It's my birthday today. Please call me "based".
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You're very based today user
Happy Birthday, Based Basey Base!
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You're not only based, you've gained another year's worth of robustitude. It distributes out between your STR, VIT, and WIS.stats. Choose wisely.
hmm yes rather based indeed with a hint of redpilled if I may say so
yeah, I'm thinking its his birthday
Attached: ha ha he cuts the cake weird.jpg (400x375, 18K)
The absolute state of this based birthday lad
How old are you?
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based birthdayposter
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happy birthday absed retard.
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Damn user, you survived yet another year. That's based as hell.
I want that girl as my gf
>he putted all the pictures all together >:(
Happy bday, based fren!
Attached: apu bday.gif (999x689, 470K)
hey it's my birthday today too, based user
we're both one year closer to old age and sickness, wasting our prime youth on the internet
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I dont wanna face another birthday if i were you fam
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Happy birthday based user. I love you
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based birthday poster
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Wishing you as good a one as it's possible to have without using that word.
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based birthday user
you exited your mother's womb this day
Based! Have a good birthday
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A couple of based boys, happy birthday fags!
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literally have sex newfag