Judeo-Christain demons are not scary

Judeo-Christain demons are not scary.

If they exist that means God is real too. So just pray and go to Church lol.

Same reason it makes no sense for someone to "sell their soul" to Satan. If he even shows up it's more logical to just say "no thanks I'm good senpai" and then become a devout believer in God to get into the heaven that the Devil just inadvertently showed exists.

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Stfu retard. You know less than nothing.

>implying God isn't Satan.

prove me wrong

you can't

Satan is a fallen angel who dislikes god. If you side with based satan he will shower with you with goodies

But only on Earth. It makes more sense to go with God, suffer on Earth, but spend an eternity in Heaven.

eternity of some fucking nothing boring calmness in heaven is worse than eternal suffering in hell.

The view of hell as eternal suffering is actually never mentioned in the bible. So nothing wrong with delighting in earthly pleasures, than spending an eternity in heaven where you have to follow God's dictatorship.

"your" soul isn't yours to sell, it belongs to God

That's pretty selfish of god. Whatever happened to free will?

You don't have a free will, everything is according to God's plan. So your life is meaningless, and you're basically a puppet that has no control of your own destiny.

It only belongs to God if you have taken part in Christian rituals like baptism

satan does hate god, but the way he gets back at god is by fucking with humans, not by making friends with them


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If there were a cunny demon who would shower me with cunny I would worship him in an instant

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Pffff that what god wants you think. Satan is the cool uncle and god is the boring annoying and nagging soccer mom with a strict bed time.

Lucifer rebelled because he hated humans so hardly
also, Satan =/= Lucifer

Hell is just defined as the absence of god by sin

has literal guides on how to summon them

It's not the demon that's scary it's the fucking cult that worships him.

So what even happens if you worship demons/satan?

Does god punish you or does satan let you rule in hell with him?


Nonsense term invented after the Holocaust to try and spin Jewry as having had a bigger role in the development of Western civ than they did, thus fostering acceptance among the goy nations

It's the same mythology.

Jesus was a jew. One more reason to side with satan who was not a jew.

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Go the fuck to bed, Crowley. You were just a 1940s version of Marilyn Manson.

Satan doesn't rule in hell. He rules on Earth until end times then is thrown into a lake of fire to burn for eternity.

Those who sided with him knowing he was satan also go there.

People really fuck up the Christian belief system which is what ever if you don't give a fuck about it any ways but the whole "Satan is cool god is like my dad who wont let me do drugs, fuck that guy!" mentality towards it is a very juvenile and naive look at the Christian doctrine.

>people who don't believe in God, but do believe in demons
What's their fucking problem?

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My cousin is like this. Guy shits all over Religion daily then gets freaked the fuck out watching those shitty ghost shows when they imply what they're dealing with is a demon.

You know, I have to agree, though I've actually never thought about it. Proof of demon existence would just prove christian lore is real so I could wholeheartedly throw my lot in with God. It's really the one barrier anyway. I enjoy theology, church history, the community, etc. I just don't feel moved by faith. When I think about the lord and jesus and such there's just sort of a void. I don't feel "love" or "light" or anything at all.

haha okay this is based... this is deep

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YHWH (Av'vey / Pronounced Yah-Weh in English) is a Canaanite God of War, cast out in Pantheon, similar to the fate of Ares.

His ideals are conquest, hygiene, and pride.

Just like all planal beings, they have a deviance just like all. However, due to the collapse of other egrogres, Jesus (Chrishna) has become the most powerful of egrogres, a replicant of man and if worshipped properly in the most egalitarian of ways, humanity becomes powerful

Since the American Formation of "Judeo-Christianity", Jesus has come second to a God that is not his creater (Jesus references that we are all children of God. God not being YHWH, but the Dreamer.) Jesus is the replicant of Horus, the destroyer of Set (Satan) and took his place on the ethereal plane.

Satan (Saturn) is the egregore Revolution, and Deviance.

The God the Elite worship is Ba'al (Moloch) the egrogre of Domination, Power, and Control.

They also worship the lady Concord (Minerva) who exchanges favors for Luck (The Invisible Scale of Chance).

If you believe in Humanity and Progress, you worship Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Gaia (Egregore of Life), and Thoth (Arbiter of Knowledge). Minerva is useful when you are in a bad state in life, but willing to sacrifice something important in the future.

Every other "God" is a Daemon, some listed in the "72 Demons of Solomon" and some we still worship today.

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He has a good reason to fear demons if he hates God. Hes already got one in him.

I was wondering why some of those ghost shows lean so hard on "omg demon way scarier than a ghost" I guess there's a lot of people like that.

>I don't feel "love" or "light" or anything at all.
That's because it's sll made up.
The whole if ghosts are real then god exists is not a new concept. It's well researched and basically why people like to believe in the supernatural, it makes them think that it's evidence of god and an afterlife..

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thats pretty interesting way to see it actually

Ghosts don't imply there's an afterlife. A large portion of the people who genuinely believe in ghosts don't think they're literally the soul of the departed with an actual intelligence or whatever.

>God and Jesus are made up
Its amazing to me how anyone can get convinced by such a lazy satanic lie.

>muh satanism

>they aren't made up
Its(sic) amazing to me how anyone can get convinced by such a lazy christian lie.

>so just pray and go to church
How stupid are you? Do you really think that demons can't manipulate you, that they can't deceive and tempt you? I would argue that demons are not stupid; they attack where you're vulnerable and least able to defend yourself. Also, they know scripture, so if you're not informed enough, they can influence your behavior through corrupting what you perceive as good actions.

That's what makes demons scary although this movie wasn't scary at all really. Praying and going to church aren't sufficient defenses. You have to clearly understand the difference between good and evil to not be tempted and seduced.

>You have to clearly understand the difference between good and evil to not be tempted
Even Jesus was tempted.

The whole doctrine relies on "everyone who doesn't agree with you is satanic." Not exactly impressive that getting that beat into your head your whole childhood would make you a retard.

Not only that, but in Judaism demons are quite different than in Christianity. It make little sense to conflate them.

(Oh wow I didnt add an apostrophe you sure got me.)
Do you think George Washington is made up too?

The problem was this movie purposely didn't follow the fabric of the reality of good and evil and human nature. This was most absurdly apparent when she throws the book into the fire and her husband sets on fire instead of her. The movie MIGHT have redeemed itself (BIG might though) if after her heartfelt and sincere apology to her husband for everything that had happened, she dies after throwing the book in the fire and essentially sacrifices herself. But the director got his rocks off by the more recent trend in horror films which is 'evil wins'. Again, this goes against the fabric of reality. It simple doesn't. The director probably had extremely conservative Christian parents and upbringing and this film was his way to get back at that. I've seen it happen so much: the people with the most hardcore Christian upbringing are almost always atheist or straight up satanic (usually ironically, though they don't realize that). The movie was vulgar, even for a horror movie, and purposely bends the reality of human nature at will, so as to make the audience be annoyed and feel as uncomfortable as possible. It was a pretty horrible movie all things considered.

You're right to a point, though: the fact that the devil 'exists' in a movie shows God exists, and God is so much more infinitely powerful than the devil that the choice would be obvious between the two. But that's just it: in hereditary there is no God, and this is done, I'm guessing, on purpose. It's proven by the book scene. Once again, a satanist has no idea how God really works or what He really is. The irony, of course, is that a true satanist would be mascarading as a Christian, under the guise of Christianity, since Satan has always been a 'liar from the beggining',lucifers entire goal being to undermine Christianity from the inside. though of course I'm not surprised the director of Hereditary would have no conception of any of these things. That's why 'satanist' churches are so amusing to me

Most hauntings are RSPK syndrome. People who unknowingly tap into the unused parts of the brain and also suffer from some kind of severe paranoia.

>judeo-christian demon

>Also, they know scripture
based beelzebub reading the bible in-between sinner-whipping sessions

I'm not really a firm believer in ghosts exactly but I do believe in the overall phenomenon and that it's more than just people making shit up. RSPK is an interesting topic but I'm not sure how much I buy into that either, plus it's hard to really know since people are so prone to blow smoke up their own ass about being "sensitive."

what nigga
Baal is like the very first demon in the Ars Goetia

Everyone agrees Jesus existed. Even most atheists. As I said- this lie is lazy, but I guess satan doesn't have to try as hard as he used to.

Fuck off I will masturbate to Kali porn anyway
>B- But my god is the best and the right way
Haha but mine is the best waifu, what now, faggot?

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Jews proclaim Jesus is God?

Digimon or Pokemon?

Dogma and mythology aren't the same thing retard.

"Made up" obviously referring to his divinity

He was just a man

God did infinitely more evil than Satan or Lucifer in biblical canon. Hell, Satan's worst "crime" is the original sin where he simply told Eve the truth about the fruit that God put within walking distance, said "never ever eat this mysterious magic fruit" and then God conveniently looked away. Considering there will be a literal seven year war between the armies Satan/Lucifer and the Antichrist vs Jesus armies instead of God just blinking him out of existence, I'd rather be batting for the underdog.
>he ACTUALLY thinks that Satan is the problem and not YHWH/Yaldabaoth, the entity that all the jew overlords worship and invented a sub-religion so as to trick even the goyim into feeding their God

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>if demons/Satan is real lmao just be a good christian
>implying it isn't possible that lucifer was right to defy god

if i might interject for a moment, the concept of 'selling one's soul' is a literal impossibility since all things that exist derive that existence from our Creator, the Lord God Jesus Christ; and by right of being made by Him, belong solely to Him to dispose of as He wishes

aside from that, OP makes a couple of good points that though somewhat rudimentary, could bear further exploration

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based and chaospilled

I read somewhere that Satan actually works for God and just tests people.

lawfags literally incapable of recovering

That's not how free will works.

Anyway, it sucked. I actually ~can~ believe it was received well since we live in pagan satanic mass pop culture society (generally speaking). Disappointed that's the direction horror films have been heading lately but what's to be done? Used to be such a great genre

Time probabky won't exist in heaven. It won't be like it is on earth, bordem, and any other unpleasant things brought about by sin won't exist.

>not spending your life acquiring knowledge so that you may release your divine spark from this mortal curse and spit in the eye of the Demiurge for trapping you here
Fucken plebs.

They can still be scary within that framework. It's a pretty good excuse for a plot where demons go stealth mode so the modern skeptical world can arise. "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing humanity that he doesn't exist" made manifest. In this context, almost everything in the modern culture, from news corps stoking public wrath for ratings, to the glorification of sins in Hollywood, to sidelining and lambasting Christianity, is probably a trap meant to damn as many people as possible while keeping them safely ignorant. A Faustian bargain or possession or actual manifestation here and there is fine because 1) no one else will believe that shit when the victims tell the story and 2) chances are the average person's education in combatting demons amounts to throwing some salt in a circle or holding up a cross.

>movie features religious themes
Dropped my popcorn and walked out of the cinema right then and there


>So just pray and go to Church lol.
Oh sweaty..........

before i point out that by virtue of omnipotence, the only Being who can be said to have full autonomous libertarian freewill is God - thus in contrast to God's Will, man's will is rightly said to be enslaved to both his fallen nature and circumstance - can i just ask; which particular variation of freewill are you talking about ?

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Chanting holy holy holy for eternity surrounded by niggers and spics sounds like the worst kind of nightmare

If you want to be EDGY at least make Sense.
Next time try:
>Implying God isnt worse than Satan

He won’t help you on Earth, you are left to fight alone. How you handle it will determine your afterlife. They’re much more powerful than you unless you are directly protected by God, which you are certainly not.

Wasnt the demon in the movie from Hebrew mythology?

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this, you wear white robes and walk around really slowly, the pace of heaven is very slow

Get baptized.

>Defying something that you Just cant Win.
Dumb satanist poster

You are one stupid motherfucker and you don't have my sympathy

What God? Yahweh, or Jesus?

>eternity of some fucking nothing boring calmness in heaven
Where does the Bible say anything about this?

>also, Satan =/= Lucifer
Just as Hannah Montana =/= Miley


sorry mate, i'm waiting on that dude's answer about which model of freewill he subscribes to, so i don't really have time to go through all the Scripture pointing to Jesus Christ being the Creator God of the Old Testament

but hey, seems like you have internet so you can look this stuff up for yourself if you want to -- a good jumping off point would be a search on 'The Trinity'

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I'm glad I'm not a schizo.



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>tfw Jesus died for Y*W*'s sins
P. bro for a kike

This is not Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox canon. Are you some kind of a heretic?

Absolutely based opinion OP.

>durr Satan is always self evidently Satan
>durr what is temptation? I cant believe why someone might do bad things to get rich or powerful.

What if humanity's inherently selfish nature is the most dangerous factor of it all?

idk man you see satan you shout get behind, that's what grandma said.

Yeah but what if your grandma was on Satan's side?

Selfishness is inherent to all organisms.

It's not inherently good or bad, however.

>christianity is dumb bullshit, who would believe in it
>yeah my entire philosophy literally revolves around a christian diety but its the badass cool one. screw you dad

This is genuinely true
Whenever I'm working night shift at my job and go into old decrepit building and get weird feelings I just think about God being the strongest motherfucker around who won't let anything bad happen to me and the feelings go away.
It could simply be a placebo affect on my brain from years of church conditioning but hell it works.
I like to believe He's watching over me though.

perhaps hell is a cool place and all the other stuff is just propaganda

I can't speak on "Hereditary" since I haven't seen it, but your views on satanism are spot-on. The church is full of people masquerading as Christians who not only don't know Christ, but are active enemies of the Gospel.

sounds pretty kino

All because there exists a police force and many laws, that doesn't prevent idiots from doing stupid, illegal things.

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perhaps you're a narcissistic loser who gets validation by being an adversary of everything. like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

The point of such movies is Jews telling you Christianity can't save you

>eternity of some fucking nothing boring calmness in heaven
>an omnipotent super-deity presents something as paradise
>said super-deity has the ability to do whatever he wants
>apparently paradise sucks, even though the super deity can do anything to make it good

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Jews don't believe in hell

Sup /pol/

They do, but the point is demoralizing Christians.

nah, cute (and by that I mean ironic) persecution complex you have though



>a literal seven year war between the armies Satan/Lucifer and the Antichrist vs Jesus armies
This is inaccurate.
According to the Book of Revelation, there will be a seven-year reign of Satan on earth via the Anti-Christ.
At the end of the seven years, in the Battle of Armageddon, Jesus returns and obliterates the armies of the Anti-Christ.
Satan is bound and imprisoned in the abyss for a millennium, which will mark a millennium of peace on Earth under the rule of Christ.
At the end of the that thousand years, Satan is set free and allowed to tempt and deceive the godly once again. There is one final battle, marking Satan's final defeat. The living and dead face judgment at the throne of Christ.
Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire as eternal punishment.
God obliterates the universe and builds a new, eternal one.

>implying it isn't possible that lucifer was right to defy god
You're not the boss of me now, and you're not so big

>This is not Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox canon. Are you some kind of a heretic?
How is what he said heresy? It lines up with Scripture.

>waiting for a post to have a trip-6 in the post number

They do, for them it's paying taxes, being unable to rape kids or being held account for their actions.


For Jews worshipping God and Devil isn't a contradiction, as they're the same.


Lucifer rebelled because he loved humans and wanted to grant them knowledge.

Based and truthpilled
Cringe kike.

So the only way to endure eternity is with a lobotomy? What's they point in fantasizing about a place you can only enjoy if you aren't you anymore?

>Heaven is a do-nothing harpfest
Citation needed

>if i might interject for a moment, the concept of 'selling one's soul' is a literal impossibility since all things that exist derive that existence from our Creator, the Lord God Jesus Christ; and by right of being made by Him, belong solely to Him to dispose of as He wishes
Then why does a military man's ass belong to Uncle Sam?

No, he was booted out of heaven because he was a narcissistic faggot who fell in love with himself so deeply that he became resentful toward God's position. Humans came long after that. Misery loves company, and the only true tenet of luciferianism/satanism is to be a narcissistic faggot at the end of the day. Lying to others is permitted and encouraged by luciferianism, since the self is all that matters, so don't listen to any of these edgy faggots.

Doesn't matter what it is.
Anything is hell if you slap eternity onto it.

ITT: a few students of the Bible, and a lot of people whose theological ideas are based on pure fallacy and what they saw in Woody Woodpecker cartoons

News flash: God is not a white guy with a long white beard. If you worship that guy, you're worshiping Zeus, a false god

>Anything is hell if you slap eternity onto it.
And you know this, how?

Paimon a gay

Holy fuck this movie really brought out the fucktarded niggers with their idiotic bullshit.

>Anything is hell if you slap eternity onto it.

>I know this from my 19 years of experience being alive

BNR. Judeo-Satanism would be more accurate. Christianity is literally anti-Judaism. “Jews are the enemy of mankind”, “synagogue of Satan” etc etc. They were warning us.

Wait, we're talking about a movie?


You really only need to watch the last 3 minutes

I just watched this movie for the first time like a week ago. I thought it was actually really damn good. I couldn't help laughing for the first hour or so through the movie though, I've become too desensitized to horror.

Fuck the grandma btw.

“Many Jews don’t like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer and we are his chosen people” -Harold Wallace Rosenthal, worked for Senator Javits of NY

Christians don’t hate Jews we just know that some are going to be used by the anti-christ but we still love the people as a whole.

Hate has nothing to do with anything. Acknowledging your eternal enemyand recognizing their intent for humanity, being opposed to the natural order and Logos, doesn’t require hatred.

Righteous is the executioner who weeps for the fallen.

Would y'all fuck Toni Collette? I would but don't know why

based retard

That's why Hereditary is spooky.
Demons do exist, and some old cunt opted to sell out her entire family so she could live like a minor queen in hell and her followers would live like kings on earth.
It's like if you found out one day that you're actually retarded. No GF? No job? It really isn't your fault, you're just retarded. Bouncing back from misery to get a GF? Not possible, you're a retard.
You were locked into a losing hand but you never realized it.

I don't believe that this man went to Hell, and I don't appreciate the use of fearmongering to proselytize. If someone comes to Christ because they were scared, they haven't really come to Christ. A person comes to Christ through being led by the Holy Spirit, and by the Holy Spirit alone.

i'd love being a neet for an eternity

Post verse or gtfo
I want gnostics to leave and take their retarded schizo fanfiction with them

*tips fedora*

What the fuck happened with the casting? Neither of the kids remotely look like the parents. The female is also distractingly hideous and I thought the boy was adopted at first, he looks like a shitskin.

>Christians don’t hate Jews we just know that some are going to be used by the anti-christ
You are saying nothing. A lot of Christians (not just some) are going to be used by the anti-Christ.

Just look at how Christians are so easily deceived. So many believe and proclaim that Donald Trump is a man of God, although there is no evidence of this.
The fruit of the Spirit is:

Yeah, Christians are EASY to deceive.

What about Talos, what's your stance on him?

>Just look at how Christians are so easily deceived. So many believe and proclaim that Donald Trump is a man of God
americans are not christians, they're satanic heretics out of touch with true mother-church(catholic or orthodox), and most males bear the slave mark of their jewish overlords

> t. Richard Dawkins

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Unironically, what if God was the evil one and Satan is just the victim of the greatest propaganda campagin ever?

Like, citizens in North Korea are probably subjected to the same things. Kim Jong Un is the great savior who will bring you salvation while the US/South Korea/Japan/whoever they demonize the most are the ultimate evil who will bring eternal torture and pain

If you side with Satan, he’ll reward you, not punish you

>The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

Notice the complete absence of faith in this movie? The husband's an oh-so-rational psychiatrist drowning himself in pills and booze, convinced that his wife is just crazy. The wife is a brainwashed sleeper-agent cultist, so indoctrinated that she'd rather burn herself alive along with her son than admit the truth, even to herself. Those kids never stood a fucking chance.

This wasn't Heaven vs. Hell. It was secular man versus Hell. Guess who wins.

nice try, the Devil

based and comfy

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so why did God create a tree of knowledge and not want us to eat from it?doesnt he wants us to be smarter?

>Post verse or gtfo
It's not a verse; it's the whole Book of Revelation.


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>Proof of demon existence would just prove christian lore
No it wouldn't, brainlet

fuck off with your esoteric shit

Literally doesnt make any sense

Is this peak christcukery?


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but what if it was some third party? Or maybe cow farts are mild memetic gasses deceiving us with no higher party involved.
Can't be proven to be false after all

What the fuck kind of Prometheus version of the Bible did you read?

it will tho

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It wasn't a tree of knowledge, per se; it was a tree of knowledge of good and evil.
God created man to be innocent. Partaking of the fruit was shedding innocence.

gnostics are genuinely worse than Athiests because they claim to be Christian

Does anyone know how to see Hereditary for free?

and so on

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>What the fuck kind of Prometheus version of the Bible did you read?
Written by Damon Lindelof.
It doesn't have a back cover

What if God IS the demons? Elohim = 72 demons from the Lesser Key of Solomon.

and so forth

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He was arrogant and egotistical while believing he was the center of attention, he got BTFO by Michael and the other angels, cope

he is the KING DEMON

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and his name is 666

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Hell is just heaven for BDSM people. Get saved.

this is the eternal cycle

Has been done to death already

so let me get this straight our original coding was to be pure and innocent and we ate from a tree that added the negative coding that was never intended causing all our current strifes?

Ah, you're a polytheist

Could you be more wrong?
>fabric of the reality of good and evil and human nature
No such thing
>'evil wins'. Again, this goes against the fabric of reality. It simple doesn't
Evil has won multiple times, and will continue. Look at the state of western society and you can say evil doesn't win?
>The director probably had extremely conservative Christian parents and upbringing and this film was his way to get back at that.
Nope, he's a kike. Yet you think evil doesn't win.
>The movie was vulgar,
Yeah it was a horror film, retard.

>unknowingly tap into the unused parts of the brain
>unused parts of the brain
What a retard.

Is this a verse? Genuine question

not that user
The tree and the fruit themselves don't really matter, it was the purposeful disobedience that did
It showed a willful desire to disobey God, and thus live without his goodness

>that comic

Fear of God is the basis of Christianity. Also this man was saved before God gave him the vision.

Based Paladin.

But what if bad guy is the only guy?

Clive Barker pls go

you realize that basically all (((jews))) despise Christians and jesus christ?

Don’t trust anything that isn’t in the KJV Bible

Based. Chistcucks btfo.

imagine being as much of a schizo as this gnostic comic dude

The Tree of Knowledge isn't "literal knowledge" it's more of a conceptual tree, holding ideas. Adam and Eve basically unlocked the concept of "sinning" to humanity

>there will be a seven-year reign of Satan on earth via the Anti-Christ.

Based and sword of God pilled

>full autonomous libertarian freewill is God
So God isn't Good then, you verbose brainlet.


Tree of knowledge of good and evil, Gives the ability to tell between good and evil, obviously. The moral of tha story is that women are incapable of that. See no evil, hear no evil. No, actually, LOVE evil. Eve loves evil.

Hell was created for satan and his fallen angels (not humans) and the only way satan can get you to join him for his upcoming eternal suffering is if you let him be your daddy by listening to his lies.

Repent and turn away from your way of thinking. You really think the father of lies is on your side?

satankeks on suicide watch literally

Heaven is probably like the nexus from star trek: generations

>hell is a cool place
It is, Hel is a frozen wasteland

hell is the frozen throne

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t. demon

>Fear of God is the basis of Christianity
Point one: I was talking about fear of Hell.
Point two: "Fear of God" is a misnomer. What it really is, is awe and reverence for God. Don't believe me? If you fear fire, you avoid it. Does God want us to avoid him?

And by the way, the basis of Christianity is love. Love God, and love others is the summation of God's commandments.

>ameritards reading the apocalypse the literal way


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>Hell is cold bro xD
Revelation 20:14 - And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Revelation 20:15 - And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Matthew 13:50 - And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

I can go on

>taking the ramblings of a refugee living in a cave and tripping on shrooms seriously
why though?

Eve didn't offer the fruit to Adam. She did not receive that name until after The Fall. Before that, there were the man Adam and the woman Adam.

What bible are you reading?

why not?

Sounds incredibly based. Imagine being a slave that worships they're chains.

I see you don't believe me.
Put my words to the test. Look for the name "Eve" in Genesis, and tell me where it first appears.


It's scary when you don't even realize who's a demon

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No, he wants slaves that he can watch suffer. He's akin to a child picking the wings off a fly.

Goetic demons, like Paimon aren't in the bible. They were actually based off of genies and shit, that's why they don't do anything evil.

>thinks the bible is oc and not a reboot written by a hack
>also hasn't read genesis

You are correct, forgive me. I don’t see where her name was Adam though are you defaulting her to that?

>seething slave

was she a demon?

Is God Good?

>I don’t see where her name was Adam though are you defaulting her to that?
Well, that is a point of speculation, I admit. There is no name for her listed, though there is a name for her husband. If they are (literally) of one flesh, wouldn't they also be of one name? At least, until The Fall drove a wedge between them...

Yes and if there is any good in us, it is from him

>Is God Good?
As God is the One who created the universe and all its rules, yes. Everything He does is good, because He is God.


This is an example of the cognitive ability of a christcuck. God wants to be obeyed, and wants to coerce you into doing so by making you fear his wrath.

>book made by jews

Please do, christcucks are funny. Hel is a frozen wastelang, Valhalla is a lovely warm feasting hall.

Because most people on drugs come up with better than that tedious drivel?

Pastor Dave: God is good all the time. And all the time, God is good.

>God wants to be obeyed, and wants to coerce you into doing so by making you fear his wrath.
God wants us to obey, because the the things He tells us to do are the things that will make us more like Him. He created us with the potential to be miniatures of Him. If Adam hadn't made the wrong decision at the beginning, that's what we would be.

Isn’t Valhalla only for noble warriors who have fallen in battle not incels larping as Thor on a Chinese comic website?

Theologylets. Or is it theolets?
So why is there evil?

god can go to hell

God can go anywhere

Free will

9 worlds in total, I'm just trying to keep it simple for the miserable brainlet christcucks.

>Nordics proclaiming a belief in Norse mythology
None of you are warriors anymore, so even if Norse paganism were true, none of you would be going to the great feast/battleground.

>in the end God was as lonely as us and prob had extreme happiness when he made us thinking he would finally have something that could understand him

what if lucifer was a girl? would you want to fuck her?

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Yes, pestilence and natural disasters are caused by freewill. I thoroughly enjoy how stumped christcucks are by the problem of evil and their mewlings when confronted by it.

It wasn't as clear cut as that, but it's good that you're opening your eyes to the truth.

Lucifer is a girl. Didn't you watch my kino?

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Why pretend? satan uses girls and guys as his prostitutes to trap others into lust all the time

>the truth
The majority of my ancestry is African. Even if I wanted to claim Norse beliefs (which I don't), none of it is my birthright.

but what if a daughter of satan falls in love with me?

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do internet people actually bone up to pictures of evil women with bat wings?

Ahh fair one, sad to hear that. What are your ancestral beliefs?

>pestilence and natural disasters are caused by freewill
Sometimes they are.
>smallpox among the American Indians
>Typhoid Mary
>earthquakes linked to fracking
>the complete denuding of Haiti's forests

>Nonsense term invented after the Holocaust to try and spin Jewry as having had a bigger role in the development of Western civ than they did, thus fostering acceptance among the goy nations


Admit that either your slave-master isn't omibenevolent, omnipotent or omniscient and not worthy of worship.

In Proverbs it says she leads you to hell

this desu

movies are not scary because it's fake

shame, they´re pretty hot

Being the descendant of African slaves brought to America, I am not certain of the nations or tribes that were home to my forefathers. However, that is ultimately moot because my truest ancestry is my spiritual ancestry.
In Paul's epistle to the Romans, he explains that, through Christ, I have been grafted into the tree of God's chosen.
That being said, my DNA test, as well as facial features, suggest that I may have some partial Ethiopian roots, and while the Nordics were worshiping Wotan, the Ethiopians had been worshiping the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob for centuries.

The only reason heaven was invented was so good goy serf slaves could serve their masters with a life of back breaking work more easily and have something to "look forward to" after they've wasted their lives. The lowest class of any society always needs a lie as justification to exist.

Epicurus, pls go. It is vanity to presume to understand the mind of God, and it is degenerate to presume to judge Him.

All christianity is Jewish fanfiction. All dead people go straight to Sheol when they die, end of story. Anyone who says Heaven and Hell are part of the mythology is reading fanfiction written or rewritten hundreds, even thousands of years after the fact.

did you actually met god or it´s just a story that mommy told to you when you were a toddler?

same as hell then, more fucked up

African slaves forgiving their Christian slave owners and remaining Christian is one of this nations great miracles

t. Black

Be wary of the DNA tests. It's a shame that your ancestors were physically slaves and you are spiritually. If you are ethiopian consider waaq, I guess?


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>presume to understand the mind of God,
Best to just ignore the bible then. Glad to have helped you shake your shackles of christcukery.

>I know better than God and his Word
>B-but I’m not influenced by satan at all I swear! It certainly isn’t the father of lies stroking my pride!!
Yikes. Repent friends.

I said African slaves (who are dead) not the “WE WUZ KANGz GIV ME DAH MONEY WHITEY” alive today.

Based nigger. Everything should be done to help you find your roots and return you there.

Nigga I’m staying in America the best country this side of Heaven.


Somewhere in the middle.

But don't you want to make it better?

This movie was stupid as fuck

>Satan is your daddy
>America is the best country this side of Heaven
JLP confirmed to be a channer


>If you are ethiopian consider waaq, I guess?
Europe was not the first place that the Gospel went. It was Africa. The Ethiopian Orthodox church was a direct subsidiary of [Egypt's] Coptic church, which was founded less than a decade after Jesus' death/resurrection.
The Ethiopians may have known the true God all along, and Waaq may be just a reflection of Him. No matter whether that's true, I don't need Waaq.

JLP is based but I don’t agree that a born again doesn’t sin

Source: the devil


Fuck off with your made up words, you american shit.


Demons are very real. Being christian doesn't stop them from harassing you, but if you are saved they ultimately become powerless.

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based truthteller

I love listening to JLP's conversations with guests and callers. He has a very high level of emotional intelligence, and that's apparent with the way he can manipulate the stream of discourse and make people look ineffectual. What's really remarkable about him is that he's so funny. His humor is disarming. His beliefs, however, about God, Christianity, and the races, are really wonky.

It doesn't work that way, there's a reason why God values faith and a certain ignorence, once you find out if aint about devout, when you see Priests exercise demons you're looking at a tortured closeted pedophile having a shouting match. When the Priest goes home he still has all the personal oppression and tortured existence of Catholosism or the tortured existence that leads to Catholicism.

You know who has it down, Immigrants. Work. Rutt. Die. Try not to rock the boat, if your children to libby, just smile and nod.


Pretty sure Nietzsche used that term, or something like it in German.

Pagan =/= Judeo-Christian, just because those religions ripped off Paganism doesn’t mean it works the other way around.

If you worship Satan then all you get is awesome parties and orgies with BDSM chicks. Not worth it really, gotta be chaste for Jesus.

>Europe was not the first place that the Gospel wen
Never said it was
>It was Africa.
I would have though palestine, but whatever
>The Ethiopian Orthodox church was a direct subsidiary of [Egypt's] Coptic church, which was founded less than a decade after Jesus' death/resurrection.
>The Ethiopians may have known the true God all along
But just decide, and continue decide to be savages?
>I don't need Waaq.
You certainly seem to need to be a slave and a good goy

What about daemons?

the way they build fear around this is by highlighting the fact that judeo-christian doctrine is so inherently contradictory and the judeo-christian god so vindictive that there is no way to actually save yourself. Your life and your soul is entirely at the mercy of forces completely outside of your control, those forces don't care about you one bit and, in fact, to the extent that they ever might (care about you) it is solely to torment you. Nothing can save you.

Just like real life.
That's why J-C Horror is kino. It's about how you keep being told how to behave in order to save yourself while being confronted with the reality that nothing can save you. And then the movie ends and you realize you're living in it.

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A semen demon

nice, i like cute demon girls

Literally an oxymoron, kill yourself.

In my version of heaven, you become a God of your own universe

I've heard that praying to Jesus will clear your sleep paralysis. Any experiences with this?

Wanting to fuck the devil is a fundamental part of being Christian.

Objective morals exist and yet people still act like shits to their fellow man. Same principle applies with demons/religion

>implying Satan hasn't already won and subverted Christianity and reshaped it to make sinners of us all

True. The hyphen is a chain

The Christian is the shackle

The real demons are the people on earth who abandon God's word and unleash chaos upon us.

Huh. Nice?

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I'd sell my soul for some pussy

>No devil appears with fresh pussy
I guess it's all bullshit.

I've never understood why thirsty betas don't just get a prozzie?

I've done it three times and a gf is always better. Always. They are enthusiastic about it. Prostitute not so much.

None of that is in the book. Its all Yurocuck "Christian" fanfic and misinterpretation of the metaphors of a dead language