ITT: moment when you stopped watching a show

ITT: moment when you stopped watching a show

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literally the only bad moment in 5 seasons

well that and the spiderman jump

Chess is a metaphor for drug deals
Avon is the king and we're the pawns

Donnie Andrews, the guy irl guy Omar was based on, actually jumped out a window from an even greater height so the show actually made that scene more "realistic".

Weren’t they playing checkers?

He broke his fall and even then his leg was busted up

I hated when drunk McNulty smashed his car and then fucks the shit out of that waitress he just met, I've known her since hs I had a crush on her and seeing her acting like a slut was hurtful fuck you Baltimora

>Actually believing hood stories.
Wow, I bet you also believe that omar is a plausible character who wouldn't get ratted out and murdered in under a week.

Well Donnie lived to be 58, so I guess the most implausible thing about Omar was him dying so young



>Actually believing Andrews's stories.
The guy was a junkie who told tall tales and turned himself in the first time he killed someone. Also, if you needed any more red flags, he abjectly refused to tell the HBO guys and his memoir guy any solid details about his alleged jump from that apartment complex.

Well i'll give you the story about the window, but guys like actually Omar did exist, but definitely not in 2005.

The Jew lawyer and the senator were the Kings, everyone else was a pawn included Avon and Stringer.


and Simon/hbo know it's bullshit too, but they pretend to believe it so they can put cinematic stuff with the "it's based on a real story!" angle to impress clueless white retards

>found out the producer is a ((( )))

>5 seasons
there are only 3 seasons dumbass

Precisely this ep.
When that bullshit fight went on and a well trained much heavier man wasn´t wiping the floor with that dumb cunt.

I KNEW it was fucking cuck-Moore himself who fapped to that bullshit shit and the show was dead to me.

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>chess metaphor

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