Would a movie about Hillary's body double be kino?

would a movie about Hillary's body double be kino?

Attached: hillary-body-double.jpg (759x422, 32K)

A вeдь yжe пoчти чyть ли нe в poт зacyнyл. Ho чтo тo бoгoмoлy явнo нe пoнpaвилocь...

Tы чe eбaнyтый?

Tell me about the mantis

go back to 2ch russkies.

If it looks like hillary Clinton then its hillary Clinton


Clinton Mk I-VI


busts out some sweet breakdancing moves after getting the aok from the doc, kino

weekend at epstines

Attached: nidjd-605924.jpg (590x350, 52K)

I still have no idea how anyone could watch her have a goddamn seizure then buy the bullshit optics of her appearing refreshed and perky outside Chelsea’s apartment just a couple hours later.

Was it a body double? Was it cocaine? I have no idea but it was bullshit.

I just want the story of Chelsea "Bill isnt my dad" Clinton. Sounds like it would be more interesting.

Attached: Chelsea-Webb-Two-600x350.jpg (600x350, 39K)

the stories of the Clintons are just so batshit insane, and almost entirely true

Would it include the part where she won but wasn’t awarded victory because Americans can’t count?

None of the Clinton bullshit stories make it past the tiniest amount of scrutiny. One would have to seriously want to believe them to ignore all of the obvious evidence. Its crazy.

disprove the following:
>the clinton foundation slush fund
>the many, many people that died that crossed the Clintons
>the fact that Chelsea looks like that dude above
>the Epstein connection
etc etc

A king's speech type movie would be kino.

Unfortunately, the production would cause more heartattacks than the production of eyes wide shut.

Attached: downloadfile-117.png (1000x750, 68K)

>disprove the following
First, it would be upon you, the one making the assertion to prove it true.
Second, the Clintons likely did most of, if not everything that gets brought up about them.
Chelsea "Clinton"
Clinton Death Count
Bill "I'll fuck anything- be it animal, man,woman or child" Clinton

He's saying that Clinton's lies are obvious, ya know.

>Pauline is a woman in her 60s with great resemblance to Hillary
>One day she is kidnapped by the Clinton's bodyguards
>Hillary's health is frail
>She is forced to be Hillary's double in public appearences
>Her friends and family believe she is dead
>Eventually she accepts her fate
>One day, during a visit to her hometown, she escapes
>She meets her husband
>"Every time I touch the earrings you gave me, I think of you"
>The Clinton bodyguards find them, and kidnap them
>Hillary enters in a coma
>The Deep Dem State decides to continue with the election
>The husbsnd is released, with the threat he wont talk or else...
>Pauline does the worst debate trying to lose the election
>Donald Trump wins!
>She thinks she will be free
>But the Deep Dem State has other plans
>In 2020, Hillary anounces her candidature again
>She touches her earrings...