

Why do all of these supposedly "adult" animays have these childish cringeworthy moments?

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> "adult" animays
You've been lied to

i love how people post this shit on Yea Forums because they know that Yea Forums actually has moderation that deletes them relatively quickly. Of course, this is the key to advance shitposting on Yea Forums.


Yea Forums is one of the worst boards

That’s literally what drunk Japs do in the bar after work.

what is the evangelion of tv shows?

What adult animays are you talking about?

Yea Forums isn't?

Heurr in Japan, we drinku the yebis after wark.

Because anime is produced by perverted anti-social weirdos

Evangelion was aired in the after-school slot, by the way. It was a show for kids and adolescents.

It's more enjoyable


Because a lot of "adults" are just overgrown children

Evangelion. Because it's a TV show.

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All adults are overgrown children.

what's wrong with yebis?
it's a perfectly cromulant brand of 100% malt something

it's the recognition of the spectral wholeness of human experience and the stark duality of man's mind and actions laid bare.
you wouldn't undersand. it's an advanced anime concept.

Fuck off

But NGE is meant for children

NGE isn't an adult anime, it's made for 14 year olds that have never consumed any media with good writing before. It's the Alchemist of anime

I'm more of a Yebichu fan

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The mascot pet penguin didn't clue you into the fact that Evangelion was a kids show?

Dont you mean "molt"

Why does everyone shit up Eva threads with braindead "arguments" like this? And even if the writing isn't 100% all the time, you may want to consider other reasons people may like the show (art style, direction, editing, or even just finding the characters interesting).
Since you won't tell us why NGE has bad writing, or won't even give examples of "good writing" im just going to tell you to fuck off

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I didn't say NGE has bad writing, it has decent writing that gets massively overrated because most fans experience it as the first meaningful piece of media they've ever seen


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Nothing special about that. Anime and manga meant for children often have a lot of violence

Hunter x Hunter is literally targeted at kids and has pretty much the same level of gore

not him but the show is dark as shit bruh
not even talking about the gore, talking about the themes

Dragon Ball and Pokemon have two different levels of violence

Japanese children aren't as coddled.

Hunter x Hunter has an author that can get away with almost anything.

This scene is a better argument for it being an adult show then any of the gore or psedo philosophy.

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Okay, that's a fair point
I still think the direction and some of the editing makes it stand out, but I could see why one belives it to be overrated. Especillly with the "Eva is an intellectual and deep show" meme making those expectations even higher

>the themes

Yeah, waifus and big scary monsters, how deep.

>tasteful sex scene, in a series aimed at teens
Have you seen Skins?

Children's media sometimes deals with dark themes. They're just portrayed in a way so even children can understand them


If there's no full frontal nudity, it's not an adult anime.

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there's nothing to discuss in Yea Forums aside from what your dick reacts to

Pen-Pen did nothing wrong.
And then for some reason there's a tie-in lingerie line for this show.

Post anime with actual adult themes
>an endless stream of depressed 20-something salarymen get fucked with by a maniacal corporate figure, who seemingly can never be beaten or escaped from

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Yea Forums is full of faggots and yet still less gay than Yea Forums

I dunno who's idea it was to let Hideaki Anno be allowed in a classroom let alone a school but that guy must know...

at least here people have actual taste



Anime is designed to get you to buy merchandise. It has no artistic value.

like clockwork

You can make money and have artistic value. Only Commies think otherwise.

In Eva's case it's a motif that's progressively broken down over the course of the series, we come to realise that Misato isn't drinking because she enjoys it.

>this little moment ruined the whole anime
grow up, kiddo

weak bait

Tough break to the nips that Ren and Stimpy did Eva before it even existed

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>glok glok glok glok SLAM poh-FWAAAAHHHH

Japs literally do this. They're crazy. Everything is a ritual.


>Everything is a ritual
As it should be

"Cringe" doesn't mean anything. It's filler that you insert into a post when you have no idea what you're saying.

Most anime is late night anime.

No it isn't.

It didn't become popular until it was re-aired in a late night timeslot.

Anime merchandise is a bogeyman invented by Americans who are for some reason still deeply traumatized by 80s toy cartoons. Merchandise is almost always a by-product of anime, and is not the sole source of revenue. If anime has no artistic value then nothing can have artistic value.

>comes into a thread without knowing the reference
>can't be bothered to type a complete sentence
It must be the weekend.

read manga if you want the closest thing to pure vision but most manga suck also

Just because it's actually a good show and can appeal to adults, doesn't mean it's not for kids.

>It didn't become popular until it was re-aired in a late night timeslot.
South Park airs in a late night time slot and it's main audience was always middle and high school kids

I honestly don't understand the argument of a thing being designed to "sell toys". All that says to me is the thing is good or interesting enough to compel people to buy a part of it. That's bad? Those new Star Wars movies sure aren't selling toys. Must have loads of artistic integrity.

This. It's for horny teenagers who think it's soo deep

It isn't a children's show. It was aired at the wrong time and didn't become popular until it was aired late.

Late night anime is not aimed at children. Children are not expected to watch TV at night. Children's anime airs during the day hours.

Horny teenagers are a bogeyman.

You realize that the whole point of Evangelion is the message that people need to stop being childish and learn to connect with other people as adults, right? Even many of the adult characters are showed as being stunted in their development.

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I don't mind the writing. I think it is okay, but nothing brilliant about any parts of it. I cannot understand the everlasting hype, not even the waifus. Rei is fucking autistic, and the other one is a rude af bitch.

Evangelion is not an adult anime in any way. It literally aired on a children's anime block.

Yeah. It's for adolescents.
>the world is scary and confusing, and I just want to destroy it all, but I must pull through
I wonder who feels like this. Not every teenager ever, surely.

>just posting the still

Attached: Eva Unit 03 Really Loses Its Head.webm (960x720, 593K)

That’s the point.
>not even the waifu’s
Ironically the only board that waifufags more than Yea Forums is Yea Forums

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God damn the direction in the last few episodes was so fucking kino

all of the girls in NGE are designed to appeal to mentally broken people but turn off normalfags

As already pointed out, it didn't become popular until it was re-aired in a late timeslot.

>Hunter x Hunter is literally targeted at kids
Its current arc is literally a psychological war on a boat with barely any fighting at all.

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You mean anime? Some of it is good some isn't. Do you know how art works?

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But then it was moved to to the midnight block, with is exclusively for adults because kids aren't supposed to be up at that time, hence the uptick in gruesome imagery and somber tone

>in the last few episodes
You mean the whole series?

That’s funny on a lot of levels for Hiatus x Hiatus

>Its current arc is literally published in a magazine for children (when Togashi bothers to stop playing DQ long enough to shit out a chapter)

Why westerner's so afraid of being genuine and a bit cheesy? They're always trying to be too self-aware, sarcastic and hip.

and HxH ,in both the 1999 anime and 2011, was eventually moved to the midnight block as well.

>"adults animays"
It's literally a young boys show. Your entire thread is null and void of any point.

Fuck you didn’t read rest of post

Again, it didn't become popular until it was re-aired in a late timeslot.

Most shonen don't criticize on the main character's philosophy and then drop him entirely.

They let him do what he wants, the magazine doesn't affect the content because he owns the IP and it make a lot of money for them the times he decides to slide into work.

all shonen are published in shonen magazines though

>TV-14 is adult

>14 year olds aren't adults

all this proves is that it appeals to kids who stay up late watching tv instead of kids who go to bed on time

I always chuckle at people who think this is deep and mature but dislike "capeshit". In terms of dialogue, characterization, visuals, emotions, themes, movies like infinity war and Endgame blow this shit out of the water.

Don't worry bruh, when you reach twenty-something you'll realize its just midschool emo whining with tiddies and butts to keep you interested

>In terms of dialogue, characterization, visuals, emotions, themes, movies like infinity war and Endgame blow this shit out of the water
Bad bait

>Why do all of these supposedly "adult" animays have these childish cringeworthy moments?

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Really makes you think

>Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence.

Don't do that. Mad Men is also TV-14 but is without a doubt a show for adults. But then again, that's mainly because it doesn't have the objectionable content to justify the MA rating. If it were on HBO like it was supposed to, then it would for sure have the rating.

Hmm never thought of that, could be. I found them all fucking repelling aside from the blond programmer lady

Pretentious film snobs aren't mature. Sorry I had to be the one to tell you.

It's still for kids though. Doesn't mean it's not good. You're the one inferring that.

Yea Forums is an elitist circle jerk. Even without the mods it’d still be a shit hole. Despite how fucking bloated TV can get it’s allot more fun than Yea Forums

Oh, now you're pretending to be stupid. I hear that's the best way to win any argument.

If there's a movie where people sit in a room arguing philosophy for three hours and it has a PG rating, does it mean it's a children's movie?

No, it appealed mainly to adults and older teenagers.

Yeah. Did you know that a bicycle has 2 wheels also? Makes you think too...

It proves the kids weren't watching it, that's why it moved to a later block to accommodate its larger adult demographic. Face it, Japan intended for children but re-considered it for adults when the content shifted

When did I say it was for kids, and therefore it was bad?

How do I get qt drunken Misato gf?

C.S Lewis didn't see star wars fans and capeshitters. It's fine to enjoy childish things but there comes a point where it becomes an obsession and you have people thinking childish shit which is often simplistic and shallow is just as good as other mature and complex works.

Again, it didn't get popular until it was re-aired in a late timeslot.

Rei is for weak willed pussies who want a girl that'll agree with anything they say
Asuka is for femdom losers
Misato is for manchildren who wish they got /ss/'d because they can't attract someone their own age

Yea Forums is 50% spics posting about shounen manga and 50% jerking off to every seasonal show. You have no idea what you're talking about. Them telling you to kill yourself because you asked "IS THERE ANY SHOW LIKE LE DUB LE COWBOY BEBOOP IT SO EPIC XD" doesn't make it "elitist"

>14 year olds can't stay up late
I routinely stayed up til the early hours watching Adult Swim at that age

Anime is still better western cartoons by a fucking giga mile.

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>Asuka is for femdom losers
Asuka is for men who like a challenge and an energetic fuck.


Oh, right, the quote doesn't apply anymore because he lived in the past, which is GOOD, not the present, which is BAD

Type like an adult faggot.

coping femdom loser detected

I like Evangelion, but the cultural differences are so stark that it's baffling to watch sometimes.

So, you were among the minority that watched past midnight among the larger audience of college students/dropouts to 30 year old men and women.
Not enough of percentage of viewers

By your logic, every show is for children because children can stay up late and may watch any show. Likewise, children can watch any movie. I for example watched Aliens when I was little, which makes Aliens a children's movie.

On the contrary Yea Forums at least discusses stuff that the board was meant to discuss. Even shonen shit seems to have genuine discussion.

Here we have culture wars bullshit, company wars bullshit which reduces to discussions to RT ratings and box-office numbers.

You know what I am actually glad anime reviews aren't present a lot in Rotten Tomatoes and MAL is considered shite

I think most shows starring 14 year olds, explicitly dealing with the kinds of struggles 14 years olds face, trying to understand and find their place in the world, is probably a show for 14 year olds.
It's still good. It doesn't fucking matter.

Eva is for adults please have sex

>Even shonen shit seems to have genuine discussion.
90% of shonen threads are Yea Forums tier shit flinging and people reposting memes from tumblr and twitter, the only shonen series that get decent threads are Dr. Stone and some times HxH

>Asuka is for femdom losers
>Not realizing all of that is a facade and inside shes a fragile weak person desperate for affection and just begging to be dominated
Enjoy that lifetime membership to the virginity club my lad.


Yea Forums is worse, always some irl drama about the faggot actors, spooning over how cute child actors are, and political shit everywhere. Yea Forums is in the same land of garbage as /pol/ and Yea Forums, all three boards even use the same buzzwords

it's there for a juxtaposition against the kino
so you appreciate the kino

Either you don't understand english properly or a moron. I made no arguments regarding time periods. The first line was a joke about how Lewis wouldn't have said that if he had met man children like Star wars fans and capeshitters. Men who take "enjoying" childish things to another level and make it a part of their identity.

>the cultural differences are so stark that it's baffling to watch sometimes
The fuck do you mean? Eva is pretty westernized.

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There are loads of seinen manga that are about middle or high school students. It's a Western idea that the viewer and characters must share the same age, sex and race.

Or Shinji, since she was willing to fuck him in EoE.

how is that different from Yea Forums

It's explicitly about dealing with pubescent angst though.

Evangelion is for kids, you brainlet. It's got child-tier writing and "tons of fanservice."

>in EoE

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>and "tons of fanservice."
>being this clueless

Did she fuck the penguin?

>Some codemonkey slob wokedplaining capeshit to a taxicab driver

Anima Yell is about girls doing cheerleading in high school. It's still a seinen manga.

Again, it did not become popular until was re-aired in a late timeslot. Fanservice is not a children's thing.

So it's for teenagers. Kids.

Pen Pen ain't falling for a human hoe

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>Imagine being Shinji and turning down really the only girl in the series who understands you.
Jesus, this kid's autism is fucking off the charts.

Teenager means people aged 13 to 19. 18 year olds are adults in most societies. There's also no material difference between a 19 and 20 year old.

Fanservice is made for teens and consumed by kids who want to seem more mature. Fanservice is inherently childish.

It so clearly is. Doesn't matter if you like it, I watch a loads of cartoons, and enjoy them. My parents started telling me off for liking cartoons from ~10, hoping I'd grow out of them. Nope! Still great. Not NGE (it's okay I guess, nothing spectacular for me), but if it's your thing, go for it. Doesn't make it an adult show though.

He too busy chekin out 14 yo boi erections

There's big difference between a 13 year old and 19 year old.

thank you senator sanders it all makes sense now!

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Fanservice is not specifically for teens and there isn't anything childish about it. You are just trying to attack it because you don't like it by attempting to associate it with teenagers and children, because in Western society teenagers and children are demonized.


This is not a good argument. There were plenty of compelling reasons mentioned before why it is more of a teen show. Just read user

Neon Genesis is established as a basic mecha anime in the beginning to make it all the more surreal when shit gets heavy. Similar to what Lynch did for Twin Peaks. The anime tropes of the different characters end up being addressed later in the show and movies when the characters experience ego death.

You're the one bringing your hangups about maturity into this. It can be a show aimed at adolescents and also be good, which it is.


Again, teenagers includes 18 and 19 year old and there is no material difference between 19 and 20 year olds.

>You're the one bringing your hangups about maturity into this.
No, that's what you're doing. You are projecting.

Just le curazzzy nips


user stop.being a fag. I'm not even that into it and still know the anime was written episode by episode. They had no idea where they wanted to take it, it was just going to be a mecha anime. The ending was supposed to be another angel from the moon or some shit and boom. Nothing is on purpose in that show - I have some respect for how it came out despite it being written on the fly, but dont be retarded.


>You are just trying to attack it because you don't like it by attempting to associate it with teenagers and children, because in Western society teenagers and children are demonized
No. No hangups here.

Depends on the anime.

I was not talking about myself.


because they are not adult, try something like lain, texhnolyze or lotgh

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R-right? It is for adults! 20 is adult, so if it is aimed at 13-19, i-it is for adults!!!

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Dr Misato? I'm CIA.

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This is simply the effect it captured, wether intended that way or not. The surprise of it getting progressively more out there when it started very grounded made it all the more better for me.


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If anime is bad then everything is bad.

I never said it's aimed at 13-19 year olds, and 18 year olds are normally considered adults. You can't change the definition of adult just to suit your current argument.

It's aimed at 14 year olds, specifically.


>Horny teenagers are a bogeyman.
You realise you just said this on Yea Forums

none of that is adult and no anime or manga in Japan is produced for adults short of hentai.

>the only girl in the series who understands you
She didn't really understand him, maybe just a little. She just knew he was feeling down and the only way she could reassure a man was to offer him sexual gratification.


Maybe I was just too old for it when I watched it. There wasn't a translation to my mother's tongue, so I saw a lot of things only when my English became somewhat decent

That's Japanese everything, but anime especially. They have hysterical difficulty with tonal consistency for some reason, I never understood why.

What does that have to do with anything?

Seinen manga is 16+. Josei manga is largely for adult women. The majority of anime is late night anime.

The fact that America does animation in a certain way does not magically mean that Japan must do its animation in the same way.

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Are you stupid there these shows are clearly intended for a demographic that is 18 and above

judging by his interactions with kaoru he obviously had the gays

>he saved my gif
You're a based user

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18-19 is still an idiot. Less so than a 14 yo (who the show is aimed at as mention quajillion times) but as I said earlier: feel free to enjoy it! I love cartoons, and even though the last airbender or over the garden walls are definitely kids shows, I will always love them. You do you, don't let anons make you feel bad

T. Someone who has never seen a basic mecha anime

dam thats hot if i was shinji i would have busted my 14 year old nut in her eyes

You cannot start changing the definition of adulthood just because it currently happens to suit your agenda.

>Yea Forums is an elitist circle jerk.
No longer

Except the midnight block exists in Japan, just like Adult Swim exist and both blocks are exclusively for adults. Johnny staying up past his bed time doesn't count.


No. Most anime is late night, and anime doesn't operate by the same rules as American animation.

>Asuka is for men who like a challenge and an energetic fuck.
Asuka would literally jump right at Kaji's dick, he is only challenging to Shinji tier betas.

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>watch Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop
>like them well enough
>download Ghost In The Shell
>have it sitting there for about 3 years; can't get through a single episode
>download Psycho Pass and Steins;Gate
>can't get into them either
>download Violet Evergarden
>it's the most melodramatic and sappy thing I've ever watched but it's got cute girls in it
Seriously, how do I into anime? The stories are all B-Tier in terms of Western Live Action shows and the only thing they have going for them is the art in modern Animes at least.

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What, now the legal definition counts? Doood legal adulthood and biological adulthood are different things. Your brain is developing until about 24. So how am I changing the definition? Just cause you are allowed to drink doesn't mean youve grown up. Again: enjoy your anime, im not telking you again your argument is shit

>because in Western society teenagers and children are demonized
No, I don't care about that. It's fine to enjoy children's media, but pretending that it's for adults is what's wrong. Fanservice is inherently childish.


You know which show was great? Samurai jack! I loved the fanservice there with the new/finishing season. Such a great show..


Samurai Champloo is by the guys who did Bebop and it's a similar vibe in a lot of ways. I like Space Dandy a lot, but if you're more into plot driven things rather than visually driven things you won't like it.

Try attack on titan and death note

>No Satoshi Kon
You fucked up user

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>when you scoff at Misato's lifestyle when you're 14, but you end up the same way
Just need a job I'm severely underqualified for.

... Nana? And the other one with the model girl and butterflies where she runs aways cause she was a shit student and embarrassed, and some dude knocks her up and her life is ruined even more? Still young adult but I mean.. grounded and scary cause its realistic

>>have it sitting there for about 3 years; can't get through a single episode
So you downloded Stand Alone Complex? Start with the 1995 movie.
Watch ABecore (Lain, Haibane Renmei and Texhnolyze), Utena, and Legend of the Galactic Heroes. That should be a good enough introduction to deepfag anime.

This, Samurai Champloo is kino. You may also enjoy Trigun.

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Laughing Salesman
Don't listen to him

I don't know how you managed to conclude that something has a B-tier story when you only watch a couple of episodes if even that. You also shouldn't be watching with English dubs (if that's what you were doing).

18 year olds are adults in the West, and there is no such thing as biological adulthood. You are just temporarily redefining adulthood because it temporarily suits your anti-anime agenda. Although I'm not sure where you are even going with this since it's not like the audience for anime maxes out at 19 years. Or 24.

Fanservice isn't childish and isn't meant for children. You are trying to force the connection because children are demonized in Western culture. You do this because you have no real arguments.

Rewatching the series, Misato reminded me of an ex. (And not just because she once suggested cosplaying as Misato.) Sadly the fucked up relationship part seemed too familiar.

Actually, heh, I also got a Misato figure in front of me. I saw t a local comic shop last week. I need to put it with my other Eva figs that are still packed away.

the show it´s aimed at teenagers but doesn´t treat the targeted audience as drooling retards, like for example south park does

Hehe.. no, do listen to me. Try them, if you dont likethem, you just stop watching. Also the studio ghibli movies are amazing.

>Only watched 24 on that list
I need more time. Just... A little more...

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Yea Forums can be actually fun

How do you justify them playing safe daytime shows from the same kiddie channel sometimes? oh right your full of shit.

south park is right tho :D i was sort of a drooling reetard, that's why it made me laugh. True things are funny.

That was a pretty good gif. I saved it too.

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Which was the best one you watched?

You've probably watched all the actual good ones then. there's a lot of crap on that list. Start watching the good shit from post 2011

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>Samurai Champloo
I don't like magic stuff. I only downloaded what I downloaded because they fall under the sci-fi genres.
>Space Dandy
Uh, it looks... Weird.
Tried the former, didn't like it. The latter's got magic shit.
Uh, yeah, I don't have that much time to waste. Or any interest to get into anime. I just want to get through those few shows since they're Cyberpunk and I like the artstyle.
>I don't know how you managed to conclude that something has a B-tier story when you only watch a couple of episodes if even that.
The dialogue seems straight out of a bargain bin 90s comic book. I feel as if I'm watching Sons Of Anarchy/Peaky Blinders at all times. As for Subs/Dubs, I go with whatever sounds better. Sometimes the Jap voices are far too irritating.
So he's a space cowboy/hitman or something?

Probably Millenium Actress, i think it's my favorite Satoshi Kon.


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neon genesis is a shounen

What are you talking about?

>I don't like magic stuff.
It's not about magic.

>The dialogue seems straight out of a bargain bin 90s comic book.
Putting aside the questionable idea that a Japanese series' dialogue is written like a 90s American comic book, how did this allow you to conclude that, say, Steins;Gate has a lackluster story?

>As for Subs/Dubs, I go with whatever sounds better.
Subs are always better and more accurate.

>So he's a space cowboy/hitman or something?
He is some kind of Space-Lucky Luke on a shitty desert planet where humanity is stranded.
Also two women from a company assurance are following him because he seems to bring catastrophe with him.
There is also this nigger.

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None of that negates what I said, try again.

i still feel like that now and i know im not the only one

moved to a seinen magazine

>Samurai Champloo
>I don't like magic stuff.
u wot
The show is about 2 guys and a girl who hate each other but still fuck around during the Edo period, there's no magic involved.

funny sounds like it did weeb. sad.

capeshitters nerver will be

No, what you are saying didn't make sense. Are you suggesting they are playing Pokemon on the same slot?

What level are you?
>Angels are the good guys
>Misato is Adam's pilot
>Lance of Longinus = FAR
>Yui is the antagonist
>Mass Production Evas = Shinji's classmates

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t. moron and zoomer

That's some garbage ass shit you got there. Let me help out

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Absolute kino

Much better.

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does yu yu hakusho/inuyasha magically become for adults with the blood censored? lel

why do people think she wanted to fuck him?

>le fun

kys redditor

>being this clueless
You're not gonna make it

>tfw saw 3 hidden gems
I did it lads
I'm a big anime boy now

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explain quantum rei then

>Seriously, how do I into anime?
I's like asking how do I get into books/movies?
Just try different things until you understand what you like and what you don't

>the anime was written episode by episode
Wrong. Anno rewrote a lot of it, but you're still wrong.

YYH did have some risque content around the end of its run, I don't know what you are arguing

solid ground there bro.

why is shin chan seinen

Literally this. Don't ever fall for the "deep and mature themed" anime meme.

Don't ever fall for the "deep and mature themed" live action meme.

>Absolute Terror Field = Autism

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So is courage the cowardly dog a deep show meant for adults?

Because it gets darker and darker slowly, and to make that difference more noticeable, there are these comedic relief moments on the beginning on the show. Even then, it’s like 2 minutes worth of those moments so why are you so bothered?

Is something automatically immature and for children because it was animated instead of shot on a camera? If so, why?

The core argument didn't change, the midnight block in Japan is still for an older audience. If YYH moved to that block you have to tell me when and why


Why do redditors think acting oblivious then replying enough times is a defense?

t.probably Autistic

Why do redditors think that they can pretend to be oldfags by calling others redditors and projecting their own insecurities?

Wtf are you talking about? Also the Evangelion manga is an adaptation of the show and not the other way around.

my alcoholic fatso older sister acts like a little toddler compared to this anime lady tbqh

You realize that Wilson is supposed to be a sociopathic asshole, right? He's an unreliable narrator and you need to take anything he says with a grain of salt.

>iffff I just drag my feet long enough.

Should be mononoke

Literally the cringiest shit in anime is 10x more adult then modern western "entertainment."
This isn't even an opinion. I used to hate weebshit but western entertainment has gone to shit so badly nip cartoons became infinitely better by comparison.

Whoa, it's almost as if characters can have different personality traits.

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Yes, but most anime adaptations are basically 30 minutes long ads

This is a myth.

No, not really. Few cases like NGE or Super are the other way around

Don't adults in Japan grow out of Anime as they age? If that's not proof that Anime is meant for children I don't know what is.

They aren't advertisements.

No, they don't. They may lose interest, but they can't grow out of it. Anime is not meant for children.

It does. Watch the tv ending.

>If that's not proof that Anime is meant for children I don't know what is.
modern western entertainment in general

Yes, they are. And I said adaptations not all anime, you maroon

Most adults grow out of media in general beyond a conversation piece

12 examples of anime kinography

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Yui is best girl

>tfw anime is the last place to find 2d animation
>have to deal with EEEEHHHHHH and cringe comedy

Anime adaptation of manga etc. are made by anime studios and dedicated anime personnel, not by advertising agencies and not by the publishers themselves. The anime do not exist for the sole purpose of drumming up interest in the source material. The publisher may not even have initiated the adaptation.

Don't watch comedies then?

>it doesn't treat it's audience like drooling reta-

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Is that Belladonna of Sadness in the top right corner? Because it's interesting visually speaking, but it runs pretty fucking thin story-wise.

Can we have an Eva thread without a fucking discussion about anime?

Yeah its Mononoke. Great animation.

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i swear every anime has to find some way to feature schrodinger's cat or the seven deadly sins

whats eva about?

As a rule you cannot have any thread about a particular anime without it also becoming an argument about anime as a whole. This is also true outside Yea Forums.

It's not like we could talk about anime on Yea Forums.

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Except when it follows the source material almost to the letter and resorts to using filler when there isn't enough material to go on. Were it entirely it's own independent entity, then the source would have been used as a the foundation, not the driving force. Also authors like Toriyama and Isayama have offered their input to the anime staff.

No, they don't. Anime is a staple of Japanese entertainment and there are stories for almost all age gaps.

You havn't done much in Japan have you?

>resorts to using filler when there isn't enough material to go on.
Only super long running series like One Piece do that shit though.

that's how you know the creators are learn-ed men and women

ping pong and logh are the only 2 good anime japan has ever produced

And now you are posting Angel's Egg. Gotta say I am starting to like your taste. How did you like Mushishi?

Being hyperbolic is only ever reductive.

>Except when it follows the source material almost to the letter and resorts to using filler when there isn't enough material to go on.
This applies to a miniscule number of shows.

Anime is mainstream in Japan and is indeed made for all age groups.

I don't understand why weebs are so autistic about this stuff, if you want anime to be treated like a serious artform, you need to understand how serious artforms are discussed. Let's start with some harsh truths:

> The show is obviously not written in one go. The first four episodes are a conclusive arc, then there's a two-episode-story for Rei, then the story quickly changes tone completely into Pokemon-level "Angel of the Week", this lasts for the entire first half of the season.
> Certain episodes clearly just have no budget to them, and several "artistic scenes" are clearly made that way because it was cheap.
> The series occasionally has decent writing and drama when it sows down, but pretty much all Angel scenes are unequivocally boring and same-y
> Several characters don't get their arcs closed, they just kinda dissappear (Kaji, Shinji's two male classmates)
> Several artistic decisions are fucking retarded (the Hallelujah song for instance)
> The show has an extreme problem with exposition, and every character states outright their inner thoughts, leading to consistently really poorly written and unnatural dialogue
> It's not profound in the slightest. It's a show about depression and self resentment, but doesn't say anything with more substance than "try to love love yourself", "it'll get better", "your problem stems from within you", with a more interesting portrayal this could've worked, but again, the characters just explain this stuff out loud in dialogue
> Misato's relationship with Shinji is highly inappropriate, which the show mostly understands up until the end.

it applies to nearly every shonen anime, the demographic which is by far the most popular and profitable.

Yeah, I only lived and studied there for 15 months. I am sure Vice and the Cambodian weaving board provided you with far more expert knowledge on this heavily mystified nation and culture.

I didn't care for it despite how good it is. The first arc was wonderful with the golden sake but afterwards I found myself disinterested in his adventures. Much to the bemusement of most I discuss it with considering I have enjoyed much slower paced animation.

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I am glad you are sure, next time think before you state nonsense.

but is it better than south park?

>The show is obviously not written in one go. The first four episodes are a conclusive arc, then there's a two-episode-story for Rei, then the story quickly changes tone completely into Pokemon-level "Angel of the Week", this lasts for the entire first half of the season.
Why does this necessarily mean that the story wasn't written in one go?

> Certain episodes clearly just have no budget to them
It's a matter of time, not budget.

>several "artistic scenes" are clearly made that way because it was cheap.
Money/time costs are always a factor when making anything and have to be balanced with artistic goals. This is not unique to anime.

> It's not profound in the slightest
Almost nothing really is.

It applies to a small number of shounen anime that are disproportionately popular in the West.

What nonsense did he state?

it's about annos obsession with psilocybin muchrooms

>> The show has an extreme problem with exposition, and every character states outright their inner thoughts, leading to consistently really poorly written and unnatural dialogue
>That scene with those two doctors talking about Asuka's mother's mental illness and how humans make dolls in their image like God does for humans out loud, in the hallway with Asuka standing right in earshot.
pure cringe

He agreed that my knowledge was superior to his, so claiming Japanese people care for anime was refuted. Please read the posts you are responding to.

Japanese people do care for anime. Anime movies in particular are extremely successful there.

That is not true.

Imagine being a grown man defending Anime. Do you think this what your mom envisioned when she was pregnant with you? When she daydreamed about what you might accomplish in your life and what your family might look like, did she picture you defending Anime on a Saturday while your peers are out living their lives?

>It applies to a small number of shounen anime that are disproportionately popular in the West.
It's almost every popular shonen anime. One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Yugioh, Fairy Tail, D. Gray Man etc. You aren't fooling anyone.

Man is not made with purpose he is simply made. You are not a machine with an obligation. You are a human being doing what he pleases. To judge others for doing the same is foolishness.

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And right now Weathering With You is #2 or #1 of the year at the box office.

>Imagine being a grown man defending Anime.
Imagine being a grown man and defending live action.

There are many, many shounen anime, and only a few of them are these big long-running daytime shows.

That source is a lie. You are wrong.

People defended Maus and Watchman the same way because they all recognized the artistic merit, quality of story and resonating themes. Same applies here, it doesn't have to be all of them but you can't say there's not that tries to push the buck

They could atleast get some fucking taste. Comics are so much more than moore's bullshit and holocaust garbage.

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What makes you say that it's a lie?

Because you cannot prove that it is true.

>There are many, many shounen anime, and only a few of them are these big long-running daytime shows.
That's because many, many shonen anime have manga that don't go past 100 chapters, hence is the reason why the anime adaptation would go past 100 episodes.

You haven't given any proof that it's a false source, or any reason to think that it's false.

You can also go through Box Office Mojo and see that year after year there are anime movies at the top:

But the fact remains that only a small minority of shounen anime is comprised of big long-running daytime shows, and even if a shounen manga has a lot of chapters it doesn't automatically mean it's going to be one of those daytime shows.

>> The show is obviously not written in one go. The first four episodes are a conclusive arc, then there's a two-episode-story for Rei, then the story quickly changes tone completely into Pokemon-level "Angel of the Week", this lasts for the entire first half of the season.
Except Hideaki Anno used this pseudo-episodic structure to explore characters and their story and thus wasn’t necessarily written in more than a go

>You haven't given any proof that it's a false source, or any reason to think that it's false.
>You can also go through Box Office Mojo and see that year after year there are anime movies at the top:

Dude, don't bother with him.This is the least effort attempt at trolling I have seen so far. It's so bad and pointless it becomes depressing.

> Certain episodes clearly just have no budget to them, and several "artistic scenes" are clearly made that way because it was cheap.
Doesn’t matter, if they work, they work even with the low budget

> The series occasionally has decent writing and drama when it sows down, but pretty much all Angel scenes are unequivocally boring and same-y
The action might be same-y (doesn’t apply to for example almost every battle Asuka is involved in) and that doesn’t really matter. The focus isn’t if Shinji will defeat or not the robots -in fact, they even skip the action a couple of times-, but how he feels as a human, as a tool, as a warrior and as a kid with a lot of responsibility

> Several characters don't get their arcs closed, they just kinda dissappear (Kaji, Shinji's two male classmates)
The dude that ended up being a pilot has his arc closed, since the point of his character was to be a representation of the village: the moment he realizes that Shinji wasn’t malicious and the fact that his sister had to go to the hospital is a very low price considered to saving the world, his arc is closed. The dude with glasses has too little importance to have a character arc and yes, Kaji’s character arc is never closed since he dies before that happens

> The show has an extreme problem with exposition, and every character states outright their inner thoughts, leading to consistently really poorly written and unnatural dialogue
They are sharing their inner thoughts because THAT’S THE FOCUS. And even then, they aren’t. For example, remember that scene when Asuka kisses Shinji and he was running out of breath? Asuka felt ashamed because she thought Shinji thought the kiss was disgusting, and that’s why she pretended she was disgusted and ran to the bathroom. It’s these subtle details that make the show great and make every rewatch a bless, since you can see everything from a different perspective. This is thanks to the exact bit CONTINUED

I do not need to give proof for someone elses statements.
Those numbers are false, you have no way to prove they are not. You are lying.

>But the fact remains that only a small minority of shounen anime is comprised of big long-running daytime shows, and even if a shounen manga has a lot of chapters it doesn't automatically mean it's going to be one of those daytime shows.
If it's popular enough, it most certainly will. This is a business, first and foremost. Attack on Titan didn't even have to reach a hundred chapters to get an adaptation

It was your statement. You said the site is fake.

>Those numbers are false
Do you have proof that Box Office Mojo is fake or some reason to suspect that it is? What do you think is a reputable source for box office figures in Japan?

>If it's popular enough, it most certainly will.
Uh, yeah, probably. I'm not sure what you are trying to argue here.

>Attack on Titan didn't even have to reach a hundred chapters to get an adaptation
What about it?

Life sucks for short men, doesn't it?


> It's not profound in the slightest. It's a show about depression and self resentment, but doesn't say anything with more substance than "try to love love yourself", "it'll get better", "your problem stems from within you", with a more interesting portrayal this could've worked, but again, the characters just explain this stuff out loud in dialogue
(This one is related with the previous one). Except it does have profound themes. A 14 year old can’t enjoy the existentialist conflict of Shinji Ikari, or the identity crisis of Rei; for example. Every character has similar conflicts and each one of them deals with it in a different way. A show for 14 YO teenagers is Tengen Toppa, because the action is far more explosive and “epic” than in Eva. If kids wanted more anime like Eva, the medium wouldn’t be this shit right now.

The site was not posted by me. Prove the numbers are real.
I wouldn't know.

But it isn't shit right now.

I never said you posted it. Prove the numbers aren't real. Give some reason to suspect the authenticity of the site. Give a site that you think is a valid source.

Prove they are real. You have no way to. If I say they are not real and you cannot prove me wrong it is different then saying they are real. You understand right?
If you ask me to prove I have blonde hair, I can show you and then you agree. But if you say I have brown hair and I say prove it, and you tell me to prove it, well, being a bit silly aren't you?

You haven't given a single reason to doubt the validity of either site. You haven't given a single alternative source that you think is valid. You have no arguments and you concede that you are wrong.

Stop being a dishonest manure pusher. Most popular shonen anime have anime adaptations. Which are used to promote the manga.That fact hasn't changed.

Because you can't prove it? Prove it is real. That is my doubt.

I never said anything about popular shounen manga not having anime adaptation. I don't even know what you are arguing about anymore.

You concede defeat.

No I do not. Prove I am wrong.

You concede defeat.

You concede defeat

You have no argument.