This show is amazing

This show is amazing.
I want 10 more seasons and like 4 spinoffs.

Attached: CarnivalRow.png (1920x1080, 2.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:

is this harry potter or what?

It's a very well realised, if a little grim and grimy, pre-WW1 style world. A cross between Dishonoured and Ripper Street. The two lead planks are a little bit better than they usually are in their films/shows. Things are looking pretty good.

You could be disappointed that they're not making the Critch more than just humans-with-funny-bits-glued-on, but maybe that'll change when they get a bit more comfortable with the fantasy aspects.

Industrial era fantasy world.
There's a new world of fairies and such, and it takes place in !NotLondon.
A lot of different fey creatures end up being indentured servants there. Here's a pic of a fairy brothel.

Attached: CarnivalRow2.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

Yeah fuck fantasyshit

>You could be disappointed that they're not making the Critch more than just humans-with-funny-bits-glued-on
Yeah argueably a bit lazy, but not really lazier than most scifi aliens.
The kobolds are the only ones who really were not like that I think.

You would love The Dark Crystal

>cara delevigne
Dropped right there

It was renewed for a 2nd season. Cara is cute.

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I never cared much for her. Thought she looked so skinny and odd, but she's perfect as a fairy.

what about the number of non-whites? this is the only thing which matters nowdays in european based fantasy worlds adaptations

>all fae lore has been pretty good so far, if not for the gritty realistic feeling
>all the names for fae words and lands are proper and right
>all of a sudden nigger fae
>based on old gaelic lore which were the children of what was called "Pale Gods"
>muh raysis
They were going so fucking well for a second. Everything was pretty damn perfect and then they had to force in this political bullshit.

I'm so tired of this bullshit

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It's in industrial colonial fantasy so it's fine.

Peaky Blinders is a thing, dumbfuck

I love her. She is a bit too thin these days.

This show made me want to racemix with afro-fawns

Mag Mor fey probably, easily adds up

>all the names for fae words and lands are proper and right
Reference real world fae mythology or related languages isn't really necessary for the internal consistency of the world

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good show
I liked the world more than I liked the characters desu

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>human sized faeries

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>human sized

I liked it. Has potential.
Although Cara's "tits" made me want to vomit.

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>seventh century
>fairies have a ca 700 years old manuscript about a human coming over and making a halfbreed
>that halfbreed went back searching for his fathers human homeland
inb4 the jesus equivalent is half fae

>that pic
what show/film?

>that horrible mono-tone cgi

Where the fuck is the boiler for this?

I can't remember where I got it but it's just some guy who does fantasy photography

oh thanks
I thought it was from a Ben Whishaw film I haven't seen yet

Imagine if they went with actual actors for their leads

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>actual actors for their leads
The fuck are you talking about?

In case you didn't notice everyone who posts k-pop shit makes absolutely retarded posts that barely qualify as on topic so they have an excuse to fawn over some soulless gook copying American pop music.

>actual actors
>posts a soulless insect
What did he mean by this?

>so it's fine

Attached: wrong.gif (400x198, 2.12M)

>I'm so tired of this bullshit
Same here user.

Is this show actually worth watching? I got to the fourth episode and while the detective subplot and historical war stuff was interesting enough, the romance and brother and sister plot lines were excruciating boring and and the primary narrative didn't seem to be going anywhere. Does it get better later on or should I forget about it?

You should. Shit gets real in 5th episode.

>muh immigrants caused by our meddling in the middle (fae) east
>diversity everywhere
>anti immigrants are dirty racists
This show was transparently political theater with shitty writing.

any nudity this?

Cara Delevigne.
It might make you wanna throw up tho.
And a few others.

>It might make you wanna throw up tho.

>read the summary

post it

> force in this political bullshit.
Did you guys seriously not notice that the entire setting is a extremely thinly veiled analogy for the refugee crisis and that the refugees are all hard done by good boys while the natives are ignorant, hateful and privileged. Hell there's literally a refugee doctor who has to work as a butcher because 'muh prejudice'.

Her tits make her look like a tranny with a bad boobjob.

two pairs of fey tits iirc
one good pair, one cara pair

maybe some human tits too, not sure if her nips were shown

I don't have it on my phone, sorry.
Maybe some other user will be kind/cruel enough.

best actress of her generation

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From that pic and description I'd recommend you read this OP

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You know, it's actually possible to like Kpop without acting like an obessed incel chinsect. Theoretically, anyway.

Mieville has very interesting ideas for world building, but his prose is extremely pretentious and dull and he really can't tell stories.

But I don't like kpop.

>extremely pretentious
Know how I know you don't know what pretentious means?

All evidence suggests otherwise


Yeah, I know.
Actual faeries would have been better.

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>kpop shit

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His prose reads like he owns a bookshelf full of thesauruses and feels clunky and disjointed for it, he's ramming in the $10 words simply to have them there, without regard for the flow of the words.
If you can't understand why that's pretentious, his books are probably too smart for you anyway.

First epsidoe didn't do much for me. I like the world so I'll probably finish it eventually, but the dialogue is bad enough I won't be able to watch more than an episode at a time.

How would Legolas fuck such a small creature?

Because kpop idols constantly need to act like they don't hate their lives and aren't being exploited/abused regularly by an evil and creatively bankrupt industry

I wish we'd seen more of the war.
Steampunk warfare looks interesting.

Zeppelins and the mass barbed wires in trees were pretty cool

I wish we'd seen the Basilisk


Hopefully in the next season


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> A growing population of mythological immigrant creatures struggles to coexist with humans after the creatures' exotic homelands are invaded by the empires of man. The creatures are forbidden to live, love or fly with freedom

Oh wow, such a subtle metaphor. Let me guess, the fairies are nice and the men are bad, evil, and dumb?

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Worse than that, they're racist.

so it is "muh racism" but with fairies?


>Let me guess, the fairies are nice and the men are bad, evil, and dumb?
There are bad/evil fae and humans.
Smartest people have been generally shown to be humans, with one exception.

Couldn't make it past every 5th person being black and there being black parliament members. For it's flaws at least GoT didn't diversity wash everything and the non whites were explained to be from different regions.

They do talk about the parallels of the dark skinned humans who arrived earlier before the fey, and how they were once shunned like them, but were eventually accepted into burgher society.



A man of culture.

Those thighs would be absolutely wasted if she was too small to sit on your face

Pic related is the only Mieville book you should be reading if you're old enough to post on this site.

PS I'm a retard

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Not if she could sit on your dick instead


If Meville made you feel this inferior never read Gene Wolfe friendo

Going to catch this after I finish Dresden Files

Brah they're both fantasy writers, basically YA tier. Might as well be stanning John Green.

I just finished it today. I thought it was pretty good, but could have been better. Hoping they improve it for season 2.

made it to episode 4 and quit because of shitty romance plot between legolas and cara

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>read this complaint
>check out a synopsis of the show
>"A growing population of mythological immigrant creatures struggles to coexist with humans after the creatures' exotic homelands are invaded by the empires of man."
What is it about /pol/ that necessitates having a room temperature IQ?

Kpop is the most souless shit in the world and all the girls have mountains of plastic surgery so they look hapa as fuck.
What kind of dance is that?


There was somewhat of a similar show called Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell which was set during the Napoleonic wars, and where magic was real.

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I really liked that show. Strange reminded me of an Asha'man using rolling ring of earth and fire in that scene

It's Discworld without the humor. Or, more accurately, one of the later Discworld novels about the City Watch, without the humor. Or the charme. Or the likeable characters.

>without the humor.
>Or the charme. Or the likeable characters.

why is fairy so big?
are the people just small?

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So the protagonist can fuck a fairy without it being weird.

On a tangent, I was having a chat the other day and we were trying to think of dumb wizards. Only came up with Rincewind and Skeeve. Any other dumb wizards that you know of?

There's no such thing as too small, user

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Various characters from Harry Potter, I guess. Crabbe and Goyle, Gilderoy Lockhart, could probably think of more from that series if I had some time.


This looks like it’s targeted for women aka Harry Potter fans

shit show
takes zero risks

That's good. Didn't even consider Harry Potter.

Oh look more Jewzos propaganda

Sounds like New Crobuzon

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I was a little surprised that the show wasn't based on some fantasy novel series, but was an original script, been laying around since 2005 though:

fey tits

I wish I could unsee Cara's tits.
I'm scarred for life now.

is there any fey dick?

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What series?

Carnival Row


Please tell me if this has forced interracial garbage or political nonsense? I just want a comfy fantasy series.

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No u
That thing is a certified tranny

>no source material to corrupt
>still complain about politics you don't like or interracial relationships
Why don't you fuck off?

I skimmed through the 1st ep

>marry sue fairy with epic ninja bullet dodging skills
>drowns in shipwreck, but somehow still alive
>black pipo everywhere always the wisest in the room
>white pipo bad
>muh immigrants
>tons of lame tv tropes that already didnt work in the 90s
>muh epic ultra brutal violence out of nowhere scenes ("we want the anime audience")
>Legolas got old af
>CGI looks decent, but every non-CGI scene looks empty and cheap

>no source material to corrupt he says when its all based on old folklore
>has name
>is retarded
Checks out

You're not helping you cuck faggot. Either answer the question with yes or no if not shut your fucking mouth

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>Burghishmen seem to follow som religion centered around the Martyr, sounds like a Jesus figure
>their calendar is in the 7th century, likely based on the Martyr like ours is based on Jesus
>700 years ago the first human came to the fae continent
>he stayed a while, had a child, and then tried sailing hope
>his son went looking for him later
The Martyr = Isen
The Martyr = Isens halfblood son

or it's a coincidence

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Yea the world seemed somewhat interesting. The characters were meh. The sheer amount of nigs is high though. Why would the various fae such diversity? Wings are too small to allow flight no matter how fast they beat them. I could've sworn they said something like pix had hollow bones or lighter ones but that makes no sense. The half blood and others like cara wouldn't be able to handle an actual human female let alone a male in CQC nor lift them. They would get demolished. Bloom holding his one came off as fake. Pucks seem odd. No clue why they exist as the horns seem pointless not to mention the feet and gait. They don't run fast or do anything special. They even have human hair which is hilarious. Why are their eyes the same as a human one anyways? Makes no sense. The whole war over their island or land was okay I guess. I don't understand why the Pact is bad and the Burgue good. They both don't care for the inhabitants. Why would they escape the Pact control to the Burgue? I saw no evidence of bad treatment from the Pact yet Burgue you're second class. They lost to the pact handily anyways why would you want to head to such a weak nation/city anyways? Werewolf curse thing was odd. Pact knows how to force a transformation via syringe apparently. Burgue clueless and useless on that one too. What is the point of that anyways when the werewolves are killed so easily with rifles or a pistol? Why did those three guys transform? I saw nothing that gave them an advantage. They could've sniped them or attacked via airship. Makes no sense.

Fuck that book. You thought furries were disgusting? Psychos that fuck giant grasshoppers are worse. Purge everything.

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>the gayest, whitest hands typed this post

>I saw no evidence of bad treatment from the Pact
They did wire that entire forest so fae would get caught in them
in the opening scene

I dropped it the second I realized early on that they were going to black Tamzin Merchant's character with the niggerest looking nigger they could find. Pic related

Attached: carnival-row-david-gyasi.jpg (646x431, 57K)

>They did wire that entire forest so fae would get caught in them
>in the opening scene
They did apparently but you can walk under it and you could still fly through it. It wasn't a tight mesh or anything and literally posed no danger. Hard to believe there were bodies on it at all and not taking parts of it down even if it was effective at all. The Burgue troops at the pix castle talk about other fae or rather pact fae. Common sense here it would be exactly like the indian wars here in the USA. There would be tribes aligned with the French/USA/Bongs. The whole pretense of searching the castle at the start is to look for enemy fae. This doesn't mean the pact are bad. If anything via the show the burgue are the "evil" humans in this story.

>This growing immigrant population struggles to coexist with humans in the grimiest section of the city -- forbidden to live, love, or fly with freedom. But even in darkness, hope lives, as a human detective, Rycroft Philostrate, and a refugee faerie named Vignette Stonemoss rekindle a dangerous affair despite an increasingly intolerant society
They don't even try to hide it, brainwashing against whites its even on fairy tales now.

Oh and not to mention cara strangling a werewolf while flying with her hollow bones and lighter mass with such wires in place. Dozens of fae running towards a cliff underneath the wires.

>and you could still fly through it. It wasn't a tight mesh or anything and literally posed no danger. Hard to believe there were bodies on it at all and not taking parts of it down even if it was effective at all.
It clearly worked, since they were forced to run under it and it was filled with corpses. A human sized body could go through the gaps, but not one with wings protruding out the back
The effective it ought to have been is besides the point though, since it's bad treatment from the pact in the very first scene of the show.

This fucking sucks. Is new content going to be like this now?

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Fisher Price.

Did it really work though? Cara was able to fly just fine and perform her acrobatics. What is the point of stringing that stuff up in a forest anyways? If anything they will prefer clearings where there are no obstacles even branches. It's not as if it was a population center or warehouse to process pix fae. It was the middle of nowhere. They have baby pix and children. The gaps were quite large. It's not evidence of anything bad from the pact since that tribe of pix was aligned with burgue who were the enemy. It doesn't make the pact some evil force or villain. The next scene after the forest is literally burgue turning them into slaves lmao.

He of course as if right on cue turned the evil white woman to his side and made her crave his black ram. It's as if a baby wrote the show.

I didn't mind it.

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>Did it really work though?
Yes it did.
You saw corpses in the net, that means it worked.
You saw people running instead of flying straight up above the trees where they would've had an easier time to escape.
One person doing an acrobatic wing boosted jump below the net, doesn't mean that the net didn't work.
> What is the point of stringing that stuff up in a forest anyways?
To ground the fae.

>It doesn't make the pact some evil force or villain
This is not the issue.
>I saw no evidence of bad treatment from the Pact
This is.
Hunting and shooting at fae = bad treatment.
trapping their flight paths with fire = bad treatment
There's no discussion here.

There's plenty of discussion about who's in the wrong. Indians who fought for the english were the same savages who fought the americans and even french. They were the enemy until not. Nothing bad about it. Those fae were on the losing side. There is no evidence they were treated worse under pact if they were allies.

>There's plenty of discussion about who's in the wrong.
No, you are, that's it.
Doesn't matter how many goalposts you try to move.

That shitty, overwrought, purple-prose addicted fucktard has never written a single decent thing in his entire life.