Are you required to be woke in film/tv now?
Are you required to be woke in film/tv now?
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Romans were niggers or what is this trying to tell me?
Its saying that white men were always traps and subservient to the black cock.
Romans were the niggers of the past. Carthage and Greece were actually white
The context is it's supposed to be the little nig imagining his own mixed race family as stand in's during historical shit
Yes. It is a corporate mandate now because of the blowback the left gives which is monetarily backed, unlike the right. Remember, for tools that produce shit like this: it's pure propoganda. And they'll justify it as diversifying their market. As if none of these assholes heard of a niche market.
There's a historical account of one Ethiopian soldier in the Roman legions at Hadrian's Wall, who stood out because he was so dark and nobody had ever seen anything like that before. So naturally the British educational system interpreted this as "it was normal for there to be black centurions in Britain".
BBC Teach is not an open market though, I don't know why people focus on this series when they literally have a Mayan one where everyone is portrayed by a white person
Don't tgey say the Scots had blacks too now?
To be fair niggas need gay and white dads to compensate for all the dads that abdoned them
Though they were niggers at heart, romans' minds aspired to law & order. They tamed the nigger inside the way true niggers never can.
Mexicans already portray themselves as white in their telenovelas so nobody really cares
Open market doesn't mean it doesn't have (((funders))), I'm ok with sacrificing white washing if it means we'll lose this shit too
Carthage was more or less Tunisians, although they had some Moroccans and Sub-Saharan Africans.
Everybody was black user, before the evil white colonizers invaded their lands and genocided them all.
The true native land of whites is shrouded in mystery. Some say they hail from dark, dank caves deep underground, writhing like maggots or maybe those disgusting translucent fish. Others say they're aliens. Less scientifically-minded ones say they're demons, but that one's pretty ridiculous.
It's been conclusively proven Whiteoids were made in a laboratory on Cyprus by the evil sorcerer scientist Yakub
Carthage was founded by Phoenicians as a mediterranean colony and trading port. They were semites.
what was our intended purpose?
they integrated locals into their society
though what was local back then should be a bit different from what is local now given the phoenician, roman, vandal, arab and ottoman invasions
>There's a historical account of one Ethiopian soldier in the Roman legions at Hadrian's Wall
Source? Sounds like an interesting story. Like that one nignog that somehow wound up in Japan.
>what was our intended purpose?
To be generally evil
Reminder that a number of political figures, including the deputy chair of the DNC, literally believe this
They were founded by Phoenicians but they brought a lot of local people into their society, not to mention many of the mercenaries they recruited ended up becoming part of Carthage's society.
This too.
>what was our intended purpose?
We were trying to create better hockey players
>mfw watching Yea Forums incels arguing about history.
Actual /his/toric here and you should all start from reading "european history: ancient greece" and stop behaving like morons.
Will reading it get me laid so I can stop being an incel?
Yes, nothing turns women on like a man who's historically literate
/his/ is shit and full of even bigger fuckwits than Yea Forums or Yea Forums, as tiresome as sneed gets it's nowhere near as bad as pregant anne frank autistry
If Yakub just wanted to be evil and make black people suffer, why didn't he just quickly invent AIDS or drive chickens to extinction instead of wasting 10,000 years breeding a race that would build hospitals and cure diseases?
Well pardon us Mr. City-Slicker-With-A-College-Degree
>they actually believe this
What is that even supposed to mean? Ancient Rome wasn't 100% white or med, nigs were obviously part of Rome too, though history channels exaggerate their place in society i.e not literally being common military personell or government workers
There isn't, he made it up
You got it wrong, spartans were.
check last woke casting here
There is. In the Historia Augusta, Septimius Severus sees an Ethiopian soldier at Hadrian's Wall.
>in Britain, at a time when he had not only proved victorious but had concluded a perpetual peace, just as he was wondering what omen would present itself, an Ethiopian soldier, who was famous among buffoons and always a notable jester, met him with a garland of cypress-boughs. 5 And when Severus in a rage ordered that the man be removed from his sight, troubled as he was by the man's ominous colour and the ominous nature of the garland
Basically the guy's weirdly dark skin creeped him out
Historia Augusta, ‘Septimius Severus’, 22.4-5
Post murum apud vallum visum in Brittannia… volvens animo quid ominis sibi occurreret, Aethiops quidam e numero militari, clarae inter scurras famae et celebratorum semper iocorum, cum corona e cupressu facta eidem occurrit. quem cum ille iratus removeri ab oculis praecepisset, et coloris eius tactus omine et coronae, dixisse ille dicitur ioci causa: Totum fuisti, totum vicisti, iam deus esto victor.
I spent about a month on /his/ a while back and it was the worst board on the site. There are a couple big retarded autistic personalities that simply shitpost their obsession constantly and derail every conversation. They probably know less history than Yea Forums does. It's like Yea Forums for history. The nature of historical narrative and the board leads every thread into "console war" type shit, which you'd only see in "Marvel vs DC" threads here. But there it's the entire board. One guy is descended from Spanish conquistadors, the other is descended from Aztecs. So then it's PC vs Mac/Sony vs Nintendo but even worse because they can never switch sides due to genes and there is no benefit to switching/admitting how shitty your ancestors were. An endless, pointless console war.
Technically, after Caracalla's edict there were basically hundreds of thousands of black roman citizens.
True, but you know damn well that's not the argument they're trying to make. It's very similar to the we wuz kangz narrative. It's not enough to say "this empire had black citizens", it has to be "the ruling class was black, entirely black, anything else is a white racist lie".
>nignog LARPing with blue eyes pretending to be a viKANG
Alright that's kinda funny/cute.
Based Severus
Well its true, the middle ages in europe weren't 100% white caucasian, anyone believing this seriously braindead but on the contrary that also doesn't mean it was super diverse
>not a heathen soulless hell, funded by the pangeaistic egyptian sultan
There should be erected a series of protective fortifications and garissoned with menne of battle all along the Danube and Elbe.
>reading (((history))) books
no thanks
Tiberius Blacchus
>duuuuuude like there was this one negro that walked around and everyone gawked at him for being such a freak-looking weirdo just because of his race and skin color. That means the middle ages were hella diverse and portraying Europe as white is just nazi fantasy!
Fuckhead. Do you also think that sub-saharan African jungles had whites regularly walking around? In the Age of Discovery they literally brought blacks back and put them in zoos because they thought they were so bizarre/exotic/foreign/savage/inhuman, and this continued through the 19th century. Now you want to say that back in the medieval period, with far less intercontinental mobility and oceanic trade, that it was normal to see non-whites? They couldn't even typically survive due to disease transfer. Some black guy straight outta the Congo casually walking into London would get hit with all sorts of diseases and keel over in short order. And vice versa, whitey traders didn't like going into the interior because they'd get all sorts of nasty jungle shit and parasites and die.
the same thing is happening to Japan with some nigger samurai named yasuke whose main strength was that he was dark and big af (compared to puny nip men) so all his enemies were too scared to fight him
It's so fucking ironic isn't it... every other race in the world (other than Africans) like to picture themselves as white; Latin Cartoons from Central and South America almost always have main characters that are Castizo; Anime characters usually have Caucasian features.
Hell, even when it comes to makeup most other races are always trying to be US - Asians like to whiten their skin and pinkify their nipples; mestizo and light skinned black women always try to put their pictures in those bright filters that make them look more white; not to mention most black women straighten out their hair to look less 'ratchet', less black...
.....meanwhile in white countries we like to picture our main characters and our ancestors as some other brown race, our sons and daughters like to get those nigger-tier tans that make them look like they sat in the grill for too long (ala Arianna Grande)
Why are we so ashamed of our natural aesthetic superiority?
That was kinda interesting tho.
>our sons and daughters
Um swarthy... London's population was always 25% white.
>meanwhile in white countries we like to picture our main characters and our ancestors as some other brown race, our sons and daughters like to get those nigger-tier tans that make them look like they sat in the grill for too long (ala Arianna Grande)
No, we don't. Maybe you do and you have some issues to work through.
>Reminder that a number of political figures, including the deputy chair of the DNC, literally believe this
for anyone who isn't aware, this comic was made by the (state funded) BBC as an educational video for young children - it featured black characters at every role of Roman society
there's no social engineering going on though, and it's just inane /pol/ rambling
This. Stop noticing patterns and have sex, incels.
>it featured black characters at every role of Roman society
There are only 3 black people (2 are half white) in the entire episode, what the fuck are you talking about?
Anyone who really thinks romans looked like niggs or arabs is retarded
>That means the middle ages were hella diverse and portraying Europe as white is just nazi fantasy!
That poster literally said it wasn’t diverse you retarded fuck.
>featured black characters at every role of Roman society
Laughable but even better than that it featured a BLACK CELT. In blue warpaint. LMAO.
hahah wtf
That's unironically what they want to imply. There's been an insane historical movement to claim concepts of race never existed before the American slave trade.
It was in Patmos
why are underage phoneposting twitter niggers so afraid of writing FUCK
>Like that one nignog that somehow wound up in Japan.
You mean this guy?
stop redditspacing
Why are Bongs so obsessed with making King Arthur's knights black?
This too.
Only one of those nig arthur projects is a British production
>what is this trying to tell me?
that they wuz everythang
You see user, mass thirdworld immigration to Europe has created a population with no loyalty to their new home countries. The west's establishment (this happens in every European country, it's just the Brits have the only globally relevant media) have decided that the way to make them feel more loyalty is to revise history to be more inclusive. Hopefully if they see lots of brown faces in historical "documentaries" they will feel more commonality with the country and be less likely to blow up a nightclub.
>Basically the guy's weirdly dark skin creeped him out
So blacks were so rare even an Emperor from North Africa was freaked out by his appearance
>hahah wtf
The producers decided that it would be too problematic to darken a white actor's skin (even though it would be more historically realistic), so instead they just gave an African blue contact lenses.
It's pretty fucking weird that the only /pol/ left on Yea Forums is actually all off of /pol/ now. /pol/ is literally just various federal agents and nation state shills now.
>unlike the right
Am I mistaken or are these all Fayum portraits?
the pendulum will swing the other way...I hope
the best one is the cheddar man, they got that his eye colour was blue but couldn't get any evidence for his skin tone either way, so they now say he was dark brown because "well you can't prove he WASN'T either :^)", and fuck it i guess he was black enough when they pulled him out
if dey wuz colonizers surely they have to pay themselves reparations?
das raycis wytboi. now gibs me dat
Even funnier is Cheddar man's ethnic group were genocided by the next wave of immigrants.
In all honesty, a bunch of proud white men are literally unstoppable so I see why all of the other races/homos are afraid of them.