Why isn't she in more movies? I thought she was an A lister

Why isn't she in more movies? I thought she was an A lister

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Love&Friendship is her greatest role. Can't prove me wrong.

she's too busy banging young boys and junkies

>A lister
B at best

Can’t act.

she took the bogpill. hate that people still pretend she's hot

not everyone is an incel like you

She's busy being a grandma now

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She would have been the perfect Lara Croft.

Wut the fuck

it's fake

imagine this is your daughter and you impregnate her

>she will never slay your virginity

She is morally repulsive and hasn't been attractive in over a decade.

She's a child molester. And I'm not talking about the blokes she pretends she's dating. I mean she fingerfucked her daughter.

not as morally repulsive as her daughter

Notorious for being very difficult to work with, and very little discernible talent so the juice aint worth the squeeze. The fact that she runs around with boys half her age just the cherry on top.

Her daughter was made to be that way entirely by Beckinsale. She is her mother's creation. I have little doubt when Lily gets older there will be a big revelation of how much her mother fucked her up.

Something disturbing about the family dynamic between her and her daughter.

So Kate is the female slut architect?

Her daughter is going to dentist college or something, but the thing is - the media will always pay her 10x more to be a slut than she could ever hope for to earn in a honest profession. Therefore she is destined to be a whore until she's 30 something; her mother did not give her enough moral fiber to become a good person.

It's more than just "teh media." Her parents are very... liberal with exposing sexual matters to their daughter (well Beckinsale is and Sheen seems enough of a cuck to go along with it)

Kate uses her daughter as bait to bring young men to her home so she can molest them

Interesting. I want to know more.

what this guy is saying
Just something off about the family, getting an incest vibe from it.

a modern Elizabeth Bathory, only that instead of blood she drinks something else.

>dude look I'm with a younger man I'm so young lnao
>dude my management isn't telling paparazzi where I am
>dude I'm not just baiting young druggies to hang out with me then going back to seperate houses

How would I go about buying Kate's underwear?

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That forehead is hideous.

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god imagine being kate's teenage son going through puberty

>mommy why do you want me to pose like this?

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You say that like it's a bad thing

what is that? a knife or something?

piece of fabric like a ribbon

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One of the virgins must’ve got her preggers


Kate as grandma and lilymo and mother, poor kid.

Lily Mo's butt jiggle video was awesome.

who took the picture? this picture brings up so many questions

post it fago

most of the movies she's in these days are mother-daughter sex tapes


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what a trash person

>out of 100?
>out of 10

Can anyone explain what even is life when you look like that? It's like being born with life automatically on easy mode forever. Can these people get grocery's with no wallet and just bat their eyelashes and say oops and walk out with free food?

It's extremely powerful and it works even if you try to resist, like I can't get even stay angry at my girlfriend because she is too pretty. With uglier girls the anger persists.

just be yourself bro

Actually one of the things that make Kate Beckinsale so charming is that she actually has a personality due to not having always been a Stacy. Pic related is what she looked like in the 90s, when she married Michael Sheen.

Attached: Michael Sheen Kate Beckinsale.jpg (634x950, 84K)

i hope for that guy she took his virginity

what a fucking whore

we are reaching levels of based here that should not be possible


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Disgusting. I think it's the fact girls like her talk like this way before they even hit 18. It's embarrassing. Even talking like that at 20 is mongoloid behaviour.

Her mother definately was way too sexual to her and or around her.

Look at that outfit holy shit

That's just short hair effect, she was always extremely attractive. For some reason she peaked around her late 20s/early 30s unlike most people.

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I got a date with a girl from the gym and she talked like this one our first date.
I hadn't had sex in like an year at that time and I still didn't fuck her. Am i the only one who hates that when girl doesn't even know you well?
The girl has to be at least a little bit funny if she acts so slutty when she first meets you.

This. That seems like a haircut she did on purpose to try to fake not being a bombshell. You can tell she's still a 10 though.

Too pretty

Would make those pink haired feminist write poor review

How can i be baited

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Absolutely based, I wish more girls were like this

The movie industry is scared of her effect on the female psyche. At 46 you would expect her to fade graciously, but Kate is saying fuck your expectations and continuous her sexual domination. How long will this go on? Only time will tell, it looks like Kate has no intention of stopping any time soon.

That percent thing showed that she really has a sub-100 IQ. Percent literally means per 100.

I'd have done what you did. She probably still had jizz inside her from a night or so before. Get a classy bird user.

Yes I know thanks, she's obviously kind of dumb, but still cute charming and nice.

Why can't more cuties be this based and nymphopilled?


Attached: lily mo.webm (720x720, 1.08M)

Please make a porno,
Please make a porno,
Please make a porno

checked and based

I have it but it's old and I'm afraid I might get an upload failed followed by an instant ban.

Preferably with that virgin

is this real?

Sexually disinhibited cuties are VERY attractive


Kate is Bogged but hasn't been fucked up by it.

She used to be a 10 before we found out she'd been rubbing baby forskins into her face to stay young.

With a daughter this embarrassing would you want Kate in your movie? She's a fucking liability.

lmao, Sheen looks straight out of Harry Potter world here

Cute ,slutty and dumb-confident. What's not to like?


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honestly meh tits, don't like the protruding shape

>caked in makeup for breakfast


>this is the guy that fucked Kate Beckinsale and Rachel McAdams

She dumped him when she became hot though

looks like my sister's tits

why are you gay

more than likely he dumped her, not the other way around. besides, she was geting old, so he moved on to greener pastures

how do you know, user?

Are you retarded? She became far more attractive than she was before.

>3% out of 10

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Imagine her in thigh highs and that hair.

Fuck that guy.


low iq trash
if she didn't have rich parents, she probably would've been a camwhore

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People always say Lily has Michael’s face but her you can see her and her mol both have that FAS look
Hope Lily gets some surgery done to hit her “peak” mysteriously in her 30s

Zoomers eat sugar cereal for dinner because they can’t cook

Her daughter is the new A-lister

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what a disgusting fucking slut whore, this is why parents used to belt their offspring into discipline and submission

prove it

I wonder if Michael was an absentee father
so you wouldn't take Underworld Kate over the current one? checkmate

>graduated Harvard
top kek

That's 0.3/10 . She is brutal

educated woman

This is a Californication character.

Underworld is exactly when she dumped him, for the Underworld director.

Are all women whores bros

and that's a good thing

Are all men horndogs?

You're damn right they do.

pretty much

She's very pretty.

I hope one day, I could be one of those boys.

Giddamn she's so fucking hot but also has a really low iq face

I've still not met a woman I'd like to hang out with or could kick it with. Girls are bad at damn near anything and only care about attention or doing some dumb shit and fighting. None of them can be trusted because they have no self control.

Hard workers though most of the time.

The father is black btw

Does she fuck him or is it behind a paywall on manyvideos?

>Hard workers though most of the time.
That is a singularly strange area of respect to have towards females because they won't fuck you dude.

Godspeed brother

>don't like the protruding shape
>of a boob
I don't understand

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I think it means he likes them saggy, user

but why?