He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard

He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard

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God i want to punch him in the face

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can someone livestream the movie? the only way I could get through it is if it's being collectively shit on

Movie ?

that bird is unhealthy

The AVGN movie

No. Make real friends.

James is max comfy.

Have you not watched it before? It's not even bad, by YouTuber standards. There's nothing about it that's bad enough to be funny.

Do you also get this upset when McDonalds changes their lids?

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So is your face


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This. The AVGN movie isn't that bad, especially when it's held against things like the Linkara movie or Space Cop or any of the TGWTG anniversary movies.

The Ashens movie (the guy who literally reviews McDonald's toys and instant noodles) is much better and was made on a smaller budget.

I unironically love James. He's too pure for YouTube.

True but that doesn't make AVGN's movie bad, because it isn't.

His laughs were fake tits on True Lies, he is literally trying to give these guys credit with false pretenses.



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>old avgn
>casually reviews games as if he were James himself.
>even at his angriest, it feels genuine and how people would actually react
>Quotes are actually memorable for being funny
>skits were actually funny and had soul
>has control over the game, if it’s shit he turns it off when he wants
>are infinitely rewatchable, can put on in background anytime I wanna get comfy

>Modern avgn
>completely flanderizes the character.
>Has over the top fits that are super annoying and cringe, not how normal people act
>quotes are only memorable for how cringy they are
>skits are terribly unfunny and overuse green screen/bad effects, whereas the old ones actually try.
>games have control over him. Acts like he’s in actual pain rather than in shock at how bad they are.
>watch once just to see how bad they are, never wanna see again.

Please James just end it

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>hasn't even risen up

It isn't funny, it isn't charming, it isn't anything, it just sucks shit.

lol why did you type this out?

The problem is that James went way too ambitious for his budget.
The other movies are mostly just people in a room talking, but James wanted “campy” action scenes.

I have a theory he got embarrassed when he realised AVGN will be the thing people remember him for, and tried to separate AVGN into a "character", when it was very clearly just an exaggerated version of himself to begin with.

It’s a pasta

Eh. I found it to be charming because it's basically a guy doing a homage to old movies he used to like without it being a direct parody of any one movie. What was especially charming to me were all the practical effects they did, and knowing it was just a fun project for them.

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What exactly is/tv/'s problem with James Rolf?
You may not like his content,but to my knowledge he's never been malicious or tried to insert politics into his stuff..Ike SOME people.

AVGN movie is proof James doesn't understand his own character. By making him a famous e-celeb with adoring fans, he ruined the character

Like dougee he wanted to move on to other things or quit but the fand wouldn't let him.

James has been doing different series since the beginning. He's always been about branching out and trying new things while still doing AVGN. That's different from what Doug did, which was completely abandon what people like to focus solely on new projects.

The problem is a lot of the budget was still mishandled.
He didn't need to spend that much to get campy action scenes and he tried to find his own solutions to scenes rather than just asking professional advice.
The end product ends up looking barely better than Kickasia.

It cannot be stated enough that James is not a movie expert, he's a movie fan.
Even having made all those home movies, even after studying film, he seems to have a very basic understanding on how films are actually made and he almost seems to wear that as a badge of honor.
While most professionals gain valuable industry insights while working on productions, James never did.
And as most people know, you'll always learn more in a year of an entry level position than you will in your entire time at college.

>The end product ends up looking barely better than Kickasia.
Why would you say something so completely untrue?


>and knowing it was just a fun project for them
IIRC production was a nightmare and put him off ever wanting to make another feature film

You can have fun doing something and also say "let's never do that again."

name 38 examples

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you will never be friends with Mike Rich or Jay

why dose it sound gay when you put it like that ?

Everything I did in my youth. That's over 38.

Because you're a faggot.

says the faggot experimenting with his sexuality

Did that everything also result in blowing a 3rd of a million dollars, make you go bald, and kill your lifelong passion?

Your joke doesn't work, because if I were gay and had experimented with my sexuality, I wouldn't be saying "let's never do that again" to gay sex. I think you've got something, though. You just need to work on it and develop your gotcha a little. Keep trying and hang in there.

He would beat you up in a real fight, Doug

Sure. Why not?

sure it dose, maybe you bi ? Maybe you didn't like how your boi pucci got pounded and never want to try it again

moar like
baldest gamer you've ever seen

If I'm bi, then again, I wouldn't be saying "let's never do that again" to homo sex. Try again. I believe in you.

>Modern avgn
you forgot to add

lots of them only try it once

This hits hard....

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So what made you only want to try gay sex once?

Nah, James simply showed that being a critic is a thing that every retard can do but being a real moviemaker is takes a lot of dedication and mastery (look at Space Cop). I am 100% sure that James spend all of his time at the costumes and "special effects" instead of directing and screen writing, and that's why this movie is such a mess. James should've been only a Producer and the Lead instead of doing everything

Literally all he had to do was make Waynes World: Video game edition.

It would have been a cult classic

you can do better than that son

I'm sorry your dad said that to you the first time he fucked you in the ass.

That sounds like shit.

yes, and it simply shows that all those old school e-celebs were extremly lucky to be at the right spot at the right time and that they never would've a chance in the current enviroment even with 300 times the budget normal low budget kickstarter movies have.

>waynes world sounds like shit
literally kill yourself zoomer

A Wayne's World copycat tryhard clone sure does sound like shit.

>As opposed to the masterpiece that is AVGN: the movie

I bet you bought the signed collectors edition you cuck

Quit abusing him, Mike. I've seen how he flinches around you.

Both the AVGN movie and your retarded idea to ripoff a movie from the 90s are bad.

the eraserhead budget was under 10,000

That signed collectors edition will never be worth anything, like your life, throw it in the trash fanboy!

and guests zzzzzzzzzzz



Your idea was stupid.

You're probably the biggest idiot on Yea Forums right now.
Your opinion means nothing to me.

AVGN as a series is always waynes world.
You wouldnt know that though because you have a brain the size of your micro penis.

Your idea was dumb and retarded.

>dude a random user invented the idea for waynes world

yikes and cringe

The idea was a bad idea.

>dude a random user invented the idea for waynes world

yikes and cringe
(Ill keep this retard here all day)

imma be honest, AVGN just sucks nowadays, (rentals is fine) but the main show is like 20% of what it used to be.

Nostalgia Critic, aside from the shitty 2016 phase of doing skits .. the Nostaligia Critic stuff he puts out nowadays, is literally 90 - 100% as good as the classic days. Quite impressive.

Should have done it Tristram Shandy style. The whole movie is James and Mike trying to make an AVGN movie, and failing.

>wh*te nerd """humor"""

James has no agency or control over Cinemassacre anymore, he is quite literally a slave of Ryan and the Screenwave fatties, and his whore fat cunt of a wife of course.

They should have made the movie a line-for-line remake of Dunston Checks In. Dunston Checks In was a good movie.

It was actually James idea. He billed the AVGN movie as being based on Wayne's World and Pee Wee's Big Adventure and I think even a braindead zoomer like yourself could see he vastly overestimated that assessment.

>it's a mother fucker mike episode

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What do you think the bernie mac black kid is doing right now

Current AVGN is fine if it's just him sitting down and playing a game. The problem is that he still fancies himself a filmmaker, so he feels the need to to all these elaborate skits and shit with costumes and special effects and whatnot.

That said, I was impressed that they tracked down the "Pepsi for TV Game" guy from the Pepsiman cutscene.

How many replies do you have in this thread?


>wh*te nerd """humor"""
Most unfunny and cringey shit ever, you don't have to be a nigger to see that lol


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He's angry because him mommy wouldn't buy him a Genesis when he was a kid.

Ok Doug

Mostly this. Although I think somewhere along the way they forgot the main attraction was being a bunch of regular guys who are passionate and just BS in a natural way about things they like. IDK the pressures of YouTube content creation first hand, but I know I could improv smoother banter if not write all their dialogue while being 8 beers in. (Which I usually am.) But we don't watch for that. It's supposed to be casual talk between regular dudes who almost certainly got bullied in high school for liking the things you like. "Nerd comfy" is a good term for their process. James is the awww shucks Captain America of millennial media consumption. They should stick to that hook.

theyre going to be legal in 15 years.
which one of us will become jamess son in law?

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Mike is the kind of guy to fuck his best friends daughter

What's the best episode of AVGN?

I prefer the ones where he isnt talking about poopy diareah and is doing fun skits. so...

Friday The 13th
Texas Chainsaw massacre
Addams family
Spiderman (kyle justin is funny as fuck in this)
pepsi man

Don't encourage the pedoposter. And don't you dare say a cross word about Mike. He is my autistic angel.

When he gets taken to the interracial breeding grounds

mike does like his blondes.
Claire was blonde
Erins hair is actually blonde, but dyed red she says.

how fucking old are you

is this adjusted for inflation?

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Reminder: mike was like 25 when pokemon came out in the west

his wife is so ugly holy shit

Duh, why do you think shes with james?

so is your dads wife, its normal

the recent Chex review was actually decent (at least by contemporary AVGN standards)
the jokes were germane to the game in question where a big weak point of the last few years eps was a lot were a generic slapping together of random swearing and shitting references


Calling your husband a mad genius and supporting him when he's really an average nerd with a silly job and a pocket full of dreams is pretty attractive.

Best kind of waifu

He would've been closer to 18, but still, too old to be into that shit even when it was brand new

>>even at his angriest, it feels genuine and how people would actually react
Yeah because I would shit on Bugs Bunny and all over the floor on a fit of rage, he wanted out long ago that's why the new episodes are shit

>support him

lel more like control him, you can tell she probably beats the shit out of him and deprives him of everything he enjoys

I must have missed that. Not saying you're wrong. I'm just not aware. Evidence?

Do you fear women user ?

he was never into it. Erin is like 30, and was one of those geeky chicks in highschool when pokenon came out. Erin forced mike to play pokemon.
erin isnt even that knowledgeable about pokemon either really though

I think the worst misstep of AVGN is thinking loud = angry.

It comes off as fake emotion. To me, anyway. Also, his production values going up kind of ruins the feel of the idea -- but it's understandable why he'd improve the quality.

James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.

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if Shinto had a god of Boomers. James would be it

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What are some good post-100 episodes to watch?

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>be user
>be based

>We live in the year 2007.

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Pepsi man is the only kino since #100 that I can remember

If the worst thing your wife forces you into is Pokemon that's not bad. I mean, it's still gay but not licking up jizz from dudes she picked up in the Walmart parking lot gay.

That's pretty common. I agree, but it's a comedy crutch and the zoomers love it. PewDiePie and such. We all did love it at that age. But really even "smart" mainstream shows like Archer lean on over the top delivery. Again, we're not watching James for the tight writing. I'd prefer sticking to affable & relatable. I think we agree there.

the clock is ticking james

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Are we still doing the "millennials=boomers because we're cool zoomers" thing?

>yfw James kills himself the night of December 31, 2019 because he can't deal with the passage of time anymore

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James is a good father, he would never do that to them

Why did he add the black guy? Wtf is wrong with white americans?

His wife told him to. (not a meme)

How am I missing all these wife stories?

she literally made a blog post on his official website that everyone read saying how cinemassacre is nothing but white cucks and they need some diversity to fill her pussy with bbc

cinemassacre.com(DELETE THIS)/2012/01/06/mrs-nerd-speaks/

lets help mike win arcade cabinet

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What's up with Retail Reviews starting on 9/11? I thought Mike hated making content aside from livestreams

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I remember feeling old when James had his first kid. Now i feel even older.

Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout

Miss the old threads about him being a cuck

His girlfriend wants more fame

The movie was a mistake

oh my god. look hiw fat mike is

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Ghosts and Goblins

None of the post 100 episodes are really bad until Treasure Master, which the first screenwave episode.
you have stinkers Sega Activator, but episode 101 to Treasure Master is a nice watch. it isnt a chire liie the screenwave episodes

>the Nostaligia Critic stuff he puts out nowadays, is literally 90 - 100% as good as the classic days. Quite impressive.

that´s because NC was garbage (and still is) from day one

okay this is messed up. unironically delet this

>what is a nine letter word that gets Andrew Dobson hard?

Of course not, otherwise the bait doesnt work

I don't get it.

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Yes it was a good example of how you add guests in AVGN without making it boring/tedious.

Atari Porn
Bible Games
All LJN games

Another October is coming sans Monster Madness.
How am I gonna get through, boys?
Why did capitalist pig James have to sell out to the Fat Gang and betray me like this?

Used to be. Think you're getting another Trip to Sleepy Hallow ever again?

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Don't worry, Doug Walker still does Nostalgiaween every year. I'm sure that's just as good as Monster Madness.

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They're doing horror rental reviews like last year :^)

Nah, man. We did the whole God damned thing where we'd wake up, see what James had posted, no on Youtube, but Cinnemassacre itself, then rent/watch/pirate that movie for the evening, keeping up as we got closer to Halloween.
It was 31 movies in a month. We'd watch both if he mentioned two.

what the FUCK was his problem? why was he so angry?

He hadn't had sex, it's why all his work after having a kid are worse

>having a kid
you mean raising one

If anything, James is overly sentimental and sweet. Watch any of his other vids like the dragon one.

hes overly autistic and slow

Who will be his guest this Christmas?

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Don't hate the player, hate the game. Sponsors are literally the only way your videos can directly make money anymore, unless you want to whore yourself out on Patreon or trying to sell t-shirts like everybody else.


So, capitalism

I'm ok with it, honestly. Mike seems to be the only one left who likes talking about games. I'll give it a chance.

what's up Tony

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Ikari Warriors

made thread for mike

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>the angriest gamer
>never say nigger
what a hack

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Justin has said the n word twice on recordings

I have them both saved

Was justin that one guy who wore the Metokur shirt?

I heard your post to the tune of the OP LMAO

no, thats tony the combrain

I still legitimately love most of AVGN's videos (especially episodes back in the double digits)

no, that was Tony

there's a video at a party catching Tony jerking it to something on his phone in the corner of the room

This. Making the baby is the fun part. That's why my dog is named Triple Vasectomy. He's all the hassle I need.

I just want to call attention to how mad this faggot is.

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