War movie

>war movie
>americans are the good guys

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>we're protecting our freedmuz gommie

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If it wasn't for us the entire world would be speaking German right now.

>war movie
>nazis have posh southern english accents

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Is that worse than spanish?

>Americans are imperialist warmong--

Not so fast Yurofucks!


Sounds comfy

Are you a russian?

or Japanese.
It would have been much easier to follow your favorite animu.

>war movie
>soldiers are portrayed as soulful intelligent brothers in arms that forge life long bonds and not sub 90iq high school drop outs who can barely stand each other and drop out of all contact as soon as their contract is up

Attached: 1 vU_060UNOtkX5sz0XEUhTw.jpg (1657x1080, 538K)

You're right, 2 white nations and the east Asian nation with its shit most together could have had a monopoly on the world through traditionalist governments.
We'd be speaking 2 European languages and Japanese as common tongues, instead we're speaking nigger, chink and spic.

Good job, kike.

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Manifest Destiny, cuck. Don't like it? Take it up with Napoleon and the Alexander the Great.

>Chinese film

Attached: 831_DASH1.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

>implying thats something bad

Of all the languages to make the universal standard, german would be near the bottom in desirability.

>american gets in my taxicab
>starts ranting and raving about jews

very peculiar

>thinking that this is a bottom tier language.

We would also be a Type 1 Civilization


Ow, my frickin ears

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yikes und unbasiert

fuck off pewdiepie nigger

Eh they were the good guys against Vietnam.
Bad guys against Germany though.

>Hollywood movie
>Chinese are the good guys

We all know it's bullshit.