What's the best Shelley Duvall kino?

What's the best Shelley Duvall kino?

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There is something about her rat face that makes her look hot, dunno if it's because of her status or because i just like people with ratfaces

she’s an angel
based and duvallpilled

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God she used to be so cute. Poor girl.

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This (3 women)


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up voted

Edit% thanks for the gold stranger omfg

Is Kubrick to blame for this?

Not hot, but she looks fun & quirky. Like the proto-Zoey Deschanel.

>proto-Zoey Deschanel
Kill yourself

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I love that outfit. Cute girl too.

in shelley duvall and in the 1970s, there's something about the world that wasn't headed for this, now, here. our lives were not unavoidable or coincidental, it all came so very close to never happening. maybe for better, maybe for worse, and either way we'll never know


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Great! We have to shoot the scene again because Duvall managed to fuck up again. You don't know how you should act even after the hundredth time we're going this.

Okay, just fun and quirky.

Mother Goose Rock 'n' Rhyme

Pure unadulterated kino.

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Fairytale Theatre

those looks were never going to age well

Yeah but they could've aged better than that.

Drug abuse and mental illness. Goiter is also a sign of diabetes.

She's had a lot of medical trouble, poor woman.

Although I'm sure being emotionally broken by Stanley didn't help.

C'mon! You can do better than this shit, try to learn with Jack how you can an actor and stop fucking up!

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Congratulation, Duvall! We're filming this scene for 126 times now and all thanks to you. Try actually doing your job the next time.

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She definitely grew into her face...


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I think it's because she is hot DESPITE having a rat face. It's like that self handicap biological theory you know the one

Kino of high order.

Brewster McCloud

"He needs me" is my favorite song.

This is very underrated.

wish there were some good pics of her feet

Interesting. I kind of get what you’re saying. Care to expand a bit more?

Unironically yes

I also wish the free love and bra burning movement hadn't fizzled out