Why have the recent Godzilla movies been such flops?
What can they do to bring him back to his former glory?
Why have the recent Godzilla movies been such flops?
Put him in the MCU.
Shin godzilla did well.
Probably because it was a good movie. Unlike the majority of the manchild numale shit toho has shit out after the original.
They brought him back to glory in the new film. No one went to see it.
Hot take: no one but japs and man children care about giant monsters.
watched Shin the other day after Yea Forums couldnt stop sucking its dick and I was pretty disappointed
True adults watch disney movies
They don't understand that people only care about the monsters and the defense forces fighting the monsters, not some dumb human drama shit that has nothing to do with the monsters.
Literal söyboy manchild.
The movies are good for giant monster movie standards but the genre isn't anything the public wants to see anymore.
But Godzilla has always been like that since the first movie.
Every single godzilla movie has human characters that we follow with drama shit
Godzilla isn't about giant monsters. Godzilla is about dudes in cheap rubber suits with big imaginations making dreams a reality in the best way that they can. In a modern era of CGI where you can do anything with a computer, Godzilla has no place. Just watch the old movies and enjoy them. We're lucky to have gotten what we got in the first place, no need to ask for more, especially when there will never be more.
>make movie about big monsters
>big monsters take up 0.5% of the screentime
That's basically every Godzilla movie that has ever existed.
But it is true. giant monster movies are by design so idiotic, that stuffing too much drama in them just throws the off the whack.
there's a big difference between the east and west in terms of dramatic movies (which original godzillla was. we got a cut version that was more action/destruction orientated).
the new one tried to be artistic and didn't show much of godzilla. we as the audience saw godzilla poster and we wanted godzilla. but we got some bs movie about some cardboard cutout soldier wanting to get back with his family. the guy was completely unlikable.
the king of the monsters was what the first movie should have been. right now we could have been on our 3rd godzilla movie. we could of had:
godzilla king of monsters
godzilla vs kong
godzilla vs mechagodzilla
and probably hollywood announcing a fourth un-named godzilla movie for 2020.
t. didn't see KOTM
We’ve seen cities getting destroyed in films for the past 20 years. The Marvel movies have done it about 5 times in the last decade.
kys redditnigger
Boring-ass premise
>hurr muh kaijukino
It's a fucking brainless monster flick, always has been, on par with capeshit
I'll agree of the human stuff being boring af but Goji was based so who cares, can't wait to see him fight Kong
Because "HURR DURR BIG MONSTER DESTROYS STUFF" is not a very interesting premise
It depends on the drama though.
it would be better if it followed some underlying theme with the monster attack or something but it just seems like pointless tacked on bullshit
There was nothing wrong with the last movie, except maybe that kid that can't act. That retarded smirk when Godzilla came easily drops the movie by one point.
So why does it work with capeshit?
Shin Godzilla
Captain marvel strapon fucks chink monster