Is he a genius or a moron?
Is he a genius or a moron?
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he constantly dubbed on gamer cuckboys
The guy cucked German tax system and got away with it. Made hilariously bad videogame flicks but also some pretty based movies like Rampage. Now he's a millionaire with a successful restaurant business. And I bet he shitposts on Yea Forums.
Very based .
Retarded wizard in ze forezt
He's a hack, but smart one. Business wise he's brilliant and managed to make money off terrible movies that did poorly at box office, that's a fucking skill right there.
Artistically it's impossible to determine if it was all part of the plan or he actually is that genuinely retarded, as they constantly flip flop between being so bad it's laughable, to just bad, just flip a coin.
he shot 2 movies, at the same time, with the same sets, which makes more or less the same budged, blood rayne -the 3rd reich, and a parody of it - in blubberella, that's genius.
he also challenged his critics to a boxing match, and beat the shit out of them (while allegedly refusing to fight an amateur boxing critic. I dont know much of the details, thats why i say allegedly)
So yeah, i would say a bit of both
ah shit, forgot to say that after his stunt of how critics are retarded, and just shit on everything, now he does the same thing on a podcast, so that might be moronic, dunno, dont listen to him.
He is a low IQ narcissist, so basically a retard who thinks he is a genius which lead to his ridiculous filmography.
thats a great movie a feminists nightmare
Refusing to fight a guy who is an actual boxer was a good choice. Like he was based enough to challenge his critics for a box match, but also not retarded to fight with a person obviously stronger and more experienced in fighting than him.
except he is not an actual film critic, just a guy shitposting on youtube. That's different.
Literally a Nietzschean Übermensch
>he also challenged his critics to a boxing match, and beat the shit out of them
holy shit Uwe is unironically based
actually based
fuck movie critics
maybe, but he was trying to make a point, and the other guy wasn't a professional, just like uwe (who has some boxing background), he was an amateur
i kind of doubt the 17 year old kid he beat up is a big film critic. Being a film critic today is too easy and accessible, so there is little difference anymore
btw, here's something of a short documentary
Now why would anyone ever accuse him of being a genius? I mean, he's pretty clever, scamming the german funds for the arts like that but a genius, I think not.
Yeah, except the faggot rejected any critics that had any fighting experience like Seanbaby.
He was smart as far procuring money went, but he should have left directing to other people.
Uwe, is that you complementing yourself?
yeah uwe bolle here
genius, he made millions with his schemes regarding taxes and funding german movies
Boll destroyed the video game movie industry and for that he's a genius.