommy has abs. Weird, creepy abs.
>makes a shit movie
>it gets praised as a great bad movie/comedy
>changes his tone completely towards more comedic films
>they're just plain shit and boring
>memed endlessly and can be imitated by shitty actors like Franco
>too unique to imitate
>never changes his style
>still truly believes in his work
>uses the newfound internet fame to only increase the production value of his work
>too obscure to be memed to death
where should i start with breen?
It's not too late, we could still make a screenplay and send it to both.
>>tfw will never have a Van Helsing film starring Breen as Helsing and Tommy as Dracula
This would be the greatest kino ever made
From his first movie, then work your way up, it only gets better the more money he gets and doesn't actually know what to do with
>Van Helsing murders some corporate vampires who suck money from the poor while Dracula flies off in his car to play football in a Transylvanian alleyway
Wiseau is shit, but he isn't mentaly ill and knows he is shit and try to exploit it. Neel on the other hand is batshit crazy, i meet him one time and it was weird as shit. It's probably how people feelt when they meet a future serial killer like Manson before shit went down.
Breen legit seems like he has something wrong with him, which is strange because he apparently was a very successful estate agent before he got into "film making", makes you wonder if he had an accident or some shit that made him like he is.
At the start, although it's best to watch the short versions since the first films drag a fair bit.
breen is completely insane
Breen is obviously taking advantage of the "so bad it's good" meme.
The Room is better because it has a high budget and looks like an actual movie. It's very bizarre. Breens movies are mostly boring nonsense with a few hilarious moments.
Neil Breen makes bad on purpose movies like that Megaladon vs Mega Octopus / Birdemic... why is this shit being praised?
>Neil Breen makes bad on purpose movies
No, he doesn't.
My friends had to show me Fateful Findings like 4 times before I could make any sense of it, as every other time I was just shouting at it and trying to get them to turn it off. Breen is quite insane. His movies are baffling. Wiseau is definitely insane as well, but at least The Room feels like it's attempting to be a movie. Breenshit is just mind vomit.
I know all the secrets
Funny how you get pic related when you mix Neil Breen and Tommy Wiseau
Breen need to keep his savior complex in his pants pocket.
Wiseau's clusmy attempts at filmmaking and his naiveness still make him somewhat accesible, someone who tried and failed but you can see where he wanted to go. Neil Breen is living in his own world and his work is cryptic to anybody then himself.
*hacks your government*
just wish Breen would branch out a little at this point. I've watched and enjoyed all his films but they are all essentially the same exact idea and I want to see him fail in a different setting. twisted pair was pitched as a psychological horror when he tried to get crowd funding for it. But sadly by the time it came out it had morphed into just another narcissist power fantasy about Neil being cyber jesus.
>eyes closed in wikipedia photo
sleep tight breeny boy
So, do all breen movies have the secret society element to them?
Tommy is for casuals. Breen is for those who want to go down the bad movie rabbit hole.
Mark Pirro is a fascinating study. Someone who fails comedy so badly that how unfunny it is becomes funny it itself.
I actually have known Breen, completely unrelated to the movies since it was for work. I remember him being a really nice guy, I was astonished that his movies are bonkers, he didn't act like an insane individual at all.
Breen has the best waifus
Did you get the impression he had slightly below average intelligence?
He doesn't need eyes to see the truth.
his voice and deliveries is one of the best parts.
If these 2 can get their shit together and actually make movies then what's stopping you? All those awful films on Best of the Worst were made by ordinary people who dared to dream. What's stopping you?
Start the gofundme
Being a successful salesman actually makes sense because he is quite self centered and willing to bullshit people
How do we get this movie made
The virgin, unwatchable hipster one-hit-wonder Wiseau vs. the legitimately insane and fun to watch Breen.
The Room is entertaining to watch so Tommy wins
That would be an expensive billboard! >Double feature
>1 night only
>>too unique to imitate
This, Wiseau is just a foreign guy trying to imitate artistic people. Breen I genuinely don't understand what his deal is
Neil thinks he has the answer to the world's problems and is giving them to us in the form of his movies. He is the person best suited to do so, in his mind.
breen has a more diverse kinography
Breen just makes terrible movies but he's less famous so you pretend his movies are more entertaining. All of his movies are unwatchable
Wiseau is JD Salinger
Breen is Pynchon
>tries to solve the world's issues
>the solutions are complete uncomprehensible babble
>but you smile
>Breen makes the world a better place by bringing joy and happiness to it
>the plan worked all along
WHY did you hit her?
HOW could you do it?
Is Neil Breen secretly Jesus Christ and we've been ignorant of his teachings this entire time?
- IM FED UP WITH THIS WORLDLRD (shoot himself)
He is it quite openly
Wiseau is more fun because he is unironically mentally retarded
Scratch that, give Breen only $400 million, let him remake The Room as he sees fit, he can change anything he wants
Breen's movies are less entertaining than The Room. They're mostly him standing in front of greenscreens narrating monotonously for the whole movie.
The Room has an actual story that progresses and they're actually in a set even though it's shit. What makes The Room great is how hilariously wrong and bad every element of the film is. The characters and dialogue are so deliciously bad throughout.
Breen films are just "weird" but mostly boring for 2 hours.
I have to give credit to Neil for not trying to suck up to Hollywood and be there personal joke to laugh at just so you can go to the Emmy's
>I watch bad movies cause they're good
He's taking advantage of it, but he's not trying to create it.
So is Breen an extremely high functioning paranoid schizophrenic?
I can’t wrap my head around him at all.
For every Breen and Weisau, there's literally thousands who completely waste all their money, often which they can't afford to lose, and see nothing come of it.