Post Parents-core movies like Big Fish and The Pursuit of Happiness
Post Parents-core movies like Big Fish and The Pursuit of Happiness
Lorenzo's Oil
>tfw I want kids but hate women
jingle all the way?
>tfw you want a cunny daughter but hate women
This makes me sad that my kid will only be 1/4 ching chong
Asian kids are adorable
Then marry a man who is a woman
Bad Boy Bubby
Even worse. Trannies take literally the worst aspects of women without the good parts like maternal affection. Wish I could marry a dude so we could adopt but never have to fuck. We would basically be like roommates with kids.
>disliking/not wanting to have children
>disliking dogs
Name other hideous personality traits only held by people who need to be tied up and buried alive in a shallow grave
>disliking dogs
There's nothing wrong with than, you literal subhuman.
t. Muhammad
Kids suck from 7-24
Untrue. Kids don't turn to shit until 11 or 12. Or whenever puberty starts. They turn into massive assholes as soon as they hit puberty.
I love dogs, but hate kids
>everyone should be a parent
Based retard
Kids are a waste of money and time
>not being completely obsessed over woofer pupper doggo boop the snoot means you're a muslim or a chink
when did this shitty trope start
End yourselves
white people grow up with/around dogs
>End yourselves
Dogs are a strict white thing
You might have some subhuman genes, sorry bro
People who have children but lack the emotional, mental or financial resources to properly care for them are incredibly selfish. This is a lot of people. Having a kid isn’t inherently virtuous.
Doesn't mean I have to be obsessed with them.
No you are just a pedophile
Usagi Drop
No I hate little girls as well as women. I want a son but I don't want to deal with some nagging harpy for the rest of my life.
Stupid people treating animals like toys doesn't mean dogs can't be good pets
That's like saying because whites today are a bunch of insufferable faggots doesn't mean the entire race is shit
But I'm not sexually attracted to men.
That's why you like children you disgusting monster.
Also reminder hatred is a strict subhuman behavior
No lie. See
That reply makes you an even bugger faggot
This dog is a cunnybro
I don't want to fuck the guy though. I just want to have a Chuck and Larry marriage.
Love kids tbqh
You even thinking about marriage with another guy is gay territory already no matter how “bro” you want it to be. It will end up with you finally accepting your repressed faggotry and assfucking your husband.
same here. my daughter is 3.
Bicycle Thieves
Road to Perdition
all women are child molesters
based quints
Work on getting your life together first.
>Also reminder hatred is a strict subhuman behavior
Are you an authority on humans?
Ok sorry man.
My life is great. I have a steady job thatpays decently. Own a home. I still hate women though.
No prob bro
Also have sex
ewww they're exchanging their salivas
>Wanting to raise children in this Godforsaken hellscape
>my life is great I just hate half the population
Yeah nah I don't think you go outside very often.
That user is gay. It’s been established already. Whether he admits or not.
>it's impossible to be a functioning member of society while hating half the population
Kek you're retarded. Just look at modern day feminist who hate men.
And people call them dykes so why would the same not apply to you?
gosh I wish that were me
>it's impossible to be a functioning member of society while hating half the population
Pretty much, yes. Work on your larping skills, then work on getting your life together.
why are they always white
But I don't want to fuck guys.
Holy fucking projecting. Dude I just got out of work right now. I work Friday-Tuesday 3rd shift doing security. Do you need my fucking pay stubs you no life faggot?
At this point I’d rather suck a cock than fuck a woman.
>he doesnt get through his day to day hating everyone he comes in contact with
i go about my business and interact with as few people as possible
its not that difficult normie faggot
As expected
That isn't me.
>not wanting to see your son fighting in the next world war
Post bank statement, seething retard.
Do you want children?
This is the face of a happy man.
I'll post my dick you fucking faggot.
Of course not, user that literally said he’d marry a guy
>do you want children
im not cruel enough to a. bring a human into this cursed world and b. force a child to be raised by a retard like myself and c. put myself through raising a little nightmare
i see literally zero reason to have a child, whats the fucking point
Yep, angry larper. Get your life together or you'll never have kids.
I don't agree but I admire your honesty.
It isn't gay to marry a guy if you're not fucking him though.
why do you want kids? what do you get out of raising a kid?
>i cant play my vidya anymooore
>im 40 and i cant consume my childrens entertainment at peace
>what do you mean the car is broken?
>i dont know how to fix it i play vidya call tyrone
Not that user but this world is going to shit soon, water wars and shit lol
Also just fucking why have kids society is shit fuck you basically
Yes it is wtf. Imagine trying to cope this hard.
Leaving behind a legacy without having to do anything world changing.
Biological insurance. If you take care of them they take care of you
pick up a hobby. i do art and even if my shjit only gets seen by 12 people at least i left something behind
>muh bloodline
kids are a letdown
Shitposting is my hobby.
That stupid webm actually made me happy and think about having children. What the fuck is wrong with me.
>Spent entire last weekend with two of my nephews, the youngest turned 1 the same weekend, the other is 4
God it was fun.
I don't want a kid, but that has nothing to do with thinking your worldviews are foolish.
thats a big fuckin house
>tfw I want kids but don't want a partner of any gender
>you will never have a house like this
>you will never have a loli like this
>you will never have a dog like this
what's the point
Fucking same. Women are terrible fucking creatures. They lack any soul. They exist only to destroy men's lives.
I just want to have a fulfilling parental role with a son. Do stuff that I missed out on as a kid since my dad wasn't the best at parenting.
That same girl will one day accuse her father of "insert privilege" and go fuck a third worlder
>4 fucking sofa sets
What the fuck kind of Winchester house shit is going on here.
Go die in a dumpster you fat pedo bastard.
Knocked up
This is 40
Btw. Anyone knows the req. for surrogate?
you don't want kids, you want purpose in life
Deep. I think you're right.
Loving children is not a crime.
which kids give
well DUH
Wow hur dur how fucking sophiscated of you. You want your fucking (You) you retarded upvote hungry redditor. Fuck you.
What are the odds she took the knot later that night?
I've always wondered what its like having a daughter. I remember I helped my mom babysit two little girls that were like 4 and 9? They definitely felt nervous but I slapped on some Disney movies and they were instantly overjoyed. I don't know if that was parental instinct, but I felt good with the connection.
so you give the child the burdon of making YOU a person? sounds pretty selfish
is this shopped?
yes, procreating is a selfish act
selfish af
That girl is a Yea Forums legend
Parenthood in general is fulfilling, raising my daughter is like falling in love everyday. I'm there for her and making sure she doesn't consume youtube or excessive TV and attending her events like soccer.
>my child is my purpose in life
You know parents like this, maybe you even had parents like this, do you really to become one? They're pretty pathetic.
>tfw want to see the pics of her all grown up but pedos keep posting these
If you don't take your daughter's first time you are basically a cuck.
>raising my daughter is like falling in love everyday
This love won't end in marriage pal
This is the best feeling.
Are you really arguing against what 95% of humanity does? Like, that's pretty bold, but that doesn't change the fact that this is pretty much the default.
That's what it honestly felt like. I haven't really connected like that with kids in awhile, but damn did it felt very fulfilling.
So your ancestoral story is raising generations of children each one hoping they are destined for greater deeds. Have you failed to accomplish anything above you mediocre life? Congrats, you are another link and that is your mission to ensure another die roll.
>95% of humanity
Bold claim, let's see if it holds up.
I don't think humans will be relevant in 3-5 generations. Doesn't really matter what we do at this point, robots will take over and be a better version of us. Accept reality, it will happen.
>Still being a natalist psychopath
first time for what?
You don't marry your sister or your mother either but somehow you still love.
All I'm seeing here is a tour of a nicer house than mine.
I'm not spending money clothing and feeding my mother and putting a roof over her head so doesn't really require me to do anything.
Whos this?
Shit ass tatts
You think having kids is fun? everyone i know who had kid thought the same but most of them have regrets
Neighbors kid screams all the fucking time when leaving the home. I cant imagine how it must be to live in the same home
I know some other whos kid shit themself and smeared shit all over the walls just to get attention
Not to mention the fact that you can have a b*y. Or the fact that you have to still support your "kid" when they're basically adults because the modern world is so fucked that 20 year old can't survive without their parents help and 30 year olds are looking at their parents thinking dam when is that old cunt going to drop dead I need that house.
>I know people who are shit parents and their kids turned out shit
Powerful, really makes you think.
They're not his by the way
>can't even kill his own wife
Yeah I'm sure you'll be a great parent, fellow 4channeler
Furthermore, abnormal behaviour with feces is a sign of severe stress and trauma. Those kids are being abused daily.
>maybe if I’m perpetually edgy people will look past my lack of a personality
Real talk: kids are only cute and fun to have around from 3 to 15 and these days you're stuck taking care of them for twice as long and then they just fuck off and see you maybe once a year. Is it really worth it
well, you're not wrong
lol imagine thinking like this. i have one kid, another on the way and am happier than i have ever been.
it's your duty towards your ancestors to carry on your genetic lineage.
Fuck off. My ancestors worked hard to deconstruct my culture, this is the end result.
The first thing that came to mind when I saw that was pic related.
Now list all the pills you're on
my boy is going to be born on December, lads.
Nope. The kid was born retarded
If that's so important to you, go donate your "genetic lineage" to a sperm bank.
fuck off, virgin.
Enjoy spending all your money on a b*y you sex fiend you lmao
That hand will have been in her asshole
Have you not considered that maybe they're just shitty parents? I wouldn't raise a child that would smear shit for love
Even better.
I can only imagine the soy who typed those.
Reminder that continuing your blood line is the only real purpose nature has given you. It runs to the core of your DNA and everything else pales in comparison. In fact the only worthwhile things you do in your life are those that contribute to the health, robustness and prosperity of your progeny, and to further extent your race.
The aching and confusion in your heart is cognitive dissonance from a lifetime of living in a system that makes it hard for you to breed and convinces you that you should put it off or not do it.
Watch how that person has nothing to say back to me when I say the magic words. Here goes: donate your sperm to a bank then faggot
goodlord that house is massive.
Not him but there is more to securing the welfare of your progeny then by simple DNA donation. You have to raise it, care for it, and protect it less it becomes a meth head abused by lesbian mothers.
>the only worthwhile things you do in your life are those that contribute to the health, robustness and prosperity of your progeny
Dispersing my seed to unknown women, subjecting them to an unknown fate, and not being there to father them is the antithesis of everything I just said.
In your case, a complete defiance of nature, in the form of jumping off a bridge, might be your best contribution to your race.
Nice damage control, but let me remind you. Continuing your blood line is the ONLY real purpose nature has given you.
>Always been really good with kids
>Always been told I would be an awesome dad
>Had plenty of opportunity with chicks
>Too autistic to get into a serious relationship
I've just taken to living vicariously through my friends and siblings.
Careful with that edge
Just don't keep any guns in the house.
About Time lures you in with the rom com prospects and then hit you with the parents-core shit instead.
If your bloodline is killed or fails to spawn, you have failed.
>has 4 front rooms
what the fuck
looks like a big old russian house
for you
Prove you are not a nigger.
I'll start. I want to be a father who is always part of my child's life.
I really might have to have kids now
That's why you need to impregnate as many people as possible. You can't really control if your 20 year old offspring that lives on their own lives or dies, that's up to them. So you have to win through numbers. Reminder, that's the ONLY thing that matters.
Rolling rolling rolling
>10inch penis
Rich as fuck.
>kids are only cute and fun to have around from 3 to 15
That's about right. I'm not a fan of infants/toddlers, but once they hit the age where they can communicate, they start being kind of enjoyable to be around, then when they hit a certain age, they start hitting that generational divide where I have no clue what to talk to them about.
you just know
taught my son to ride a bike today. best feeling.
you didnt teach him shit if you didnt jam a stick through the spokes just when he got the hang of it.
Same. I am super good with kids and always have wanted a daughter. But goddamn do I hate woman my age. Holy fuck they are insufferable garbage beyond redemption. I've hit the point where I would rather miss out on the absolute normal factors of human existence than deal with a woman. Thanks Jews
Don't worry bro robolgfs are just around the corner we're all gonna make it
Daring hypothesis
>no giant fucking mansion
>no cute daughter
>no loyal dog
>no taxes to pay, don't have to clean and maintain all that shit
>don't have to deal with the heartbreak of seeing your qtie FUCKED by some rando
>don't have to bury the doggo when it dies
Look at the bright side
>giving birth to a retard when we have the tech to tell and abort beforehand
Maybe the real retard was the friend we made along the way
I'll be 40 by then, but fuck it whatever
Where is this even from?
I used to live with my best friend. Best 2 years of my life.
>giving your children pacifiers
I thought this was just a meme, do burgers really do this?
No wonder they're fat as fuck, they're taught an oral fixation from birth
Interestingly enough single male surrogacy has increased significantly over the last couple of years.
>Wish I could marry a dude so we could adopt but never have to fuck. We would basically be like roommates with kids.
I mean you can just pretend to be gay. In this day and age this will be a positive no matter how you look at it.
they are uniroincally all gonna take it in the ass from chad
Autism: The Post
Except for the dad who has been taking it in the ass from his wife's bull already
based on topic poster
I did this to my little brother when I taught him to ride
so why do they do it? not saying its right or wrong but why would any of these women have sex with kids? I mean 16 isnt that big of a deal but why 10 year olds? I mean how are they attracted to someone who can not possibly provide for them in any way and will change drastically in a short amount of time?
And you? Do you get any pussy at all?
Based, I wish I could bro. But most traps don't like being traps 24/7.
That dog is being an incredibly good sport about it
>the ending where the author skipped ahead 10 years and had them fuck, completely undermining the entire father/daughter thing and making it seem like Daikichi was basically grooming her
Oh no, not Kes!
just play with your siblings kids
>mfw like women but my gf says she hates kids
>want to have kids one day
>she's 28 and I feel like time is running out
nice house, and tastefully decorated too
love kids, hate fur slaves
>gf who hated kids
Wtf are you doing retard? Only date woman from age 18-22 dipshit
damn that's a huge house, nice looking too so not just the benefits of living far away from pop dense areas
>I'm on my way to 30
>I will never be able to have kids
On one hand, I don't want any and never did, but on the other hand I realize that if I ever become non-suicidal I will have no life regardless and eventually go back to kms.
If you really want kids, abandon ship now. It's hard because you'll have to start all over again, but she's only going to dig in further as time goes on. She's running the clock on you.
Well we both definitely don't feel like 28. If I posted a pic of her you would think she's in that age range.
She's not some feminist type cunt either, I think whole reason is cause she really hated her parents and has a pretty bad childhood. I keep thinking I can convince her. She's a hapa girl.
>racemixing with a used up roastie who doesn't even want children
user. Run.
That's one of the most adorable things I've ever seen. Thank you, OP. The world is a little bit brighter bc of your post.
Rolling for dirty math teacher.
She has mentioned she has had other boyfriends before. Even moved in with one when she was 21. How did you know?
I think I would have just smothered my kid if I was in their shoes.
Because she's 28. Listen user, all woman are whores, literally every single one. Your job is to find one BEFORE they become one so she's just been your whore. There is literally no exceptions to this rule. Find a cute young girl while you're currently still "dating" your whore, smitten her, then dump your wasteful baggage and reproduce with someone superior.
Found the burger
how many of those "students" are black?
>female teacher arrested for having sex with a student, 10
h-how does that even work?
It's difficult socially to date a 16 year old
Just hide it from your acquaintances until she's older and tell strangers she's your sister.
this isn't cute or funny
Based and checked
Is this true?
are there any recent pics of this unnamed little girl?
One could be white and have the mindset of a subhuman. Example: you.
>ywn be a 17 year old hungarian highschooler legally plunging balls deep inside a 12 year old girl
Maybe if humans were octopuses.
So that must by white women evolved to fuck dogs