>Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage.
Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than bondage
You're not even bleeding dude, you're gonna be fine
>not one notable slave rebellion happened in america
>niggers can't swim
>unless you need me for black panther 2
>pregnant? SHIEEEEEEEEE *jumps overboard*
>Denmark Vesey
>Nat Turner
They all failed, though. Only successful slave revolt was in Haiti under based Toussaint
ah yes, based toussaint indeed
how about fuck you nigger you fucked our shit up we will throw you to hyenas
2 century's of slavery and they had 2 notable revolts.
Nat Turner only counts in an extremely revised version of events. The movie tried to pretty it up as much as possible, but the reality is the little slave boy told on them because when all the white men went off to work, their "SLAVE REBELLION" consisted of nothing more than murdering white women and children IN THEIR FUCKING SLEEP.
By any definition of rebellion or revolution, being a bunch of pussies that can't face your masters, so you murder helpless children in their sleep just doesn't quite fit.
There's a reason his own people fucking ratted on him and his little sleep murder party.
i like bondage
Can’t wait for the sequel, a second helping of triggered /pol/cucks
Nobody from Africa gives a fuck about slavery.
they will make sure to release it during black history month again so burgers can do school field trips to watch this shit again like last time
This guy is Wakandan, he is the most privileged race in all of humanity, what the fuck is he on about with his ancestors being slaves who the fuck wrote this dreck?
diIate tranny
b-b-but his mom wasn't from wakanda she was from detroit!
(wherever he was from, I don't remember)
muh ancestor jumped ship, that makes sense
she can't be from detroit if she jumped ship
They were the ones who sold the slaves to begin with, of course they stay quiet.
It will never be a vagina
Wowzers. Is that actually a line in the movie?
Sadly yes.
>Ancestors jumped ship on the way to America
>His mother is an American slave descendant
The same guy also said that life originates from Africa.
>have a mother or father on a ship that killed themself
there you go.
but he probably meant relatives, not ancestors.
Pretty basic, but still a decent line
He said a word, if he didn't mean that word he should have used the right word. The reality is he used the word he used. Just another uneducated idiotic talking out his ass about slavery like he'd know shit about it.
Probably fell, lol.
No ones willing to say they didn’t do it on purpose, everyone knows it’s because niggers can’t swim
>>His mother is an American slave descendant
Funny thing is, we don't even actually know that. She could have been asian for all we know. She's basically the catalyst of the events of the movie, and we don't know what she looks like or even her name.
>nothing more than murdering white women and children IN THEIR FUCKING SLEEP.
I don't see the problem. Shouldn't have tried to claim people as property, maybe multiple white bloodlines wouldn't have ended that night.
Ah oh well in the end they were still enslaved and raped by their masters daily. I can only image the pain inflicted on them for their crimes. Interesting take though user.
Yeah maybe he was wrong about his own ancestry and motives. Maybe him saying this line was meant to indicate his ancestors WEREN'T on slave ships.
rent free
Niggers should kiss my feet for slavery. These savages would have been trapped on their godforsaken continent for all of eternity without us, we gave them access to our civilisation, taught them to read, the average negro in the USA is richer than the average Eastern European, we abolished slavery on every country on earth by force. Without our moral systems you wouldn't even be critical of slavery. Be thankful and humble, nigger, you owe everything to whites.
Shut up whitey and pay me
he was too based to live
>Family of slaves crossing the Atlantic
>Dad hops over the side rather than stick with their family
Typical nigger
polcels in a perma-seethe
That was his point though. He was for African-Americans and how Africa didn't give a fuck about slavery.
He's half Wakandan, half American.
I'm confused. I thought africans decided they were property and sold them to whitey.
The copest post I've seen all day. This why you hate niggers? Because they slit your ancestors little throat while they slept? You sure can't let something go huh.
I thought must racists hate blacks because the supposed stats that they have low IQs and the horse shit claim that blacks commit 50% of all murder in the US.
>tfw this was unironically Killmonger's dream goal
At no point did he indicate anything of that note, this is like a super-strawman where you don't even need an opposition to make things up
Slavery is native to Africa, edgelord.
>le poverty somehow a counterargument to refusing to be enslaved
Aesop got it right.
>the horse shit claim that blacks commit 50% of all murder in the US.
It's actually 53%.
>Majority Nig countries that are not complete shit.
Well ... you got an answer? We are waiting.
I’m not it’s even white lmao. I’m from the Mediterranean your so pathetic hahahaha
>not at all a counterargument to what was said
Come on, use the little greys. You can do better than this.
I was thinking about him murdering all the whites which prompted a reaction by France that sent his country back to the stone age
But nig gonna nog I guess
>we abolished slavery on every country by force
No you didn't. In fact you created one of the largest slave markets in history by utterly destabilizing the Middle East.
>Just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships, 'cause they knew death was better than diaperfur inflation.
What did he mean by this?
>Because they slit your ancestors little throat while they slept
lmao niggers cant even distance themselves from violence even when trying to convince supposed racist that blacks arent mindless apes.
Why didn't they get a white actor to say that line? It would be more likely for them to have a slave ancestor.
>pro black movie
>FBI is the good guy
It's funny because despite how enamoured some people are with Basically Black Hitler, he could absolutely read like a critique of African Americans who project their racial ideas on the rest of the world while ignoring any and all historical context for why that doesn't work. This guy honestly thought every black person on Earth was going to rise up as one against "their oppressors" after he gave them a handful of techno spears, and this was after he pitched his idea of melanin-based brotherhood to the African Atlantis analogue that happily stood by for centuries while the rest of the continent went to hell, shit, and war.
Niggers can't create viable civilizations, got it. Hatti is a perfect example of this.
Wouldn't expect to see arson on that list
Africans acknowledge and regret selling niggers to the West (as they should). Several presidents from various West African countries have apologised in the recent decades.
It's just that slavery continues to play a role in political discourse. No blacky is literally seething because his great, great, great grandfather was forced to do jonest work. It's a helpful rhetorical tool to avoid having to do honest work in the current year.
blacks are always bound to start fires
>murders you over a word
Why are niggers so fragile, bros?
>which prompted a reaction by France that sent his country back to the stone age
Is there really any rebellion-scenario that would not have resulted in such a response from the former overlords tho?
Everyone always loves to forget that literally every single race and ethnicity at some point has been subjected to slavery and a number of other terrible things.
Martin Luther King Jr. warned about this and it absolutely happened. African American self-defeat culture is depressing as fuck. That and the fallout of colonialism in Africa seem to be all that's really holding black people back. The fucking Mali empire had great centers of learning back in the day, and most black people in Europe and the UK seem to do fine.
The brutality of the rebellion gave France all the excuse it could ever need to fuck the Haitians back hard. A rebellion that merely forced the whites off the throne would have made such a crackdown look real fucking bad for France. It's doubly ironic since the French Revolution didn't trigger the rest of Europe until the French executed their former monarchs, which panicked the nobility en masse.
Your ancestors were wakandian, not western african niggers.
>When blacks sold blacks into slavery for white and some black owners
Why is the left so obsessed with worshipping niggers?
*slips on wet deck*
Gurgle, gurgle
Who was Barry Mee ?
>A rebellion that merely forced the whites off the throne would have made such a crackdown look real fucking bad for France
I think you really underestimate the level of brutality deemed acceptable when dealing with uppity foreigners back in the days.
I mean, the Chinamen only dumped british opium in the sea and got invaded for it, or the germans deciding upon genocide when dealing with rebels in their namibian colonies.
The haitians could have carried out the most humane uprising possible and would still have been lucky to only be blockaded rather than invaded.
>dude just throw me off a boat lmao
But those 'ancestors' died, you fucking moron. So they didnt reproduce. Your ancestors were the ones who remained on the ships.
Its less than half of 13% because its mostly boys and men age 14 to roughly 25
Fucking so? How the fuck does that make a difference in whether it was right for the wypipo to do it?
>what is colonialism
racists are the biggest brainlets in the universe
do what? buy slaves? what are you even trying to say?
>what is colonialism
the thing that improved africa's living standards and increased its population ten fold
>Tfw you know they’ll never have the balls to have Black Panther fight a Chinese Bad guy.
Because, historically speaking (since Hispanic illegals and LGBTwhatevers have recently gotten trendy for the same reason), they're the group of people in the US most readily associated with a potential "The Cause" that can hopefully fill the void in a well-off white yuppie's empty shell of a life. The Weather Underground (later rebranded the Weathermen) were the first domestic American terrorist group, and their official purpose was to spark an honest to God socialist revolution in the US. But it's pretty clear they were also enamoured with black people during the civil rights movement and kept trying to get senpai to notice them. This was despite blacks dealing with actual problems and not having time for a bunch of rich white kids declaring themselves the vanguard of an imaginary people's movement.
Why are niggers so dumb?
Couldn't care less about this movie, but if it makes /pol/ seethe, I'll go see the sequel.
rent free
I'm sorry man, I'll pay you rent when you fix this damn door.
Do these things taste well?
It did though and if you believe in evolution you should believe that. The first place people evolved into humans has for a very long time believed to have been africa, the oldest and most similar to human fossils have been found in ethiopia. Recently modern science has led us to belive it might actually be the middle east, anyway ive never even seen the movie but he is right
Europeans could be surprisingly not okay with such things, though it was inconsistent. Spain got pissed off at the administration of their own early East Indies colonies for being embarrassingly brutal to the natives. So far as Haiti is concerned, Europe wouldn't have expected a fairly civilized slave rebellion as they looked down on Africans as and such an incident would be an attention-grabber. That and we have to factor in the political climate of the time. Any rival nation could seize on the crackdown as a means of publicly humiliating France.
"Wait, are you telling me Africans captured their own people and sold them into slavery?"
Careful man of spiders, careful now.
Toussaint wasnt a slave when the revolt started
Dessalines, France and the USA are the ones to blame for the shithole Haiti is today
Any scenario depends more on the political situation of France than the brutality of the revolt. Remember the Haitian and French revolution were on for years and years, so this cannot be summarized in a line, but France needed than Haitian money from the sugar really badly to pay for the war.
Nigga, YOUR ancestors were the ones who specifically did not jump off the ship.
Do you like the taste of mud?
mmm mud cakes, what a beautiful culture! If only us whiteys hadn't held them back, they'd be making all sorts of mud cuisine, mud sausages, mud pizza, mud shakes
>white people have bland food
>eat mud
men are more violent across all races though
Moving the goal posts isn't helping your case faggot
>bury me in the ocean
>meanwhile in reality, wolves voluntarily allowed humans to domesticate them
>My ancestors who died before they could have children
>Napoleon doesnt try to bring slavery back
>Doesnt waste 20000 troops in Haiti
>Makes Toussaint leader of Haiti
>In exchange he takes haitian black soldiers into his army
>Now he has 5000 soldiers with 10 years of war experience and resistant to Malaria
>Attacks and sacks Jamaica
>Attacks and sacks Cuba
>Attacks and sacks Cartagena
>Gets the money to keep the european war
>The caribbean is now french
>Gets time to turn the economy from slavery system
i'd rather be a nigger in america than some nigger starving in the sahara
>my ignorance is truth
Niggers will never admit that every majority black nation on Earth is an unlivable shithole where you are garanteed to be robbed or raped if you visit.
Haiti is a shit hole because low IQ niggers. No amount of gibs or education will fix that hell hole.
See you say that but the issue with colonialism is that it didn't work with Africa's climate. Africa is fucking huge. And unlike Europe where it was fine to stay in one place, in Africa it was better to be nomadic and chase to good climate. That meant it was better for tribes to remain small and mobile which didn't necessitate more advanced invention. Hell Europe showed up offering gold and the Africans of the time thought they were retarded. Why trade gold? Can you eat it? Can you ride it?
And this is where everything got fucked up. Because during colonialism a bunch of arbitrary lines got put down dividing up the area with zero regard for tribal lines. Now some tribes found themselves separated from each other and since enemies found themselves living together. Oops. Also a government that was explicitly not African was installed, like governors. Africans don't do that shit, it's never worked for them. So obviously when they tried it, it didn't fucking work. For the Africans, it worked just fine for the people raping the shit out of them. Until a few hundred years later when they got bored fucking them in the ass and decolonized.
And this is the most hilarious part of this equation. After basically fucking them for centuries they let them go and told them to go be productive members of societies. Why the fuck would Africa be stable after all that?
Africa didn't exist back then, you stupid cunt. Read a history book.
B-but user, being able to complain all day about the white man while getting free gibs is so terrible!
>Hell Europe showed up offering gold and the Africans of the time thought they were retarded. Why trade gold? Can you eat it? Can you ride it?
I assume this would be after the Mali gold/salt trade died out.
The most stable counties in Africa had the most colonialism in the past.
Yeah but not all life originated in Africa, it originated in the oceans or from some fucking meteorite containing space germs. That's a bad line if it's the actual line.
>his ancestors
How many Wakandans were sold as slaves?
>Dig my grave in the water, with people who died so they couldn't procreate and be my ancestors
He is part basketball American.
>Tries to genocide and enslave all non-blacks on the planet
>Jay Bauman thinks he was absolutely in the right
His mom was an inner city Black American, so he's half descended from slaves.
None. Wakanda turned a blind eye to the slave trade. They could have ended it before it started with their advanced technology, but they were too selfish.
Really gets the noggin' joggin'.
Was his mom descended from people who died in the ocean before ever making it to America?
Wakanda might have advanced tech but they were not as culturally advanced as the British and later Americans who ended slavery. In the same way Wakanda still use line formation warfare because they are so unused to conflicts they have no idea how to fight outside of a skermish.
If his "ancestor" who jumped off the ship to drown had a kid also on that ship, he *could* be descended from that person. But that begs two questions:
1) If the point of the slave trade is to use slaves as labor, why bring a child across the ocean? They're going to be useless as workers for years
2) Why would a father kill himself if his child is still alive and also on the boat? Isn't that a bit selfish to abandon your child to a life of enslavement surrounded by strangers?
How does that make the dead slaves in the ocean his ancestors?
This is probably the most frustrating thing about this movie. Everywhere I see
>Killmonger was the bess! He was so woke
Black Panther CONDEMNED Killmonger's line of thinking. Wakanda needed to change but making war with white people was not it. As a matter of fact the movie advertised collaboration with other cultures.
Have they apologize for selling slaves to East? After all, that's where they sold most of the slaves to.
So they just did nothing. Ok.
>Nat Turner
Ok kidd
>being ignorant of hundreds of years of history because le epin /pol/
>2) Why would a father kill himself if his child is still alive and also on the boat? Isn't that a bit selfish to abandon your child to a life of enslavement surrounded by strangers?
they knew death was better than parentage
If his ancestors jumped from the ships and died how does he exist?
His great great great grandad jumped the ship rather than raise his future child.
Wouldn't his ancestors have been the ones who weren't brave enough to kill themselves? Liked the movie btw
Well that's weird, looks like Central Africa got just as many slaves as USA.
Weird, where are the millions of negros in Mexico? They should be there!
guy had a real chip on his shoulder
by the way nice to see my man sterling k brown work, he's so underrated it makes me sick
aesop was a slave
He also wanted to kill Chinese people, remember one of those ships full of weapons was going to Shanghai.
Why is there no Black reservation somewhere in the South with Black-owned casinos?
There's an alternate history tv show that's supposed to be coming out where Black people are given their own Isreal-like independent country in The South after the Civil War.
It's a cool idea desu
Why don't injuns express as much butthurt as negroes? We don't even have an injun in the MCU yet, what the FUCK?
read a book boy
There wasn't any continent when life started.
>let n word argument
This is too easy
Will they have a wall from which they shoot little cracker kids who live outside their borders?
What if his great grandpa jumped and his grandpa stayed on the ship?
Were you there?
Have you even seen the film?
Then Killmonger would be a lot fucking older than he was in the movie.
>Descendants of slaves in America today enjoy an infinitely higher quality of life than free natives in Africa
What did he mean by this?
dont forget they genocided the mullatos right after too
Injuns should be glad they are spared from the mcu. They have one of the coolest characters in fiction anyway
you mean Liberia?
>People can’t kill themselves after having children
This is your brain on /pol/
I'm actually curious about how that would go. The one they tried to set up in Africa failed miserably because you can't just plop down a bunch of slaves with no concept of self-governance in Africa, tell the to figure it out, leave, and expect it to go well. Meanwhile in the US, post-slavery Blacks kept trying to live up to White standards because anything less was seen as confirmation that Blacks were inferior dysfunctionals after all. Presumably having their own free state in the US could have applied a similar social pressure to excel.
actually liberia did reasonably well until the communists came.
these are the niggers who say shit like this while reaping all the benefits of getting transported to the western world instead of getting left behind in africa to die of diseases,hunger and the occasional civil war only actual slaves had any fucking reason to be angry. seriously fuck ungrateful modern niggers like this.
Yeah and his point was retarded.
Just because you share a skin color with someone doesn't mean shit. Blacks aren't all the same just like whites aren't all the same. Europeans don't give a shit about each other because they're all white. You see French and Germans flinging shit all throughout history, Brits and Scots, Portuguese and Spaniards, so on. African tribes had their own conflicts as well. Fucking Hitler didn't care about "white people" since he considered some whites like Iberians and Slavs to be subhuman. What matters to most of the world is your country/culture. Only in America, by both the far right and the far left, is skin color considered a unifying feature.
The fact that the woke crew believes in his ideals, and even TChalla cedes at the end of his movie, is very telling about what kind of culture America has.
yes that was user's point
jewish ships
nothing's stopping you from going back to africa and turning it into wakanda you dumb nog
Not personally, and it's a good thing because Earth looked even worse than Africa.
The ex-slaves instituted their own version of slavery though.
Considering the show is run by hollywood people with no understanding of history or politics, the world they make is probably going to be stupid and make no sense.
as a white person who remembers the pre racial years of the 2000s i thought this line was fucking dope. best second of the movie maybe. but i also enjoyed mbaka's turn as a good guy.
a lot of the movie was lame.
Only by virtue of there being more people today than ever. White people made the idea that an individual could climb social classes a reality and ended open slavery.
How many times to sub saharan countries have to fail before colonialism is a no longer a viable excuse?
It’s ok if you can’t think of one user.
Never because China is the new scapegoat for Africa's failures.
If colonist never showed up africa would have taken us to mars. Imagine.
>Because during colonialism a bunch of arbitrary lines got put down dividing up the area with zero regard for tribal lines
Wait, so diversity is not a strength? HMMM...
Has there ever been a single in in modern cinema that has triggered the /pol/cucks on Yea Forumsirgins more than this one? Hell, the entire Black Panther movie triggered to historical levels. Maybe the Ghostbuster reboot comes close in triggering.
White people are always to blame.
Read a book, Cleetus.
What does that post have to do with diversity?
Captain Marvel. People actually started believing the “Disney bought their own tickets” meme.
Haitian revolt only worked thanks to demonic assistance tho
Another planet of the apes movie?
They did though. They "donated them to charity"
A Greek slave bruh
And yet Ethiopia was never colonized. No matter how many failures you will always, like a child, blame someone else.
Feige can try, but I dont think the gimmick will have the same effect the second time. Just look at the history of comic books to see how marketing gimmicks done repeatedly have a diminishing effect. You don't even have to look at comic books. It's kind of a basic human response to repetition.
Oh no were POOR! Better go back to slavery!
AND NOBODY ever heard of these "charities" or even saw their people go watch it.
Funny, how everybody always forgets (((who))) owned ALL these boats and made money on the trade.
Did you read what I quoted? Of course you did, you're just retarded, intentionally or not.
>Jus' throw me in the water nigga 'n shit
Yes based caribbeaners murder all these white people and take some gibs while you're at it, it's our fault developing black nations are like this.
>And yet Ethiopia was never colonized.
Didn't Italia ruled them at some point ?
By almost all metrics, Botswana is a rather safe and stable country, sometimes even beating some LatAm and Eastern European countries in things like HDI and crime safety. It has a long and stable record of clean elections and relatively uncorrupted government.
If you want to count the Caribbean, Barbados and the Bahamas are doing well both ranking in the 50s in the HDI tables for 2017.
>inb4 cope nigger
Nope, not one shred African
Reddit humor
I'm going to Haiti with my gf for Christmas instead of hanging out with our families, what am I in for? Yes we are both white.
look how many minorities are mad about your comment
You have a good chance of being robbed and a 100% chance of being ripped off. Unironically I question why you'd expose a female to the risk. You should both have guns a reliable vehicle and an escort that can be sued to avoid bribery.
>proud nigger is the bad guys
>cocksucking nigger is the hero
What did jews mean by this?
You hear that guys?
You know what that means right bros? Do you get it?
Guess what that means guys? Hahahahaha did you get it?
Phahahahhah bondage hahahah means hahahahahhaha
Don’t make me say it
Wait for it
Why did this movie make /pol/ types so mad? The movie didn't say "Wakanda is Africa without whitey!" they're advanced because they lived on that giant macguffin meteor. The only people saying that are some literally whos on twitter.
If you knew anything about Botswana you'd know about its recent growing white population. Botswana actively asks whites to move there for important jobs.
A Wakandan literally called a guy who never colonized anything a colonizer. Because he was a whitey.
It's almost like you want your girlfriend to get an HIV-rape.
this flick was a blatant african american power fantasy and i find that risible
This white girl is culturally appropriating our curly hair n sheeit.
Because it was meant to. Jews create material to trigger both /pol and SJW and then they play as the referee. They're always playing both sides, just look at the reaction to the Joker. Some SJW are going nuts at a incel Joker but at the same time he has a nigegr girlfriend. Trigger everyone, collect shekels.
Ummm ok lol. Can someone come and patch me up? Oh yeah Just throw him in the beach or something... strip him naked first and take my suit from him. Also take records of his body for the archives. Were gonna need detailed entrees into the historical logs. I guess when your done disecting him and have taken most of his body away to display in museums throw him in the ocean. Just pick it up and throw it in the bin when the tide brings it back. Also. Wakanda has no oceans. But thats ok. Just throw him into that waterfall. dumb nigger wont know.
Ancestro could have given birth and then jumped or the father jumped and left the wife and kids on the ship.
>Just bury me in the ocean with my theorized ancestor that, I speculate based on no evidence or data whatsoever, it is possible, however unlikely, that he got a fellow enslaved woman pregnant at some point, but perhaps during the crossing he decided to jump ship, finding that the sensible thing to do given the circumstances, cause they knew death was better than bondage.
Israel has no right to exist
Africans can have Africa
Israel can't have territory, they should go extinct
and they will