Just got back from watching. Really didn't like how they beat it

Just got back from watching. Really didn't like how they beat it.

If I'm being attacked by a tiger, I can call it a pussy, but that doesn't make it true, nor would it make me less terrified. So how the fuck did that shit work against an eldritch abomination?

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I haven't seen it, but that's how they did it in the book, although it was more about them overcoming their fears and showing it they weren't afraid than just using the words to beat it.

i saw this but not the 1

A tiger is a physical being lacking sentience. It was an alien that fed on fear. They're not entirely comparable. What was up with the shitty acting from the kids in the clubhouse flashback? They weren't flawless in It 1, but they were much better than that scene. The rest of It 2, they were fine. Also, is Richie secretly gay in the book? It's been years since I read it but I don't recall that part.

It certainly didn't feel like overcoming their fears. But even if it was, when people use the phrase overcoming your fear, isn't it not literal? Like someone is scared of heights but decides to 'overcome their fear' and go bungee jumping right? They don't literally no longer feel that fear, they just decide to ignore it and take the jump anyway despite it. But that shit wouldn't work on something that eats literal fear.

For me - that lazy eye just negates everything else that might be scary about the clown.
I don't care about his sharp teeth, his shapeshifting nothing, every damn time I see that lazy eye I chuckle.

Pennywise has a degree of control over fear, but at the end they didn't let fear control them.

>Also, is Richie secretly gay in the book?
No. The actors just have so much chemistry together that they made them canon

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That was dumb, yes, but dumber still were that faggot comedian Richie and Eddie's gay quips.
>stabbed in the face - lol mullets are gay lol
The whole thing stank of post it 1 studio meddling.
Like they added in waaaay too much comedy because people would have said they found the kid's bants kinda funny.
They also pretty much scene for scene re-did the George scene with Vicky. Likely because people responded super well to that one.
Same with the door gag etc.
Generally it was pretty average, and that sucks because despite some flaws I actually quite liked the first one.

Also, what absolute nigger thought it would be a good idea to rag on notSteven's crap endings then just go ahead and use most of the crap ending from the book?

Overcoming fear doesn't (have to) mean not having fear. It can mean having fear but finding the courage to act even though you are afraid.

Damn these li niggas chill as fuck

Oh and the R+E carving? Why was Ritchie a faggot for Eddie now? In the book they didn't really get on.

I agree. This Pennywise just looks goofy and when he tries to look scary, he just looks retarded.

How butthurt do you think /pol/tards were about one of the first things you see in the movie being a gay couple

Shitting on King's inability to write an ending was a nice touch. Having the man himself say the line was even better. I thought the ending to IT was one of his better ones though. Having a mind-duel in a pocket universe seems like a fitting end for a deathless, Lovecraftian monster.

This new Pennywise has to be the scariest movie monster we've seen in years. Literally years. There's two scenes in this teaser that absolutely sent shivers down my spine. First when the Losers club meets up as adults.

The other one is in the basement, first we see the excellent performance by Georgie's actor. 'You lied and I died' never has sounded more epically scary. And then Pennywise rises from the waters. I jumped in my chair and still do when watching this. I can tell I will be on the edge of my seat in theatres this september.

The movie itself seems to capture that 80s feeling we've seen in Stranger Things and other important work. Do your part and see it in theaters. Be a part of history.

Pretty much. Like I said, main thing for me is the lazy eye which destroys any kind of semblance of "monster". Second, it's the rabbit teeth. And to top it off, they dressed him like a discount doll.
His bulging head and hair, looks like early onset baldness instead of creepy.

They probably enjoyed it, because the gays are brutally beaten and one is fed to It, and the townies get away with it. They don't in the book, but the movie never comes back to that.

Getting killed?
M8 faggots on twitter issued lgbt trigger warnings.

>be me
>watch it a couple of hours ago
>get to the scene where that lisping queer gets sharia'd off the bridge
>say "welcome to Islam motherfucker" to my flatmate JUST as the dude says welcome to Derry motherfucker
>pair of pajeets next to me start chuckling
>fat white lady in front turns around and glares at them, thinking it was them I guess.


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I like the design, clowns should be goofy. The scene when Bev escapes the apartment, where Bill Skarsgard is putting on makeup was pretty cool.

You need to go back

>Having a mind-duel in a pocket universe
Wasn't it more of a duel in a the total opposite of that?
Not a pocket, more like a macro-universe? (if that makes any fucking sense)

you need to not fall for bait so obvious you'd have to be actually retarded to fall for it.

I hate this nu peniswise, he looks like a fucking chipmunk

>>pair of pajeets
based pajeets
based chinese
based everyone else on earth not putting up with that shit except the cucked west


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The spider fx were top notch. A less than 100 million movie managed to look more convincing than ones twice as expensive
>didn’t like the face stabbing scene
stopped reading there

>clowns should be goofy
You can't have a monster that's goofy, because goofy will ALWAYS cancel out the monster.
And it doesn't take much to ruin that. Imagine the scariest monster you can, and now make it crosseyed, or give it googly eyes. Or imagine it has a 'RETARD' tattoo on its forehead.
IT is too fucking goofy in this version. Like I said - lazy eyes, rabbit teeth, doll clothes, receding hairline, and he always talks like he has something down his throat.
Tim Currey's IT was infinitely better. He was genuinely threatening, and his outfit was creepy and abnormal in itself. The huge red hair, and the utterly white face..
Whereas this Pennywise looks and acts like a borderline autist.

I was pleasantly surprised they went all in on the cosmic horror backstory. That scene could've been handled better I thought though. Adult Mike comes across as a twitchy schizo in general for most of the movie, but drugging your friend seems a bit extreme. Maybe intentional because he was the one who stayed in Derry, but the dude also risks their lives by scratching out one of the steps of the ritual of Chud, like what the fuck?

I don't think you read the whole post.

Yeah, I think you're right. Haven't read the book since high school, but I remember Bill noting the lack of stars in the darkness and thinking he's looking at eternity or something similar.

I hate how both these movies and the miniseries focused so much on the clown.

>lisping queer gets sharia'd off the bridge
I just watched it, and I have no idea what your talking about.

>pleasantly surprised that it wuz aliens
To me, that ruins the entire concept of IT.
So it's a cosmic being but it's confined (for no reason) to a shitty little town instead of ruling the world because.. reasons.
Oh and only retarded kids can beat a inter-dimensional being of unfathomable power.
IT should have been a demon, summoned by a cult long ago, that they thought they could control. They bound it to Derry so it couldn't wreak havoc on the world at large, but IT almost instantly killed it's summoners.
>time passes
Current day, IT still terrorizes the town until a group of kids figure out he's a demon and he was summoned, and they can't kill it but they can send it back to hell, by reenacting the ritual and sacrificing one of their own to complete it.
But no.. .it's a fucking spider from space.

Did you walk in late? It's literally the first scene back in Derry.

Lol no, fuck chinks.

>face stabbing scene.
>Marvel quip.

Go back m8

who the fuck were those faggots at the beginning of the movie? wouldn't the one who lived report that shit to the police or did based Pennywise kill that faggot too?

I love Currey's Pennywise, but Skarsgard's Pennywise is unsettling in a different way. Curry came across as a child predator, which is 100% appropriate for the character, but Skarsgard had more of an actual predatory animal feel with his mannerisms. When he has the red shirt kids dead to rights, he doesn't fuck around - he grabs them with his gigantic mouth and just fucking eats them. They did overuse the cock-eyed thing in part 2. It was slightly more reserved in part 1 and, coupled with the constant drool, really made Pennywise seem like a starving animal at times.

I see what you're saying but the "actual predatory animal feel" to me at least came across as "a barely coherent imbecile".
I only saw part 1, maybe he's better in part 2.
Oh yeah.. the drooling.. yeah. Seeing an adult drool doesn't really inspire fear in me, but pity/humor.

It's not a spider, it was those three lights you see floating around each other. It only has as much power as your fear gives it, which is why it preys on children. It couldn't "rule the world" because adults are not scared and unsure like children are. It doesn't want to rule the world, it's a deathless being from beyond space - it wants to wake up every 27 years and feast on fear, then go back to sleep.

I'm not sure, but I definitely thought the red balloons saying "make Derry great again" floating past while they beat up the gay dudes was a bit on the nose.

See I'm not sure. Did it actually die or did they just destroy its corporeal form by smoothing the heart?
I got the vibe that in a bizarre fashion, all pennywise wanted to do was to help them all grow up and be better people.
That was how it honestly came across. Like he intentionally gave them the tools they needed to survive each situation he put them in, rather than that they found a way to press on through their own initiative.
Maybe it was just poor writing though.

That's the second scene in the book, IIRC. It opens with Georgie's death, then moves into "modern day" (the 80s) and the cops are grilling the dudes who threw Adrian Mellon over the bridge. The scene ends with Mellon's lover talking about "that guy in the clown get up under the bridge." They're nobodies who just serve to move the story forward.

Oh shit I did actually, I walked in as it started, but the title screen just came up, I thought I was just in time. Was there a scene before the title screen came up?

So strange how opposite people can feel. I loved the design, his head and teeth feels like hints toward the spider form and the lazy eye builds on how it is just a disguise and it's really a monster that can't/don't bother keeping up the disguise in the moment of hunger. Different strokes. Pic related was actually really unsettling to me.

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Unironically one of the worst movies I’ve seen. It’s so hard to take serious when we just cycle though the entire cast doing the same thing over again
>guy wanders off alone
>sees something and follows it for some fucking reason
>music stops
>boo! Jump scare
>runs away
>haha it was all fake only you could see it now people are looking at you funny :)
>repeat for next main character until all mcs have had their epic jump scare scene

I don't think he was trying to help them. It was more like John Wick for me, he's just going easy on them. He's not really trying to kill them, even though he could at any point.

>it's not a spider
Well, that's how it's described. Beyond that, i could never stomach the new-agey "It's beyooond your comprehension" explanations. They always sounded like a cheap cop-out instead of making it more mysterious and scary. So the clown's real form being 3 lightbulbs is even more of a letdown.
>It only has as much power as your fear gives it,
So infinite?
> It couldn't "rule the world" because adults are not scared
Imagine IT turning into a positive pregnancy test - that's half of men right there shitting their pants. Imagine IT turning into a news broadcast announcing the repeal of Roe v Wade - that's western women gone.
Imagine IT turning into Trump - at least half of millenials are gone.
Really now. Show me a fucking adult that IT couldn't scare, considering he can read minds and has near limitless power.
>It doesn't want to rule the world, it's a deathless being from beyond space - it wants to wake up every 27 years and feast on fear, then go back to sleep.
So the explanation is that IT has a very small stomach and is content with just feasting on 1 village every 27 years. So scary...
But then again Stephen King goes for effect, not logic. As he himself stated, he's the McDonalds' of the literary world.
>So strange how opposite people can feel
I agree. It's just a question of taste I guess, that's why I'm just mentioning what I don't like, not why nobody should like it.
I'm sure there are plenty of things that would make me shit my pants, that you'd laugh at.

>I got the vibe that in a bizarre fashion, all pennywise wanted to do was to help them all grow up and be better people
the dude sure was pretty bro, if you think about it.

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did the giant turtle appear

did the spider appear

seeing it sunday with a qt coworker wish me luck bros

Is it better than Scary Stories to tell in the Dark?

That interpretation actually makes sense, the main theme of the book is growing up, facing your fears and leaving childhood behind. They went all in on the book ending so I had the benefit of having read it beforehand, but the ritual of Chud was something that was never going to translate well to the screen. Bill essentially locks minds with It and they have a mental battle of wills, which Bill ends up winning because he has the support of his friends and because It is ultimately a paper tiger whose only strength lies in the manipulation of fear and the unknown.

>You can't have a monster that's goofy, because goofy will ALWAYS cancel out the monster.
>And it doesn't take much to ruin that.
>So it's a cosmic being but it's confined (for no reason) to a shitty little town instead of ruling the world because.. reasons.
>Oh and only retarded kids can beat a inter-dimensional being of unfathomable power.
Must really suck having all these rules and restrictions and limitations in your head criticizing everything.

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Well they did a pretty bad job at leaving their fears behind because they were all written as anxious fucks

>I'm sure there are plenty of things that would make me shit my pants, that you'd laugh at.
Oh I doubt that, I have made a habit of allowing my mind to find most things scary. I would be really interested in hearing about any movies or real life stuff you've encountered that genuinely scare or unsettled you.


The main (and pretty much the only) difference is that Curry's Pennywise had more "surreal" aura to him. Like, every encounter with him in the mini-series was like a nightmarish fever dream.
New Pennywise just behaves like a feral monster that straight-up jumps on you from the darkness and drags you away.
So I guess there's no really unbiased opinion on which one is better (man, I'm such a fucking genius for pointing out the obvious).

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You seem to want an apocalyptic action movie, not a horror flick. We'll have to agree to disagree on the "beyond your comprehension" explanations, because I'm of the opinion that your own imagination should be capable of coming up with something that scares you far more than someone else who doesn't know your potential fears as intimately as yourself. When I talk about It manipulating fear, I don't mean uncertainty or doubt or consternation - I mean legitimate, monster in the dark, childlike fear of the unknown. You have to realize it's a different kind of fear, or IT was never going to work for you anyway.

doesn't he appear only twice as a clown in the book or something? i haven't read it

I can suspend my disbelief as much as the next guy. And when actively watching something or enjoying something I don't analyze it, unless there's some glaring stupid crap that you can't miss.
But this is a thread and we're discussing IT, that's why I bring these things up.
When I go to the movies with friends or gf, I don't do that, mostly it's much more enjoyable to talk about the things you like about it, or at least laugh at the things you didn't.
Well, to begin with, the original IT. Granted I watched it when I was a kid and the parents weren't at home, but god damn it scarred me.
In the new IT, the distorted lady from the painting IT turns into was scary.
Or when he just appeared in the door in Beth's bathroom, much larger than he usually is. The projector scene was awesome as well.
>You seem to want an apocalyptic action movie
Not really. I wouldn't change anything about the idea, it's great. Kid killing clown with superpowers. It's just the backstory that I'd have changed, and the ending.
>I mean legitimate, monster in the dark, childlike fear of the unknown.
Fear can only be graded in intensity, the source doesn't matter, as it's generated by a primitive part in our brains that has no nuance. That part only understands threat, no matter if it's from a tiger or an impending exam.
I was just saying that IT could scare adults just as deeply as it could scare children. (I mean.. doesn't it tell you something that the scary movie is for adults only? meant to.. scare them?)

don't remember the exact count but yeah, the book wasn't THAT fixated on the clown form.

It's been like 10 years since I've read the book, but it focused more on It being a shapeshifter.

>a barely coherent imbecile".
And so a child predator

It can affect adults, it's why everyone in Derry is some sort of weirdo, predator, or just plain callous as fuck (the old folks that drive by in part 1 when Bowers' gang are man handling Ben). I'm speculating here but it would make sense that, considering It feeds on fear, it targets kids - adults feel fear sure, but kids are a hell of a lot more susceptable to fear in nearly every aspect.

Yep, the clown style is for marketing reasons.

Glad to hear you liked the projector scene, it was really creepy.

>bloody face stabbing
>the eff word
>an actually decently delivered quip
the egg, it is on your face

No, but it a change that works. It one of the few non-forced gay characters.

And I am a mormon who hates faggots.

Oh my god studio shill posts are so obvious on Yea Forums

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Yeah, it does work well actually. I genuinely felt bad for adult Richie in the scene where he re-ups the R+E carving.

Super obvious same fag

FUCK "IT" and FUCK St*Phen K*Ng
fuck this normie retard shit

We're not, and I don't care to prove you wrong.

Its a good date movie

Turtle is strongly hinted at, if you know of the turtle you know it saves one of the kids

Spider appears, well more of a man-spider like out of D&D.

The madmen actually tried to make a workable movie from what was left from the book.

I can't tell if this is b8 but Pennywise isn't a fucking tiger you dipshit

Its more then two, the clown is it "default" setup. The book the kids are in the 1950s so it shapeships to a lot of various 1950s horror movie stuff like the wearwolf.

Luck with the film or coworker?

Seems pretty good but it seems like theres a lot more misplaced attempts at inserting humor in scenes which sometimes kills the creepiness factor it had going.
Also, probably not a good idea showcasing your scary ass clown monster by having just one of the humans choke the shit out of it and only avoided ending the movie early by puking.

It never spelled out that he was gay, but you could definitely read that he was gay for Eddie.

I think it a good film.

Might not be a good horror film, but it a good film.

Is this the best gay character ever created in Hollywood?

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Fuck off, shill.

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>If I'm being attacked by a tiger, I can call it a pussy, but that doesn't make it true
That's because a tiger isn't an interdimensional monster, you fucking retard.


So did Bill Hader make it cry by call IT an incel fat loser of higher dimensional beings for using its God like power to cruise this Earth town like a pedo around a McDonald's play place? Because I'd buy a ticket for that.

Richie is the best because he’s the kind of character that laughs in the face of the horror story monster

Buy a ticket user.

First was great, second was good.

Stop being cunts, Yea Forums. Learn to enjoy movies again.

I have no problem enjoying things and did enjoy both these movies, however it is allowed to be miffed and discuss when they keep doing typical shit they always do these days. When they overshadow acting and makeup with CGI. Credit where credit I due and critique as well.

The movie lacked subtlety and suspense, like most hollyweird flicks these days. It was just weird, creepy(not suspenseful), then BAM! Predictable jump scares ad nauseum. Overlong and had like 4 false endings. The best scene was the hallucination sequence

>new IT movie out
>Lillis threads are almost nonexistent
What happened?

Yeah, the whole movie was ridiculously goofy and not scary

It mostly adults and its instead of cunny it patrician boobs bouncing

I couldn't take this movie seriously. Forced unfunny "jokes" and the negro calls them all together and says we have hurry then it takes almost 2hours for them to finally fight it and it would've taken longer had that kid not died in the funhouse

Don'cha knoa? According to hollywood half the pop. is ghey

But she was still in the movie.

It was absolutely forced. He's a professional stand up based out of New York in 2016. I get the writers pushed that so they could bookend the film with the fear of gay-bashing, but it was a ham-fisted characterization as part of political circle-jerking. They couldn't write in an adult fear that wasn't already taken by the other Losers, so they slapped that on and mishandled it because Ritchie and Stan were a more obvious pairing based on the flashbacks alone

The only good scene in this 3 hour mess

Don't worry, as soon as it downloadable with subs I will make a webm when she tells ben he a fat fuck

I actually got semi hard watching Xavier Dolan getting beaten up. I have wanted to do that myself for a long time.

>Really didn't like how they beat it
it was probably one of the few things that i genuinely liked about the movie? could it have been a lot better? sure, but at least it was no "ancient ass ritual that makes you trap evil spirits" or "super-powered spear that you have to hit it in a specific spot with"

i didn't read the book, by the way

Here's your shekel

Best scene of this shitshow. Just sucks it's used as "muh oppressed gaze" propaganda and felt forced

I actually liked the movie (Even if it not a good horror movie) but as long as you accept the premise it actually well done.

That and the way he talks. Annoying

>Even if it not a good horror movie
chapter two felt more like a horror comedy than a straight horror like the first one. after seeing some of the "monsters" in action, i thought i was seeing an evil dead movie in disguise (perfect example is penny's old lady form)

Funny thing is it looked like one of the bullies was a f2m tranny lol. Eating their own

I didn't think the first movie was a horror movie, it was just a R rated goonies.

It's worse

>clubhouse scene
>hey Losers... time to float.
>bill hader walks out
>hehe, remember when he used to say that?
the quips were way overused in this movie, but that scene cracked me up

U serious? I missed that. Pretty hamfisted

This. No suspense, just predicable and lame jump scares and bad cgi. Almost 3 fucking hours long too

It directly from the book.

In the book, the creature has to obey the laws of whatever it is. If it's a werewolf, then silver will hurt it. A vampire, garlic etc. Also it's susceptible to general belief, such as eddie thinkig his inhaler contained battery acid, and that monsters eat children (it doesnt need to physically eat, it feeds on fear).

HOWEVER, simply saying 'you are small' does not work. They took an enormous liberty with the creatures mimicking nature and turned it into a macguffin that shits on the entire story and character.

Somehow, a multi-million dollar budget movie with teams of writers managed to make a less accurate ending than a TV movie from 20yrs ago. It also genui ely looks like a monstrous alien spider. Not a clown with 8 legs. Fucking awful.

>old lady's chicken dance when Bev isn't looking
Would've been the best scene in the movie were it not for that.

They didn't use silver (as the entire plot was moved to the 1980s and there was no werewolf) so they coudln't do the book ending like the minisereies, which sucked ass except that it has Annette O toole in it, who at that age i would watch her reading the phone book.

It was forced af

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The funhouse mirror bit with all the blood was pretty much when they went Evil Dead.

Amen m8

Most annoying character in the movie and his jokes were'nt funny

The book said make derry great again? Ok user...

It's a psychological thing. If he kills some little shits who aren't even afraid of him he'll have to live with the knowledge that he failed to do the one thing he's supposed to be good at and those fuckers who beat him at his own game are now out of his reach forever.

any pics of the spider?

kek, I didn't see that it was "making great again"

Sleepy since I watched a midnight showing at the movie is fucking 3 hours long.

Yeah Richie is based in both movies gay or not.

It's cool m8, get some rest

I was expecting the carving to say R+S at the end (or left out entirely so it would be easier to export to China)

This is one of the most accurate reviews written on Yea Forums ever. I liked the popcorn horror it IT 1 but IT 2 was just tiresome.

Its literally pennywise with 8 spider legs. No creativity at all.

It 2 jumpscares were 1000x better then It 1.

It 1 and It 2 were never exported to China*.

It 1 made 700 million worldwide WITHOUT china.

*It was exported to Hong Kong but that is viewed as a separate market.

Why do you finnfaggots atrempt to shill this Richie character so hard? He’s not fucking funny nor is his faggotry applause worthy

Really? They were so predictable

Predictable for the most part - but the sound design in chapter 1 jump scares were awful.

It was terrible. Played out like a liberal fantasy of how they think gays are treated everyday.

Gay or not he was annoying as hell. How anyone thinks he is funny is beyond me. Wanted him to die soooooo bad

they were def more predictable but at the very least, i didn't come out of the theaters with my eardrums fucking destroyed like the first movie

Yeah, the sound fx were pretty good ill give ya that

It fits better in the 1980s. It is based off the Charlie Howard murder in 1984

They beat it the first time in the exact same way. But the film was entertaining. The first was better because of the amazingly talented kids, but this was scarier.

It was extremely forced, obvious fan pandering nonsense. They spent way too much time focusing on something that ultimately doesn’t matter

Yeah and him giving the the little girl the toy
>See! Duh gay so sweet!
>Duh gay loves children
it was creepy as fuck how he whispered to her, like a pedo would

That's why it felt forced,even if it was in the book

>because Ritchie and Stan were a more obvious pairing based on the flashbacks alone
What was that?
In the book he has the best bond with Bill after Eddie, or maybe even better than with Eddie

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yeah it's a scene at a fair/carnival. a gay couple are walking away from the fair and get bullied by a group of guys. the guys follow them out of the fair and beat the shit out of them, throw one of them off a bridge then run off. the boyfriend runs down to the riverbank to find him only to see that he is picked out of the water by pennywise then eaten. the main black guy runs to the scene of the crime because he hears "dismembered body" over the police radio and finds a red balloon and the words "come back home" written on the walls under the bridge

>As Howard and a male companion, Roy Ogden, were walking down the street, three teenagers, Shawn I. Mabry, age 16, James Francis Baines, age 15, and Daniel Ness, age 17, harassed, assaulted, and murdered Howard for being gay. The youths chased the pair, yelling homophobic epithets, until they caught Howard and threw him over the State Street Bridge into the Kenduskeag Stream, despite his pleas that he could not swim. He drowned, but his boyfriend escaped and pulled a fire alarm. Charlie Howard's body was found by rescue workers several hours later.

>Derry is the stand in for Bangor

damn. i heard rumours that it was half pennywises head/half spider head. sounds shit.

I know. They writers saw that and tried translating that to the film, but the way it was done, it looked more like Stan was the guy

It’s kind of funny how you think a gay couple appearing in a movie is some big BTFO to /pol/. Nobody gives a shit and in fact I’m sure they enjoyed the death very much.

It wasn't. Just his normal clown bulbhead with spider-like legs

Yeah, it's a stand in for Bangor. The movie was also set in 2016.

The real life version of this scene would be a couple of gays faking a hate crime for attention and then Pennywise killing one of them just randomly.

>all in
not really. they had turtle easter eggs throughout both movies and got me excited, but then cucked me. they glossed over that whole aspect really
he drugged billy, who then accepted it, and then the rest just followed without ever asking a question. the whole pot and the hidden side was a macguffin that played no part at all.
they beat it by embarrassing it. it was lame.

personally it's Zoe Colletti for me

when eddie started strangling the hobo monster down in the pharmacy's basement, i thought the movie would reveal that he was actually strangling the doc

What could have been.

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Ideally, and I mean really ideally, if an IT adaptation was to be done right, and to be set in the 1980's and now, the rights to various 80's horror franchises would have to have been bought and used properly as the classic movie monsters were used in the novel during the 50's segments.
The clown is iconic.
Even though the thing spends a lot of time as notclown in the story.
I dunno the ratio. I guess it spends more time in other forms than as that clown.
But noooooooooo they need to latch onto one form (totally negating the creative freedom in an actual shape-shifting entity) for the benefit of the slack jawed phone glancing modern audience.

The metaphysical sequences would've been hard to do too, unless you did something like Dr Strange.

Muslims and brown people aren’t really /pol/, so I’m sure /pol/ was fine. Are you the gay guy who posted he gets off on white guys giving him homophobic abuse? You seem to really enjoy bringing it up across the boards...

I mean, I get why you would want to use the clown for all it's worth so an actor can communicate the limited personality of IT which is quite important. However I feel they really fucked up with not establishing each childs fear and then seeing IT cleverly and cruely exploit that fear.

miss me yet?

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I was fully expecting that setup. Subvertion of expectations is more important than the story itself these days.

I didn't watch this film, nor do I plan to.
How was the Beverly visiting her old house/old woman/drinking a cupfull of diarrhea scene, if in fact they did it?
That scene was actually kinda scary in the book when i read it at night alone.
How reality just blends and she only begins to notice something's off bit by bit.
I can't remember how it was done in the TV series. Probably badly.

>literally a drider

It was campy as hell. The second the granny opened the door it was obvious it was a trap. The granny did fortnite dances in the background and turned into yet another cgi monster.

The miniseries was far from good, but at least it had the balls to not have the final battle be against the clown.

It was shit just like the first. I fucking hate films full of pointless "trailer" scenes that barely progress the plot.

It was fucking garbage. I don’t understand how people say it was good. Did we watch different movies or something? It was a 3 hour disaster

Even that would look silly desu senpai.
Imagine it:
>climax of the movie
>theatre silent cept for the nigs hollering and hooting as they're wont to do
>GIANT CGI SPIDER that totally looks like shit because cgi team was underpaid and forced to rush shit
Yeah nah.

The whole spider thing just can't be realized visually.
That's the point.
The spider-like form is simply the closest form the human mind is capable of perceiving. Like how we're wired to see faces in things, to put upon things a kind of order.
It's not a spider, it's just that "spider" is the closest thing that the protagonists could perceive and only vaguely and even that was just IT's physical form in the material universe.

A giant cgi spider with the usual hack job that's being shat out of cuckywood these days can't be seen as a missed opportunity.

Like the silmarillion, I think the only way to truly adapt IT "properly" would be via animation. Only then can you more easily get across the absract elements that just don't work in live action cinema, unless you have a real wack job artiste that can get that shit across.

Same, I thought it was gonna be the daughter.


>Expecting wit, suspense, and nuance from hollyweird
Sorry bro, one of the yous explains what happened. It was was so silly i burst out laughing, not scary at all

Thank you for existing. I thought I was the only one. 3 hours of garbage

Warner Bros owns the rights to Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street as far as I know, huge missed opportunity not to use Jason and Freddy as some of Pennywise's forms.

>but it wouldn't work and it would suck. Impossible.
But what if they tried and it worked? It can go both ways user.

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>What was up with the shitty acting from the kids in the clubhouse flashback?
Okay so the film's shit, don't think anyone here thought they were going to actually be surprised.
But how was the actually "craft of acting" in this?
According to this user, the kids were shit in it, compared to the first one which, as they say, wasn't a masterpiece.
How were the adults?
Any standouts?
Any obvious "phone in's"?

You're saving me money and time anons thanks because fuck sitting through mediocrity.
I got shitpostin' to do, after all.

>But what if they tried and it worked? It can go both ways user.
When was the last time something was tried and actually worked? Worked really well?
It's been only let down after let down or stuff that's just "yeah okay", "good enough", in the world of Yea Forums?

One thing the movie did good is that whole lost childhood and childhood friends, that hit me right into feels, both in the book and the movie. At least in the movie they didn't forget again, which I guess was a good thing. Loosers went through all that shit and fount their long forgotten friends only to lose them again, that was seriously depressing.

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The adults were passable. No real standout performance, but I've come to expect more of McAvoy, so maybe it was just me. Ben's actor was the weakest, I thought. Eddie's adult actor and McAvoy were probably the best, but like I said - nothing to write home about. The child actors have a few flashback scenes, and the one where they're in the clubhouse had noticeably bad performances for everyone but Eddie, Richie and Bill. The kids were fine for the rest of their flashback sequences, but the clubhouse scene was particularly bad. Pennywise was much the same as the first, but there is one scene where it's Bill Skarsgard out of makeup, acting as Pennywise applying his makeup and leering at/taunting Bev, and he was pretty fucking fantastic in it.

Bill Hader, Finn Wolfhard, James Ransone (adult Eddie) are the standouts, while McAvory is acceptable.

>James Ransone (adult Eddie)
holy, i've just realized that eddie is fucking ziggy from the wire

Were the adults all super successful when they came back to Derry?
In the book it was explained that they all reached heights of success as basically a reward "from the universe itself" (god) and that the forgetting was also a merciful gift.
Was that realization touched on at all?

> but the clubhouse scene was particularly bad.
What was so bad about that scene in particular? Was it the kids just being awkward or shitty writing/directing?

>but the clubhouse scene was particularly bad.
Did he have a bulbous head too?

Awkward line delivery from the kids. The writing was average in the scene, nothing eye-roll worthy or overly clunky, so I think it was poor directing. Plus Eddie and Richie are doing their back and forth banter through the whole scene, but it felt like they were rushing their lines, trying to appear extra witty but only succeeding in sounding like kids reading lines written by adults. Some producer likely saw the positive reaction to the humour in the first one and told them to crank it up to 11, which is why Hader is a quip machine the entire movie.

They probably rushed most of the shooting because of the conflicting schedules of the actor. McAvory and Chastain were busy, and Wolfhard was shooting Stranger Things at the same time. God I hate Stranger Things.

>In the book it was explained that they all reached heights of success as basically a reward "from the universe itself" (god) and that the forgetting was also a merciful gift.
I remember it was being pinned to Pennywise, basically, their "well-being" was like a bribery from Pennywise, so Loosers wouldn't have a reason to come back to Derry. None of the Loosers could have kids, if you remember. That was a part of Pennywise fuckery too.


And another WB piece of shit bombs hard

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It worked BECAUSE it was an eldritch abomination.

Probably because the film is 30 minutes longer

desu thi is more creative as n alien spider monster than nu-pennywise but still sucks

>no sewer orgy

>Finn wolfhard
What? He can't act for shit
He's so goddamn monotone it hurts

Is the book and dark tower worth reading?

desu this looks nearly godlike in comparison to the cartoony fantasy CGI shit the new movie has...

He’s great as Richie
He was shit in ST but that applies to everyone

Th eyes made it look like a cartoon character.

The book is, for sure. Dark Tower is worth reading the first four books (they're excellent and there's nothing out there quite like them), but the fifth book takes an abrupt nosedive in quality because 1) he lost his original story outline off the back of his motorcycle and this was clearly where he started winging it, and 2) King was hit by a van in between books 4 and 5 and nearly died and it had quite an impact on him (hehe) as evidenced by the fact that everything he's written since has been pure shit for gays.

I love what Yea Forums's definition of "bombing" is.

I bet you think Avatar was a complete and utter failure because it's no longer the #1 movie of all time, don't you?

its a fucking allegory for overcoming childhood trauma, don't worry about it

You didn't feel any danger for the characters in their fetch quest scenes. The effects for those were well made in the case of things like the Paul Bunyan statue, but the best scenes-the ones with tension- were the ones like the mirror maze or the bleachers.

So, last night some kid pulled the fire alarm at the theater I was in right as the losers found Pennywise's lair.
They gave everyone a free readmission ticket, but I do not want to watch almost the entire movie over again just to see the ending. If anyone has a link to stream or torrent it, I'd really appreciate it.

When they did that flashback to the bird and it attacking the Chocos, I almost expected the wiry metal look to be what its "true form" in the finale looked like, just more spidery.

>Beverly hears screaming and cries for help in the deadlights in Part 1
>IT says nobody really dies in Derry in Part 2
It'd have been really interesting if they went with that idea. Like "IT kills people's physical forms, but spends the next 27 years digesting their souls in hibernation".

I was expecting that too. I liked the way they did that scene, Pennywise crashing to earth was pretty awesome.

No reason why that can't be your headcanon, user. It's a good theory.

I fucking told you last time just get in half way into the movie

The lazy eye and occasional slack expression are meant to convey that it's a thing in a not quite right mask. Like the thing is crammed into a tiny glove.

In the first one, when he shows up under the balloon pyramid after being the leper you can see the moment It decides to animate the clown form again, it also happens when the kids break their first illusion behind the "not scary" door. You see It stop mimicking emotion on the clown face thr moment the illusion breaks, and you see him "switch on" his meeting when they run into the kitchen and see It in the flesh.

I think it's a nice touch.

In which chapter of the book does Henry Bowers get a handjob from one of his gang members?

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The lines on his face are also where the teeth opens up and the Deadlights are revealed in both movies.
I'd also go further to say the buck teeth and the bulbous head are meant to reference a spider's fangs and abdomen.

>In which chapter of the book does Henry Bowers get a handjob from one of his gang members?
I'm surprised they didn't have the "bev gets railed by everyone in the losers club in the sewer" chapter.

Should be like the third quarter of the book or something, I remember jerking off to that part quite oxygen when I was a kid

..in the movie I mean.

The kid who plays Richie outacted all the other kids

When they were in the library I was kinda hoping there'd be a library policeman poster cameo.

>that kid who plays Richie
Lol stop pretending you don’t know he’s the kid from Stranger Things

I liked it sorta, I was expecting it would go more towards cosmic at the end battle.

>Should be like the third quarter of the book or something,
I don't want to sound ungrateful, that's certainly more than I've been able to find on my own, but it just narrows it down 300 pages.

>no reference to the iconic "Prince Albert in a can" scene

This movie was a structual fucking mess. An hour of the Loser's individual vignettes where theyre gathering items for the ritual is fucking mind numbing.

Its all information we already have on the characters generally, and the scenes are unforgivably unscary. Not unsettleing or thought provoking. Just.... dumb. Tone is also fucked. C-

>Just got back from watching.

So where is the camrip?

Fun story. I genuinely had no idea Richie actor was in Stranger Things even though I had watched the show prior. I only realized that after I watched some of the cast interview. He looks so different in the movie

Honestly, I liked it, it was as much as i expected, but what the fuck was with that ending? They completely changed it, and not in a good way.
>Total removal of Bill's final climactic scene ("He thrusts his fists against the posts") in the Ritual of Chud against IT which rounds out the entire book from beginning to end, replacing it with the throwaway basement scene with the goat gun
>The Losers all remember everything that happened / no bittersweet leaving-behind-of-childhood once and for all
>Audra and Tom getting involved / Audra going catatonic / Bill reawakening Audra on Silver
>No streets of Derry collapsing / shit going haywire all over the place after IT dies
i know they have to cut shit to make movies work but it seems like the ending was way more impactful and emotional in the book. Bill's final battle agains Pennywise made the whole thing for me and they totally gutted it. why do they always do this anons

Kind of hard to tell you the exact page, because I've read on my Kindle, but if you download the epub/mobi and search for "boner" the first result is that scene.

But you should still be able to read the chapter title, correct?

>why do they always do this anons
Cowardice, laziness, stupidity, take your pick.

>eldritch abomination
Whoa, whoa, whoa- in English doc!

Because it's not a tiger, it tries to be your greatest fear and if you conquer it, it has nothing to turn into.

They could have done some really cosmic weird shit for his drider form.
I didnt mind how he looked in the scene though.

This wasn't so far from how it actually turned out.

>His bulging head and hair, looks like early onset baldness instead of creepy.
It is early onset baldness. The human template It based the Pennywise form on had a combover in his single appearance. It's scarier than being completely bald on top like Curry's Pennywise though. And it's also classic clown makeup. Except, you know, the eyes turn yellow, the skin on the forehead is cracking, the red lines aren't makeup but scars, and when It's hungry, Pennywise gets a lazy eye and lamprey teeth.

Kid who played Bill was great in part 1. So was the Eddie kid and Sophia Lillis.


Chapter 17, page 692.

Yeah, I just got too lazy, Chapter 17, subchapter 4.

Mike arrived at the crime scene by listening to police radio when they found the body, so the guy did report it. The scene's much extended in the book and presented as a flashback where the guys who chucked him off the bridge are interrogated and tell the story.

This scene was great



When I saw the 1990 version as a kid, I thought at first that was just a minion and that later they would fight the clown. I was confused when they killed the spider and the movie just ended.

>Did it actually die or did they just destroy its corporeal form by smoothing the heart?
The book says It and Its spawn died, and took part of Derry with it in a freak storm, implying the town had enjoyed some prosperity in exchange for a spree of child murders every 27 years. Later books contradict this - Pennywise peeks out of a manhole in Tommyknockers and I think Dreamcatcher has a scene where PENNYWISE LIVES is sprayed onto a wall. In any case, the Losers will never be bothered by It again.

Also I don't support the thesis that It simply wanted for them to grow up, It killed all those other children after all. Also, in Part 1 It promised the children good and full lives if they only left Bill behind.

The kids and the novelty of Skarsgard's Pennywise carried the first movie. No kids + already used to Pennywise in part 2 makes for a lesser viewing experience. 6/10, check it out if you liked the first, but don't expect to be blown away.

>Pennywise almost manages to squash the Losers to a pulp
>Enter Richie to save the day
>Pennywise responds by turning on the dublights with the dirtiest drop in history

The Man Who Was WUBBED To Death

Why didn't Richie just fuck Eddie on the hammock?

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Bev and Eddie acted circles around him in the first movie.

Were you a "special" kid?

Because the director can't just cater to sick little girls and pedophiles

I’m pretty sure they improvised that scene just like everything they did in the first movie

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>They beat it the first time in the exact same way.
They beat It in Part 1 by believing what they saw. That's how an empty cattle gun can blow Pennywise's brains out. In Part 2, they did not believe in It's shenanigans. That's the exact opposite.

Based Finn

was it loud and full of jumpscares like the last one?

Don't suppose there are any links to watch a cam version yet?

Yes. Your reaction to the second one would likely be very similar to your reaction to the first one.

Haven't found one

Wanted to watch it but who the fuck has the ability to sit and focus on one thing for 2h45m

>Movie has a scene where two characters are playing Street Fighter 1 in Vs mode
>Displays Ryu vs Joe instead of Ryu vs Ken
The fuck? I know Street Fighter 1 is the least popular in the series but how the hell did they get a copy of the game and not figure out that Vs mode only allows for Ryu vs Ken?

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