

Useful links

Martin Scorsese Presents; Masterpieces of Polish Cinema - imdb.com/list/ls071491206/

Polish Film School - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_Film_School

A Foreigner's Guide to Polish Cinema - culture.pl/en/article/a-foreigners-guide-to-polish-cinema

What's your favourite Polish Film? Mine is The Saragossa Manuscript. Great costume kino with inception-like plot and a lot of humour.

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Other urls found in this thread:


For me, its Amator, but Ashes and Diamonds and Knife in the Water come pretty close

The Deluge


I like the one where the guy tries to get out of boxing but he wins and the guy punches him in the face at the end. Also Rejs is pretty funny.

I think Walkaround or Walkout is the name of the first one.

>That scene when he was arguing with his wife and then he did picrel to see how would this look in a movie


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If you stumble upon a Hydroriddle with eng subtitles you should see it. It's only 70 minutes. It's a smart and very absurdist deconstruction of superheroes and comic books.

It annihilates capeshits to the core. Also, Panna Jola is a cutie and i would remove her hat if you know what i mean (you will after you watch it)

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For me it's Kiler or Kilerów Dwóch, rare occasion when sequel is as good if nit better than original

>Now I'll sing on key and you sing off key and it will even out.

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Rate my 10 favorite polish films list:
Rekopis znaleziony w Saragossie
Matka Joanna od Aniolów
Ostatnia rodzina
Dzien swira

Rękopis - Absolute kino
przesluchanie - didn't like it
Miś- Kino
Matka Joanna - Kino
Ostatnia rodzina - didn't like it
Kanał - Kino
Pasażerka and Austeria - Haven't seen it yet
Demon - Kino
Dzień świra - Kino

you're based

>What's your favourite Polish Film?

A Short Film About Love or Knife in the Water.

I'm a pleb, sue me.

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Pasażerka was last film of Andrzej Munk before dying and Austeria is jewish kino (pic related)

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God, that movie just resonated so much with me.
The taste of the life you never knew you wanted, the edgewise sacrifice of what you once had only for an edgewise gain in what you want.
The frayed pain of it all.... so underrated

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why would you watch polish movies?

Saw the one called Cold War recently

both are great, nothing pleb about it.

i'll watch both of them soon

My favourite Kieślowski.

there are dozens of kinos from Poland, panie kolego

>tfw no Zula gf

sure, but I didn't think any foreigner would be interested in polish movies.

a lot of them are. And they can be. They just need some good recommendations.

The Hourglass Sanatorium or O-Bi O-Ba

I guess you're right. My recommendation: Nic śmiesznego.

a lot of Polish movies are world class tier and every cinephille should know them

yes, but you can say that about every nation in europe or even world.

Tato is great fatherhoodkino

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>every nation in europe
Not even close to true.

>quads of truth
y-yes sir, you're 100% right

Sure but Poland and also Czechoslovakia have so many amazing films. French New Wave sucks dick compared to Czechoslovak New Wave and Polish cinema.

>yes, but you can say that about every nation in europe or even world.

but you can't. There were moments in history were cinema as an art medium was treated in Poland very seriously. It created good environment for kinomaking. Not every country had that.

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I would asume western countries had better movies. Many polish films are about opression of comunism (both drama and comedy).

I can believe cinema was respected in Poland.

Name 3 Finnish world class movies

Hard mode: no Kaurismäki

I'm polish and just suprised people like my country's movies. Not a huge cinema fan, especially non-english cinema. Can you name 3 polish movies you think are world class?

Yes, they are but i think there is a wide range of films from Poland not all of them are about that.

haven't seen a lot of Polish films but of those I have these are the ones I remember:

Czeslaw Petelski - Baza ludzi umarlych (Damned Roads)
Marek Koterski - Dzien swira (Day Of The Wacko)
Andrzej Wajda - Katyn, Krajobraz po bitwie (Landscape After Battle), Kanal

other user here

Sanatorium Pod Klepsydrą
Rękopis Znaleziony w Saragossie

>Can you name 3 polish movies you think are world class?

you can name many many more. Read op's links.

>Baza ludzi umarlych

based as fuck.

A Short Film About Love, A Short Film About Killing, Knife in the Water, Ashes & Diamonds, Camera Buff

anything more modern?

Not him but Pawlikowski is pretty good from Poland. Gods is really good too.

I've seens Gods. Nice one.

I like General Nil. It's a true story about the post-WWII Soviet occupation and one of the most infuriating anti-communist movies I've ever seen (probably the top of the list). And stars Geralt of Rivia himself as Josef Goldberg probably the worst NKVD operative of them all. He also played him in a different movie by the same director about a different case.

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GOAT or not?

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List every European nation with what you consider a world class cinema.

Czechoslovakia, Poland, Italy, France and Russia.

There's only a handful of Polish movies made in the 21st century that I wouldn't be ashamed to show to foreigners (90s had some phenomenal crime films and comedies though and of course even older cinema has even better movies and even some massive historical epics). Some has already been mentioned in this thread but I guess each country has them. For example I know this pretty good movie about the 17th century Dutch admiral that I liked. There has to be so much great cinema that we don't know about because they're not from Hollywood.

definitely GOAT. Very intense and uncomfortable which is the only proper way to show monstrosities of war.

and if you liked it, you should check other movies by this director. He's the only consistent good movies deliverer in 21st century Poland.

Last 10-15 years, every single czech movie was a complete shit. Not good anymore.

I agree. That's why i wrote Czechoslovakia.

Most good movies were from the czech side anyways. I might even say all of them.

>Ostatnia rodzina

That's true but Herz was Slovak and he made one of the, if not the most famous film from that movement.

Herz was a jew, and what film are you even talking about?

Yes but he was Slovakian jew. The Cremator.

this movie was so ahead of its time it's ridiculous

Are you czech/slovak by any chance?

It was really great. Fantastic performance by Hrušinský.


Why don't they just speak english?

Then i am surprised you didn't say Pacho instead.

That's good one but i guess Jakubisko is the best director from Slovakia. Millennial Bee is fantastic.

yes, but what impressed me the most was cinematography and editing. Shit was intense as fuck.

Polski język jest podparty (ang. based) panie kolego.

Not really. I was in Northern Poland on vacation once and i couldn't understand shit. Kurwa a kocham cie are the only two things that i understand. Zloty too i guess.

Post Polish actress of old times.

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The Saragossa Manuscript. Watch this movie. Pure kino.

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