Bullied by Stacey brainlet in secondary school, thick as shit, horrible person but very attractive so didn't matter

>bullied by Stacey brainlet in secondary school, thick as shit, horrible person but very attractive so didn't matter
>she dropped out at 13 and worked in Morrisons
>drunkenly decide to look her up on Facebook
>We're now 23, she's married to a 38 yo multi millionaire and permanently on vacation
>meanwhile I make a decent but not great wage as a nurse

Why are men such looks obsessed retards?

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Televison and film, retard

Atleast you don't bleed out a cunt once a month.

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Because you're good. You fill a function, she doesn't.

Ask yourself, if everyone lived like her, would society work?

Intelligence and attractiveness are linked.
Attractiveness also denotes general health.
Men might just be following their baser instincts, but it's their baser instincts that have led to everything so far.

Ill be your deadbeat husband bby

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>but very attractive so didn't matter
What was the point in the rest of your post?

Try losing some weight men dont care about face too much. Or get fatter you cant really lose

if all women left the workforce to have a family? yeah society would work and be much better

For the same reason you probably turned down countless guys that were smart and kind hearted but not 6’7 hunks. Fuck off roastie kys

as a man i disagree. the face is pretty much all i care about.

Do you fucktards think about anything but sex? I'm dating someone already (a junior doctor) and obviously wouldn't go for a hateful incel off here, just don't see how it's fair such a nasty piece of shit gets to live a life of luxury. If she was just a retard I wouldn't care but she was so fucking mean to everyone.

I stopped looking up my classmates years ago, all it did was put me into depressive episodes

I'll give you the ol' fuck baby, where do you live. Also do you have a penis? Cause that's required

i-is this the comfy incel larp thread?

>tfw everyone made something of their lives, even the weird kid with no friends has a girlfriend
Being a failed normie sucks lads. I just wanted what everyone else has. But I'll settle for a quick death now


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lemmie guess, you met him on one of your nursing shifts didn't you? He's going to leave you for someone younger and prettier once he finishes residency and starts making real money. I have family that are doctors, I've seen girls like you come and go like they were nothing, and mark my words it'll happen to you, too.

kek post tits or gtfo you tranny faggot
dilate hardar

this, you can almost always lose weight but you can't lose an ugly mug

I've got a few classmates that either killed themselves or died in freak accidents too, one guy was standing up on the back of a pickup truck and his head smashed into a low hanging bridge and it killed him instantly

>here's your gf bro

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i just want to die

I hope you aren't a Nurse OP.
Women that are hair dressers, nurses, or work with horses are all fucked in the head.
Doctors are ok though.

I'm pretty sure one of those idiots down the street was killed by a dog and it's irritating as fuck that I can't see the body.

What a way to go, beats "he choked on a peanut" I want my death to at least be remembered by people as being epically tragic.

>boo hoo, my feelings are hurt because life is unfair. Please comfort me
>Incels, I'm already on my way to success, I don't need you

Please kill yourself.

I knew a guy from school who smashed himself into a truck when his motorcycle brakes failed.

The people posting their lives on facebook might have seemingly made something of themselves, but I bet there's some people that ended up far worse than you, and you wouldn't necessarily know from social media.

One guy I knew from school died in a motorbike crash when he was 22, another is in jail for fucking a 12 year old boy.

roastie struggles are so pathetic
can u stop being a vapid jelaous whore for 1 moment?

>drunkenly decide to look her up on Facebook

I don't know why people do this. Never having to see your previous classmates again is a gift.

Does your life have to be better than someone elses to make your life worth living? In life we can have very little and still be happy. There is very little we need. People ruin their own lives by wanting things. Sounds cliche but it's true. Don't ruin what good you have wishing for something else.
I have one friend never had a gf and no money. But I am very happy with what I have. No amount of name calling will make me doubt what I have.
>every satisfaction he attains lays the seed of some new desire sot that there is no end to the wishes of the individual will~arthur schopenhauer

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she sounds like a hot little package

i'm jealous

Listen to yourself. Comparison is the death of happiness you dumb slut. Read a book and shut up.

>38 y/o dude struggled his whole life working hard and getting bullied
>pays off and gets rich'
>gets his choice and chooses a hot 22 year old

your solipsism is showing.

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nice larp, trannie

Idk if ur larping or not, but ill give a serious answer anyway. A good way to cope with these things is that for every 1 person that gets super unrightfully lucky like that, there are thousands that dont and live the most suffering lives. Just think of how much better off you are than the thousands of pretty mean girls like her. Also dilate, tranny.

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Shut the fuck up. As a nurse, you make enough to live comfortably without a man in your life at all. I'd kill to be able to pull down nurse wages, lol.

Stop being a jealous whore and just be happy with what you have.
Either that, or lose weight, learn 2 makeup and go get yourself a rich guy.

Should you be posting this shit on lolcow instead of here?

You'd kill lel? Go to nursing school you lazy fag.

Lolcow was a board on 8ch to discuss chris chan and internet weirdos and has nothing to do with women.

kys brainlet

nursing school is for literal braindead people, why do you think most females becomes nurses and males become medics?

>males become medics
what did he mean by this?

He's an ESL subhuman.

point out what is wrong with that sentence 70 IQ user.

All women are lolcows

Me too

Native English speakers would say doctor.

At this point I like the thot much better than a stuck up lass like you, to be honest.

She was very young when she was rude, you are an adult and being unfairly mean because of your future pedo doctor boyfriend.

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