The Chad American Drama

>the Chad American Drama
>portrays characters as they would be in that period
>makes no excuses about how awful these people are
>provides interesting plots and logically ups the ante
>the Virgin BBC "Drama"
>characters act like modern PC millenials
>show wants you to somehow accept that these people are really not that bad, despite the awful things they do
>jumps the shark more and more with each season
>has no asrtistic value and is mostly a bunch of "kewl" moments strung together
But seriously, how do you fuck up this bad? PB is literally the Dolalr Store version of BE.

Attached: BEvPB.jpg (638x479, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> walks towards camera in slow motion

fookin twats

>the devul wonts to take away our Bulls, lads
>whoz gon' fuck our sisters, mothas n' daughtas then Tom'?!

Boardwalk Empire was boring as fuck tho for like 75% of episodes. Pacing definitely felt like 1920s cinema.
Characters in boardwalk empire are definitely better than peaky tho

>both shows add interratial sex and plots after first few seasons
what did they mean by this?

BE came out before the big PC push, when you could still say nigger and put women in era adequate roles. Every series that comes out today is going to be pozzed.

Boardwalk only did it in S4, in a one-off episode and was portrayed as two perverts being perverts, who were then killed off in the first 10 minutes of said episode. PB literally has the main character being ok with his sister getting niggered, and picking fights over random mutts.

>british "comedy"
>character walks into a fish and chippery wearing a dress and a stahlhelm
>talks in a high pitched french accent
>keeps bending over to fart and taking pratfalls
>keeps trying to order lentil soup for whatever reason
>turns around to open his umbrella and accidentally knocks off the monocle of the society lady (also a man) standing behind him
>puts his arm around the nearest lad and starts singing god save the queen in french
>thousands of constables run in and club everyone in the scene


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>Brits are Cucks
What a shocking revelation!

Threadly reminder that Boardwalk Empire immediately went to shit when Jimmy died.

shuttup Jimmyfag

>jimmyfags still mad

Boardwalk Empire actually had depth and a talented ensemble cast

>>show wants you to somehow accept that these people are really not that bad, despite the awful things they do
Hence all the forced anti-racism shit they do in the show. 'They may be ruthless murdering, thieving thugs but they're pro-black, so hearts of gold!'

They also bang on about the cavalry being evil toffs all the time. Having not done any research, I would not be surprised in the least if cavalry = bad is a historical myth again to the 'lions led by donkeys' thing that paints all British army officers as cowardly toffs that suffered rare casualities, rather than the reality of officers having very low life expectancies and dying to a greater proportional degree than the tommies.

Okay Tommeh we'll save you from your current predicament this time but now you will be doing work for Mr. Sauron


muh childreen

>Having not done any research

/pol/ at work

The plotline about Eli's son was Peaky Blinders level

>They also bang on about the cavalry being evil toffs all the time. Having not done any research, I would not be surprised in the least if cavalry = bad is a historical myth again to the 'lions led by donkeys' thing that paints all British army officers as cowardly toffs that suffered rare casualities, rather than the reality of officers having very low life expectancies and dying to a greater proportional degree than the tommies.

Yes, defend the honor of the British upper class. You stupid fucking cuck.

half of boardwalk empire was about nucky's wife pushing gender boundaries.

all while based Gillian was fucking her son and guys that looked like her son

Youre defending lies you resentful plebian

Blackadder has a lot to answer for. People actually think it's a fair representation of what happened in WW1. It gets almost everything wrong and preaches left wing propaganda.

Reminder that he did nothing wrong and only fenians and communists would disagree.

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Bless you Jimmyfag

95% of PB's soundtrack is the same music used in sports bar, bar & grill, and BBQ sauce commercials

There are two styles of liberal characters: the "boundary pushing" and the "matter of fact". Up until recently they were all boundary pushing; a token strong woman who can be as good as the guys, a negro who gains the respect of his fellow whites, a couple of gays who are just like you and me and they love each other maaan.

Now that those battles have been won the second phase of the indoctrination has begun, and you get stuff like women fighting in medieval battles with the men, black Achilles and non-binary characters casually mentioning that they have two dads. If reality and the agenda conflict then reality is wrong. Just accept it and move on goy.
Best villain in TV.

Attached: Arnold_Rothstein-boardwalk-empire-16730342-330-495.jpg (330x495, 52K)

>PB literally has the main character being ok with his sister getting niggered
Does he even know? I thought Polly was the only one who even knew Ada was pregnant, much less who the father of the kid is.

Why is that guy on the left always doing some weird shit with his mouth? Like some weird combination of mugging for the camera and a facial tic. It’s so distracting I never got into the show.

The writing this season of blinders is something else. Mosley is nothing compared to the villains that have come before and they call him the devil lol

Boardwalk was a decent idea that was badly executed.

Eh, not really. If it was PEAKY FOKIN BLINDAHS, Nucky would've strong-armed the killed kid's father off-screen and Eli's son would've been turned into a Ganster in a Slow Motion montage as Paint It Black played.
Setting up a clinic to teach up women about pregnancies or trying to get a job as a secretary is hardly the same as Aun'Polleh dressing in a 3-Piece-Suit and fucking around, a literal whore making demands of the Gangster & Politician & Businessman who was kind enough to marry her, all the while you're meant to root for them to take over the "boys' business". Even Gillian who was the "independent woman" of the show was shown as completely fucked up, in over her head, and the only thing she did was head over a brothel that she eventually botched. She was scared shitless of Gyp, whereas in PEAKY FOKIN BLINDAHS she would've been the one to kill him. And she was villain-coded since she was pretty rude towards Harrow. Hell, compare Joyce to Arthur's wife. Both are normal women who are brought into a world of violence. Joyce comes to love Richard and her arc ends with going to a farm to raise Tommy. Arthur's wife is a cocaine addict trying to turn her husband against his brother, conniving with the whore wife of said brother, and is shown to be in the right, because "sexism n' sheeeiiiit".

Boardwalk runs circles around PB as far as female characters are concerned. Bitchy as Gillian was, I did feel sorry for her considering everything that happened. There's not a single woman in PB even worth "liking".
Yeah, he knows. In the latest episode there was a scene where that nigger is playing Chess with Ada's son, and Tommeh and Arfuf come in to make him contact his superiors in the Government so that Tommy can join Mosley's group and spy FOR DA KING! He asks him if he really wants to be "part of the family" so he knows exactly what's going on.

It's unfair to use Boardwalk Empire (very good) and Peaky Blinders (shit) as two examples to compare American and British TV. What if I use Sex in the City and Our Friends in the North as examples?

Peaky Blinders got too stupid after season 2

>He asks him if he really wants to be "part of the family" so he knows exactly what's going on
I thought he asked him that because he's been Finn's buddy for years and has done everything ever asked of him without fail.

what is with this stupid peaky blinders shitshow. Almost everyone I know praise that ugly dude like he is some sort of aristotel or newton what the fuck. All I see are mediocre messages and his fucking face smoking like is this the best you can do?

He was literally on drugs half the time. I dont mind though because it helped make his character look extra miserable when he needed to.

Are you capable of speaking like someone with an IQ over 20?

That's just how he looks, m8, natural born DSL. I enjoy Peaky Blinders, but it really is just Sons of Anarchy: 1920's.

>Liked Boardwalk Empire
>decide to watch this show

Was barely able to marathon the first episode. Fuck British people are insufferable.

Needs more discussion of our guy.

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i disagree, it didn't go to "shit", but the quality was definitely reduced. he was a solid character with an interesting arc and personality.

Filthy Yea Forums-immigrants, shilling jews, redditors of every stripe. Dangerous as they may be, make no mistake my brethren, it's the tranny that is the true bane of our great board. Out of discord they come like so many rats, feeding on threads here to for reserved for anons, oldfags, baneposters, true Yea Forums-posters all, confined to the archives, their threads dying, while the tranny gorges himself.

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I confused them at first too, but the Mutt hanging out with the PEAKY FOKIN BLINDAHS is that nigger priest's son. The nigger that's been fucking Ada is a whole new character introduced this season and he's working for the government.
Because PB was clearly created to be BBC's analogue to Boardwalk Empire. It's set in the same period and it focuses on gangsters. It aired 3 years later when they were able to see whether BE would be a success or not.
Personally, I know a show is good if it's got a few but well made YT tributes. If it's all over the place with thousands upon thousands of fanvids, chances are that it's trash.

I'm still mad they fucked up such a kino show as Boardwalk Empire. What the fuck man.

Mosley is different from the others. He's got real power, not just cop power or priest power, has an alluring political stance that at this timeframe would be very dangerous given the Depression, when people would sell out their ethics just to be able to eat, is a war hero so already a venerated member of society at large, and is basically like getting a snapshot at a McCarthy-ist future where suspicion was enough to convict if he got his way. Mosley is also an enemy who can't just be killed off like the others, so the only way to get at him is to do what Tommy's doing and that's being a snitch to the government, who have the power to disgrace Mosley and discredit his politics if they have the ammunition to do it, which Tommy will provide if he gets into Mosley's confidence the same way he's using Ada to get in with the Communists and narc-ing on them too. Tommy's problem is that every time someone in his stupid family solves something with a murder or an assault, it makes him out to just be a two-bit thug playing politician and thus untrustworthy, which might undermine the whole plan. Those phone calls he kept making asking for confirmation of his position as an informant is him covering his Shelby ass with the Powers That Be so that if any of the rest of the unlawful Shelby acts come to light, like what faggot reporter guy was trying to leverage before he got shot dead by people clearly not Peaky Blinders but wearing the kit, then he has protection from prosecution if he's implicated.

I think we can agree Taboo is the real Chad drama.
>Fund your own show
>write it yourself
>star in it
>play your own badass self-insert without a trace of irony or self-awareness
What a legend.

He's was unsung hero of Boardwalk Empire.

>Dat sniping scene with Phantom of the Opera organ music.

Kino as fuck.