>the atomic bombs were inhuma-
The atomic bombs were inhuma-
Based and jappilled
Peak Affleck desu famalampai
Firebombings killed way more people but for some reason no one talks about those.
>japanese military bombs pearl harbor
>american military nukes civilians.
lol. right.
because firebombs aren't nuclear bombs
How can one man produce so much kino?
damage control to limit the bad PR. you also don't hear about to american rapes during their occupation of japan
Don't start nothing won't be nothing.
>reminder kurosawa was fired off of TORA! TORA! TORA!
Are americans the bad guys?
Why would the method of killing matter?
More people died in the battle of Okinawa than both bombs combined. The Japanese killed an estimated 20 million Chinese.
How often do you hear lamentations about those events?
>they didn't deserv-
>i can't read lmao
Come back when you get the point of my post.
>no Mystery Men
War in general is pretty inhumane, but the Americans actually made the best of a bad situation. Operation Downfall would have killed far more Japanese civilians, let alone the loss of further American lives.
usa intentionally forced japan to attack them so they would have an excuse to conquer japan
japan attacked a military base
usa nuked 2 cities full of civilians, then raped and tortured japs for the next 40 years
but of course japan is the bad guy here
Are we pretending we give a shit about dead chinks or something? Japan was based and absolutely did nothing wrong right up until they started bombing white people
>I just get my letters mixed up sometimes, don't take my wings
Because one type of bomb had been in use for thousands of years, the other wasn't. Obviously a big deal.
Your post has no point. The Japanese raped and pillaged China, torturing and killing thousands.
Sort of.
America had a right to defend itself from Japanese aggression but they should have allowed Japan to continue its military presence in mainland asia.
Look at how much worse the world is today because of China. Had Japan been allowed to continue 'sorting out' the Chinese, many of the environmental and socioeconomic problems we're dealing with right now would be nonexistent.
A genocided, defanged, non-independent China would not be able to exploit and rape the world like they are right now.
>usa intentionally forced japan to attack them
No they didn't, Japan were the ones who decided attacking the Dutch East Indies necessitated bombing Pearl Harbor to prevent American intervention
Fuck you Amerikanski, June 22 1941 was Pearl Harbor but thousands of kilometers long.
>ah bloo bloo they didn't warned us they'll bomb our MILITARY FUCKING BASE
Denying a flourishing Empire oil is a casus belli for war.
>*hits a toddler*
>The Japanese raped and pillaged China, torturing and killing thousands
Who cares? lol
>America totally didn't manipulate the situation to force Japan's hand, thus starting ww2.
>muh trade embargoes
>muh america caused japan to attack them
If I kick you out of my store for acting like a cunt, then that doesn't give you the right to burn down my home and kill my relatives.
Eat a dick, weeb.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both strategic military targets
Obviously you do since you're getting so worked up about the evil Americans.
Chinks are LITERALLY ant people
No it isn't you fucking retard
All you had to do is listen
Yes it is, the same thing would have happened with the US if the roles were reversed. Oil is the life blood of a state, without it no more cars, no more electricity, no more civilization.
It's a death sentence, and the oil embargo was not predicated on any feelings about how the Japanese treated their neighbours.
Shota wasn't popular until after the bombs.
Even granting this, it doesn't change that they lost. Hard. Vae Victis motherfucker.
I never said it did, loser.
>no bad boys 2
At least use a still from a good movie like Tora! Tora! Tora! you fucking infant pleb cunt.
would you like to know what japanese did to the civilians they got their hands on?
what do you mean, every time someone mentiones the nukes over japan, some guy pops up and says how nobody talks about the firebombing
A trade embargo isn't an excuse to act out violently.
Things can be resolved diplomatically.
Do you turn into a murderous psychopath when you get asked to leave a restaurant or store?
The fact that you think that japan's reaction to the trade embargos was justified makes me think you might be an ornery shitskin
>the oil embargo was not predicated on any feelings about how the Japanese treated their neighbours
It was literally caused by their occupation of French Indochina, are you actually this stupid?
The US literally had oil embargoes put against it by OPEC.
What is your point?
There were no civilians, every single person in Japan was ready to die for their emperor, including kids and women.
>drops the letter in the middle of nowhere
>written in english
>i-it was necessary to end the war quickly and with less losses
Nobody outside of america gives a fuck about that bunch of malarkey.
Everyone knows Japan was done for because the USA needed to make a properly scary show of force to let the Russians know they won't be allowed to keep marching until they reach portugal.
Yes it is when having an oil supply is life or death.
>Do you turn into a murderous psychopath when you get asked to leave a restaurant or store?
No, but I would obviously do anything in my power to acquire food and water if I needed it and was denied access to it wherever I went.
>There were no civilians, every single person in Japan was ready to die for their emperor, including kids and women.
>claims this to justify murdering children
I bet you think Dresden was justified as well.
Conspiracy theory backed up by no evidence.
Post your fanfic somewhere else, Ivan.
Yes, but only in European theater. Japs got what was coming, but the nazis didn't attack us.
It wasn't in English, retard.
Germany didn't have the "100 million shattered jewels" thing going on, also Dresden was justified
>No, but I would obviously do anything in my power to acquire food and water if I needed it
You have options, you stupid nigger.
If your first recourse is to retaliate with violence then you're a dumb animal who needs to put down like the dog you are.
This is the problem with non-whites. It's always just option A and option B with them. It never occurs to them that C, D, and E, exists.
I like the idea that Dan Carlin brings up about how not using the atomic bomb would have severely damaged the people’s trust in the US government. Going forward with the invasion, losing tons of soldiers, and then later having the public find out you had a super weapon that could’ve ended the war sooner would have been disastrous for everyone even remotely involved in the Manhattan project. Careers would have been ruined and people might have even been court-martialed
I'm fairly sure the idea was that if they swiftly destroy Americas biggest naval power, they can force them back on the negotion table.
Little did they know Roosevelt was willing to sacrifice a bunch of shit ships and soldiers while hiding the real fleet, the sly dog.
Yes surely the US goverment wouldn't lie to it's own people and just claim the development took longer haha
>bomb some shitty barracks with hundert times the blast radius necessary to destroy it
>do it with a dirty bomb explicitely to target civies in order to break the fighting spirit of the nation
Nobody is buying this shitty loophole.
>pearl harbor
>Unit 731
>muh emperor
Japs were worse than nazis.
>2 main drydocks for the Imperial Japanese Navy's production in Kure
>Some shitty barracks
Dumb post friend
>It wasn't in English, retard.
and i'm sure it wasn't dropped on civilian cities where the civilians totally have the ability to tell the military and the emperor what to do, right?
>also Dresden was justified
>burning civilian women and children to death
The vast majority of japan's "victims" were chinks so you could make the case that they're actually less evil than the nazis who primarily targeted and killed millions of other whites.
True Kino
Get fucked
I’ll give you two guesses as to the race of the majority of the rapists, but you’ll only need one.
get fucked wehraboo
>we had to slaughter civilians because it saved the lives of our soldiers
I want to see that excuse used in literally any other context.
And that's why killing hudreds of thousands of japanese non-combatants was not just justified, but noble and right by divine mandate?
Shitty things happen in war, should leave it at that.
Bomber Harris was a God
>2 small bombs vs full intermission
The casualties would be 10 times bigger from both sides.
The japanese navy was already obliterated at that point, not to mention that it was completely outclassed anyway. Drydocks had literally no impact on the decision.
>Japan rapes, pillages, brutalizes and genocides its way across all of SEA and treats POWs worse than the Russians and Germans combined
>Doesn't even do it for political ideological reasons like The Rus/Ger
>Isn't even confined to mostly a few incidents or units (SS, Stazi etc) but is done by its army wholesale as a policy
Wtf you can't bomb out citizens this is warcrime!!1!!!
Fuck off weaboo, you're lucky they didn't scour the country off the face of the Earth and instead got to live on as Americas pet.
tell that to the marines
>trade embargo isn't an excuse to act out violently.
It literally is, by every non-retard measure. It is an act of war, another state using force to prevent your state from trading with third parties.
japan was based as fuck for that move tbqh
yall fuckn weird
>we would really like to invade this country but it's so hard
cry me a river
This , same for the nazis bombing London
You do realized they killed a bunch of white people too right? Not even talking about the Pacific war, look up what they did to the Australians.
Explain these options for the Japanese then.
Wow how evil of America
Let's not pretend the USA was worried over a couple of dead gooks, buddy.
No, Hiroshima and Nagasaki industrial facilities were, not the entire cities and civilians. Japan purposely avoided civilians in Pearl Harbor to the point most civilian death's were done by American's friendly fire (though this might be just a Japanese navy thing as their army were inhumane as fuck)
Not defending the Japanese Empire, they deserve to get their shit handled to them, but still the nukes weren't the only solution nor a "retaliation", it was just and only for the mere purpose of showing their dick to the URSS
ausfags aren't people.
They aren't third parties you fucking retard, the embargo was Britain, the Netherlands and USA agreeing to not sell oil to Japan, they weren't blockading the fucking Home Islands
>Not even talking about the Pacific war
>look up what they did to the Australians
I must have missed the Japanese African campaign where they fought the Australians in Antarctica, you fucking idiot
Might makes right. Morality isn't a part of the discussion when fighting for dominance.
>2 small bombs vs full intermission
Intermission is better, you can go get some fresh popcorn from the concessions stand.
Fuck. Marines.
You can, has been done with lower number of civilian casualties before. Nukes literally noped the city, you basically destroyed an ant nest by cremating the entire house aka overkill. But again, the facilities had nothing to do with it, any target will be ok, the point of dropping the nukes was also not having Japan surrender, it was only to tell Russia "you're the next".
Yes people should talk about the firebombings more than they do
However, there is still a big difference.
Firebombs kill, burn and injure people in various ways, destroy buildings and infrastructure, but they don't irradiate things or cause birth defects like the atomic bombs did.
this low qual b8 , fuck off cancerous twat
>the point of dropping the nukes was also not having Japan surrender, it was only to tell Russia "you're the next"
>If I say it enough it will be true!
>private industry isn't a third party
Sure thing commie
not your zoomer fag spic marines the old WW2 ones ,
Australians fought in the Pacific theater idiot.
Not the issue at hand. The japs had it coming. The US japanese-derived I do feel sorry for. Frankly I see the japs getting bombed as a valid means of ending conflict quickly. Those people, like the user said, were fatalistic in the extreme, combined with the chinese bullshit of anti-individuality. It's like the SJWs saying islam is the religion of peace, when the religion as a whole is paternalistic and in general the opposite of the SJWs' ideals.
would bang her when she older
>Japan in ruins
>Their entire fleet already sunk
>They have not infraestructure, communications, only an army of peasants that can't move outside their shitty island
>"Dudes, they're still a threat! we totally have to make them surrender for sure!"
Japan wasn't a threat anymore, literally if you left them alone they'll starve or be killed by China and Russia. The bombs main purpose wasn't to have Japan surrender
Slitty eyed wogs should of been wiped out
> it was only to tell Russia "you're the next".
Truman's administration was filled with Soviet spies as was the Manhattan Project itself, they already knew America had nuclear weapons. They were just upset that the war in Europe had ended before they got the chance to nuke Germany.
Fuck them too.
Dont talk shit , why drop two then ?
But you said you "weren't even talking about the Pacific War", can you explain what the fuck you were even trying to say?
>Casualty projections for the invasion of Japan in the millions, both soldier and civilian
>Only surrender after 2 bombings and a Soviet invasion in Manchuria
>Clearly these bombs were dropped for absolutely no reason at all related to forcing a Japanese surrender
Bombs are destructive but you can see it as some kind of effort to conquer the other side.
nukes are like throwing the chess board in rage
Because the third was defective.
You're a fucking retarded person who has absolutely no understanding of war or any understanding of history or how the world worked. Japan could remake all of those things. The people responsible for all the bad stuff the nation did were not removed.
>USA should have sat in perpetual war with conscripts who would eventually revolt and suffer trading penalties in the region because of attacks on vessels by Japan
>Japan was just peasants ad shitty soldiers at that point
The reality? Japan was still a strong nation with a capable army that would have BUTT FUCKED USA if it tried to do a D-day style landing. They DID have infrastructure and they DID have communications and they DID have soldiers. Why doesn't China take Taiwan now? They don't have enough boats to do it at the right time of year at the right parts of the island. That small as fuck island can repel CHINA currently.
The powers in charge had to be removed. What's more? USA had a valid reason to take the head off of a nation that fucked up its hand, take the whole nation as a vassal, and use it to this very day as a strategic global ally.
I wonder whew made this comment
That's why they didn't surrender after the first bomb, right?
>Why doesn't China take Taiwan now?
Fear of the US. Any other reason is fake and gay. Once the US reaches the tier of 3rd world incompetence in government, the Chinese will take Taiwan.
Go tell a vet that he would fucking murder you faggot
>Why doesn't China take Taiwan now?
Probably because the rest of the Western world wouldn't stay put
Would you bang this guy too?
China Rules the Economic world today and Thats a Fact
I didn't know every Polish, French, British, Norwegian, Dutch, Belgian, Czech, Russian, Ukrainian, Australian, Greek, Yugoslav, New Zealander, South African, Canadian, American and Luxembourgan, the Germans ending up killing through the course of WW2 was Jewish
sexy Ghoul honey would get it
Yeah, that doesn't work though. USA still didn't get hit
>T.jewish myth again
>Why doesn't China take Taiwan now?
Because ROC>PRC and dog eating communists will never be able to change that.
>China Rules the Economic world today
No, Jews do. But they don't care what happens to any particular country they live in (except maybe Israel) so they will have no problem with China taking the front position as a state. They are already getting involved in Chinese business and finance.
>Get entire Pacific Fleet taken out for months, some permanently
Gee, I'm sure glad USA never got hit
>WW2 is a Jewish myth
Don’t forget Unit 731, Rape of Nanking, comfort women, POW torture and killing, criminally inept military strategy built on the bodies of young indoctrinated and ultimately disposable Japanese soldiers, and they also have small dicks. 2 nukes wasn’t enough.
>Germany 'primarily targeted' New Zealanders
You are getting tripped up on your own retarded statements
I'm against any display of brutality against civilians, but at the same time the nukes brough us anime, manga, gravure and JAV so I think they were necessary.
Unironically WW2 became soulless in 1941 when Russia swapped sides and America joined.
They primarily targeted white nations by the nature of the war you fucking idiot, just like Japan primarily targeted Chinks
When wars are fueled by industry there's no such thing as a citizen. Everybody was part of the way effort.
>Japanese dindu nuffin
>whites are so cruel
>'primarily target' Australians by invading Poland
Is there no limit to Nazi technological power?!
Who are you quoting?
>WW2 was only September 1, 1939
Anyone with even a passing knowledge of what Imperial Japan did to the region for 15 years knows that Japan got off easy with the Nukes.
Based pervy weeb
This. When a nation enters a state of Total Warâ„¢, everyone becomes a target.
>Firebombings killed way more people
Hate this meme.
Bombing of Tokyo deaths: ~120,000
Bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima deaths: 129,000 - 226,000
The Death Railroad in Burma
this is why I hate slltty eyes
because everyone defaults on the nukes first
They tried their hardest
It would have been a dishonor to them to go easy on them, no?
>Only Tokyo was firebombed
Hate this meme even more
Russians after the Surrender went after them pretty based
>he's still primarily targeting that hole with his shovel
>one bombing vs two bombs combined
>only tokyo was bombed
Feel bad for the poor cartoon people
>Germany directing all of its war resources to kill white soldiers isn't primarily targeting white people
Those are the only 3 cities in Japan, what else was there to bomb?
Kyoto, but the Americans thought that would be in poor taste
Why people is still buttmad of something that happened 80 years ago?
Pearl Harbor? who cares
Hiroshima and Nagasaki? who fucking cares
>241,000 to 900,000 mostly civilians
The yanks avoided firebombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki because that's where they wanted to test their atomic bombs
nanking? no such thing
One of the reasons the USA dropped the Bomb was to stop Russia from advancing as revenge for the Russo-Japanese war wherein Japan merc'd the Russian navy and made them look even more retarded.
The Japanese committed genocide against China for years before they even bombed pearl Harbor, they took over every country in the south Pacific they could.
Should've bombed Tokyo too, also nuke Korea in the 50's
Wait, kyoto is not tokyo? I thought it was a meme joke rearranging the syllables
Russia literally couldn't advance, they had to borrow American equipment to take fucking Sakhalin
Don't tire yourself, I brought you some help.
Reminder that Truman is the most based President for bombin them trolls.
Is that the machine Germany used to bury all the whites they killed to save the white race?
yeah americans care so much for the chinese
you just love the chinese dont you
>This was for Nankin!!
If you actually cared for Nankin you wouldn't have done the same in Mai Lay. Unless you're an actual Chinese, in that case, sure, feel retaliated I guess
good on ya moobie.
Those Basedstream guys are total faggots
>Mi Lay
Never happened, that's just commie propaganda.
I was jesting, my friend. And Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both bombed with conventional weapons during the war, before the nukes. They were not 'primarily targeted' by intense firebombing though because they were not super important.
The political entities that made those decisions still exist. Some people who lived through that are still alive. Countries have to acknowledge the past to get overcome differences and grievances that may exist.
Sakhalin is literally 50 km away from Japan. If the Russians had time to regroup, the same amount of time it would have taken the USA to mount an invasion of Japan to force a traditional surrender, they would have definitely tried to get in on the fight, likely leading to the invasion and Russian capture of Hokkaido. Nukes stopped that possibility in it's tracks.
Lel, what does that even mean?
Get bent, Vatnik
The Soviets quite literally did not have the equipment to land anywhere, let alone Hokkaido which is possibly the absolute worst place to land, it doesn't matter how much time they have they simply do not have the facilities to manufacture a naval fleet, landing craft and with a logistics train in a 6-9 month window
Pfff, sure thing bro, there things done to my country and stuff done by my country that nobody remembers and were brutal and changed the landscape and political situation, still pretty much nobody is mad but those who live in the past, and that's what it doesn't allow to overcome differences not the other way arround
Russia was never even at 'war' and had no intention of attacking Japan until after Germany surrendered. In fact Russia was trading goods with Japan for the entire war and having merchant ships constantly going in out of Japanese ports despite a US sub blockade being in place. US subs would be sinking Japanese merchant ships left and right but then they'd spot a Russian boat and they'd have to let that one by and watch it dock in a northern Japanese port.
It means that the death toll of Allied nations add up to more than 6 million, ergo Jews were not in fact the primary target of Germany in the matter of killing
The United States military was prepared to bomb every railroad, every farm, every road, in Japan, and starve the entire country out, while allowing the Soviets to launch their invasion of Hokkaido. Curtis LeMay was so excited at the prospect of sending a modern society back to the stone age that he was practically jerking off over it, the idea was to crush their entire infrastructure and watch them starve to death trying to support an industrial population with pre-industrial tech. A significant percentage of the US population (35% according to a New York Times poll in 1945) genuinely supported the idea of murdering every single Japanese person.
The atomic bombs were a fucking godsend that saved Japan. I'm so sick and tired of hearing people bitching about it. The things that American and Soviet generals were planning for Japan go way beyond dropping two big bombs and killing 150,000 people. They were gearing up for straight-up genocide. Japan would literally not exist today if it wasn't for the nukes.
I'd much rather 50,000 - 100,000 of my neighbors get turned into shadows than 120,000 - 200,000 die from burning to death/smoke inhalation.
How about 500,000 - 1,000,000 die of radiation poisoning and millions more born with deformities?
How about tens of millions die from bullet wounds, diseases, or starvation? Because that was the alternative.
How about 100 million die in retarded suicide attacks? Because that's quite literally what the Japanese army high command was envisioning
You're moving the goalpost into hypotheticals now. Both the firebombing and the nukes were actual things that happened.
I'm just saying the past is important. It's important to understand why the world is the way it is today. Living in the past isn't healthy but ignoring the past isn't good either. If you're educated enough to accept the past and understand it's significance, you won't be influenced by those who try to exploit the past for politics, nationalism, etc.
And rereading you're first post, I agree the average person has no reason to still be butthurt over an event that happened almost a century ago. History is just the actions and decisions of those who came before us, we shouldn't view them as myth.
How about billions from the icecaps melting and the ocean levels and climate changing?
How about trillions from the guy in The Wind Rises making the Zero?
Man, the Zero wishes to have killed even a single million.
>the worst atrocity that happened to US in WW2 is their military base was bombed
Is WW2 a fucking game to you faggots
>You're moving the goalpost into hypotheticals now.
No, I'm discussing the alternatives. The firebombing and nukes happened, the alternative was far worse. The highest levels of the US military were out for blood, with the full support of the American public, and the highest levels of the Japanese military were encouraging the people to fight for the death. It's not "moving the goalpost" to talk about how the nukes were objectively the better option.
I doubt it would have gone as high as 100 million but you're right otherwise, the highest ranking military officers were literally training children to go die in retarded suicide attacks. It took the nukes and the Soviets invading Manchuria to wake them up.
Honestly yes, in a sick way. It's the perfect war for our film industry. Roughly 400,000 Americans died, in a country that in 1945 had 120,000,000, and today has 350,000,000, and there was no damage to the Continental US. We do treat it like a game, like a fun historical event. Practically nobody got hurt, no civilians were hurt, we went out there and beat the bad guys. American education about world war II is basically a collective nationalist masturbation session.
>I doubt it would have gone as high as 100 million
The catchphrase of "100 million shattered jewels" was taken pretty literally at the time, they really did plan to defend Japan until the last infant, the whole population was expected to fight and die if it came down to it
>they really did plan to defend Japan until the last infant, the whole population was expected to fight and die if it came down to it
You have to take that with a grain of salt though. The high ranking military commanders can urge people to resist all they want but that doesn't change reality. Both the German and Japanese high command tried to push retarded "fight to the last man" directives, but the truth is that the civilian population was mostly willing to cooperate. German women spread their legs for Soviet soldiers, Japanese women sucked American/Aussie dick for food, and so on.
The people are never as committed as the military fanatics.
>Rules of War
Why should I sacrifice my men so your civilians get to enjoy a PG-13 version of war? The men are drafted against their will. The more men that return and can contribute to the economy after the war, the better.
WW2 Japan had a key difference, the Emperor was basically divine will and the army controlled him, Hitler as charismatic as he was never had the literally descended from God thing going for him, the bombs combined with a Soviet invasion torpedoing the militaries only out for a negotiated peace they were still delusionally clinging to let the more sane members of cabinet manage to gain enough converts to surrender, and even then there was an attempted coup over it
Yall niggas forgot about the bataan death march
You’re right. It would have been far better to invade Japan where the general population had been told we were cannibals who threw babies off cliffs. Citizens were training with hand weapons to repel an invasion.
Do you have any idea how many civilian casualties there would have been? Millions...
Or maybe you prefer a blockade so they could all slowly starve to death.
>burning civilians alive is ok cuz it’s been done for thousands of years
I didn't say it was okay
I know. I should have worded it better. It sounds like your saying nuclear weapons are less humane than napalm.
This is what americans actually believe
I swear I entered this thread, started reading posts and half way through the thread I thought "man /his/ is actually good today"
then I realized
The Japanese population was a literal zerg hive mind. Every single civilian would have fought to the death without even a microsecond of a second thought.
>japan didn't genocide people for ideological or political reasons
>Or maybe you prefer a blockade so they could all slowly starve to death.
They wouldn't all 'starve' to death. The Japanese home islands are quite large and plentiful with plants, animals and fisheries. They would have continued to live as they did decades before, traditionally, before they became an Imperial country hellbent on taking over a 3rd of the world.
It would have been the equivalent of keeping them in thier containment board.
If it makes you feel better about your country
>Wait, kyoto is not tokyo? I thought it was a meme joke rearranging the syllables
I've never been to /his/
what is it like?
Replace sneed with pregnant anne frank, that's pretty much it
Meanwhile every pow the Japanese took in were regularly burned alive, beheaded, or straight up eaten because the Japanese are literal cannibals
>Himler and co: Let's try to negotiate and talk terms
>Allies: lol get fucked faggot you"re all gonna hang
>Hirohito: We will surrender but I get to stay Emperor
>Allies: OK but f.f.s. call off your dogs. those fuckers are fucking crazy....jesus fuck. Anything else we can do for you Mr. Hirohito? You want Keep your palace and all your shit? ...Done...any thing else?...Because it's no trouble at at all. Just tell your people to stand down for gods sake......please.
You can't hug your children with nuclear arms.
>cowards deserve to be well treated
Japan didn't sign the Geneva convention, mutt
Japanese cannibalism was almost exclusively reserved for their own dead, generally you've already shot your POW's so they stop eating anything long before human flesh becomes a commodity, also the burning thing was usually (but not always) misinterpreted cremations
We should of wiped them all out
in the islands they ate dead raw m8s
They offered to surrender before you dropped the bombs, retard, there was never any need for an invasion.
Christ when will cancer strike him
Remember when President Roosevelt refused to believe Pearl Harbor was being attacked by the Japanese and threatened to send the messenger to the labor camps?
>offering to surrender
>japan was starving and the civilian populace was being drafted to defend to the last against a mainland invasion
>but the military and the emperor were in total control and all on the same page, which is why a group tried to have the emperor assassinated for wanting to surrender
They didn't offer to surrender until after the second bomb. They didn't beleive or understand what even happened at Hiroshima.
They ate fucking anything, so did Australians on occasion, it was the nature of the New Guinea campaign
no one likes to talk about the fact that america also had an invasion planned for japan that would have been larger than D-Day, and the resulting military/civilian deaths would have been in the millions.
>They offered to surrender
Conditionally, as in we get to keep pretty much everything that led to this war but we'll stop bombing you until we feel we're ready for round 2
thats not true at all, the japanese SS had convinced everyone that americans were literaly demons who were gonna eat their children and not allow them to peacefully surrender.
they offered to surrender after the first bomb
Fuck right off No OZ troops ate human meat ok !!
I want your fact and link story here
wh*te incels? They love asian waifus.
on Yea Forums maybe
>thats not true at all, the japanese SS had convinced everyone that americans were literaly demons
What the fuck does that have to do with anything about surrendering. If anything it makes my point even stronger. Who in their right mind would surrender to cannibalistic demons. The military sure as hell didn't.
americucks seething.
Daily reminder that two bombs wasn’t enough
It would have been 20x worse than Vietnam
>Attacks on military infrastructure and assets are the same as vaporizing and irradiating entire cities full of civilians
This is why everyone hates you. American idiocy is breathtaking.
Go renew your crunchyroll subscription,ya seethin weeb.
No, conditionally as in they didn't want you to tell them how to run their country or have your niggers occupying their country forever and raping their women. Besides, there would never have been a round 1 if you hadn't forced them into it anyway, thinking they'd want to start it after already being BTFO'd is retarded.
>The Japanese committed genocide against China
And this is bad? I thought you americans hated the chinks
Why didn't you let nips erase them
>thinking they'd want to start it after already being BTFO'd is retarded
Why? Germany got BTFO and still decided WW2 was a really cool idea, never heard of revenge fuckwit?
>t. intellectual pea brain
The amount of death and destruction in a japanese mainland war would have made Germany look like a fucking tea party.
The japanese did not have the kind of pechant for welf preaervation a a Western mind. When you beat the Nazis in battle wnd killed a majoraty of them they would come out with their hands up becwuse they weren't fanatacal in the same way as the Japanese.
You would literally have to kill 90% of the japs you were fighting before they would come out with their hands up and sometimes even 90 percent wawn't enough. Not so at all with the Germans. Not even close.
Hindsight is always 20/20
>needing a casus belli to join the 2nd part of a world war that you already took part in the first time around
the city was made of wood of course fires killed more people what are you whining about bombs for it was war
Is it really that curious the carriers (which weren't considered by any country to be the height of naval warfare yet) were delivering planes to American controlled islands like Midway to fight a Japanese invasion during a period of rising tensions that unusual?
how the fuck did japan go from being so brutal to being a country of anime and incels
>He doesn’t know the story
>The US forced Japan into being dependent on oil to fuel their war machine bent on subjugating China, Burma, Korea, and basically all the rest of East Asia, then lashing out like a feral monkey.
>not only did you take part in the first world war, the 2nd one is literally against the same enemy
It turned its brutality inwards, so instead of beating up chinks and gooks over territory now they beat themselves up
Sometimes someone just needs a good beating to put them in their place.
Underrated post
>>Get entire Pacific Fleet taken out for months, some permanently
There wasn't a single aircraft carrier at harbor.
We knew they were coming and did nothing because their attack wouldn't achieve anything.
It was sent through ducking diplomatic channels you absolute retard
Both the Japanese and German populations are the same.
They are both naturally submissive people that will slavishly and unwaiveringly follow the word of anybody with a sufficiently strong alpha personality.
No one really cared about aircraft carriers until Coral Sea and Midway showed their ability in an actual fight you idiot, they were considered auxiliary vessels to support the big dumb firefight the battleships were supposed to have, even Japan only thought they'd be good for supporting naval landings and bombing ships at port
>>Japan rapes, pillages, brutalizes and genocides its way across all of SEA and treats POWs worse than the Russians and Germans combined
>>Doesn't even do it for political ideological reasons like The Rus/Ger
>>Isn't even confined to mostly a few incidents or units (SS, Stazi etc) but is done by its army wholesale as a policy
Pretty based I don't get the hate
Ignoring that what you said is completely false, it would be like Finland invading Russia to get their revenge. It's beyond ridiculous and I don't know why you'd fear it.
>it would be like Finland invading Russia to get their revenge
Which they did, it's called the Continuation War, thanks for proving me right
>Based F.D.R. playing the long game
This may or may not be true and we will probably never know for sure. The only thing that we know for sure is that The Amaricans absolutely needed to be in the war and until Pearl Harbor there wasn't enough political will for F.D.R. to make it happen.
The Germans has fucking Werner Heisenberg himself working on a bomb and if they had built it first we would have been fucked.
Listen my Granddad . lost his mind as A CSM in his Lancs REGT , was raped an beaten by them cos stood up to the burma camp filth . in meassages home
Local Burmeses loved us lads an they tried to help but were shot ! we on the horrible points , just bones an skin hacking at boulders , went to complain got 14 days in sweat box, Taffy our sarge , Got word from bumese the Mauraders are on way , an they catch an torture them Japs , he me .. and delirious I told Captian , half dead an dragged to a pulley , You better Kill one self .. cos we WINNING an YOU will be skinned alive , I lost a consciences, taffy told me after war the camp changed all the Red cross appeared , letters from 2 years , the japs ran away an the Camp boss shot a jap an dressed up as him , They got rounded up an Unbeknown to me , they were bayoneted by camp guys , I so lost in the savage life . < my granddad Never Ever mentionmed this or the the war !.. we only read his logs , that went on Taffy , his sarge Got him home an lived as Uncle Bill .. Need to tell this ..
end of the day .. all records went BRIT Legion
>The Germans has fucking Werner Heisenberg himself working on a bomb
Doesn't count for much when his project is being so undermined by the political and military establishment that Heinrich Himmler himself has to tell the SS newspaper to stop calling him a "pseudo-Jew"
The germans were never close to building the bomb tho.
None of that shit counts. Whites only care about how other whites are treated. It's why the Holicaust is treated as the worst thing in history when it probably doesn't even make the top ten if you count the shit that has gone down in Asia and Africa
>Going forward with the invasion
LMAOing @ you thinking either country would've gone forward with invasions.
>Le 20/20 hindsight
Yes, yes let the denial flow through you. You're in control goyim, now give Israel a few billion more dollars and start a war in the middle east. For the glory of America of course.
Kind of, but still not. They joined Germany hoping to get back land the Russians were occupying but refused to go further. If anything, it proves that nuking them and occupying their land would only make it more likely that the Japanese would want revenge.
>until Pearl Harbor there wasn't enough political will for F.D.R. to make it happen.
this is fucking wrong. go read a book man, go to the fucking ww2 museum in new orleans. America geared up for war since 1939. during ww2 they had a small second industrial revolution that put them from 18th on the world power scale to top 3, this all happened over the course of 5 fucking years. In 1939 the romanian army was stronger than the american army, in 1945 they made germany their bitch and had russia pissing their pants at the thought of war between the two. every fucking metalworking shop in the south was creating munitions and supplies for the war effort, they were absolutely reading and willing to join in, the only thing keeping them back was that their army was poorly trained and had almost no combat experience (which is why america actually got BTFO for the first 2 years of the war). They were also already in the war before pearl harbor even happened, the japs invaded the philipines in 1939 and kicked america out, american soldiers died in these conflicts, they were fucking at war.
>the japs invaded the philipines in 1939 and kicked america out, american soldiers died in these conflicts, they were fucking at war.
What the fuck are you talking about?
U.S. cares about oil from the middle east to keep Russia from moving in. We keep Isreal around for the sole purpose of trollimg Arab countries and pissing them off so that they remain so mad that they never get their shit together.
Israel infiltrates the U.S. points of infuence eg..media, courts and legislature systems to keep our eye on the ball of maintaing their troll state in the middle east.
It's all pretty funny but necessary to keep the Russians out.
Kyoto was one of the cities that the USA didn't bomb because they wanted to use the nukes on them lol. In fact if the Japs hadn't surrendered it was next on the list once America finished it's third bomb
>Having a massive financial and military commitment to a parasite state with no actual resources of its own is critical for projecting power.
I can almost feel your noses poking me through my computer screen.
>Israel infiltrates the U.S. points of infuence eg..media, courts and legislature systems to keep our eye on the ball of maintaing their troll state in the middle east.
>Its totally benign goyim!
If you're going to outright lie to me, at least be more convincing kikeshit.
The ignorance in this thread is stunning.
But it's Yea Forums, so it doesn't matter.
SLAP RETARDS, SLAP. Show us who's the bull goose retard!
Thanks he never spoke back in blighty and as us kids saw him on every sunday cos visit relies then . , patted heads an had us on his knee, me two sisters but he was crying .. an he BIG Smiling he is Lancs Regt as a Last Top, Put in that carpet stuff an lore . Deserved .. !
like we new
stop being this guy
some of us are in world storm ok
>nations army attacks you
>massacre hundreds of thousands of civilians in retaliation
Murrika is a big guy
You need to stop thinking 2 dimensionally son. Just because two parties act accordingly doesn't mean they want the same thing.
The jews want power and control for jews . This has never changed throughout human history. It's partially a survival mechanism so they don't get gassed again and also because jews gonna jew.
This does not mean israel is not useful to the U.S. in the greater polical game of global power. It should not surprise anyone with half a brain that 95% of everything the U.S. does is to oppose Russia on a global format.
If the U.S. could have 100% of its cars running on Solar electricity tommorrow we would still be in the middle east. It's literally Dune ddsert planet and whoever controls the spice blah blah blah..
Power abhors a vacuum and if we are not buying and controlling the oil then Russia will simply move in and take our place and benefit from all of the global influence that comes with it. The U.S. will never ever ever ever let that happen.
Everything boils down to the U.S. vs Russia if you dig down far enough. 911 was this generatiions Pearl Harbor. Like truly in more ways than one. That is why we can never truly be sure if the U.S. let it happen or not. Same as Pearl Harbor.
This is because foriegn terrorism going away is the biggest long term threat to U.S. natiinal security. Prior to 911 Bill Clinton couldn'tmeven fire a couple of drones without people getting their panties in a bunch. Now it doesn't even raise an eyebrow.
American military superiority is a crucial part of it'ts global political strategy against adversaries like China and Russia. But a state cannot maintain its military superiority without political will.
All this bullshit in the Middle East and Israel and all of that fuckery is about power, not oil. Oil is just another piece on the chess board.
stay mad yankee cunts
/k/ or /pol/
>Why people is still buttmad of something that happened 80 years ago?
said that to gooks, chinks and nips, the formers still are buttmad over the latter
The atomic bombs were not only humane, but ethically unassailable. It is an indisputable fact that Japan started the war with the US. They did this while engaging in fake treaty negotiations (a war crime), because they were upset the US had embargoed them due to their monstrously violent invasion of most of the South Pacific. Even Nazi officials in China attested angrily to the brutality of the Japanese troops, and until the 90s there were Japanese troops who refused to surrender in various South Pacific islands who survived by murdering and robbing defenseless local civilians.
At the time the war was waged, bombing of cities was the norm in war; indeed, the US killed more people and did more damage in its firebombings of Tokyo than either Hiroshima or Nagasaki. All belligerents in the war recognized industrial cities as a valid target for mass bombing.
Japan was warned prior to the dropping of the first bomb and generously offered an opportunity to surrender unconditionally. When the cowardly Japanese high command refused, the US dropped leaflets on Hiroshima warning civilians to evacuate. The US then dropped the bomb on Hiroshima - a recognized industrial target - and offered the Japanese the same generous terms of surrender. They refused again, forcing the second bombing.
Had the US been forced to invade conventionally, not only would destruction have spread far beyond 2 legitimate military targets who were forewarned, but it would have cost lives projected northwards of one million based on valid assessments made during the Battle of Okinawa.
>/pol/ zoomer historians obsessed with WWII thinking they know anything about what was really going on back then
Yeah studying history is for nerds amirite?
Allocating funds for factory productiion and sending thousands of soldiers to die is not even remoteley the same thing.
It's for fuckboys who don't know real suffering, and act like they know what's what when all they do is read biased garbage and talk like it's a grand strategy game
-t. history major