>TYT literally getting assblasted
It's called damage report but it seems more like damage control to me.
>TYT literally getting assblasted
It's called damage report but it seems more like damage control to me.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Comedy goes too far
>ContraPoints: I'm Embarrassed For Dave Chappelle
also Hasan confirms he's a retard by saying he learned about blacks from fictional TV comedy shows
>reposting the same thread verbatim 5 times in a row over the past 2 days is the key to success
Plebbit called and they want their gold back
make a separate thread for hontra, you faggot
Oh this is good
>What Happened To Dave Chappelle?
Dave Chappelle has destroyed libtards so thoroughly, it's gotten to the man himself, Chunk Yoghurt
kill yourself you agender monster
>tranny being embarrassed on behalf of others
this guy is cancelled too, isn't he?
ironic, he could make others use his preferred pronouns, but not himself
>leftists confirm that they are humorless faggots that deserve to be beaten to death
He basically sucks a big fat lefty cock except the trannies, he's a big Trump hater, democrat lapdog
yt vid
>2 cancer cunts being cancer cunts
"Leftist" has been tossed around so much these last few years it's lost all meaning
What did humorless leftist twitter cuck mean by this?
Stand up comedy is the lowest form of entertainment. All of them deserve to be silenced or have false rape allegations made against them. I wish unfunny pseudo intellectuals like George Carlin lived long enough to be metoo'd
why does he continually refuse to address the point no one would give a fuck what he has to say outside of the fact he's Cenk Uygur's son
>Durrrr u dunno wut a leftist is
If you'd vote for Bernie Sanders, you're a leftist.
god fucking damn hasan abi is the most verbose and insufferable drama queen prick
He sounds upset. Hope things get better for him.
Damn. I mean he’s not wrong
But he is wrong, faggot
I'm old school moderate which by today's standards is called conservative leaning (even though I disagree with 60% of conservative montra) but I thoroughly enjoyed Chappelle's latest stand up.
It was a MUCH needed refreshing change to see honesty even if it is hurtful.
>When you make a few jokes on trannies and suddenly liberals think you're against them and conservatives think you're one of them
lmao am*ricans are so dumb
how does it feel to be a cuck?
Where’s the lie?
>imagine spending your time by shilling the young roaches on Yea Forums
what was all that controversial about it? Him saying faggot proving his point?
Most his "topical" jokes have been in some way been done over the past few years
I don't even think Chappelle is that funny but I like him more now since he's making so many seethe
when has killing heroin addicts been a bad thing? and in the joke it turned out to be a meth head
I don't think he crossed any lines or anything, I just thought it wasn't very funny.
Who’s seething? Writing a negative review is seething now? Damn /pol/ and Yea Forums are just seething 24/7 then I guess
It's true
That looks like a man, and I would NOT fuck that. If that is offensive - GOOD. Being honest.
But of course I'm anonymous and have nothing to lose financially so, me having an honest opinion with nothing to lose is not fair.
>Damn /pol/ and Yea Forums are just seething 24/7 then I guess
yeah, that's the internet retard
chapelle has 2 things going for him which are:
1. he's black and one of the top 2 persecuted minorities in america
2. he's been saying the n-word for so long now before any of this heightened PC sensibilities crap that you can't retroactively call him out for being insensitive because they never complained about him before when he did his show
pretty much untouchable
What were the jokes? It feels like all the "buzz" is just paid-for-by-NF adverts.
you watch the youtube link? unmuted?
Leftists aren't funny
i'm not american but if i had to describe myself i'd say i was moderate as well since it feels like both sides are extremely flawed
what makes moderates then and now different?
Nope. I'm grossed out by manly looking trannies.
I do not like TYT. Those overly Liberal assholes could care less about anything other than their point of view - hardcore liberal leaning to the point of insanity.
not everyone has humor based on who is triggered or not, some shit is just funny, then when the blowback hits it makes it funnier
The Left shifting further Left makes Moderates, by extension, more to the Right than before.
>What happened to the guy who got his start yelling "nigger nigger nigger NIGGER!" on tv?
These people are really retarded.
good point
back then we'd hear about the KKK and other white supremacist radical groups but very few left ones but now everyone's gone batshit crazy
crazy times we live in
Moderate today, is being able to say both sides are right or wrong, and try to have conversations that take the idea to its fullest.
Both sides like to pretend their side is correct without explaining every angle.
Not everyone has to agree in order to live civilised. We have phonies in entertainment because that's is expected to make money - people pretending.
Fake causes, fake people promoting those fake causes with no answers just point at the problems, and insult people.
99% of all problems in this world could be fixed if honesty was allowed without social bullying people into silence.
Here's some more insanity of my own, a thought experiment of my own - Imagine if when we died our spirits really did transcend into a reality similar to this but everyone could read anyone's mind, anywheres, anytime - no more secrets. NONE! Imagine how horrifying that is to so many in this world refusing to accept that people think horrible things, but still manage to live civilised?
one thing about american politics is that the two sides are totally antagonistic to each other so if you're not on the same side you're going to immediately burn them and ignore everything they have to say
i think this is one of the reasons why it was so easy for those russian trolls to trigger and divide people online
just calling someone a tranny libtard to a left leaning person or a racist white supremacist to a right leaning person is like throwing an unlit firecracker into the room and they'll light it for you
nephew but yeah
>>i think this is one of the reasons why it was so easy for those russian trolls to trigger and divide people online
no the media has been doing that for years, there are just more ways for mentally ill people to interact with each other now, before they had to search high and low to find someone similar, not it us just a search bar away
This is the third time I've seen this thread. Why are you doing this? What's your endgame?
media works on dumb-dumbs but most people know in one way or another they can't trust it anymore
rupert murdoch no longer personally puts out media campaigns for elections because he got called out on it in australia, but it's probably more impactful on a personal level if you read or hear opinions from people who you think are just like you
>The Young Turds and Contrannypoints
He needs to stop smoking cigarettes.
who are these homosexuals that have no grasp on comedy?
OP wants a laugh at seething trannies thread but is an unoriginal cunt so he copies the last five successful threads verbatim. Sad, really. Because you dont need to try hard at all to get Yea Forums to laugh at butthurt trannies until a thread hits post limit.
welcome to the future where a comedian cant talk about certain subjects because peoples feelings got hurt
Ayo gimme some of that persecution too so that I might get into Harvard with my shitty SAT score.
>>but it's probably more impactful on a personal level if you read or hear opinions from people who you think are just like you
yeah this is where the rubber meets the road, if you are reinforced by people with a similar mindset that can worsen the psychosis and create the volatile situations we see today
I've only seen clips of the special but after watching that video:
>Cancel Culture goes too far
>They bring back Dave Capelle
>Initiating Torrent momentarily
How is this thing getting even uglier? Aren't they supposed to start passing better over time as the hormones and surgery build up?
>OP has made this EXACT FUCKING THREAD 100 times in last week