Plus, Walt Disney was an outspoken antisemite

>Plus, Walt Disney was an outspoken antisemite.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the question no one is willing to answer:

>hate Jews for no reason
>they take over your company and make trillions off your work

Not true btw

He wasn't though, this is all based on one cartoon with a jewish stereotype. Good thing Family Guy doesn't have any of those

Must be a coincidence, don't look into it, goy.

>>Plus, Walt Disney was an outspoken antisneedite

>for no reason

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>no reason

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Seriously, where was Macfarlane getting this?

>*Deoxys noises*

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>no reason

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>no reason

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>I did not care for Ruby and Sapphire

>for no reason

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Idk but he was fucking relentless with it. Family Guy and American Dad both have a bunch of "Disney hated Jews" jokes

better that
>Woods is a twitter troll

>Plus, Walt Disney was an outspoken antisneedposter.

>Disney dies 1966
>a year later this happes
What did they mean by this?

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whats on the ship


You mean the Jews he bows down to.

Dead Americans

Where aren’t there dead americans?

>no reasom
there were reasons

Shut the fuck up, dog. Don’t make me take out the dog whistle, get your ass outside.

Yeah we get, it's you.

This is a good enough excuse for most goys. Truely subhuman.

It's an urban legend, there's no real evidence behind it.

Suggestions it was started because he was the only significant non-Jewish film boss at the time.

>"Wow, Seth, I mean, Brian, tell me more!"
>Said the man character voiced by Seth to the dog character voiced by him

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It was because of a Three Little Pigs cartoon made by Disney with a jewish stereotype character


>implying there's anything wrong with that
He should have disowned his kike-loving kids, though.

>for no reason
based libtard

what's weird is henry ford was an outspoken jew hater, and it gets ignored on the show
he was catholic enough that he wouldn't join the masons and was a member of a german diaspora club

Don't you mean gypsy

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Go fuck yourself dog

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Not true btw

It doesn’t work when your side has all the estronauts. KYS yourself.

>what's weird is henry ford was an outspoken jew hater, and it gets ignored on the show
I wonder if it's because 21st Century Fox and Disney were rivals (up until like a year ago when Disney bought them). Fox executives were fine with Seth taking shots at a rival company, Ford on the other hand is a major advertiser so there's no sense pissing them off.

Some of the Hollywood Jews envied Walt, and resented him not selling his studio to them.

So they branded him an anti-Semite.

>your side

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Seasons 1-5 of Family Guy were based, there were a lot of edgy Jewish stereotypes, celebrity callouts and even holocaust denial jokes. Season 6 and onwards the show was co-opted and lost it's edge. Yes I know that most of the writers were Jewish, it was still funny and self-aware.

>no reason

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