Well, user

Attached: Robert-inspection.jpg (541x386, 159K)

I'm ready for the penis inspection, Robert

Robert you checked me last week, and the week before...
I don't think my penis is going to change, can't you just skip me?

Who talked about penis?

>Lean in close to his ear
>My neckbeard scratches up against his face
>The stench of not showering in months nearly knocks him out
>I open my mouth wide to whisper in his ear
>The smell of Doritos making the whole senario worse
>"I didn't wipe"
>He begins his exam
>I muster up all of my strength
>Fart as hard as I can
>The feeling of dominance makes me cum in my pants
>The pleasure of cumming makes me release and shit down his hand
>"Ok all seems good here user, enjoy Joker it is playing in screen 2 down the hall to your left"

Oooh user, this ain't no penis inspection, it's the new buttocks inspection. Shooters these days are so tricky they will hide their ammo anywhere, so we have to search in every hole.

Robert this is too far.
I'm not going to sneak in outside food in my anus, that's absurd.
Just no way I'd try that...

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Shieet Bobby, we tight nigga but ain't that tight, dayum

one bike please

I saw you take a Pringles can into the bathroom, user, and you didn’t come out with it. And I checked the trash, it wasn’t there..

>ok Robert, I ate it. What now?


Free prostate exam with every ticket? Sign me up!

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the prostate is a GIFT from GOD (Allah, Vishnu, Dalai Lama, Elohim) it should not be TOUCHED by a mortal hand this is exactly WHY our dear, dearest WEST IS CRUMBLING DOWN. Wanna touch my prostate? You better get ready to fight for it nigga (pal, excursus mundi, friend) Sanitatium Sanitatis Hominis if you will as the old romans said, and rightfully so if I may!


Hey user, what did you say your name was again? Something stein? You don't happen to be... Jewish right?

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i put a toy up my add and didn't feel much bros what am i doing wrong

I always give myself hourly prostate exams ..can never be too safe at 25 years old.

You're not gonna like what you find down there Robert...

be gentle with my copious hemorrhoids, Robert
