Cuck Movie

I saw the trailer for this film from the official youtube channel and despite how edgy it comes off, I was shocked to find that the comment section and likes/dislikes were disabled.

Was curious about Yea Forums's take on the trailer and if this is a film that has any possibility of being good considering the subject matter it's addressing...

Attached: cuck.jpg (666x1000, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also, didn't realize until double checking the poster that there was a fucking great value Pepe hiding in the fucking wall...

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thats not pepe

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This is shameless stealth marketing. You're not fooling anybody.


I find it laughable the idea that the people responsible for this film even know of Yea Forums and not just /pol/ or Yea Forums. But no, I would want nothing to do with this fucking trash heap of an attempt at edge.

This movie looks like God's Not Dead levels of straw man building.

And the random Q on that wall also doesn't refer to anything, right? Putting the real pepe would be too on the nose.

lmao is this a joke?

Nope, not a joke, it's 100% real, it's coming out in October...

God has been dead for a very fucking long time, my dudes.

The movie is going to be shit most likely, but it's interesting seeing how people are misinterpreting the cuck thing as if it's demasculating right wing people. The problem is that masculinity.

kek this is too cringe for me im out

No you must watch the cringe, suffer with us brother...

I mean whatever it is, it's a green frog, and although the artist disowned pepe and being a "hate symbol", they had to use any green frog.

Hence, great value pepe...

>cuck written in huge red letters behind him
>pepe would be too on the nose

Attached: Question man.jpg (640x851, 62K)

Cuck is the name of the movie dummy. The movie isn’t called Pepe, is it?

Q for Q user. /pol/ the movie?

the trailer looks great tbqh
i love me some good burgerpunk full of weird degenerate whites, nignogs, cheap guns and 'sick dying mom can't afford to be in a hospital so she's just dying at home'

>tfw not gonna be able to go to the cinema while this is on

Imagine trying to keep a straight face as you see showtimes listed for KEK.

The fact they're willing to name the movie after a porn genre proves nothing is too "on the nose". It's going for pure shock value.

what the fuck is this
>gets mad about youtube comments
>muh illegals
>random WN 1.0 skinhead
>no one else did anything wrong
>even the arms dealer is a russian

What’s the point of movies like this when it will be dated in like two years?
Is the Russian accent on the gun dealer on purpose because of the reinvigorated Russophobia?

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>muh russophobia
russians are warmongering niggers of europe and should be either exterminated or walled off at the ukraine-finland line

>the insult got under their skin so much they eventually made a movie

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That looks terrible

Who the heck would want to watch an accurate portrayal of your average alt-right incel?

>Is the Russian accent on the gun dealer on purpose because of the reinvigorated Russophobia?
i mean they cant have some POC being the gun dealer now can they ..

Is this copypasta from the DNC platform?

Do you guys think the director got a nintendo switch from his wife's black boyfriend in reward for making this movie?

>>even the arms dealer is a russian
russophobic and problematic

>What’s the point of movies like this when it will be dated in like two years?
to milk culture wars outrage to sell a movie that costed $25 to make and pocket a few thousand?

there are comedy movies about actual cucks, rather than movies about /pol/tards seething about being called cucks

>Are you ready to take the redpill?
>Or are you just another KEK?
Looks like unintentional cringe comedy kino is back on the menu, boys.

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sounds EXACTLY like your average right-wing """"political commentator"""" though

The left can't meme

Name 17.

Pepe is a copyrighted character, user

pretty accurate to reality though

Who will play Drumpf in this?

Do you guys think this movie will have the balls to accurately represent /pol/ and why they believe the things they do (eg: JQ)

Even without the current political climate, the odds are very very slim.

why would it be controversial to portray retarded people believing in retarded ideas?

>political commentator
Imagine that being your job title

>Do you guys think this movie will have the balls to accurately represent /pol/
Why the fuck would they?
You've seen how people got riled up over Joker "humanizing incels".
There's literally no way it won't be a gigantic strawmanfest.

Strawmaning - The Movie

>alt right already seething
Aw yeah, this movie is gonna be awesome

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> i know a way to get back at those alt righters
> make a movie called Cuck

are they stupid

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>NO U, the movie
sounds based

Alt right is a media term, there's no such thing.

Yea Forums was a mistake

Attached: 58C74974-2D81-486A-B657-99F9C22EB5F9.png (188x196, 31K)
it's real

>someone made a film based off of a Yea Forums insult
this fucking timeline

future clownworld news
>KEK, the first installment of what is now a critically acclaimed trilogy was soon followed by it's sequel S*YBOY to great responses from american audiences
>the final film, COOMBRAIN is scheduled to be released in early 2022

Waste of trips

damn i didn't know cvck is filtered as well

fucking hell they even have him doing the meme gesture

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They cringe at their reflexion in the mirror

strawmanning only applies when it portrays exagerations user, not accurate representations

no it isn't, "alt-right" comes from people who understood that calling themselves neo-nazis was bad optics. They named themselves, not the media.

the fuck is this

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From the imdb page:

>When a frustrated loner gains popularity as an Alt-Right vlogger, the online echo chamber turns his fears into a deadly rage.

this will probably be as hilariously shit as when that copdrama show made an episode about Yea Forums or whatever it was

user, movies take years to make

not this kind of movie

oh really? and how much do you know about the movie making process? it takes months and months of hard work and dedication to put a film out.

>from years to months
already making concessions huh?


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movies can take weeks to make. what the fuck do you know, you cuck?

>Illegal are running the show
Lmao, who believes that? I guess, they can't say (((they))) run the show because it's Hollywood and it would mean the protagonist is right.

Anyone notice the best bant they can come up with is "no u"?

>Lmao, who believes that?
Trump ran his campaign on it and won. There are a lot of retards in this country who actually believe it

why is american media so obsessed with an Japans Anime Forum?
>L&O GamerGate episodes
>Le Hacker Homeland episode
>and now this

Wow! 3 whole episodes in a plethora of media! Big brain time!

Taxi Driver, A Clockwork Orange, Fight Club, Joker...and now...Cuck

>mfw all the triggered /pol/fags in this thread

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you can take a poll if you want. every single pol/ user has more sex than the average male.

Joker and Cuck in the same year... Incelkino...

He never said they were "running the show". He said they were dangerous. It's not the same thing

>it's actually real

Okay genuine question. Who is this movie supposed to appeal to?

lmao when did Trump say that illegals control america? wtf are you smoking?

normie soccer moms (or more accurately, cat moms) memed by the media about the dangerous internet dark web

No but. It fucking comes out at literally the same day as the Joker.

the left leaning parasites in california

> “.45... great, isn’t it”
> picks up a desert eagle

getting under the skin of the right-wing isn't that much of an accomplishment really

Have sex

>are you ready to take the redpill?
Okay. This is going to be amazing.

Will they show us him shitposting on /pol/ for an extended period of time?

They've made a movie about Epic ShitSlapper Dude, so

>it's all about muh immigrants
>not one mention about (((Them)))

What did hollywood mean by this bros?

name a single prominent self-described "alt right" figure (other than faggot spencer). name a single prominent self-described "alt right" organisation. name a single prominent self-described "alt right" website that has a large and influential userbase

>and why they believe the things they do

Closeted desire to be railed by a tranny?

You know exactly what (((Hollywood))) meant.

>No but. It fucking comes out at literally the same day as the Joker.
They're probably trying to divvy up the mass shooters.

seems hilarious.

the left can't meme

he's talking about liberals, idiot. they're the ones who the "cuck" meme is always directed towards

To be fair, the trailer was posted here the other day and it only had like a few hundred views at the time.

I thought it was a joke edit at first but oh boy its an actual movie
can't wait to laugh my ass off when it comes out

the director(s) are specifically using this film to taunt the "alt right" and to provide an alternative to the upcoming Joker movie. it's just obnoxious faggots who can't do subtlety. I may pirate it if it's ridiculous enough just as a reflection of the times we currently live in

Does the trailer look a little out of focus and blurry to anyone else?

The crew behind this are fags, they're commenting on people's threads on Twitter about joker glorifying incels and saying that cuck is way better and doesn't do that and you should see cuck instead of joker on October 4. This is a very liberal pandering movie it seems

I think the right is mad a movie got made showing them in their natural state. At least it appears to make some attempts to understand why this would be attractive to someone. Latent racism + economic instability = alt right. Millennials have shit job prospects and a ton of debt, they feel like they’ve been lied to by both the democrats and the republican establishment, and minorities and women make for an easy scape goat. It’s not rocket science.

r yu ready to taek tha redpill or ar yu just another KUCK

who the fuck writes this shit and the guy does c uck porn and jerks off to it

Get your downvotes and comments ready

are you gonna take the SEX PILL or are you just another c uck?

I'll be honest I'm going to feel a bit bad for these guys once the date rolls by.

Like legitimately, honestly who would be actually willing to watch this instead of Joker on opening night? Regardless if you're left or right, this is one of the most fucking hyped DC movies in years.

You really think they’re competing for the same audience as the joker?

the new joker film looks way more incel core and good as a film then this c ucky trash lool

I mean I wonder where they could have gotten the idea the right was obsessed with cuck porn?
>looks at /pol/ for one second
Oh. Yes, I see now

Joker's audience is literally everyone mate. What are you on about? Even if you don't want to watch it you're going to get dragged to the theaters anyway by your social circles.

I genuinely doubt that even the most ironic of viewers will be willing to give Cuck a fair shake. And tell me, who IS Cuck's audience? Alt-left/Alt-right shitters? You kidding me?

From the looks of it, it’s a tiny little indie movie. Is it even playing in more than a dozen cities? The idea that they’re trying to compete with a huge hundred million dollar blockbuster is laughable. This looks like it’s basically made for the art house crowd, but because of the subject matter the right is having conniptions over it.


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The only people who will see this are Cucks and their trans girlfriends ironically.

Apparently falcons and AR15's are banned from large cinema's or event cinema complexes do I will have to take my AK and my lorikeet to avoid security.


the chad JOKER, the literally who incel cuck

>he actually stars as the cuck in a literal cuck porn shoot


Because the people on this board are obsessed with cuckolding

but then the on guy says( are you gonna take the redpill or are you just another cu ck)

>Because the people on this board are obsessed with cockholding

Everything I could find on the director in under 5 mins. because I know how much we all like infographs.
I didn't even try and look on Wikipedia though so theirs probably a little more info kicking around somewhere.
$1,000 says he's an actual cuck or one of (((them)))

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-09-07 at 9.23.57 AM.png (1461x1034, 1016K)

Wait wait wait. Why are we still talking about cucks? Isn't that old hat?

I thought we were all about incels now?

Heres some more links with his info

Quintessentially right wing

>accurately represent /pol/ and why they believe the things they do
Well if it will, /pol/ will absolutely loose what's left of its shit over it.

So Joker will have all the murders and Cuck will have all the suicides?

Literally me

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woop im a sick f*ck i like a quick c uck f*ck

You forgot
>Person of Interest

>Do you guys think this movie will have the balls to accurately represent /pol/

as a bunch of mutts constantly talking up white supremacy? probably not


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director probably just found out about this place from CNN or something. the projection in this is unreal

if global warming doesnt kill us. Russia might unironicly be last stronghold of the whites. You see them as the bad guys. What you dont see is that they see us as corpses. All putin sees is niggers, chinks, jews and corpses. And one day hell kill the whole lot of them. Russia looks extreme now, but if you dont join soon youll just be another target like the shitskins. All this incel talk about the white race fighing back. Russia has been doing it for years, and their only getting started. Fuck blacks. Fuck gays. Fuck jews. Fuck chinks. Fuck beaners. Fuck libs. Fuck women. either earth wins or russia wins. And russia is white. Thats all that counts. Niggers are to blaim for global warming.

why would we "loose" it over another shitty pedowood fantasy film? you guys are silly

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>Russia might unironicly be last stronghold of the whites
found the shill. put me in screenshot for your shitty clickbait

i don't know. find it easier to blame white people for everything

plenty of russian women (especially models) who go breed with their black boyfriends, dont be disillusioned, women are the same everywhere. Russians have mulattoes amongst them and that number is growing.


shut the fuck up. Russia is a shithole

lol. No.

Youll see. Either will kill you. Or theyll kill you. Or it kills you. your not living past 50. Fuck you.

You forgot american horror story

Yea Forums is almost as big.

why do you leftypol trannies want an anti white safespace?

It seems like it’s the right that’s crying for a safe space. They sound very triggered by this movie nobody other than them has ever heard of

>no argument form the mentally ill leftypol tranny
why do you leftypol trannies want an anti white safespace? LOL

elastic ass her with you

all c uck metal all the time


none of the people you replied to were asking for anything like that you schizo

/pol/tards really hate people dangling a mirror in front of them, do they?

yes they do and that's why that trailer is pissing them off so much

>them digits
read SIEGE by James Mason anons

There is literally limitless material to make a legit comedy and they fucked it up.
Their insecurities blinded them.
Maybe they ARE cucks afterall...

Attached: aut-right7085.jpg (843x768, 102K)

Fucking based.

Cool glass house you got there buddy.

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>leftwing discussions don't have insane moderation.

Read what I wrote again. Slowly.

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Are you ANONS ready to take the REDPILL and buy 45MM DEAGLE brand DEAGLES, or are you just CVCKS!?

>jews try to demoralize whites as much as they can
>it works
>now they write articles and movies and profit off it

>this is who calls you incel

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When is the discord movie coming out?

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Gotta keep the white goyim divided.

Can you imagine if Russia and the West united against neoliberalism? Oy vey!

>When is the discord movie coming out?
Portraying trannies even somewhat poorly is a big no-no thing user, they are stunning and brave.

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The capitalized version of cuck is filtered because mods just forgot about it.

Kekistanis are centrists. It formed around Sargon and Other YouTube atheists who hated SJWs fucking with their body’s games.

Sargon literally opposes white nationalists. Watch the vid where he lost a debate to Spencer.

citation needed

yes exactly, thank you

Sincd 4+4 chan went down, /leftypol/ trannies have flooded here in large numbers. /pol/ itself gives them PTSD, so they try to colonize blue boards where the kike mods will protect them from mean raycis words.

Finally. An accurate movie about /pol/'s real pet peeve: afraid of getting kucked by Jamal.

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citation needed

>And the random Q on that wall
What does that mean?

Well Yea Forums are you gonna take the red pill or are you a cu/ck/?

>doesn't have his ex-KGB black market arms dealer on speed dial
Are you just another C U C K?

Shut the fuck up, boomer.

why would /pol/ give anyone PTSD retard

I'd rather be a cuck than an incel desu.

Haven’t you seen all the Reddit/Shareblue raid threads where they warn that going to /pol/ is deeply triggering?

Did you see the DSA meeting where people got triggered by clapping?

The left are absolute pussies. All you gotta do is say “nigger” or “ faggot” and they scream in pain. They especially hate when you make fun of non-passing trannies.

>Haven’t you seen all the Reddit/Shareblue raid threads where they warn that going to /pol/ is deeply triggering?

All made up by triggered /pol/tards.

but I'm left and I don't give a fuck about retarded identity politics the right loves so much, like most lefties

You’re a white autist who has no power to control the majority of the left. If you try to signal against idpol, Comrade Shaneequa will call you racist, and the rest of the NPCs will disown you from the party.

You wish, lol.

The Reddit and Tumblr raids are acknowledged by other boards

More anti-white propaganda.

Attached: IMG_20190907_133136.jpg (1080x1017, 213K)

wow you're such an expert on the left I'm blown away

Prescient image. White people gather round while a black man abuses on of their own.

Your opinion doesn't matter cracker.

>All made up by triggered /pol/tards.

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>Reddit and Tumblr raids.

Try /pol/tards pretending to be Reddit and Tumblr to stoke your cuck fears.

You glow in the dark, nigger. I'm pretty sure you've noticed half the people you argue against are /pol/tards badly pretending to be retarded. Don't know why you willingly fall for it.

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Lol wtf are you talking about?

Attached: 32C1A0D1-05C6-4190-AA89-245BF8E29EDA.jpg (800x534, 124K)

Anti-idpol tankies are insignificant. You and I both know this.

At the end of the day, socdem niggers and trannies are the bulk of leftist representation in government.

This is profound in just how moronic it is

The Tumblr raids are well documented it was started by Yea Forums, but /pol/ participated.

Look it up on YouTube you dumb faggot.


Did you know there's a thing called photoshop?

Hail Kekistan.

and yours does because you're such an expert

>You and I both know this
Do we?

Search “DSA meeting cringe” on YouTube.

Literally a google search away, you lazy nigger.


For reference, it's THE CURRENT YEAR and Tumblr is fucking dead. Just like your common sense.

Attached: IMG_20190907_134013.jpg (1080x307, 34K)

Just like the GOP is almost entirely made up of nazis. You and I both know this.

>heh friggin lefties and their safe spaces

Yes tankers are a handful of white basement dwellers who like authoritarianism and military uniforms, but are too cucked to become NatSoc.

90% of western leftists are idpol-loving socdems.

China itself has tankie aesthetics, but is de facto nationalist for Han Chinese.

No, I know the video- I’m just saying that’s not common at all so wtf are you talking about?

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>I was shocked to find that the comment section and likes/dislikes were disabled.

Why? That's what they always do when the media uploads any high budget leftard shit.

This. I got banned off /fit/ for three days because of "racism"

>people flooding a place with a profound agenda in mind agitates the native userbase

Whoop de-doo.

Literally two years ago, and only 150 commenters in a website where shit like pic relates gets over 5000 comments.

Is that a raid to you? Do you honestly believe there's been a raid 24/7 for 2 straight years since the election?


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It’s more like we’re laughing h at trannies’eeak attempts to troll.

Reminder that you have trillions of Y-chromosomes in you.

>90% of western leftists are idpol-loving socdems.
what a shocking poll you've just taken inside your head. Also don't confuse the US with the western world, nobody in Europe gives a shit about idpol except of course the right.

More have co e recently since /leftypol/ went down. I didn’t say “raids” were constant, you nigger.

The funny part about tranny raids is that there is an exploit that allows you to swap messages in Discord, and write whatever the fuck you want to write and make it seem legit. Half those pictures thrown around are literal /pol/tards pretending to be trannies.

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>goalpost successfully moved

This. People that have a different opinion than us hurts our feelings, and it should be a bannable offense


Amerilard here, won't lie. I lol'd.

LMAO you Europeans bend over backwards to let Ahmeds rape you, and you have laws against “hate speech” that effectively cripple your ability to resist replacement immigration.

The UK is an Orwellian cuck island.

Have in mind by that same token, there's also been an influx of 4+Yea Forums /pol/ as well. And what the hell. Why would /leftypol/ raid this shithole ever?

Yup. New goalpost then. Are you going to answer the question, or stop when it becomes too inconvenient for you?

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we had a war about this, it's pretty famous. I know you barely participated but still

Imagine getting played by the rich this hard

>Trying this hard to save face

Maximum cringe. Everybody knows the left is represented by 600-pound tranny niggers in wheelchairs.

It is in lefty hugboxes.
Here you're just called an annoying retard, but this is somehow equivalent to you.

I've always found it amusing how it's White Supremacists who's most likely to cry out about the extinction of the White Race, and believe it will be a BIG BLACK COCK that'll bring their extinction via breeding their white women into blackness.

The funny story, is that this BLACKED fetish and BLACK MEN as MUSCULAR SEX GODS began with KKK propaganda in the reconstruction era.

Literally, masturbation fodder for insecure white boys, written by Mega-Insecure White Boys, to whip (lol) themselves into a rage.

Attached: novel-featuring-the-brute-stereotype.jpg (560x871, 65K)

Because all the other chans are defacto controlled by white nationalists or right-leaning centrists who support gamer gate.

It's true it's true.

Lefty sees a black guy? He thinks "That's a dude."

Righty sees a black guy? He thinks "OH NO, that's a sex god! He will take my wife and turn me into a cuck!"

Yeah all the Euros with balls died in the two world wars. All that’s left are faggot cowards and Mongol rape babies. France is like 30% Muslim now and white secularists can’t compete with their birthdate. You’re fucked.

>it's not
Gee user, you tell me.

To be fair black dudes have massive cocks on them. I'm already over 7 inches myself and I'm sure I'm still smaller than most black dudes.

>France is like 30% Muslim
I'm sure it sounds real to the ignoramuses that populate the right

Why did my thread about this movie only get 5 replies and archived?

nice try but I live in France, lived there all my life. Try lying about something else.

BLACKED is literally owned by a Jew though.

Kikes are so insecure about their population decline that Israel recently started publishing anti-miscegenation propaganda. Google it.

Cuck porn is just Jewish directors projecting.

Absolutely checked

>you Europeans
>The UK
americans, like clockwork

Cuck is still obscure to normies while pepe was mega publicized
That said, nothing about this movie is subtle so who fucking knows


So you conveniently shut your brain when an argument turns too inconvenient for you? You're overglorifying your own ignorance. No person in this fucking planet could honestly believe that the sorry state of /pol/ and this website is anything other than a result of /pol/'s direct action.

First thing you're going to hear from /pol/ is "we've been compromised!" And apparently you've been compromised in perpetuity for the past three years to the point 4+Yea Forums /pol/sters are happy yo leave this place if their chan comes back. And even then, they would even tell you that infinitechan was somehow also compromised by Jews.

Do you want my honest opinion? The one common element in shitting up /pol/ stomping grounds is /pol/ itself.

Just for reference, the Rothschild family of Jews is worth 5 Billion dollars. The entire family.

Compare with pic related, a white Christian family. But of course, you have a pathological need to stay angry even if it means believing bullshit you yourself know deep down are bullshit.

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>film about alt-right incel

Oh boy, I cant wait for the scene where the main character talks about the over represented influence jewish people have in hollywood, media, finance and US politics

....they WILL have that scene, right??

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You should visit.

Where did it all go wrong?

Lmao you litrrally quoted snopes
They control all major banks. Why should they need personal wealth when they control the money supply?

>You should visit.
alright just let me go out my front door in the 12th arrondissement of Paris real quick

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...Are you replying to the right person?
It's like you prefer to disregard whatever I post and instead pull things out of your ass to argue against.
Cool Reddit spacing btw, really compliments your post's contents.

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Several things:

BLACKED was created by a French white guy, and has also gone bankrupt 5 times already.

Second, BLACKED is nowhere near as pupular as /pol/ makes it. Check these statistic by pornhub. Notice the most popular actors.

And just to embrace it, pic related is r/ladyboner. Created specifically by girls, for girls. Notice something? How come reddit posts less BLACKED porn than the places conveniently taken over by /pol/.

Oh right. Because /pol/ is OBSESSED with the black cock, and wants to make sure you're obsessed too.

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>He's actually French
Why am I not surprised?
Liberté, égalité, fraternité!

Here is the other picture just in case you mouthbreathers are paranoid.

Attached: 3-pornhub-insights-2018-year-review-gender-female-pornstars (1).png (620x811, 231K)

>William Sneed

Everyone already knows that whites are the most desired race by women. What are you trying to prove?

Mouthbreath my cock.

They control 186 Billion in assets.

For comparison, Amazon controls 900 Billion. Pic related. Bezos is White. And Christian.

Attached: IMG_20190906_150410.jpg (1080x329, 43K)

And they also print money and gain interest on money printed. Are unfamiliar with financing?

(formerly Billiam Chuck)

Bezo is a jew you fucking moron

>Chris Crocker
I feel like that would be a good name for Rey's new lightsaber

Attached: Rise of Streetwalker.webm (1920x804, 1.42M)

Yea Forums: The Movie

>knowledge in both cuck porn and subreddits
As if any confirmation was needed.

Attached: hhehehe.jpg (500x333, 131K)

no french person has ever said HONHONHON but I love that dumb stereotype

/pol/ is the real problem with /pol/. It's that simple. There is no raids or trannies. It's just /pol/ engaging in perpetual masturbatory persecution complex so they force themselves obsessed about problems that do not exist.

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/pol the movie

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rent free

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Don't pretend to be dense, user. For fuck's sake.

Attached: IMG_20190907_143058.jpg (1080x1557, 175K)

>There is no raids or trannies
Yeah, because I've just fucking imagined a horde of discord trannoids constantly keeping their godawfull pinkpilling threads up on /r9k/.
Get fucked, they are mentally ill and so are you.

Attached: 1555615567286.jpg (1500x1125, 233K)

Think about your mindset for a minute.

I'm giving you undeniable proof that Whites people control the most power in the world, but you'd rather keep believing you're victim to a genocide because that invisible /pol/ in your head is barking JEWS WHITE GENOCIDE TRANNIES BLACKS WILL CONTROL THE WORLD.

I'm pretty sure you know who's getting played here.

Attached: gubkq89hldk31.jpg (1035x1354, 136K)

Now do (((Michael Bloomberg))), the guy who was more money than the entire US gun industry combined, and donates to anti-2nd Amendment groups.

Attached: NRA versus Democrat politicians, power and influence Bloomberg.png (1234x1290, 156K)

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>implying France and Germany don't have relatively the same level of cucked anti-speech laws as the UK

>godawfull pinkpilling threads up on /r9k/.


There's your answer.

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Kekistan is literally a centrist group, not white nationalist.

Attached: 1533042851721.jpg (605x379, 34K)

Attached: IMG_20190907_144253.jpg (1080x651, 132K)

It's true though.

SocDem parties are the majority of the "left" in Europe, and most of them support SJW policies.

Actual Marxist-Leninist and Stalinist parties are small as fuck. The Golden Dawn (nationalist party), has more seats in the Greek Parliament than the Greek communist party does, for example.

The cases where your socdem parties "ignore" idpol are in places like rural Denmark and Finland where it's 95% mono-ethnic anyway.

What the fuck is this cancerous thread?

That has nothinf to do with bozo being a Jew

There are multiple screencaps of trannies admitting they raided /r9k/, you lying kike.

Attached: based Pepe hates trannies.png (693x598, 201K)

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Literally the only people with bullshit job titles like "political commentator" are leftists

>Believing anything /pol/ says about Jews.

For reference, Bezos is worth 170 Billion.

Attached: IMG_20190907_144459.jpg (1080x539, 64K)

>they've been spamming threads that clearly bypass the originality filter
I spit in your fucking face, you fucking mong.

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What the fuck is this shit

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what is it with hollywood and cucking?

Attached: ultimate cuck.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

The first pic I posted said (((Bloomberg))) was worth 27 billion. Yours says he's worth 54 billion.

You sure proved my point wrong, lol.

Attached: Jewish media mega huger compilation.jpg (4698x3405, 2.45M)

It's /pol/tards pretending to be trannies and screencapping the results for /pol/ upvotes.

I know because I did it many times.

Attached: s11mx7s6o9k31.jpg (1080x1165, 160K)

>t., tranny

Attached: when you notice a discord tranny post on pol.jpg (554x558, 103K)

Nope. It said he was worth 27 Trillion. Which is a fucking stupid number when you stop and really think about it.

Attached: IMG_20190907_145049.jpg (536x514, 27K)

based cuck lmao

Who told you the Rothschilds were only worth $5 billion? I'm pretty sure they're worth trillions of dollars. White business owners who arguably produce things of value instead of just banking on usury don't even compare.

Read it again, you blind kike.

user that is 27 billion.

27 billion = 27,000,000,000.00
27 trillion = 27,000,000,000,000.00

>Reiko was /pol/
>Shuaiby was /pol/
>Cutehouse is /pol/
>photos of trannies cutting themselves are fake

>stop noticing things, goyim

Attached: Rothschild impressive.jpg (500x321, 33K)

And let me guess: those 3 countries are our enemies for some reason


I mean this scene is kinda cringy but the message is not wrong

Oh wait. Yeah. I'm a retard.

Still. 60 Billion compared to Bezos' 170 Billion? What about the Koch brothers combined 97 billion?

Here's a hint: the five richest people in the world are all White and Christian.

What anout Soros? 8 Billion.

In short, if anybody if swallowing the kool-aid, its you bozos. Seriously.

>Believing anything peddled by thelowest IQ board on Yea Forums.

If you've ever felt fanny flustered about this clown world of yours, you've got nobody but yourselves to blame for believing a cesspit of literal retards.

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guessing NK is supposed to be one of them, not sure about the other two

NK, Syria, and Iran, I believe.

the kochs support open borders

Do you habe source for any of that?

Don't worry. I'll accept Breitbart as a source, too.

Attached: 85dq9j3iluj31.jpg (700x706, 72K)

sheer kino

>What about the Koch brothers combined 97 billion

The Koch Bros oppose Trump's protectionist and and anti-immigration policies. They are actual globalist capitalists, not white nationalists or even civnat.

Do you NPCs know the difference between a neocon and a nationalist?

And they are White Christians! Isn't it beautiful how you can trace this major problem to a bunch of rich white Christians looking for cheap labor?

If anything, the real conspiracy here is a bunch of wealthy white Christians securing their place in the overclass, while all the unworthy white Christians mix with brown people, and create a perpetual underclass under wealthy whites.

>And they are White Christians!
yeah they're called racetraitors. not a new thing. many of the most fervent antiwhite psychopaths around are other white people

The Waltons and Bezos may be rich, but they themselves are shitlibs. The Walton kiddos started banning AR-15s and pistols from sale at Wal-Mart. Bezos has a company that ships packages to people.

They don't have any real power due to campaign finance laws limiting donations to certain amounts per entity. Even then, Hillary still got more donations than Trump in 2016.

Jews, however, literally control the media and thus control what NPCs think and how they vote. WalMart and Amazon don't write news headlines.

See here:
At the very least I got you to admit that a bunch of the shit you put up with is caused by white Christians. Even Trump! Wasn't he a kuke shill that sent 35 million to Israel but couldn't secure more than 2 million for a wall?

You guys are blind. Truly.

But seriously. There is a study that says that the more you argue with somebody, the least likely you are to change their viewpoints. Their anger literally locks into place to protect from what they feel is a personal atrack against them, even if it means going hyper-extreme in their views. It's a big reason why extremists are created when people try to discuss things with them.

The best way to ensure somebody becones an extremist, is by trying to talk them out of it. Especially if your arguments are a constant presence. They begin reasonable, and become stupid simply because they feel attacked or invaded.

Just keep that in mind.

Pic related is the same character.

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Because they're rich and open borders would only make them more money.

I never said Trump wasn't a Zionist shill. Trump being in power is literally just more evidence of Jewish influence. Even or nationalists support Israel first.

>hurr why do you tolerate white Christians that do dis???

The white nationalist movement is full of white atheists and some white Christians that oppose both cucked whites and shitskins. IDK what you point is. Are you attacking white nationalists for not being more extreme, or are you trying to discourage people from becoming white nationalist?

She was cuter as an indian desu.

>At the very least I got you to admit that a bunch of the shit you put up with is caused by white Christians
that was literally never in doubt. lol

>caring for historical accuracy
Lmao, get a load of this racist.

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There are also leftist NGOs with millions of dollars that support open-borders, it's not just "le rich white capitalists".

I doubt a communist feminist working for "Homes Without Borders" or whatever is Christian.

I still can't get over all it took for a /pol/tard to swear death upon every human race was to see one succesful black movie.

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Black Panther aligns with our views though.

A separate space for every race.

Attached: Black Panther is alt-right.jpg (1000x876, 187K)

>n-no! Another black man on a tv show! T-This will not stand! I swear upon my name and that of my mother that I will kill ALL reddits and Jews for this preposterous slight.


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It's been a case even in the comics.

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