Ramsay doesn't know a good 'za when he sees one

>ramsay doesn't know a good 'za when he sees one

Attached: the-feast-gordon-ramsay-pizza.jpg (450x300, 50K)

America should be nuked.

have intercourse


plizzanet earth nigga

That shit must be 1000 calories per slice

More power to the guy and his customers who like it, but I'm with Ramsay. I usually degrease my pizza and I've never seen one nearly as greasy as that.

>cheese looks yellow
please don't tell me that pizza has cheddar cheese on it

It's white mozzarella cheese covered with yellow oil

>I usually degrease my pizza
Someone got the webm of the faggot degreasing his pizza?

With the napkins?


Do americans realy do this? Man you guys realy are the dumbest people on earth

it looks more disgusting on close up

What, ulilillia or however you spell it? Anyway he's based, and so am I and anyone else who degreases pizza.

>realy the dumbest people on earth


I'm with you user. Degreasing a pizza is simply the only logical thing to do

Anyone who isn't italian shouldn't have a say in what a good Pizza is like. Americans and their cheese nukebombs can go fuck off.

Europeans are truly an impressive people. Being able to seethe so hard and often is really something.

eat a fucking apple then you fat retards

>of the faggot
ulilillia is based fuck you

Nah it's not him, it's some 90lbs guy doing it

Huh? Apples and pizzas are totally different, grease or not. You ok man?

you mean the journalist queer who nearly kills himself trying to eat a slice?


Attached: tubular.jpg (500x450, 45K)

shut the fuck up eurofag

Attached: 1489053704557.png (492x475, 24K)

>someone criticizes america in any way
>americans immediately assume he is from europe
That's the real seethe right there.

you're not a very logical thinker are you kiddo

Heh, ok kid.

Here is your american """pizza""" sir

Attached: Chicago-Style-Deep-Dish-Pizza-RecipeGirl-3.jpg (600x900, 91K)

bullshit that's American, I can see green leafy things on top

why do americans call quiche pizza?

I'm a full matured adult (in some places even more matured then you could handle kiddo)

>A little touch of mayonnaise
>Puts in half a cup

Attached: Gordon Ramsay's perfect burger tutorial _ GMA 6-27 screenshot.png (1280x720, 981K)

>no egg
not a quiche

shut up, mayonnaise is based

No YOU shut up. Mayonnaise is not based and neither are you.

egg in the dough moron

Ms Child welcome to the grown ups table

chef was greek

I feel as if not enough people have ridiculed OP for saying 'za

Never call uli a faggot again, you piece of shit. I'll have you know he has had sex many times with his sister.