Leave this board immediately, if you haven't watched these

Leave this board immediately, if you haven't watched these.

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Also, what are the best western kinos, Yea Forums?

You fucking scum russian subhuman.

only boomers have watched these

>leave this board if you haven’t watched IMDb tier movies
Wow your taste is so obscure dude.

I'd rather just listen to the soundtracks tbqhwy op

The movies people only pretend to like but don’t really enjoy

like most movies, if you go in understanding it was an interpretation of past and present events understood at the time it was produced, blended in some dimension to the culture of the time period it was produced in, you can appreciate it in the same sense people did when it was initially released

t. Zoomers

For a Few dollars More>tGtBtU>A Fistfull of Dollars

Watched 'em all. Enjoyed them, but hated the fact that they re-cast the same leads actors in different roles. Pretty jarring.

Literally desert capeshit but with guns.

>Leave this board immediately, if you don't own these on physical media and don't watch at least them at least once a year.


any other films about being disillusioned?

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you didn't get the point

>its a "boomers pretend the shitty hollywood flicks from when they were teenagers are any better than capeshit and modern hollywood flicks" episode

yeah apocalypse now is the best film of all time, now take your pills and go to bed gramps

Forgive me, I forgot Yea Forums is indeed the capeshit board.


The Big Gundown is underrated and deserves to be placed alongside The Great Silence, Django and TGTBATU

I enjoy the Sartana series but they're kind of hit or miss. The character is very entertaining though.

Soon you zoomers will be posting the same threads about Marvel films and having proto-zoomers saying the same things to you

Leave this board immediately, if you haven't watched this.

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>physical media

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do you like hot sauce your something?




doo doo da doo doo doo da doo duh doo

the great silence only memorable part is the ending desu

I appreciate them but they have aged like milk and aren't essential watches in my eyes.

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310 to Yuma
Sisters brothers
Assassination of Jesse James
Buster Scruggs

1.Fistfull of Dollars
2. Good, bad, ugly
3 Few Dollars More

you didn't get the point

I agree, I fail to see why Yea Forums insists that a few dollars more is the best

>guitar riff

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Once a pawn a time in the west

Zoomers over there
Boomers there, me right smack in the middle.

it has the best duel

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I can never get through For a Few Dollars More. It's boring compared to the other two.

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I've watched them but remember very little from any of them.
I'm staying.

Best climax and Tuco is based

Nice reddit taste

Bros, which branch of mormonism is this?

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Ok, I'm leaving...
What else should I watch before I can browse in this board?

Hmmm I honestly think it's the best of the 3.

Don't think of them as sequels, it's a trilogy in name only. That and Clint playing a similar character I guess

New Land with Max von Sydow and Liv Ullmann if you consider that a western. It's probably my favorite.

Open Range
Blazing Saddles
Wild Wild West

FFOD and FAFDM are both equally good but I find myself not able to complete TGTBTU in one viewing, always in parts.
If you dont like these movies you never watched them with your literal boomer dad as a child.

Once upon a time the Revolution but is right about the big gun down

His best film. Once upon a time in the west doesn't even compare well once upon a time isnt even in his top three best movies

I actually do enjoy these films though

Dollar triogiy is one of the rare thing 4channel /chan and reddit all agree is good



This but exactly opposite and unironically

Chronological order:

TGTBATU - Gets poncho at the end.

FOD - His one hand is wrapped up from a terrible beating at the end.

FAFDM - Same hand is in a brace throughout the movie.

This movie turns 50 this month.

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Absolute pleb, kill yourself

He and Van Cleef are different characters in each. There is no order.

If you hate this, get the fuck out of my face

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2 > 3 > 1


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>Clint plays different characters who wear the same clothes, look identical, talk the same way and wield the same revolvers
stfu brainlet

For a few dollars more directly addresses events that happened in fistful of dollars

I really enjoyed the Searchers. Check it out if you haven't.

>Cary Grant is the same character in each film because he talks the same way and wears the same clothes.

If capeshit was as good as this the board would have never complained about it, fag

Triggered amerimutt. A gun culture flick is closest thing you can have as a cultural movie.

Whats with tv watching the shit that I have been watching. Still havent watched good the bad and the ugly just watched for a few dollars more and holy fuck was that good. Fistful of dollars was great but few dollars more is better.

Excellent taste mate


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I fell asleep twice at the third one