Let's ruin the country forever lmao

>let's ruin the country forever lmao

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lol stupid brits

CIA against the World.

I just unironically hate the fucking English.
First, they produce nothing of worth. Go ahead, name ONE export that the English are known for.
Name ONE. And no, oil doesn't count, that's scottish.
Think about it. France has its wines and cheeses and planes, and Italy has its pastas and cheese and wines too, it's more or less the same country, but Germany has cars, Russia has gas, the Nordic countries have fish.
What the FUCK does England have??? Red phone box and Big Ben souvenirs?

Second. Their culture itself is just fucking TRASH. It is in every single Englishman's blood to bow down before authority and let the government ream him in the ass. England is probably the singles most authoritarian country in Europe, to the point that not pretending to enjoy the Government can get you fucking JAILED. ( gulfnews.com/world/europe/man-arrested-for-not-smiling-at-olympics-1.1060050 ). It's just such a fucking pathetic nation of people who let themselves be walked on by their government, and actually value being such fucking weaklings.

And third, their cultural exports are pretty fucking weak too. The BBC is nothing but low budget trash and all of their "humor" consists of nothing but the same predictable jokes over and over like Blackadder or lolrandum shit like Monty Python. As for the rest, their only claim to fame are old franchises like Shakespeare or Doctor Who or Jekyll and Hyde, shit from centuries ago. And they just fucking double down on all of those, because it's all they have.

The only worthwhile thing to have ever come out of England is all the PC games of the 80s and a bunch of video games. That is fucking IT.

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they got pork pies

You sound salty. Care to explain why?

Because Great Britain hasn't sunk into the sea yet.

>dude just become a globohomo slave lmao


Brexit was racist a bigot hate mob hijacked democracy away from the people with the aid from Russia obviously we need another referendum so the people can have their say this time and the racists can be shown the door

Literally how the fuck was Brexit allowed to happen? The referendum was so out of the fucking blue and it immediately became this binding, infallible vote sending Britain to its doom. The UK is fucked now.

>shitty pop music

the parliamentary system of government, common law, liberal capitalism

How is the UK fucked because of Brexit? Care to explain?

Fuck you globalist shills ITT

they have some pretty good metal


Go to bed grandpa.


It did fine for more than 600 years.

I am 22

>3 years this has been going on
>Still have no clue what a brexit is

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If it goes through the UK will break up, basically. I think Northern Ireland will literally put up a wall; Scotland will go independent (from UK) and then join the EU. Wales might get absorbed into England although there's apparently a burgeoning independence movement (which, again, may result in them joining the EU). And then London ceases to be the economic center of Europe since free movement ends. Basically, England stops being a global force. Their empire was always in decline, but now it's falling off a cliff.

go to bed zoomer

Im not that young

Since the US is telling China to fuck off and Brexit is habbening, why is everyone so bent out of shape on trade? England and Britain trade with each other.

>implying british invasion bands didnt straight up steal music from Americans who did it better (i.e. blues)

literally all of these are bad

Daily reminder: leave would've got 2/3rds if Jo Cox didn't get BTFO

Because Cameron was a raging fucking idiot. He is the one person I absolutely, unconditionally hate out of all this mess

Imagine not liking the results of something so much that you spend years trying to stymie the efforts to reach it in every possible way and then blaming the original resolution for the problems that result from your role as a fifth column. It's more common than you may believe.

How exactly then do you define a civil war?

>Go ahead, name ONE export that the English are known for.

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>we have to hack the political system
>I'm talking about altering the matrix of politics

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Well when you put it that way you can suck my cock. Enjoy seeing your dreams die right in front of you


Why are Yuropoors so afraid of freedom? Have you licked the Golbalist boot for so long that you fear to stand on your own? Thank good the Pajeets are taking over the UK, as cringe worthy as they are, they have more guts then the English.

Is that not the way it always happens?

no from the uk but England has produced most of the worlds large industrial engine designs since the industrial revolution

your local power plant or factory most likely has a British designed and manufactured engine

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>irst, they produce nothing of worth. Go ahead, name ONE export that the English are known for.

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>Americans spend 4 years seething about Trump
>he wins again in 2020
not american but fuck me if the young turks stream isn't entertaining on election nights

So how's the movie? Legitimately curious after this trailer.

It's interesting that Britain wasn't successful -- or, rather, no European/UK country was successful -- prior to the establishment of the EU.

The EU finally turned the corner for them.

Government shit itself because a mildly civnat party got 3m votes in an election.

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you think the same wont happen again?

not a big fan of Cumberbatch desu so never watched it
it looks like it's about the whole "hacking the system" thing, which I guess is about facebook ads for boomers or something

Yes everybody supports democracy until they dont get the result they want - then its mob rule by bigots and racists.

>waaaah the real world isn't like my imaginary Utopia

That's how all of you idiots sound. It would be funny watching the media make a buck off your stupid back if they didn't vomit this cancer garbage everywhere.

>Wanting the world to be good is idiocy
Hehe xd

Direct Democracy!=Representative Democracy. One is a functional system and one isn't

>brits have nothing to talk about on Yea Forums except for this movie that came out a year ago and is only relevant to something that only happened in their country

What tier was he ?

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>name ONE export that the English are known for

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Hitler salute almost killed the jew cameraman

As opposed to Germany purposefully trying to usurp Britains sovereignty and become the new financial capital of europe? Not to mention the EU legitimately is on the brink of collapse and if it does go down UK will be insulated from the consequences. You also realize that the UK can reenter the EU at a future date? As soon as the referendum is executed faithfully their can be another. If all of the parties were negotiating in good faith then UK could just become another Switzerland and have mutually agreeable terms with EU.

>ruin the country forever
>not all the cowards who let their children get sexually abused because they're worthless cowards
Exactly they're willing to let pedophiles walk its disgusting

It's seriously fucked up how much the Remain camp has fucked with Brexit while claiming it's Brexit's fault for everything.
Why the fuck is parliament in the UK allowed to fuck so hard with the will of a democratic vote?


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Unironically yes. Expecting the world to be good is irrational given all the data available

That was CERN and also the 20s Radio and Telephone wire pioneers from France and Italy basically set the foundations for it

Inbreeding so much that they started voting for stupid shit nobody favors from.

>Prime Minister to hardened criminal within days

Cast him

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Funny how some people actually WANT their countries to be vassal states of Germany.

The Nazis really cut their balls off, didn't they?

The 'elites' used to be people worth fighting and dying for.

Germany is a meme

>the UK can reenter the EU at a future date?
Would the EU have them?
More trouble than their worth

How the fuck does that law override the referendum passed by the peoples' vote?
Fuck Jeremy Corbyn.

>make up the rules as you go along
How is this legal?

I don't know if Cumberbatch plays the guy I'm thinking about, but I remember after the referendum brexit's political strategist put out a big article about the tool they used to survey people, made it open source, and discussed how it was important to keep the politicians focused on the issue that made the biggest difference, which was the whole thing about how they were sending millions to the EU or something that could be used for domestic healthcare. It was very interesting

Based and meatpiepilled

Protip: nobody in government is competent and journalists work to create icons and heroes for you. Boris is just another cuck like the rest.

The referendum didn't specify when they have to leave, retard

>First, they produce nothing of worth. Go ahead, name ONE export that the English are known for.

the language you are typing your salty butthurt in now

and before you start

Canadian is not a language
american is not a language
australian is not a language
new zealand is not a language

ENG-LISH from ENGLAND is a language

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>French cheese, lol
Meme cheese. England produces literally the most popular cheese in the world.

Because the elected representatives correctly realised that the fallout from no deal would kill their election prospects more than not honouring a referendum would

English comes from Latin, retard. Literally 99% of the words and 100% of the grammar and syntax is Latin. You literally have nothing unique about your people. A nation of larpers.

They just looked at the figures and realised Britain would be economically fucked and I mean really fucked with a No deal Brexit

>literally making a law to stop no deal

So were the Nazis, but people chose to believe in them.

Western Europeans can't live without their superiority complex, and Germany is their last Great White Hope.

It gave a two year deadline for leaving you double retard

you mean german and french


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American cheese?

Britain has a huge cheese export what are you rambling about



Good news: neither does their government.

Germany is a meme within EU as well. Its economy is all based on fudged accounting and welfare and it’s finally starting to show.

It didn't

>Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?

>Remain a member of the European Union

>Leave the European Union

That was literally it.

Education is a mark of money more than intelligence.

don't start making cope posts, the English took the best and made it better

like they did the entire globe


*checks calendar*

>muh larps!
Lmao I love not being an anglo. It’s like watching girls claim they’re gamers

American cheese is just bad cheddar, so yes, kind of.

The UK trying to leave the European Union is going to cause their own union to fall apart lmao

>parliament votes against Brexit deals (including a majority of remainers) for two years straight under Theresa May
>May finally resigns because Parliament doesn't agree on any fucking deals
>Boris is appointed PM and pushes for no deal since parliament can't agree on anything
>they cry about there being no deal and pass a law criminalizing brexit without a deal despite voting against deals for years
Remainers should be shipped off to Syria

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you don't have anything and are trying to make the English language not English

its sad

>Successfully vote for something
>Government doesnt get it done
Do Brits really just let their governments do this?

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Hahahaha you actually think English is your making. You are literally the black twitter of languages. Or the Jamaican of languages.

More college graduates suck on the EU teat, or hope for their children to do so.

Brexit? More like Brex-shit

>leftists are self hating traitors to their own nations and want to be subservient to others
What else is new?

>he can't handle the truth
Just simple facts, not my fault you don't know your own history
no its german and french

their government doesn't even let people buy spoons until they're 18y/o. the brits are a fallen people

yeh if Scotland leaves they won't be able to offer free social housing and uni because they get more out of the union than they put in

It wouldn't matter if they fucked of since there are more people living in london than the entire region of Scotland, scotland has the fraction of the work force of London alone

I thought Sargon was going to save the UK, what happened?

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>What is Article 50

Smh cant believe these niggas used to rule the world

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It’s Latin with a dash of German. (French is Latin as well with a mix of Celt/Gaul)

oh yes france and germany decided to invent a language for England

you are deluded and cucked to the point you need to speak it


they control the waves you fool

Wisconsin laughs at the pitiful pretensions of European cheese states! ; )

It sounds like you're talking about Trump

I didn’t once mention France or Germany you absolutely cucked and rekt moron. Stay mad.

>First, they produce nothing of worth. Go ahead, name ONE export that the English are known for.
The entire system of globohomo and rule by secret societies/agencies

Topkek, imagine being a remainer in the UK and actually wanting to be a part of the EU. United States of Europe is coming soon ;)

>you mean german and french

you joined in an argument without reading then this is what I was responding too

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>flyover pride
based but nobody outside the us has heard of wisconsin

and a peppering of Danish

>Cut the opposition out of everything and come back with a deal that pleases nobody
>Be surprised when it gets slaughtered in parliament
>Come back with someone even more hard headed and stupid
>Be surprised when his own party turns on him
Well thanks to backing parliament into a corner we're never going to leave the EU. It'll probably be mercy killed by the next parliament after talks go nowhere for a few more months.

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>the main argument against brexit is that the people were too dumb to know what they were voting for

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>he doesn't know the saxon from Anglo-Saxon is from the saxon of germany
>he doesn't know that William the Bastard was from french along with his norman/french allies
>he doesn't know his language was a fusion of both.
Laughing at your life mongrel.

>United States of Europe is coming soon ;)
and what would be wrong with that? The US did it and became the biggest superpower the world has ever seen. A federalised Europe is the only thing that could match America

You replied to my Latin post. Not my fault you stretched yourself too thin amongst multiple arguments like the spaz you are

Stop crying and sabotaging your own country, it's been 4 years already, remaincels

It would mean America is superior to Britain

It's not LMAO,
Just a bunch of stupid globalists.

Protip: blaming the other half of your country won’t make your half look less pussy for not leaving yet

>They looked at the figures an realized a no deal brexit would fuck with the economy
Oh no, for 5 ,years the pound will be at parity with the dollar after not economically associating yourself with a corrupt post national organization made up of the interests of oligarchs


Most of the Leavers I know thought they were voting to "stop fascism" or some other trite nonsense.

America already is? In terms of military, economy etc. The only thing that could match or outperform it would be a United States of Europe

well you aint speaking latin or german now are you cuck bois

you are typing in Superior English

imagine needing to go back to pre medieval times to make an argument

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>failing this hard at biology

Kill yourself.

>he thinks the international world will support the pound
You will literally become the new peso

Parliament backed itself into that corner.

Blatant obstructionism is not a good strategy, ever.


>and what would be wrong with that?
Have you looked at our foreign policy and how absolutely corrupted our government is? Our federal government is out of fucking control and we're totally dominated by the interests of zionists, neo-liberals, and the military industrial complex.

Compete with the US in what field? In corruption? In murder? In tyranny?

I can speak English as well as many other languages. How many can you speak? Also we all were born in a time beyond the creation of these languages. Neither you or I have any authority on who uses what.

The only fact that remains is who created it, and it’s not the English ;)

Napoleon, Lenin and Hitler certainly thought so. How did that all work out? x)

For all your faults you still have the best standard of living in the world.

>England becomes poor
>all of the economic migrants leave
How is that bad?

>imagine being so proud yet knowing so little of your culture
This is just sad

>He thinks no one is going to make new trade deals with the *British*
You sir, are a retard magnitudes greater than any one person who rode the short bus to school

Why would they leave? They can handle poverty. It’s the anglotwinks who will probably leave and it’s gonna suck for the whole world

>How is that bad?
They are going to replace EU migrants (white) with Indians/other 3rd worlders

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Baste Europe will give them better gibs.

I love how you assume that parliament has to take shit and can't give it back in turn. If you force them to choose between a crap deal and no deal they're going to tell you to fuck off, and the leavers will only have themselves to blame

>different cultures
>different languages
>waaaaaay different economies
yes, let's mix them all under the blanket of the eu. and create an eu army in case someone thinks differently

What are you gonna trade? Shitty BBC programs with female leads? Lmao!

Why would they come if the economy is trash, and they can't scrounge? That's literally the best thing that could happen.

another cope post

>The only fact that remains is who created it, and it’s not the English ;)

this is getting retarded

Brexiters are like Lord Gwyn from Dark Souls, trying to cling to a past that is no longer viable and turning everything into a shitheap as a result.

The UK will breakup and England will sink into irrelevance.
The way the UK political elite clearly gives not a single solitary fuck about Scotland and Northern Ireland has been laid bare for all to see.

Russia and the US are the chief beneficiaries of Brexit. The former gets to weaken the EU and kick the UK off the UN, the latter gets to spread it's maggot infested food and overpriced health insurance into the UK.

>West Virginia
>Our insanely overpriced healthcare and education that people are retarded enough to want to pay for via mandatory taxation instead of trying to decrease the insane cost

Stop talking about things you don't know about. We're a country the size of the continent of Europe for the love of God, there are places in the US that are 3rd world tier

>different cultures
>different languages
>waaaaaay different economies
All of this applies to America, America was founded by Europeans genius,

All the more reason to stay in the EU. I would rather die than associate with your rotten shitpile of a government, or you for that matter

It doesn't matter what you think of brexiters: they've won and you've lost
Now stop trying to sabotage democracy, remaincel

>Stop talking about things you don't know about. We're a country the size of the continent of Europe for the love of God, there are places in the US that are 3rd world tier
m8 it's just a fact that average wages, overall quality of life, etc. are higher in America. It's the richest country in the world, of course they are. You pointing out specific shitholes means nothing to the average

Napoleon should have won

>no argument
So mad. Based monolingual retard

>EU on the brink of collapse

Of course they will, but Britain will be making such deals from a position of weakness not parity, they cannot make better deals otherwise the whole point of the free trading zone is pointless

A lot of people I know who are big on brexit just seem eternally bitter that Germany is doing better than us now.

Not surprising when we're probably the only western country that still talks about WW2 as if it ended two years ago.

Dude, you're retarded if you think the Russians benefit from the UK leaving the EU more than the UK. You have literally no idea how the EU functions do you? The EU is not a bulwark against Americans either - it is a product of Americanization ffs

NO!! NO!!! Germany is our savior! We can't live without the EU and National Health Service!! Our betters say so! WE"RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!

Being a "subject" is kind of pathetic, isn't it?

>they've won and you've lost
See, it's that exact attitude that sabotages you. Don't expect any sympathy when it all falls to pieces

Papers like the Telegraph have been claiming it's going to collapse next year, every year for the past 15 years.

This is the most beautifully ironic thing.

> Vote to get rid of white foreigners.

> Get more brown foreigners who have even less in common with you instead.

And look how much we hate each other

>nobody will trade with a Top Ten world economy

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Americhad, I youre my brother and I love you. But dont EVER take sides against the country.

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and look how that's going for america. Rich liberals in downtown sanfrancisco vote on things that effect hillbillies in rural nebraska and vise-versa. And when secession comes up all of the arguments are 'muh civil war' 'muh national defense' as if states would go to war with eachother if there wasn't a federal government or that the chinese would invade and kill their biggest customers

>Brits become weaker
>didn’t benefit UK
dohoho tovarish pls

Gonna be annoyed if the economy goes to shit and I lose my job just to keep Bazza up weatherspoons and pensioners happy

>video game reference
The absolute state of remainers

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Spoken like a natural slave. Even willing to crawl for the French, huh? x)

Why even hold an election if you weren't prepared for one if the options?

you really can't make an argument because your mind is set that English language wasn't developed in ENGLAND to cope with the fact you speak it while hating England

you are going so far back to justify to the point where you make it sound like the words developed are just pick and mixed, like you watched a youtube video once on the structure of languages

you are typing English now because you are so unbelievably cucked

Nigger, if you stay in the EU then your government will be EXACTLY THE SAME AS OURS. Filled with neo-liberals, zionists, and the collective interest of different major corporations.

That's line saying that the average standard of living in Europe is higher than South America. Is that true? Sure - but you're ignoring the Balkans and Eastearn Europe by hiding behind such an immense average where you lump together the populations of an extremely wide area.

Most of this country is garbage and you inflate the statistics with the excesses of the upper middle class and make radical comparisons with how we are versus Africa or something but , no, you do not want to be Americanized. The reason we are declining is because of inherent flaws in our government that we've been warned about for a long time

You're assuming this is mostly based on some kind of silly romanticism for the Empire. No one cares. Only Tory wankers care about "global Britain". Most people just want to be left alone. If that means less money and cheap French wine, so be it.

There was a small but vocal number of conservatives who were anti-EU. At the same time UKIP were becoming more popular, but not that popular.

Cameron thought that he would have a referendum on leaving the EU to put an end to it, he never expected leave would win and neither did anybody else

In order to maintain the fiction that subjects are really citizens.

I am french x)

>remainer scum got btfo by their own hubris and now try to sabotage any attempt on their plans
I'm not even surprised

t. buttmad high school dropout

>Scotland will go independent (from UK) and then join the EU
The EU has already told Scotland this isn't happening if Britain leaves.

>Such deals from a position of weakness ... No. No they won't. They're still an immense economic superpower. Even if the pound goes to parity with the *dollar* they're going to be making major international trade deals that will still give them major international sway. The EU is an organization you don't want to be associated with

I couldn't give a rats fucking ass about your faggy fucking conspiracy shit. I hate americans, I hate the idea of being under their thumb and I fucking hate you. Fuck off you cunt

>brexiters voted brexit because muh immigration
>even if the immigration started in the 80', thanks to Thatcher, nothing to do with EU
>now UK will take more pakis in replacement of the white europeans who whill have difficulties for having a visa in UK

Truly based right ?

Colonialism and bringing civilization to turdworlders who didn't appreciate it

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>Direct Democracy!=Representative Democracy. One is a functional system and one isn't

the real mistake was letting the people vote on a policy directly instead of just for representatives who will betray them.

Is Puerto Rico going to be leaving us anytime soon?
I really don't want them to become a state here and they're so far removed from the US already.

How did Norway manage to pull off not being in the EU?

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>Brits become weaker by having more control over their own government and not being subject to the whim of an international oligarchy
>Muh Russians
Topkek. Yeah no, you're retarded. Britain is leaving the EU not fucking NATO you dip

They are never going to become a state

>colonialism is bad, its a good thing Britain gave back territory's
>omg why did britain give hongkong back to china this is bad

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Secondary school, and you aren't allowed to drop out.

>It is in every single Englishman's blood to bow down before authority
You've got a point, but it helped us build the empire and start the Industrial Revolution. It's not a good attitude now that the elite hate Whites.
Calm down lad, look to your own hellhole.

They just chose the "no" answer. Same with Switzerland.

Funnily enough, both countries have miniscule crime rates and the highest rates of "happiness" based on surveys. They have gorgeous landscapes and strong national pride.

Pakis are based when compared to anglos desu. Honestly racism is stupid and selfdestructive

So you secretly worship a dead guy who lost as completely as Hitler, and is a cartoon character outside of France?

You guys are strange cats.

>omg why did britain give hongkong back to china this is bad
This to be quite honest.

>EU bad

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im stating a simple fact that the language you love is a mix of the german and french you hate, you're the one who's sperging out because the language isn't quite as pure as you hoped.

>It's a conspiracy to criticize or observe the workings of your own government
Topkek, nice newspeak.
>I couldn't give a rats ass I just hate Americans so you warning me that my country and my future people are slowly being Americanized means nothing

Yeah , you're just retarded you spiteful little shit. Go ahead, act like a child it doesn't mean a thing. You are being Americanized and are actively choosing to do so.

Don't forget their financials.

Does anybody actually fucking care about this? What good is global power and influence if your nation is a fucking shithole?

>On the other side, Norway’s European minister, Elisabeth Aspaker, dreads the idea of the UK joining her country outside the European Union. “The EU is facing so many challenges on migration, growth, security how we follow up the agreements at Paris on climate change. It would be a huge step backwards if the UK was to leave, and would have huge implications for us,” says Aspaker, a member of the centre-right Conservatives.


Except according to the stats it was soibois in their 20's who voted for Remain

>the English are mostly a mix of French, German, and Celt
>they carry some remnants of their languages
Wow. Who knew?

Based. I wish Tibet still existed. Honestly it’s the biggest travesty of the modern age. China needs to fuck off and the west should be applying pressure on that. If that happened it would spark a renewal of Eurasian union sentimentalities

>EU didn't have anything to do with immigration quotas

>As the price for access to the EU’s single market for its fish and energy, Norway accepted in 1992 the free movement of workers and now probably pays more per capita in grants to EU states than the UK.

>Norway does not sit or vote on any EU committees and is portrayed as a willing serf waiting by the computer to download its instructions from Brussels. It is a case of not being in Europe, but still run by Europe. “Some say we are more integrated in the EU than some full EU member states”, says Aspaker.

never claimed it was pure

two of you claimed it was a pix and mix between Latin french and German and wasn't a language developed on the British isles

the original argument was what export have the English gave and my answer was English

so go cope you twisty little faggot

>and the west should be applying pressure on that
By doing what? A boycott will fuck them more than China.

English is based on Latin lmao how does that make you feel?

Brits, give me ONE example of how your life is going to be better outside the EU

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>A representative of the EU wants more power within the EU and gives vague warnings about what will happen when the EU has less power

Hello paki

>humans evolved from single celled life. so not a single one of their achievements is their own

I agree with your general point but you are wrong about this particular case. the only Latin element of English is vocabulary, everything else is thoroughly Germanic

the person im replying to didn't know
So what you gave everyone was just a mix of european language. Ok then

Europeans can't stand not being better then everyone else. They have repeatedly rejected personal freedom and equality in an attempt to be #1, and will continue to do so.

All this Brexit shit was the true redpill for me. Whites are incapable of fighting back. Where are the protests? Where is the serious outcry? People are just taking this shit and watching them do everything they can to fuck this over?

its not latin now though is it

you are not typing Latin now retard

By arming Mongolians and Nepalese and North Indians and literally creating an armed convoy to transport the Dalai Lama back to the heartland. China acting out over this would make China number 1 enemy in Asia. Buddhism and its roots are serious business there

>A representative of the EU
No lol, European minister is not a representative of the EU, Norway is not in the EU. It's a minister of Norway who's area is Europe.

what language are you typing in now

tell me

>Name one
Cars? Does getting the industrial revolution off the ground count?
>he doesn't like Blackadder or Monty Python
wew, like I'm Irish, I fucking despise those fuckers because of their history with us but your points are fucking weak.

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>By arming Mongolians and Nepalese and North Indians
Half of those nations have militaries run by china.

Grammar and syntax are Latin as well. And even political structure itself is Latin and based off Roman structures. Hell the first bill of rights (magna carta) was written in latin

English is not based on latin. It's vocabulary is largely derived from French (which is not Latin), but the 1000 most common words are of Germanic origin, and English grammar is dissimilar to Latin. Please stop making this retarded argument.

All these guys did was identify an under serviced portion of the electorate that had been missed since then. If remainers had used the same tactics to get votes they might have won, and they would be hailed as revolutionary political scientists for doing it.

>EU can't mandate that you stop x,y, or z business practices based on the whim of a bunch of obviously corrupt people looking out for their own business
>No migrant quotas
>Distance from the Euro so no massive impending crash to make Britain into Greece 2.0
>Less power to the EU itself being a good thing

Wojaks will be banned and punishable by death

>begorrah, it's anudda potato famine
We don't give you shit for all those ladders you've stolen.

>i hate the english so the language i am typing in now is err germench yes ha ha there for the English have done nothing and are just evil

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>No migrant quotas
The UK never had migrant quotas wtf are you talking about
>Distance from the Euro
The UK was never in the Euro

Unironically less migration. The constant influx of foreigners pooling into London and other cities is causing a knock-on effect of pompous Southerners moving NORF. They infest entire towns with their stuck-up faggotry and make everybody else miserable.

>The UK was never in the Euro
We were. I absolutely remember early 2000s ads having Euro prices alongside local currency. The UK managed to dodge the whole thing a few years later and stop it.

English does not use cases the same way latin does, does not allow for the same syntactic structures as latin does, and does not conjugate the same way that latin does. English is only related to latin grammatically through their shared ancestry to proto-indo-european languages and through borrowings in professional fields like law and medicine.

French is a romantic language based on the vulgar Latin of the roman empire.

>We were.
What the fuck are you talking about, the UK was never ever in the Euro, it had the choice to opt out and it did, just like it opted out of the schengen area

Their European minister still deals with the EU my dude, Norway isn't actually free from the EU, in fact they're very economically tangled with it. They're just not a member state. They're not comparable to Switzerland which has almost no stakes in how the organization does


Then why did I have Euros and could spend Euros like two decades ago?

Cause you are talking shit

>The United Kingdom has never sought to adopt the euro as its official currency for the duration of its membership of the European Union (EU), and secured an opt-out at the euro's creation via the Maastricht Treaty in 1992.

The Romance languages are not latin, and they never were. Latin was used by their governments and elite, but the vulgar language the people spoke predated latin and was mutated by the Romans into the local vulgar dialects. Their divergence was accelerated by the decline of the Roman empire, but at no time did everyone in the Roman Empire speak Latin.

>remainers unironically want to be ruled by a dictator from a country they fought two world wars against

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I'm not talking shit, I know what coinage I had while you were still in primary school.

Brexit needs to happen simply because remainers are awful people

I'm 34, the UK has never been in the Euro, ever. I don't give a shit if you had Euros in your pocket for some reason

Every independent study showed that Brexit will have a positive outcome on Britain's economy. Don't believe the socialist media

>Remainers want to get back in bed with the people who literally said they were going to make an example of the UK for even humoring the idea of leaving
Imagine being this KEKED.

>The UK never had migrant quotas wtf are you talking about
But they did, because states that didn't take them in got sued by the EU like poland.


>Never had migrant quotas
No, because there was resistance to the idea
>UK was never in the Euro
And it's been a fight to keep it that way

>But they did
No they didn't, that never applied to the UK

Fuck the EU.
Fuck the French.
Fuck the (Neo) Germans.
And fuck the Immigrants!

Britain for Britain!

A simple, yet accurate argument.

Bad people want bad things.

Cute eagle.

Even if it didn't, migrant quotas were still being imposed on members of the EU. That's a good enough reason to want to not be a part of it.

Brexit is based, it directly goes against the globalist agenda for a one world nation.
That's why the media is always reeing about it.
That's why the kids at schools and universities have been indoctrinated to support the bureaucratic EU.

Even Comrade Corbyn doesn't want the EU.

>Theresa May gets a deal
>"We don't like that deal"
>"It's the only deal we're getting, so the only other option is a 'no deal' Brexit"
>"We don't like that"
>Theresa leaves because this is retarded
>Boris gets in
>Rewords Theresa's deal because, like she said, it's the only deal we were getting
>"We don't like that deal"
>"Fuck it, no deal full force."
Our parliament is a fucking joke.

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>Even if it didn't, migrant quotas were still being imposed on members of the EU
The UK were given multiple concessions, being one of the first members of the EU.

They didn't have to adopt the Euro, opted out of the schengen area, didn't have to adopt migrant quotas.

The UK was one of the major players in Europe and you just left lmao. You just gave it up, it's insane.

Are you saying the freedom of your homeland is worth being in a state that hates your guts? The EU has made it pretty clear they don't like us.

>The EU has made it pretty clear they don't like us.
The EU was us. We were one of the big 3.

With the amount of immigrants in "Europe" it won't be "Europe" in a generation.
With the calls of a "European" army, such an army would stop the inevitable backlash against these immigrants.

Uh, you don't get to brexit.

Big Man Boris will sort it out.
A man that rugby tackles kids or tries to destroy a German politican's legs won't just give up like a normal man.

>With the amount of immigrants in "Europe" it won't be "Europe" in a generation.
Immigration to the EU has been falling since 2016

Is it being reversed?

Are the crimes falling too?

How many kids do those immigrants have compared to the stock already in Europe?

Whatever you mean by reversed, it wont be that in the UK outside of the EU either

I'm pretty sure any other nation on this planet would just leave and then sort the aftermath out as it happens. The British government's unwillingness to leave because some things might get a little messy is just laughable.


Remember guys, Boris had backing from the Queen, who has backing from God. As head of the church of England
Thus Brexit is ordained by God and God is anti EU.

not nearly enough

based peacock poster

bad news for you then

Based God.

>I think Northern Ireland will literally put up a wall
Good, fuck taigs

>Scotland will go independent (from UK) and then join the EU
t. retard who has no idea what he's talking about
The EU will never let places like Scotland join the EU, because it will open the door to all the meme little places like catalonia trying to do the same, Spain will just veto it. The EU has already told them this multiple times.
And even so, Scotland is literally the California of the UK, the jocks fucking off will be a blessing.

>Wales might get absorbed into England
It already did centuries ago you utter spastic

>which, again, may result in them joining the EU
No, it won't

>And then London ceases to be the economic center of Europe since free movement ends
1) Good
2) We never had free movement you utter spastic
>unironically thinking that unlimited immigration is a good thing

Probably the lowest IQ post I've seen to date.

>thinks the ballot slip is article 50
Okay retard.

Literally a r/T_D myth. A till worker didn't let some heroin druggie by a spoon, and redditors saw it as "BRITUSH GUBBERMINT HAS BANNED SPOON!"

Okay retard.

t. amerifat talking shite

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you're a stupid dumb europoor, have fun going to america, breaking your arm and then paying 1.3 million dollars worth of hospital bills. dumb faggot.

>Spain will just veto it.


Fucking hate you Henry you little cunt, always getting stuck on corners with your smug shit face.


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he can just get health insurance. I've lived in Germany and in America and while I agree that in Germany if you are lazy scum you get better healthcare, in Germany I still have to get private health insurance unless I want to get put into some queue and see a Google-it Doctor. In America you just get a job and have health insurance.

>Remainers using ableist insults to mock political opponents
Yeah seems about right.

>boomer memes

you can't stop me from fucking up your baseboards :o)

They actually look like normal people compared to the Remainer protests.

>Scotland demands independence
>Scotland wants to be part of Europe

At first glance you'd just assume the Scots were retarded and didn't know what independence means, but in reality it's because it's a principality of overweight meme socialists

>We need to rebuild the wall

attention socialist remoaners
brexit means brexit
simple as

Scots aren't going to do shit. Big talking cowards.

>there are unironic brexiteers on my board
fuck off mongs

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>>there are unironic brexiteers on my board
>fuck off mongs

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when is england going to leave the eu? I'm tired of hearing about it. can't you just get on with it however you do it?

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>we want to leave!!!!
>okay, bye, you were always a pain in the ass anyway
>but we want to keep the open borders when we do because of our stupid ireland colony
>well you cant leave and not have borders, unless you want to agree to keep following our rules, otherwise shit my pour into our zone through there, so either leave completely or keep following the rules, you cant have your cake and eat it too

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Just give Northern Ireland back to Ireland. Simple.

>>there are unironic brexiteers on my board
>fuck off mongs

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I smell gammon

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being a hairlett must suck

Fuck you commie faggot

right yeah but how will this affect Ngubu

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Woah... So this is the power... Of dehumanising the poor...

t. quoting nobody.

At this point every Brexit party is pushing for a no deal just to get it other with. Yet they keep getting cockblocked by Remainers who keep pretending their concrete footing is because of "getting a good deal." The reality is they just want to delay the decision until it peters out.

>there are unironic remainers on my board
fuck off mongs

So this is the post that BTFOs the eurocucks...

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EU has been chipping away Switzerland though

What does Cara want? I want for Britain whatever she wants.

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The people who live there don't want to be given back. That's the whole issue.

>man literally executes pro-remain MP in the street in broad daylight and gives his name as "DEATH TO TRAITORS FREEDOM FOR BRITAIN!"
>people don't give a shit and still vote for brexit anyway
Keeeeeek, imagine being Jo "literally who?" Cox.

>okay, bye, you were always a pain in the ass anyway
>"m-muh EU wanted to get BTFO'd, it was their plan all along"
If the EU hates us being in so much and wants to get rid of us how come all the deals they keep offering us are literally just brexit in name only?
>well you cant leave and not have borders
Err, yes we can, good friday agreement has nothing to do whatsoever with the EU

>otherwise shit my pour into our zone through there
Yeah, UK-to-EU mass immigration was always such a big issue

>anti-white boomer memes

The mistake was to sign away sovereignty, not to take it back.

Leave you remoaner

The UK wasn't even a part of the Schengen Agreement. Why would leaving the EU lead to less migration when the UK could already make their immigration policy independent of EU regulation?

It was never theirs

We'll Brexit from London next.

>growth and security coming after migration

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>Pay £350 to nofunallowed club
>Get £180 of Tesco vouchers back
>Get told you won't be allowed to buy or sell anything ever and be super racist if you don't pay into nofunallowed club


Next you will be telling me the UK got to opt out of the euro and in fact had many concessions made to it

ITT: Seething gammons

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why are EU fags so mad about England leaving

what makes england so important that you MUST have it be part of the EU


The Unionists should be forced to accept NI becoming part of Ireland, which is where it belongs.

If they don't like it they can suck it. Fuck them.

Cheddar cheese is the most popular cheese in the world. People only pretend to like bitter shit that melts at room temperature. It's gross.

>why are EU fags so mad about England leaving
We don't and the EU has told the UK from the very beginning they can leave at any time with no deal if they chose. The attitude among Europeans is pretty much just to laugh at the shitshow in the UK

its a bad precedent imagine every other country leaving without any penalties, someone has to be made an example of

Tiocfaidh ár lá

>just let the republicans colonise people who don't want it. It's the right thing to do

so if you leave a group you MUST be penalized?

it does seem like a crazy shitshow UK is fucked right now lol

lmao, perhaps the uneducated masses are laughing, but the politicians are shitting themselves.

Okay, then only 3 counties of Northern Ireland have ever been majority protestant and unionist. Give back the other 3.

>Go ahead, name ONE export that the English are known for.

>so if you leave a group you MUST be penalized?
Nothing wrong with that, but don't be like and pretend the EU was fine with everything happening.

>its a bad precedent imagine every other country leaving without any penalties, someone has to be made an example of
Funny, this sounds exactly like a Mexican drug cartel. Those who leave or betray the group are made examples of.

>ITT: middle aged gammons who probably found their way here via /pol/ and facebook

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If they want to go. I don't give a shit.

>Elisabeth Asspacker
she better be thicc with a name like that

This is the most overhyped, over priced piece of shit I ever owned.

Because it is.
They don't have the individual nation's wishes and people at heart.
They want all for the EU, a new nation state for all of Europe, with a standing army.

inb4 no they don't.

The Germans scare me, first they go far right now they far left. Mind you Angela is from East Germany.

>>let's ruin the country forever lmao
But enough about Bremain.

>Far left
She's centre right. You must be American


You sound angry.

"centre right" but so very pro immigration?

Just like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea? Yes?

The vast majority of people here have health insurance dipshit. Its extremely rare to meet anyone who doesn’t. It’s far from a perfect system but I hear socialized medicine has its downsides too.

Its not that bad, its pretty common practice where ever you go. I just find it weird how every EU person likes to pretend they're perfectly fine with Britain leaving all the while rejoicing in the economic sabotage. Feels two faced

America actually has a terrible system, they spend more on healthcare as a nation than most of Europe by GDP.
They could have a common health care system or a insurance based one, but your retarded two party system ought to talk and actually decide instead of wasting even more money on an integrated system that costs more. (What you have now)

Wife material.

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>center right in a socialist country that’s moving ever left

Keep moving the goal post faggot. I’m not arguing anything you say. I was responding to a post that latched onto the “hurr stub your toe go broke in America” meme.

Now respond back with something that has nothing to do with what I posted. Again.