Chappelle's New Skit

I've been boycotting Netflix for being pure cuckery and cringe for a couple years now, but pic related was pretty good. It was still a bit left leaning for my tastes, but it wasn't retarded cuckery.

If people on the right get Netflix accounts again, will they recover from their wokeness more?

Attached: get redpilled get rich.png (1127x990, 974K)

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based virtue signaling op

No. Pirate this special. If you want to throw Dave a few bucks for suport, buy one of his other movies/specials/ or shows on itunes or some shit

>It was still a bit left leaning for my tastes
literally how

>literally how

"the only difference between a poor black person and a poor white person is the poor white person thinks it should be happening to somebody else"

He makes his little jabs about that here and there. Shit like that.

Here’s what Chapelle’s latest special really is: Overhyped by the SJW based boy crowd and the anti SJW MAGA fag crowd... boring as fuck by 2004 comedy standards (of which Chapelle’s sketch comedy show was ironically was a standard setter). Due to the political environment utterly shit state of comedy in 2019, mediocre comedy is now seen as top tier. All in all: Not great, not terrible.

Entire section in the middle about how every wh*teboi should be screened before they're allowed a gun

Yeah, agreed. It's seen as top tier because most "comedy" is just straight up left wing political propaganda.

Alright im not trying to be that guy, but isn't he kind of right? Im pro trump, pro gun and also white and that section was kind of funny. Closing yourself off from criticism kills comedy. You have to be able to laugh at the absurdities even if they are aimed at you.

I forgot, every joke on the expense of whites is leftism. But everything else is fair game and not political. You can joke about poos, niggers, nips, whatever you want, and it's just bants, but if you joke about whites it's leftism

>complaining about Chappelle's politics
>using the term "cuckery" not once but twice
Jesus you /pol/tards are such faggots. Kill yourself OP.

>I forgot, every joke on the expense of whites is leftism

At this point, yes. Attacking whites, men, and straights has been so overstressed by the media that doing it is automatically not funny. It is cringe. "Come up with a new target" is unironically the correct answer to any anti-white or anti-male shit for the next ten or so years.

the lack of self-awareness never ceases to amaze me

>Im pro trump
This board is dead.

>lack of self-awareness

What "lack of self-awareness"? I know what you're going for -- that if I can dish it out, I should be able to take it -- but it requires context denial of the last decade or so. The last decade or so was extremely one-sided in the racial and sexual regard and it has blunted my interest in more "humor" targeting my race or sex.

That's not a me problem. That's a society/media problem. As said above, thinking this is a me problem requires massive context denial; I have no obligation, intellectual or otherwise, to pretend that the last decade didn't take place when considering how good a topical comedy special is.

I'm not the OP, the point I was trying to make (and admittedly didn't do a very good job of) is that everybody threw a bitchfit about "alphabet people" yet are absolutely fine with white kid designated shooter jokes. That said, I found there to be some personally cringey moments which feel less like Chappelle and more like producers ordering him to be less harsh on minorities (saying men need to stay out of abortion conversations, treating Ts with kid gloves in the car ride segment). Chappelle in my opinion can call every white person on Earth a closet Hitler supporter training their kids in armed uprising as long as he then goes on to talk about autogynephiliac trannies who make no attempt whatsoever to pass. Being able to both upset and entertain the entire crowd at some point or another is a good talent to have and we need more of it rather than psuedo pundits like Ben Shapiro or TYT who treat everything with condescension.

Why do you guys care? Youre not white anyways.

The thing about the nu-Chappelle discourse is that you realize he was right in thinking people were laughing for the wrong reasons. So many dumb honkies on Yea Forums reference his old stuff as if he was actually making fun of minorities and not the white-media perception of them. Some people are literally too retarded for satire, even when skits like Black Bush, Jury Selection, or I Know Black People fucking spoon-feed you the point.

Fuck off, shlomo

>all this butthurt because the OP said he liked Chappelle in spite of him being a bit left wing

Man, grow up

>saying men need to stay out of abortion conversations
you can't be this fucking retarded

It just reveals that OP is an idiot who has never watched Chappelle before. And that the Trump-era young right wing are flocking to any celebrity deemed controversial so they can co-opt them as one of their own. It's so transparent it's embarrassing.

He says the opposite when it comes to abortion. He thinks its wrong to abort and thinks that if the woman is allowed to abort then he should be allowed to abandon it.

>It just reveals that OP is an idiot who has never watched Chappelle before

OP here. I watched the Chappelle's Show original run. I always felt he was funny in spite of him being left wing. Fuck off, you NPC-ass nigga

>Left leaning

Lmao what even is conservative media other then constantly screaming about liberals

>The last decade or so was extremely one-sided in the racial and sexual regard and it has blunted my interest in more "humor" targeting my race or sex.
Yeah no shit when all you consume is cherry-picked garbage fed to you by /pol/. Bill Burr was probably the biggest rising comedy star in the last decade and dude did nothing but take massive dumps on women. The fact is everything's fair game until someone triggers you and you play the victim, just like leftniggers do. Jesus christ I hate americans

Bill Burr married a black woman who genetically cucked him.

>you NPC-ass nigga
Lol I wonder why you enjoy Chappelle so much? If only the basic psychological principle were apparent in your post. Press Ctrl+H for me and tell me how often pops up chief.

noticed about all of his specials its good but only because everything else is shit. I still enjoyed but its not even half as good as the chappelle show,
It's less thought provoking honestly

I don't like Chappelle 2.0

>le black are too smart for anyone else to understand them poster
>and they also came from space
>and built atlantis
>wakanda was real too

Damn, slow down a bit.

how is this relevant at all?

It was hella left. Heaps of cringe. And the nigger audience ate it up. Standing up to clap whenever he said something anti-white. Litterally cringe. That being said, couple funny lines in there about gays.

This is just sad man. Reflect on your life.

Cry more faggot

And you should take a good look at your fanboyism. It's not at a healthy level.

So upsetting to confront that your sole ideology is racism, huh?

Honestly the thing that stood out the most to me about this special was how he didn't mention Trump once the entire time

You guys sound really insecure. I hope you get a girlfriend and have sex.

Blacks never got that style of humor either though

Bill Burr also takes massive shits on whites and steers all racist elements squarely in the white peope are evil lane.

look in a mirror first

Damn this is a fucking retarded take. Why do you think his 99% black studio audience would stand and applaud after the most issue-centric skits, you enormous dumbass?

You realize the inverse of that statement is that I do not have a single ideology, right? Like, you're complimenting me with that retort. Damn you honkies dumb as hell.

>lose the argument


99% black studio audience?
What the FUCK are you talking about you moron?
Are you insinuating his studio audience for Chappelles Show was 99% black?

That's a very clever comeback. I'm glad you called us incels now I see the light. I laughed very hard and now I understand your viewpoint. Thank you

You guys do know stand up comedy sucks, has always sucked, and will always suck? Complete bottom of the barrel shlock.
Yes, even your epic enlightened cynics like George Carlin and Bill Hicks.


How does it end up like that, do blacks just want the tickets more or do they favor giving tickets to blacks.

>You realize the inverse of that statement is that I do not have a single ideology, right? Like, you're complimenting me with that retort. Damn you honkies dumb as hell.
No nigga im saying you're a worthless hypocrite, thats not a compliment.

Have sex

>makes fun of and triggers SJW
Haha take a joke don’t get so butthurt haha
>makes fun of whites
Reeeeee cancel him he was never funny reeeeeeeee

Somehow comedy that punches down is better than comedy that punches up to y’all?

/pol/shits need to hurry up and die out

Will we ever get another special on the tier of Rick James?

>uses 'y’all'

That's all I need to know about you.

If your a kike this arguement is your version of a nigger tier chimpout.

>Reeeeee cancel him he was never funny reeeeeeeee

Nobody said he should be cancelled, though. Except leftists.