What was he watching?
What was he watching?
Cum Filled Asshole Overload 2
My fat ass
his wifes lawn getting mowed.
You spose to know what my wife's lawn smells like?
30 seconds, mow the lawn, in and out
Epstein tapes
formerly sober
>watching child snuff films in my coworkers garage
>intense anal rape scene between protag and antag
>slouch down my seat and yell, "YO, THIS NIGGA FINNA GET DABBED ON"
It part 2
Rust cumming in his wife's butt
Literally me yesterday
His ex wife
Carcosa and the Yella Kang
>you'll never ejaculate balls deep in her asshole
I'm watching S3 right now and my theory is that the kid was killed by the daughters real dad, other dad was cucked by whore mom, but the communion hands and dolls are a red herring, some well meaning but weird Christian people found the body and laid it like that to give him peaceful rest or whatever rather than it being a creepy ritual. The interracial couple that was seen near the farm, probably didn't want to report the body because didn't want to make their own relationship public. Meanwhile the dad/killer faked being a cop or is a cop himself while interviewing the farmer and took the daughter away. Could be he was the one who planted the evidence in the trash man home, a cop would have access and think like this. Don't at me I won't read spoilers but bravo pizza. I'm counting on you that the reveal will be just as stupid as green ears.