Actors that are jewish and look like stereotypical jews

Actors that are jewish and look like stereotypical jews.
So big noses and light/brown skin, not goyim mother or mischling.
Just jewish actors you know are jewish at the first time you see them in tv or cinema

Attached: Simon+Helberg+Bang+Theory+Press+Room+Comic+ZLq_y5pLc9wl.jpg (395x594, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

He is one quarter catholic, but he compensate with the big nose

Attached: adrien_brody.jpg (150x200, 10K)

Simon Hellberg? From Big Bang Theory?

Attached: woody allen.jpg (414x600, 45K)

Shapiro's sister looks Jewy.

Attached: 1564928374779.jpg (1080x1168, 139K)

>Literally bought his gf a castle only for her to leave him for Chris Hemsworth

Why do we keep getting reminds of his existence?

Isn't she an opera singer?

Why do i have a Jewish nose?

Attached: Screenshot_20190831-224358_Chrome.jpg (1080x1520, 335K)

I would literally do anything for her to be mine. She is my dream wife

>even Kikes cannot outkike the Kikes of Sex

Attached: 1567563513207.png (449x449, 143K)

>be European
>Come from a country with little to no Jewish background
>No Jewish background in family
>Catholic background
>Born with a massive jewish nose just like my mother
Well fuck me

Its probably not a jewish nose its probably a big roman nose. As long as u dont have the hooked tip its fine

Well it's not hooked, I would say yes, it looks like a Roman nose, and makes sense since I'm south Mediterranean.
But I have a small.jaw so a big nose doesn't help me at all

I look like Terry Richardson and a couple of times I got stopped by "fans" on the street

I get depressed by looking at his face

You look like a skinny pedophile?

>be pure European
>be pale as moon
>have a normal nose
>acne makes it fatten up and the cysts that never left have rendered it a fat, old man's "pug nose"
At least that's fixed with plastic surgery. But
>lips are straight-up homo DSL
>can't even see my top teeth when I'm talking
I have fuller lips than Angelina Jolie. If I was a faggot I'd give the meanest blowjob in the world. They're not even nigger lips where they're "turned outwards". The kind that Bill Skarsgard or Michael Pitt have. But I can't pull off a twink look because I've got eyebrows like Colin Farrell. I'm fucked.

Attached: JQr67TPGurC5ZdA1MUfMvxvAXX5i29gk_1vXH8lJpxk.jpg (441x558, 39K)

I'm not going to tell you who, but you have people on that map that are actually descended from the lost tribes of Israel :)

apparently I do

Post pics

She would mutilate your sons though

Would, but I haven't shaved in a day and I've got some "acne" (not exactly, but you get the point), so Yea Forums would ridicule my skin instead of calling me a faggot. The latter I can handle, the former I can't; I'm trying too hard to cure it. I've been wearing concealer since I was 16.

If it's good enough for these guys... Don't worry about it.

Attached: Roman nose.jpg (708x798, 384K)

Heydrich was a Jew though!

More than 500 000 high ranked NatSoc where Jews, including the poster child Aryan (((Werner Goldberg))).

Attached: (((Werner Goldberg))) .jpg (2050x1567, 324K)

not an actor but simpsons writer mike reiss looks like a der sturmer caricature

Attached: Mikereiss.jpg (433x569, 37K)

Literally Shlomo Goldberg

Attached: Real Jew.png (600x600, 358K)

Stop butchering and shitting on this thread for your nasophilia.
Either post jewish actors or go to /trash/

If you have a big nose, you MUST be jewish.

t.Seething Jew

Attached: Caught The Jew.jpg (254x199, 15K)

Just get rhinoplasty breh. I too, was born with a big nose, which pissed me off because all of my other features were attractive. But I just saved up money for the surgery (it's rather cheap in europe) and look like a completely different person.
My only concern now is that I'll grow old one day.

Moog from Mighty Cars Mods is a very Jewish looking Jew.

His is /o/'s Merchant meme.

Attached: Mighty Jew Mods 3.jpg (1312x714, 591K)

Post jews or got to pol

It was all in your head. My nose is broken and my gf thinks it's masculine and doesn't care. But whatever helps I guess.

roman nose. nords often have big noble noses too

unless it's a disgusting hook nose, that means you're yid

Rent free

Attached: Jewish Pepe.jpg (200x192, 9K)

>2 eyes in one eye socket
I bet he has zero depth perception.

Hello, fellow choosen people

Attached: biggs_a.jpg (349x524, 47K)

This. There's a fine line between jew nose and big nose but the difference can save your life.
The only kind of noses I dislike are straight up pug-style vampire noses, but they're rare.

Attached: Morbius-Living-Vampire-Jared-Leto-Sony-Next-Marvel.jpg (798x420, 42K)

This thread is pathetic. Just a hint, it's not your nose making you undesirable.

>Did someone say Jew?

Attached: Based Mel spots the Jew.jpg (480x638, 27K)

Here is one

Attached: The Jew and the blonde Goyim.jpg (750x910, 171K)

This thread is exclusively for discovering jewish actors with big noses.
Talk about your shitty nose fetishism and I report you

Attached: Space Jew.png (768x795, 494K)

>Talk about your shitty nose fetishism and I report you

Attached: Soy Rage.gif (498x280, 2.58M)

Report me for what exactly. I just said that women don't necessarily care that much about your nose, seeing as my gf thinks it's alright.
Regardless, this board and the jannies have started banning people left and right for NO reason, all because of the shitposting fags.


Based Biggs conned the Hollywood juden into getting him into the movies & making him rich by pretending to be one of them. I think he's Irish/Italian.

WTF, i thought Biggs was a Jew?
God damned, there are actual Jews that don't look as Jewish a he does.

He is even Roman Catholic.

Attached: What the hell?.gif (288x377, 1.83M)

That's not why I made this thread for.
I made this thread for finding jewish actors with big noses.
If your post it's not a jewish actor with a big nose then don't post it there.
There are boards for things such as nasophilia and nose fagging: trash, hm, s, pol.
So don't post it there, this board is for discussing about actors and tv related things, movies and tv characters and stories.
So not what you posted

perfect jewfu
>big khazar milkers
>hot fucking body
>probably impeccable sense of smell


This doesn't answer the question

Attached: David-Schneider.jpg (1536x2048, 296K)

Who is this Steve Buscemi wannabe?

Attached: dangerfieldgetty.jpg (652x426, 28K)

Isn't he dead?

His name is Jason Biggs you stupid fucking cunt.

Attached: christopher-lee.jpg (1600x979, 148K)

Chistopher Lee is not jewish you chucklefuck

Sometimes Anglo physiognomy can get weird.

Attached: updike_john_WD.jpg (830x589, 102K)

She also has it figured out.

Attached: 88.jpg (1400x1739, 890K)

This guy is definitely British.

Who is this guy?

What is googl?


Attached: beatles.jpg (700x442, 148K)