what did the doctor mean by this?
What did the doctor mean by this?
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How would tennant have portrayed this scene?
>dude I picked up a twix packet and an empty can of diet pepsi off of a park bench lmao
>dude I put them in the same normal bin and not a recycling one lmao
>dude fuck litterers lmao
>dude im an eco warrior praise me lmao
seething litterer
I never litter anywhere. I'm public. At a food establishment. I don't even leave glasses on a table when I leave a bar outside.
But you see these faggots all the time thinking they are saving the world when they pick up a milk bottle lid off the floor or something. Just shut the fuck up.
that episode scared the fuck out of me
he's just sick of people shitting up the park
worse, that's how
i live in greater manchester and can confirm it's full of scruffy cunts.
Heaton park is a shithole all the time
littering is one thing, however fly tippers should be hanged
why is he worried about a little litter on the ground when his country is being invaded?
Because the garbage was there before the invasion
Councils shouldn't have made it so fucking difficult to drop things off at tips.
>Why are you down here so much
>I'm a landlord
>don't believe you. Next time bring council tax bills of your properties
>brings them
>you could have got these anywhere. I don't believe you
do you think people like this care about not leaving their shit all over the show
with his teeth and going aaaaaaa-ooooh
Running around autistically waving his hands everywhere before moping about Rose.
this fucking faggot sjw probably voted for pro immigration politicians
It means he hates littering.
A lot of anti-immigration folks will spin this as he's based and redpilled and anti-immigration too, which will make the left eat him up and just brand him as a cooky racist, ruining his potential message of anti-littering.
I say that as someone who is very anti-immigration.
Chris is right. Litterers are fucking bottom-level scum.