Why is it so hard for white people to just not say nigger in public or type it on their social media profiles?
This nigger got fired.
wait a minute - how old is that article, or, god forbid, are they making MORE ST:d?
any relation?
> Although Mosley, who is black, did not reveal which show he departed,
he looks pretty fucking white for a black dude.
He's a nigger allegedly
Because they post on Yea Forums
I'll bet you anything he said it in merely an illustrative way, like trying to speak like a bigoted character. "They're on this racist planet, and someone yells out... 'hey nigger!'"
And some kike or cunt decided to use even that as a weapon
Almost certainly.
how is this determined? i'm descended from British smugglers and Polish farmers, but that dude has skin as pale as mine and his nose is pretty pointy.
I say it because people like you tell me I can't.
Why's it so hard for blacks?
Why is there a fucking word only SOME people can say at threat of life ruining?
Never been happier than seeing a black kid get fired from a shit fast food job years ago for saying "nigger" constantly.
Either everyone can or fucking nobody can.
Here's a different picture of him, the media like fantasizing about white people supposedly being racist so much they'll make a black man look white.
Why not just not ban words? Is freedom really that hard of a concept?
>that dude has skin as pale as mine
Post-processing filters can do wonders.
you just "self-identify" as black
you thought people used some quantifiable criterion?
>but the blacks!
You were that kid that whined because someone else had 2 hotdogs, when you only had one.
You are right, user! We should never use doubleplus ungood words!
That is a negro. Did they fire the writer who wrote the lines "charming negress" about Uhura in TOS season 3? White man then. This is a negro.
This. It is not even about racism. Its about words and looking good
black rappers say nigga all the time and nobody bats an eye
>being light skinned jewish black guy
> cant say nigger because you look "too" white
Why is it so hard for niggers not to commit violent crimes?
Why can't you stick to the fucking point?
You either want "equality" or you don't.
If you don't actually want equality, fucking SAY THAT. Don't be a hypocrite & pretend like equality means any fucking thing except ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE IS TREATED EXACTLY THE SAME.
Why does Nigger trigger your warped psyoped mind so badly?
His father was black, mother Jewish. They picked the most white looking photo they could find for the article.
I try but it’s so fun to say
That "Jussie Smollet" combination seems pretty fucking unlucky.
Is he gay too?
Juicy Smooyay?
Why the hell do fat people get those gross dark spots on the side of their cheeks? Is it their mark of shame?
Did they just White face a Black guy? That's insidious of them.
It’s poop cuz they can’t wipe and it ends on they face somehow
because youre all niggers
someone turn up the AC, he's melting!
They did it because they want the first reaction to be outrage, which brings in more clicks.
>some men just wanna say the n-word
He looks so pale in the opening photograph. Was that a manipulated photo? The other two look believable in this thread.
It's fun to say. Nigger. NIGGER. People get so mad over this little sound, like it's a word of power. It's absurd
Divorced from the social context of being an american, i actually have to atop and think about what people mean when the type "the N word". Is hearing someone say it that horrific that the euphemism is needed? Don't black people say it constantly? How do people deal with being around them?
I'd say it is a combination of using a photo that already was overexposured by flashes and then filtering it even further. The skin tone looks pretty off.
That reminds me, how much American music nowadays successfully gets to use that term?
I was pointing out your whataboutism
You faggots always cry like
>But theyre doing it too!
Thank god you are stuck on Yea Forums and will never enter real life.
>Don't black people say it constantly?
Its nigga, but semantics.
Its like going to Australia and trying to use the word cunt. You'll get your shit pushed in.
I shout and rant and rave about the execution of niggers daily when i'm in the shower
it's a fun little romp and i do it daily
then i start rambling about executing every living nigger, raping their women to death, and dragging their little fucking picknineys to death with chains attached to cars
then i go about my day
>Don't black people say it constantly?
Stop pretending to be stupid, whitey. You fags know damn well a hard 'r' is the difference between a chastising and an ass-whooping.
>I was pointing out your whataboutism
Is equality treating everyone exactly the same or isn't it? Please explain how one group being able to say a word nobody else can say without getting their lives ruined or getting physically assaulted is "equality".
>muh whataboutism
aka "stop pointing out things I can't counterargue".
im beginning to think that black folk barely care about the word, but acting like a human is so exhausting for them, and people saying the word gives them an excuse to drop the act and chimp out like they were born to
Shut up, nigger.
>a hard 'r' is the difference between a chastising and an ass-whooping
Why are you fucking even chastising people for saying a word that constantly comes out of your own mouths?
Read that post again.
>Thank god you are stuck on Yea Forums and will never enter real life
And FYI, I have lived with blacks in the same fucking house, for years, and had this exact same fucking conversation with them.
Nigga and nigger is the same thing. Niggers just aren't good at hard r's. They also say brotha, sista, mothafucka, it's the same thing.
>you said a word so I get to assault you
because when white people say it its a reminder of their inferiority complex
And what did those imaginary niggers say?
>muh hard r
Irrelevant to my point.
Because calling brazil nuts nigger toes is hilarious.
Axe you a question mothafucka.
You sound like a kid who only wants to play with a toy you're not interested in because someone else is playing with it. You're more upset that you can't say it than you are with black people saying it to each other
>Nigga and nigger is the same thing.
Your IQ is lower than a nigger's.
My fucking point was why are you chastising anyone for saying "nigga"?
Nigga is fine.
How do you want to use it?
I love how you constantly fucking sidestep away from the point.
Is that or is that NOT equality?
It's a matter of familiarity. You can call your mom a whore, but would you let someone else do that?
The post I originally replied to said the hard R was the difference between a chastising & an ass whooping.
So why the chastising if it's fine?
Its not side stepping anything, you're too far up your own ass.
You just want say racial slurs and not get in trouble. You're whining that blacks can do it, instead of you.
That's your whataboutism.
So why did I constantly see obvious strangers using it on the street & buses with one another?
They were niggas.
>Its not side stepping anything, you're too far up your own ass
>still not speaking to whether it is or is not equality for one group to be treated entirely differently than another
You're sidestepping hard as fuck, or you would've answered the question.
Because its a general familiarity with other black people.
Isn't it racist, or at best discriminatory, to assume familiarity or hostility based solely on skin color?
Are you seriously this stupid?
You cant understand why insulting someone is a negative thing? You are an actual brainlet.
Also, as an a parallel to this, I've legit heard ghetto people like this use the 'r' version as an insult as well. So they're perfectly aware of the difference and it isn't a fucking made up liberal fancy.
>post after post after post
>still avoiding the simple question I keep repeating
just doin ma job contributing to the thread
>there will be no (You)s to this post that actually answer the actual question asked
That was my first post it to retard. Equality is having a certain level of respect, akin to professionalism but I'm sure you have no experience in that. Calling each other "nigga" is demeaning, even if most don't acknowledge it or see it that way. I also suspect your motives for saying any form of nigger has nothing to do with equality as you most likely wouldn't use that term referring to white people you know no matter, but I'm sure you'll spew some self righteous garbage to the contrary in your response.
This is unironically more respectable than arguing that NIGGAS would have the same impact. At least we know where this nigger stands.
>That was my first post it to retard
Point out this post that actually answered the question & wasn't some ad hominem bullshit fucking sidestep faggot.
>Black people are more racist to black people than I am
That's whataboutism.
whites call each other niggers all the time
That wasn't the point of THAT post.
The point was it's racist to assume a black is being familiar, while a white is being discriminatory, solely based on skin color.
Yeah but when was the last time someone called the cops on a white person for sitting in a starbucks?
this is what i'm going to start doing now
what word im supposed to say then?
probably today
why isn't this illegal
My response didn't have fallacies unlike this one. Touch a nerve? You sound upset, resorting to name calling and buzz words instead of coming up with a logical response. Reads like an emotional female who is upset with her bf
All these mutts getting offended by a word that has no bearing on them at all and then they try and act like its equality if one group of people is able to say a word and the other group is not Fucking LOL
>My response didn't have fallacies unlike this one
Because none of your responses answered the actual question asked, or you would've pointed it out.
A wigger would know the difference between nigga and nigger. The telling part should be that I've never heard either side use the term, "wigga."
>they try and act like its equality if one group of people is able to say a word and the other group is not
No, my point was that IS NOT "equality".
When I walk around my apartment I sometimes just mumble "nigger pants fuckin nigger fuckin niggers woo gotta nigger on outta here nigger cum fuckin niggers"
I think i might accidentally give myself Tourettes
>A wigger
Ah, so one has to fit some obviously visible stereotype to get away with saying "wigga" to a random stanger who happens to be black without getting "chastised" or his "shit pushed in"?
That depends really.. did the white people sit there not ordering anything for hours? Like fuck me minority groups have the worst champions they root behind.
I don't want to ERP with you or whatever this is, but i've only met 1 black person in my life so all i have to go on is american celebrities.
We say cunt in person too, but the tone of its use is important. Its fine to call your friend a cunt if he's being a cunt, but its not like waiters or shop staff call you cunt.
I mean look at eric garner
They decide to rally behind a guy who had 30 run ins with the police and was convicted of grand larceny
Then you are alright user
Wish I could get an actual straight answer to that question from the poster who keeps constantly sidestepping & going on about "muh whataboutisms" and shit. Desperate to keep high ground somehow.
that would be hilarious, you could say nigger all the time without being ostrasized for it and recieve neet checks
Dammit thats the one im always kinda on the fence about. I mean yeah he was a petty criminal on record and he did try and sell (cigs) outside a store right? Thats not okay but to die for it shows police negligence at most which is a real problem not just in the united states and not just for minorities if anything.
Just my 2 cents i always thought that story was kinda sad.
love him or hate him he spitting facts
What other culture of people wants to ban words that insults them? It's "don't draw Muhammed" levels of faggotry. I've never heard of chinese people trying to ban the word chink. Or latinos trying to ban the word spick. Nor have i ever heard chinese and latinos call eachother chink or spick. What's so fucking speciall about niggers and the word nigger? Is it a slave thing? Fucking russian had their entire ethnicity named after the fact they were slaves (slav) i don't see them trying to stop others from calling them slavs. If anything they take pride in it
If white men want to say the Nigger so much then I think it's only fair that we just admit that white women prefer nigger cock. How about that?
Definitely sad, and maybe im a monster for thinking this way, but my sadness gets roughly halved when I learn a victim of police brutality had a record and history of being a shit head
Sorry, I guess you need everything literally explained to you. Making it socially acceptable for white people to call blacks nigger/nigga doesn't promote equality. The word has been used by whites for 400 years to demean blacks. Just because a lot of blacks use it with each other doesn't change the history nor connotation of the word. I personally don't think it is "right" for black people to use it either. Besides it being a demeaning term racists invented it also confuses stupid white people who don't have enough iq to understand context and/or don't want to admit they're racist
we'll make more threads about asian women preferring our atrophied radiation-shriveled incel dicks probably. take that, fucking frog
Isn't this guy black? He was in the OJ simpson documentary
>stupid white people who don't have enough iq to understand context and/or don't want to admit they're racist
on Yea Forums? surely you jest
So did something specific go wrong for you asshats today? It's not like the thread's really about Walter Mosley or Star Trek.
LMAO did they really.
they will have long before this thread's done, brah
It's futile to ban words.
Its the same shut-ins wondering why they can't yell nigger outside.
SeeNo other ethnicity on the planet takes such an offense to a slur.
>won't admit that they're racist
Yeah and words like chink or spick are too. You don't see entire cultures rising up to ban words like them tho. Do you honestly think people will respect you more if you do? Chinks are gonna rule the world in a few years. Do you think they are going to give two fucks about what history you have with some 200 years old french dude?
>Making it socially acceptable for white people to call blacks nigger/nigga doesn't promote equality
"promoting" equality has nothing to do with whether or not the treating of one group differently than another IS equality.
>The word has been used by whites for 400 years to demean blacks
And I guarantee 90% of blacks born since 2000 in the US would have zero clue of this if they'd not had it drilled into their heads.
>I personally don't think it is "right" for black people to use it either
Finally something we're able to agree on & the closest you've come thus far to actually admitting it is NOT "equality", so I'll settle for it.
>stupid white people who don't have enough iq to understand context and/or don't want to admit they're racist
This was my post. This is my history.
I've had this same conversation with the parents of these kids & both agreed with me.
The father thinks this modern notion that "only whites can be racist" is hysterical, btw.
Petty crime and misdemeanors don't warrant a death sentence. People should rally behind cases like Eric Garner, it is an abuse of power and total disregard for human life. Every case should be looked at individually. A case like Michael Brown appears like the cop was justified in shooting him.
>No other ethnicity on the planet takes such an offense to a slur.
Because you only know English slurs.
>The chinks are taking over, so I will miss my chance to say nigger.
I have the N-word pass, I can do whatever the fuck I want.
So call other whites niggas then I guess. If you're concerned about true equality then maybe you should become a liberal and promote equality for lgbts and women too.
>If you're concerned about true equality
No, my concerns are blatant bullshit & hypocrisies.
Always have been.
That's the shit that shoved me from far left to right-leaning centrist; or as many people call it, "alt-right nazi incel".
I speak 3 languages burger. I can guarantee to you that in non of them there is a slur with the amount of controversy that the word nigger has. And thats including all the words for kikes and gypsies
>No, my concerns are blatant bullshit & hypocrisies
This line of argument's especially popular with bullshitting hypocrites.
I don't want to censor any word. It's more about etiquette and what is socially acceptable. Go call a Puerto Rican a spic, go down to Chinatown and call someone a think if you want. In all likelihood the same thing will happen to you if you called a black person a nigger
If anything it's gonna be easier then ever to say seeing as they're not gonna give a shit about of you feel about anything
>my concerns are blatant bullshit & hypocrisies
And yet you cant see your own.
holy based
Indeed it is.
That's two things we agree on.
Bet we don't agree that there's as many on the left as the right.
And what would those be?
Do enlighten.
>be me
>reading the article
>"I am the nigger in the writing room"
>scroll up to look at his face again
>no you are not
>later in the article he doubles down on being black
>check wiki and he really is half black
>"It's worth noting that Discovery has a particularly inclusive writers room that includes three African American scribes, two Asian American writers, a Native American and Latinx woman, among others."
>three African American scribes
>what the fuck is Latinx
>they make it sound like three black dudes are "scribing", two asians are writing, but latinx and indian guy just standing there for entourage
what a weird world we live in
Holy shit dude just admit its not equal straight up instead of typing this seething wall of text my god.
Are you under 18? Sidestepping everything like this comes of as insecure just admit you are wrong.
>Mosley was born in California. His mother, Ella (born Slatkin), was Jewish and worked as a personnel clerk; her ancestors had immigrated from Russia.[1] His father, Leroy Mosley (1924–1993), was an African American from Louisiana
i self identify as a potato, thank you very much
A paragraph is a wall of text? You must have been angry at the world since middle school then
poor circulation. the heart has to work harder to force the blood through it all.
do we want to bring the Streisand effect to bear on this? i personally could not be bothered, but it might be fun.
Even being a Jewish nigger can't protect you from the Star Trek SJWhores
You dont know what side stepping means.
You just want an excuse to call blacks niggers and not get in trouble. You're the kind of faggot that cries after starting a fight. You're just trying to use the excuse that its equality when you just want freedom from consequence .This is probably too long for you as well.
>Sidestepping again this hard
Its okay to be wrong user but its childish not to admit being wrong.
They were really on a tear right before the 8ch hearings. I got banned too, for a typical jew shitpost.
Calling you a stupid faggot is not side stepping.
Youre showing it to everyone.
Im not even that same guy you nigger.
Also now instead of sidestepping you are also projecting?
Actually a child.
>You just want an excuse to call blacks niggers and not get in trouble
This & all of that post is sidestepping; speaking to the motivations you perceive rather than the question.
Feel like we settled it & don't want to start it up again, but come the fuck on.
How would you use the word nigger in a conversation?
You can have my nigger from my cold dead tongue, faggot niggers
>trying to get a straight answer on Yea Forums
The chosen one is back
"You're acting like a nigger".
>Stop behaving like a nigger
>A nigger would do something like that
>Don't be like that nigger
Not that same guy but christ dude either its all okay or none of its okay if only black people say this shit its inequality.
Where and how was using the word nigger in a conversation relevant to what he said?
Sidestepping or are you confused what it was about.
So you want to use it in a demeaning way.
>Do you honestly think white people act this way? You're acting like a bunch of white niggers
You are just a shitposter because at at least
gave answers.
I was talking to police officer and he told me that he stopped all niggers in paddy neighborhoods and all paddies in nigger neighborhoods, because they were usually up to no good.
Because it's a word to denote such a thing
Nothing exclusively wrong or right with that
demeaning anyone is always negative.
Fuck niggers
The N word in question was "Netflix"
I've never said I "wanted" to use it at all.
That was your assumption from the start of the discussion about whether or not a difference in treatment between groups was "equality". And whether or not it IS used is also entirely irrelevant to that point.
Nah, N-word.
To many people it's pretty obvious why it's taboo for whites to say nigger. If you wanted deep discussion and more perspective a better question to ask would be why black people use it to refer to themselves. But you don't want that. You just want to find a way for a white person to say it without being judged and shamed for it.
Is "nigger" a killing word?
I thought black people where a proud people but this just comes of as insecure.
Or is it just you?
Stop being such a nigger and get a job, you nigger.
See, perfectly acceptable usage. Only retarded ameritards with their poor wittle feefees get insulted. Newsflash, you obese burgerniggers are all mouthbreathing niggers in the eyes of the rest of the world.
>Although Mosley, who is black, did not reveal which show he departed, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that it was CBS All Access' Star Trek: Discovery.
>Although Mosley, who is black
>who is black
"White" people.
Look, if you cant see why using a racial slur/insulting anyone is bad thing, then youre a lost cause.
Just let him go its an actual child he will find out how far his "equality" will get him in life the hard way.
There was a post earlier talking about blacks knowing the difference between the "a" & "er" uses in their own use amongst themselves, and using the "er" derivative as a deragatroy amongst themselves, so I don't see how "you're acting like a nigger" is NOT making the same distinction.
I fucking want either:
>the actual equality of everyone or no one having the ability to say it
>an admission that equality is not what's actually wanted
a word of death
This may even top when they turned half-Jewish half-Peruvian George Zimmerman into some pale-ass honky cracker
All those mugshots with the color washed out to make him paler, oh god this might be even better
Take the L for god sake. Are you even black? I really wonder
lol they literally went out of their way to make him look as white as possible and probably even lightened it up knowing most stupid faggots would never read much beyond the headline.
I'm having fun. I love this kind of shit.
Actual truth free of bullshit is its own objective.
So you want a fascist society or communist society
You're either going to have to expand on this point or drop it, because it doesn't make any sense as a simile.
>"Earlier this year, I had just finished with the Snowfall writers’ room for the season when I took a similar job on a different show at a different network. I’d been in the new room for a few weeks when I got the call from human resources. A pleasant-sounding young man said, 'Mr. Mosley, it has been reported that you used the n-word in the writers’ room,'" Mosley wrote in the Times. "I replied, 'I am the N-word in the writers’ room.'"
>Mosley went on to explain that the individual in HR said that while he was free to use that word in a script, he "could not say it." Mosley then clarified, "I hadn’t called anyone it. I just told a story about a cop who explained to me, on the streets of Los Angeles, that he stopped all n---ers in paddy neighborhoods and all paddies in n---er neighborhoods, because they were usually up to no good. I was telling a true story as I remembered it."
>Mosley wrote that he is unaware who complained about his use of the word. "There I was, a black man in America who shares with millions of others the history of racism. And more often than not, treated as subhuman," he continued. "If addressed at all that history had to be rendered in words my employers regarded as acceptable."
>"There I was being chastised for criticizing the word that oppressed me and mine for centuries. As far as I know the word is in the dictionary," said Mosley. "As far as I know the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence assure me of both the freedom of speech and the pursuit of happiness."
tarantino directing star trek
>day 1
>script starts with a ship of slave niggers
>white slaver with nazi uniform sais "nigger"
I'm half black/white and I unironically say it all the time. It's such a fun word to say desu.
>kill all white men and incel is ok
>but not nigger and tranny
lmao your marxist language crusade is a fucking joke, you arent even smart enough to veil your intentions of death and destruction and absolute power to the oppressed elite. Seriously go kill yourself leftypol.
Its just sad he seems so brainwashed and sheltered and i was like that once.
I do wonder if its some beta white dude or an angry tyrone jr behind the keyboard thats the true mystery for me
why are american so retarded? why can a black guy say nigger but not an asian guy?
Are they implying black are impossible to be assimilated by a society and have to be treated like an outsider group and be segregated?
People tell them they can't say nigger, so they want to say it.
Youre still looking for an excuse to insult someone.
This is the problem. You stay in a echo chamber so long, you fail to notice the outside.
Thats why Im saying it again, you are a lost cause and I hope nobody beats you up in the future. I truly mean it, I thought you guys were trolling but you seriously can't see the problem.
You do not talk to black people, or any people on a daily basis.
>Youre still looking for an excuse to insult someone
>You stay in a echo chamber so long, you fail to notice the outside
I lived in the same house with many black folk in a dominantly black area for more than a fucking decade.
Stop fucking assigning inaccurate motivators to me.
Because every single person, even if he prefers 'black', 'African-American', 'POC' or anything, is thinking of a word "nigger" in his brain.
Gas yourself.
Stop using it them.
I live in a 100% white area so I can use nigger as much as I want lmao
Whites aren't the only people that don't like blacks, and "nigger" isn't the only thing they get called.
See this is also the problem with the left nowadays they keep doubling down harder and harder its so childish but its even worse for you, you are moving goalposts sidestepping and just coming of as an insecure teenager desperately proving he is morally right.
You also keep talking about getting beat up js there something you wanna tell us user?
You also did not awnser my question lol
That is what i tell them, word bad. Word bad!
The right for white people to say nigger will be the civil rights issue of the 2020s. we have had our vocabulary raped for too long and it's so unfair
Stop acting like a nigger and I won't have to demean you.
It's okay for him to say it, he's related to Shane Mosley! He's actually half-black!
This is the type of person who gets pressed at the grocery store and then has to vent on the internet how tough he is ive been there it doesnt work just go lift weights or something
One word, capable of burning down entire cities. Nigger.
Whole black, apparently.
I mean, why would we care if the headline is "Black man says Nigger, then quits Star Trek: Discovery"?
If you're asking me if I believe everyone should have the right to say "nigger" then I fully support that right. If you're asking me if I think it's socially acceptable to say it, the answer is no, I don't think anyone should say it due to it's history. Do I think it's worse when a white person says it, yes, because in most if not all cases I've heard a white person say it was in a racist context, and even if the white person didn't intend to say it in a racist context then it means they are stupid for not understanding why black people get upset when they hear a white person saying it.
cause people give the N word(Nigger) god like powers
>even if the white person didn't intend to say it in a racist context then it means they are stupid for not understanding why black people get upset when they hear a white person saying it
Is this or this this not as racist for a black to assume a white has racist or derogatory intentions, as it is for a white who's previously been mugged by blacks to assume a group of blacks approaching on the street is likely to mug them?
Otherwise this was a decent post.
>the word spic is pritty racist and we shouldnt use it in our series
>everyone agrees
>The word nigger is pritty racist and we shouldnt use that either
>gets fired for even uttering the phrase
It's not the same nigger
Liberals treat Blacks and minorities like dogs that need a master to defend them because they're too dumb to defend themselves
Republicans and Rednecks treat Blacks and minorities like friends/family unironically
I have had better experiences with Rednecks than with city-slicking fags.
And is it then stupid for blacks to not understand why a white would be nervous around them?
even asking these kinds of questions is racist
It'd be kind of funny.
Yes it is.
Both are derogatory racial epithets.
>Republicans and Rednecks treat Blacks and minorities like friends/family unironically
Yeah, that must be why they make it hard for them to register and vote. Because that's what family would do.
Who do you mean? Illegal immigrants?
>white male fired
Good, now he can be replaced with a black transexual cripple.
If blacks can say bigger but whites cant then it's not an issue of the word being bad its blacks think whites are bad. That is racism. Are you retardd
that will teach you whiteoids
Dude, it doesn't matter if you are white. All that matters is if you look white.
Also women > men.
>A pleasant-sounding young man said, 'Mr. Mosley, it has been reported that you used the n-word in the writers’ room,'" Mosley wrote in theTimes. "I replied, 'Iamthe N-word in the writers’ room.'"
You mean a racial slur is racist?
Kek, they revoked his African-American status.
>the word nigger is a derogatory racial epithet that we shouldnt use
>gets fired for saying nigger despite the context
This phenomenon does not exist with any other racial slur. That's why the phrase N-word exists. Don't act like you don't understand the difference
Thanks for the co pic relief pretty good!
Depends on the context. If you're in a bad neighborhood or a black person has sketchy behavior then it's not racist. If you think every black person you run into is going to rob you then it's racist
>gets fired for saying nigger despite the context
Can't say racial slurs at work. This is common place for most jobs. Just like how you couldnt say "fuck" in school.
You are still in school arent you?
No, but I teach on the weekends.
it's not hard
Elementary i guess? Seems impossible not having kids say fuck in highschool
No I've got an ok office job,. I've also been robbed before, by a white person. Do you think I live in fear of my fellow whites?
Of course they say it, but not when the teacher is around.
>cant even say it in a neutral non-malicious way
this shit is so stupid man
i truly feel bad for black people that such a little thing holds dominion over them
>why was he fired?
>he said the N-word
>what word is that? I'm new here
>i can't say it despite any excusing context or i'll be fired to
Yeah this is normal workplace behaviour.
Nothing orvellian about it
well see
the blacks were less equal, "nigger" was part of that.
by not letting whites say "nigger", the blacks and whites are more equal.
There are no classes on weekends except in college, idiot
Dont be an ignorant american please the world is a big place dont get lost
>he said the N-word
>what word is that?
If they live in America, they know what it means.
Please make up the country that the made up classes are taught at
Finish college next time okay buddy?
How long till "N-word" becomes the N-word? What do you call it then? The letter between M and O?
based tour guide user
Why are you so mad? I wanted to know what level he was teaching at and he awnsered?? So much insecurity in this thread jeeeeez
Also i was not the person you responded to.
Not even smart enough to make up a country
Discovery sucks anyways
>ignoring "i'm new here"
>ignoring point about how context matters
I'm not citing an actual convetsation burger. It's an example on how this shit is beyond retarded
>knows the phrase Im new here
>doesnt know the word nigger
>doesnt know about America, yet moves there
Not the person you replied to and also you know there are places they have school in the weekends as well right?
holland had it and japan still does it from the top of my head but sure get mad for nothing lol
What was the context? Did the guy just shout kill all big lip niggers hang them from the rope?
We have to elevate the african-american community from niggers to proud blacks.
Why is it so hard for niggers to just not say nigger in public or type it on their social media profiles?
Why don't you just read the fucking article, retard?
What the fuck. He used the term in the contect of a cop saying it to him, a black man. They fired him because he used it in a quote as part of a story how how he had been discrimnated against. These leftist loons are out of their minds. They fired a black man for talking about how the n-word was used against him.
Us blacks are like jews. You fuck with us, your career ends hahahaha
> japan still does it
Thats a common misconception. They have cram school on the weekends, and thats for the kids that want to study. Plus theyre usually doing school sports too.
Isreal and france also had school in the weekends this is not a hard concept to grasp for most people.
Why is it so hard for black people not to harass others?
Thanks user. The more you know
>build AI to examine some sociopolitical thing
>AI is completely unbiased
>starts dropping hard redpills
>have to cuck AI
Every fucking time.
>haha this made up example is uncredible. Therefore all points about context are defused
The retardation is strong in this one
Who are you quoting?
Youre the idiot that made the bad example, not me. I guess English is too difficult for you.
Words that are hateful are hateful no matter who says them.
I've actually been waiting for this to happen. It's inevitable, will be interesting to see.
Write again when you speak 3 languages nigger
Politicians are not the same people as the voters.
Evidence of this is Trump and Republican voters.
Trump is all but the Anti-Republican yet he's still the Republican president.
You speak 3 but cant understand 1.
Just take the L or write coherent english because i couldnt understand that vague shit either
Yeah, read his op-ed. He's being reasonable. Some idiot sjw kid probably shit their pants when they heard nigger and called hr.
Why do you 3rd world kids get uppity when someone points out your bad English?
You clearly cannot understand it.
English is not your native language.
Im sorry that you grew up in a shithole.
I love you user keep projecting it makes you seem less insecure really :)
>claiming Walter Mosley is white or that the photo of him was altered to make him look white
God, you alt-right fags will bend over backwards to portray yourselves as victims.
Always amuses me when monolingual Mericans give bi or trilinguals shit for sub-par english, when often they'll speak that 2nd or 3rd language for them more fluently than a lot of Mericans speak their native & only.
>or that the photo of him was altered to make him look white
This is a thing that has happened multiple times.
And there's been a clear & obvious bias for years now that "you can't be racist to whites", so everybody loves being racist to whites.
And now youre using terms incorrectly.
From your posts, its clear that you are not a native English speaker.
Education is available to everyone. Study harder instead of shitposting.
If you cant speak one of them correctly, dont try to use it.
>black/jewish mixed guy
>/pol/ worshipping him as "le based n-word sayer"
I hope jim watkins buys this shithole next
Yeah am i also the 3 other people calling you out? Trying to take the moral high ground wont get you anywhere user just accept your loss okay?
is this a star trek general?
Faggot, the only way you GET better is by using the language amongst native speakers of it.
Only sometimes they're cunts who want to give you shit rather than help you out.
Acting superior while being wrong are you from Atlanta?
Who are those 3 people?
Stay in school Muhammad.
Siddig is in the new choen show the spy
Reading the NYT article (which you, OP, should have linked to instead of posting that clickbait URL), this guy has a way with words. They should have just apologized and begged him not to leave.
I dont know user you replied to me alone i am not those other 2 let me quote them for you
Might even be 4 people by now lol
His mom was 100% Jewish. His dad was probably 20% or so white.
His admixture is prob like 30-40% black tops.
The reason he looks so white in some of the pics is he is mostly white.
>The reason he looks so white in some of the pics is he is mostly white.
He is obviously just a kid let it go
I only got one (you).
This is why you 3rd world faggots need to be banned.
You just shitpost with terrible English.
>Eurofags getting mad again
I hate reruns.
>he is mostly white
Jews are matrilineal; so he's 100% jewish & could live in Israel.
It just confuses me that someone would project against multiple people and then suddenly act like its just one person replying confusing as fuck
he sounds obnoxious:
>A pleasant-sounding young man said, 'Mr. Mosley, it has been reported that you used the n-word in the writers’ room,'" Mosley wrote in the Times. "I replied, 'I am the N-word in the writers’ room.'"
a few paragraphs later:
>(It's worth noting that Discovery has a particularly inclusive writers room that includes three African American scribes
do they not count because they didn't write devil in a blue dress or what
Why are you talking to yourself?
It should have happen a long time ago. Turns out niggers are literally too dumb to understand the concept of context.
Proof? Or just sidestepping again
Oh god, you really are samefagging
Its like arguing with manly tears all over again.
We all are all part of the same concious user.
Did they make his skin whiter to fool dumb black people that a white guy said it for clicks?
>Mosley was born in California. His mother, Ella (born Slatkin), was Jewish and worked as a personnel clerk; her ancestors had immigrated from Russia.[1] His father, Leroy Mosley (1924–1993), was an African American from Louisiana who was a supervising custodian at a Los Angeles public school
So no nothing? Thanks for proving my point
Perhaps he was referring to his age, or his ideas.
Its pointless to argue with faggots like you.
Youre just gonna cover your eyes and close your ears.
Here's another you, for free.
an insecure boomer acting trying to act right lol
There you go, samefagging again.
Here's another (you), dont lose it this time.
You havent proven anything user you just keep posting trying to save face
Im this guy now?
Thats me user try to keep up okay? People just dont agree with you and i cant speak for the rest but you seem like an awfull insecure person
I've already proven that you can't speak English well. Please refer to Im running out of (you)'s, you keep losing them.
>Earlier this year, I had just finished with the Snowfall writers’ room for the season when I took a similar job on a different show at a different network. I’d been in the new room for a few weeks when I got the call from human resources. A pleasant-sounding young man said, 'Mr. Mosley, it has been reported that you used the n-word in the writers’ room,'" Mosley wrote in the Times. "I replied, 'I am the N-word in the writers’ room.'"
See this is the difference between a black man and a nigger. That guy refers to himself as a nigger while Dave Chappelle says I am not a nigger although he uses the word often, he doesn't refer it to himself or black people in general. When you are a nigger in your head, you become a nigger. i just wonder in what context this nigger usedt he word nigger.
Blacks also say bitch and faggot in public settings and contexts (like work) that most white people definitely wouldnt and no one calls them on that either. The issue is really the completely different standards of what constitutes acceptable behavior for blacks vs whites.
Source: guy who works with actual niggers
you know STD, i am a bit of a nigger myself
Look at you dude just look at how FUCKING MAD you are for being wrong
You are such a doubling down child
>call you out for samefagging
>you mad?
Busting out the classics.
I dont understand user are you actually schizo?
Are you underage or just mad at the world? Anyhow this part of the samefag is going to work.
And now you copied my previous post.
Youre scraping the bottom of the barrel now.
I blame rappers and jews who made it ok for blacks to use the word nigger and talk ebonics. Beyonce sings in ebonics despite being able to talk perfectly in english. They dumbed down their own people for kike money. The jews never use the word kike but they like to hear nigger. Bill Maher never use the word kike but he said nigger and wasn't fired.
You are not making any sense and its getting sad
Just look at this i cant believe you are a real person
Thats pretty much the reason for most of the shit in the black community. Acting ghetto was glorified and black kids aspired to have that life.
He is known for screen shots he manipulated as well
There's also a rumor about Akiva Goldsman (STD, ST Picard), apparently he likes to throw the word "fag" and speak with an effeminate voice when talking about the gay character in STD.
I love how the access media used a pic of him where he looks white.
You can't stop the virtue-signal.
I know you think youre the first person to ever samefag, but you arent.
I said manley tears because he pulled the same shit as you.
Well if thats not proof i dont know user its all i can do.
I cant help him any more than that.
Its not proof at all because anyone can edit a screenshot.
People dont know this but you can actually talk to the mods in an irc chat
Okay then what do you want a pic with my hand doing a sign? That guy still wont believe that multiple people disagree with him
How do we know that youre not him?
Or vice-versa?
Mods dont give a shit.
I have no idea man what else can i do lol schizo's will stay schizo's whatever you do
I think you have just been on this site for too long.
You are seeing crazy shit where there isnt any its like ptsd
>(((Akiva Goldsman)))
Sorry but we can't fire this one
>I love how the access media used a pic of him where he looks white.
He probably feels white and compelled to call black people niggers. He said a was retelling a story of a cop telling him about arresting niggers in nigger neighborhood. If he talks to cops who use the word nigger, he doesn't feel like one.
Im not him. Stop replying to clickbait.
Im tired user can you reccommend me a star trek episode i can put on?
Doesnt matter what show
it's the same shit when they bitch about jamarcus being thrown in prison for weed.
yes, he was charged for possession, but he was also charged with assault and was on his third strike