Why yes, my favorite film is School Of Rock. How could you tell?

Why yes, my favorite film is School Of Rock. How could you tell?

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She puts dark makeup on her hairline to make it look thicker



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Fridge body and hanging tits

>with the force of a thousand suns

gay soincel

>2/10 would not bang

Fucking her would be the greatest thing that's ever happened to you and you know it.

but i would also like to fuck this girl,
at full force in her vagina, mouth and anus.

Why are stocking so hot, bros?

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evolution also voyager

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>Hey dickless, get off the fucking car! Hey fucksuck, get your slippery fucking ass off the car! Listen to me, get off the fucking car with your fucking ass!

>You're gonna wish you never fucking got up this fucking morning asshole, because my boyfriend's gonna fuck you up! And then after that while he's fucking up your fucking gay uncle over there I'm gonna fucking cut off your cock and mail it to your mother, you fucking faggot bitch! You gaylord fucking bitch! How do you like that? You like that a lot you fucking faggot? You like to ass fuck? Fontanella fucking babyheads!

>You like to fuck babyheads? You like to fuck boys? He's gonna fuck you in the ass, how do you like that? He's not even gay but he'll do it just to fuck...

Is this the most kino monologue of all time?

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I would jizz all over her

Nice projection

if i were there id coom in the tights and she'd have to wear them with coom in

>nu-uh y-you would

Complete honesty here, if I could get away with it scott free, I'd get rid of her for the betterment of mankind. That being said I'd be a bit sad because I do wanna fuck her, but murdering would trump that urge.

pretty based

Weird movie but entertaining I suppose

i knew coom posting was going to become this BASED the first time i saw it

It is a bit weird but also very good

barren old heeb

>You like to fuck babyheads?
Forgot what comedian said it but Jenna Elfman yelled it at him when he questioned Scientology.

Do jewish women really do this?

There's a term for the space between stockings and the skirt. I cannot remember

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absolute territory.

how many uncut goy cocks has she sucked i wonder?


Unf. Yes teacher, I was copying that boy's work and now I need to be punished after school.



Those are support stockings to help with circulation. All grannies need them.


Absolute territory

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