/bb/ Big Brother 21

Noms:Boss Hogg & Tommy

Tommys Last Stand

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it kinda is sad it came to this tommy was sorta loyal but i guess karma finally caught up

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SO QUTE!!!!!!

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jackson telling holly to throw the next HOH

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i missed the first couple of weeks of feeds last season. mole looking cute. fessy already looking jelly.

just want to say i love and appreciate all the threads i've shared with you all

it's been a weird season. but same.

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tommy has two pillows smooshed together like that of an ass crack of a man. i'm assuming it makes him sleep more comfortable.

quarky is studying days with checker board in HOH.

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>She still thinks it's checkers.

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nicole is making this impossible to remember by remembering numbers and having rhythmic words to go along with them
if she was smart she'd remember the weeks, making sure the evictions are even and vetos are odd numbers

you sound like someone who would tell rain man he was counting cards wrong

don't call her a r-bomb just cause she works with them

She's an r-bomb. Just admit it.

>74 shit all over the floor

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niggers suck at big brother

watch the n-bombs bro

we no likey n-bombers!

>Dan calling Taran a loser
Will Taran kill himself now?

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Realistically, is there anything that can stop him now?

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grodball is always around the corner

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>not including III at the end of Cliff’s name
C-L-I-F-F. Main man.

It crossed my mind. But im tired and wanted to post it. Might fix it morrow. Good night /bb/

Lul mornin

It’s 9am

what type of person do you think likes nicole

Pandafag and rachelfag same person and he only one

they aren’t people

Jackson bout to win

backyard last night, it's definitely bb comics

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this is a pretty low iq season of bb so whoever wins will likely be forgotten no matter who it is but the amount of heart jackson has shown in comps is truly impressive across all seasons of bb him being a pussy during have nots takes away some of that shine tho

nobody gives a shit about have nots britney and Eric both said everyone used to cheat it

yeah but when his best bb trait is comp determination the have not thing is disappointing. future bb fans who will have to showfag the season will never know tho

Jackson will lose. He doesn't watch gay trash like capeshit. This is either Tommy or Hogg

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nice, they are back to old format
last season's comics comp was awful

wow night vision qute

no way this season's winner will be more forgettable than Kaycee

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wow what a beautiful girl!

who wore it better?

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Can we get an n-word pass for describing Bayleigh and Swaggy C tomorrow? God I'm fucking pissed off that CBS is giving those fucking attention whores more attention.

they moved to LA so they could do reality tv shit

they also made a fucking documentary about themselves and their relationship. I'm not going to link it because I don't want to give those fucking attention whores more views

If only. Don’t get my hopes up

how the fuck does Dan make money with his 100 viewers on Twitch?
i know that he owns rental property somewhere, does he just stream for fun?

his wife works

poor monte

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>start hanging out with raven
>get depressed


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I hope he's getting laid though. Raven is crazy but she's hot.


Is he right?

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he has the same fucking smile in every picture

>white friend, white gf
>misogynistic tweet


We know, N-Bomb Chris told the HGs that when he hosted the HOH comp. He also tweeted the winner to spoil it for all the showfags.
Grodner really knows how to pick them.

>inb4, I can call them whatever I want, I work with them all day, okay!

Besides Chris is the definition of a N-Bomb retard.

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The poo is gay and the phony ginger is his insta-beard.

>Please, God, let Nicole win POV and use it so i can send Holly out. I won't make it another week with that old buzzard in here...

wtf jackson

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you think she let him soak a bit tho???

Imagine if she had Brittany's personality and a cute southern accent.
>Forget that, just give me Britt.

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Has quarky flicked her bean in the house?

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she takes 45 mins showers in HOH for a reason

how to get a britbrit gf?

pray for a tommy veto bros if he doesn't win we will quite possibly have the worst final 3 and 4 of all time.

it's over, we already have the worst F16 of all time

i'll agree to that except nick and christie would be quality casting choices on any season.

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1. Be good looking
2. Don't be not good looking

I don’t pray for sodomites

should have picked Lane desu

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Jackson looking at krustys picture and basically calling her a shape shifting lizard Jew

Tommy will manifest a veto win because he usually does when backed into a corner. And the Hogg will finally get the roasting of a lifetime.

Back to the grind of evictees who never won the game in the same season.

Shit, this N-Bomb must be rich.

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choco choco choco

Jackson asked production if F5 HOH eligible to play in F4 HOH
they can't remember what F4 HOH was in previous seasons

It's the step up/step down comp on a circle.
Basically, it's a true false comp with six questions.

If Cliff stays, he should win it.

...or before/after

it was What The Bleep for the last 3 seasons, it was this before
Seems like F5 HOH was mental, production might throw in a curveball and make it more physical.

that dude must have a 10 inch dick and 10 digit bank account cuz he did not get her with his looks

I think it kind of sucks that Nicole didn't get a real HOH treatment..or did she?

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Jackson requested an album for her and gave away HOH room to her
it's as good as she could get

she got music and pics. jackson traded his music and pics for her jury vote

Hasn't Jackson, Holly, and others in previous Big Brother seasons complained about getting sick sleeping in the HOH room?

For some reason I remember people complaining about getting sick in the HOH room. Always wondered if it had bad ventilation or mold growing in the ac ducts.


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based Paul

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Paul is 100% Honk Honk!

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Has quarky ever touched an erect member

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definitely remember people on different seasons always complaining that it gets really hot in there

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i want to put myshit on quarky


I’ll kill you you filthy sand nigger

if you need to ask, you're not a student of the game

Ivette, you were robbed on your season

>real HOH treatment
you mean the shower stool?

what a genius invention

Her dad’s

Boomer and Quarky discussing BB Comics strategy

Nicole is shit at most comps
There’s no way she wins, unfortunately

he owns property and rents it, but his viewership is much bigger these days on both twitch and youtube. he really started doing some great content this year. would recommend

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Or your moms

whoever wins this POV should make it to F2

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>comes in out of frame from the bathroom, for the authentic ovi's oven experience

he definitely posts here right?

>Jolly trying to convince Tommy that Christie was throwing him under the bus

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he definitely reads /r/Yea Forums

t. Paul
I’m onto you, you dirty rat

im gonna be honest with you lads. Now that christie moon face is gone im completely fine with anyone left to win the game

>Half of Six Shooters are in Final Five!

fucking Tommy

so if noms stay the same. no way tommy stays right?

>b-bro it's not too late to get the six back together

only possible way Tommy stays is if Cliff has a heart attack and dies

thank you for your honesty

yo guys tommy just told jackson and holly about knowing christie lol

you are welcome

sent from my iphone

his aunt didn't sign a release so now they will cut the feeds whenever he mentions it
i guess it's last pitch effort to claim that he always was loyal to Jackson and Holly and stuck with Christie only because of outside connection

Jack fucked her between the titties

kek, christie was right about tommy spilling the beans first. but yeah, i dont see how this would help him stay if he is still on the block.

to be honest they spent half an hour trying to gaslight him about how awful Christie was
could be just an emotional reaction - "Please stop talking shit about my real life friend"

tommy should now tell jackson/holly cliff blew him after hide and go veto

What time is the veto?

time to get a watch

lmfao jackson met kat in dallas or something?

Nicole tanked her game by not targeting snackson. He is too strong in competitions. she and cliff have no chance in the final competitions against him. One of the worst moves this season.

If Nicole wins veto, she can still weaken him by taking out Holly

even if she does win POV and use it on Cliff, Cliff would still keep Holly

they fucked during final auditions stuff

i think i'm going to have fish tonight

it's on

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one of the bb update accounts died irl. must’ve been a nicolefag

what who?
just checking in cuz I saw tommy told then about the dykes aunt lmao


What is Quarky's superhero persona going to be?

BB21 killed more people than BB19
really makes you think

the bird bitch

creampie queen

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The Retarded Goat


The Retard Wrangler

the indecisive decider

> Page 10

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Nikki C Cups

watching cfb

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tooth hurty

Stupid r-bomb duuuuuuuuur

jackson michie is the most hated big brother winner since _______

Josh? I think Jackson is pretty based though.

So I completely missed bb19. Can someone explain why Josh is such a hater winner? I understand people thinking Paul should have won, but Josh seems to get hate for more than just that? Why?

he’s not a hated winner in most bb circles but he didn’t do anything all season except be a literal drooling retard. he won because he was the hg in final 2 who wasn’t paul

wow! look at that pretty girl :)

who will join this pantheon of legends?
lots of fags, lots of old people, lots of semi-retarded waifus - there is a place for everyone

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out of your league

they need the photographer from 11-13 back

Josh was the type of guy who would talk shit constantly and confront people, but if anyone ever talked back to him he would immediately bitch out and literally cry in the corner. Paul would send Josh after whoever Paul wanted to go home that week and would literally have him banging pots and pans in peoples faces. Paul brought him to the end as a goat since Josh was a literal retard, but everyone hated Paul so much by the end of the season that Paul ended up losing.
I wish I still had that clip of Marky throwing a drink at Joshs face

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paul sounds based the way you describe him controlling josh like a wild retard. whats the honest opinion on paul in bb19?

stop being so bitter, Paul
Josh could evict you at F3, he was kind enough to gift you 50k :)

it's hard to talk about paul without talking about the cast as a whole, which was terrible

natalie had such nice milkers desu

>paul in bb19
playing on easy mode and still managed to fuck it up by being annoying. people forget that paul wasnt really mean or a dick, he was just a poseur rich kid from LA with a shitty personality.

First week this giga chad named Cody won HOH and wanted to take out Paul instantly cus he thought he was a faggot on bb18. However, there was a a twist where america would vote for a player to give a power, so obviously america voted Paul to get the power since he was the only returning player. The power basically made it so he couldn't be nominated until Jury or some broken shit like that. Cody tries to nominate Paul, but gets Groballed. Paul then uses his immunity to make a huge alliance of retards to dominate the remainder of the season. By the time it got to jury, there were like 4 pairs in the house, and Paul would just say he would take each of them to the end as his final 3.
In the end he betrays all of the pairs except for Josh and this chick named Christmas who was a literal cripple, because he thought they were good goats. The rest is history

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>giga chad
pick one

reminder that josh was a superfan and strategic mastermind. if you don't have to make moves to win the game, you're a lot fucking better than anyone who is forced to. josh is like steve 2.0, hiding behind a huge manipulator in full knowledge that they coul best their puppeteer in the end. josh is different from steve in that he purposely put a huge target on himself and thus was never the first one in line to go, which steve nearly was a few times in the season.

Josh is a joke.

Giga chads don't need 3 special powers to survive.

Cody was literally only casted so he could be Pauls rival. Cody should thank Baste Paul for gaining relevance and getting the love of his life and the Amazing Race prize money.

So after watching some clips of Josh, I’m sorry to say I kinda like the fact that he won. He basically personifies the idea of “based retard”.

Plz gibs 3 more weeks quarky

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I hated him cuz he reminded me of the asshole that used to live in the apartment under mine.
but also this he would talk shit and instigate fights and then IMMEDIATELY after he would go cry and whine about it like he was the victim.

cody and jessica are trash to be honest

fuck josh

the other three people in the house

>the only reason people are keeping you in this house is because you're a moron and can't think for yourself
shes not wrong

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>the horror

seething codyshits

Nicole won



would cliff and nicole make a deal with tommy and take out holly this week or do they want to go out 3rd and 4th?


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please let nicole use the veto on cliff and get holly put up
holy fuck, a michie tommy nicole cliff final 4 would be so kino. nicole and cliff HAVE to know they're in the best position by far then.

if they take out holly they deserve to win this season, either nicole or cliff

They need to get Holly out.

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>voting out holly

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holly looking absolutely disgusting today

If Quarky uses the veto and votes out Holly, I'll take back all of my insults toward her.

hogg isnt going to allow tommy to stay.

>cliff: it's me, you and holly in the next HOH
they can EASILY use the christie knowing card against tommy now, all it needs to do is get out. or holly can tell the jury house. it's fucking over. if cliff and nicole send home holly then i think one of the two win hands down.


can't be a boomer without the stupid amount of loyalty

The safe move is to just get rid of Tommy.
But still, Nicole, don't take any chances. Get Cliff off the block so he can get to the next round.

>cliff and nicole still want to go to final 4 with the duo that has controlled the previous 5 hohs and a guy who's won 3 vetoes

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what in the fuck are you talking about? and go to the end with the people who have been in the HOH room for a month?

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we comping out till the end! LETS GO!

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Tommy is the strong comp beast than Holly.

Michie is always going to take holly to final 2. Nicole should try to get rid of holly

oh nice based quarky
she qute

fuck the entire cast, but especially josh

>bb22 has coaches twist
>returners are christie, nicole, johnny mac, tyler
would be based

would tyler go back without angela?

also production used the tommy glasses pic we post all the time for bbcomics
which nicole


>Tommy = 1 hoh, 2 vetoes
>Holly = 2 hoh, 0 veto
they're basically on par comp wise, but holly is better because she is still part of a duo who has won 3 hoh and 3 vetoes

if either holly and jackson, win final 4 veto they aren't keeping cliff or nicole, same with the final 3 hoh
if holly goes, tommy most likely wouldn't be taking jackson to final 2 so if you're cliff or nicole you increase your chance more

>no Brett

holly was pinoy noir cause she's a 30ish wine lady thats boring as fuck
prod got it on the bullseye

only christie is likeable of those 4 tho. make it christie/nick/brett/haleigh.

how mad is taran right now?

boring, no strategy players

which fucking nicole do you think
you know what you're right, tyler was a shit pick and i just forgot about brett but he's way better.
you could throw in kaitlyn or vanessa instead of nicole. just think it's a bit much with christie there already.
>capable of providing anything to a season of big brother

I hate nick but I would still watch for the other 3

yeah but quarky and hogg have that muh loyalty problem. so tommy is a bit S.O.L.

he's actually crying live on stream because he's angry that his gay lover tommy is going homo

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jackson is making holly so paranoid lmao

>The safe move is to just get rid of Tommy.
meh. to me, it's a gamble either way but I'm on the side of taking out the comp beast showmance vs a solo.
I think cliff and nicole have an easier time convincing tommy to target jackson at final 4 than they would holly or jackson to target each other

I’m mad too but only because it means I’m out of both fantasy drafts

nice edit, taran's not happy at all because he wanted tommy to win the whole thing. something about "muh game integrity." he's seething that the camp david-come-on-kat's-back twist let cliff and nicole dominate the whole game

whenever holly loses a comp she says she didn't want to win

yup they're bad players

no one gives a fuck about these retard losers
go talk about it on their stream u faggots

lol taran hasn't been into tommy since unde9able formed, he's a hardcore nicole and kemi fan

Christie, Kaitlyn, Brett, Paul


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qute quarky

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he has been praising the fuck outta tommy and shitting on christie for the whole time

my post had nothing to do with RHAP but thanks for the (You)

>Holly - If you add Nicole's time to Cliff's time and add a couple of minutes you will get my competition finish time

damn, they definitely should get rid of this mental threat and keep Tommy in the game

This would be SUPER based.

he's only pro-nicole and pro-kemi because he knows the fans are on her side. neither of them are the type of player he typically supports.
kemi had a terrible strategic sense in the game, and nicole only recently started having worth in the game because of the DE comp that cliff let her win.

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good victory cap

he's admitted many times that he thought nicole was playing very poorly but still 'rooting' for her on a personal level. he goes up and down on tommy game wise, but personal wise i don't think he cares all that much about him, again since the upstairs hoh locking out nicole fiasco


pleb taste
pepperoni combos are kino

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>NiCoLe cOulD nEvEr beAt JaCksOn oR HoLLy iN a CoMp

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poor jackson thinking nicole and cliff will actually make a power move

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i'd give it a 30% chance holly talks herself into eviction

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jackson actually thinking like a gamer. cliff and nicole have no thought of it. yet.

Everyone left would make a cool winner except Holly.

What i got
1st - Nicole 10:58
2nd - Tommy ~15 min
3nd - Michie 15-20 min
4th - Cliff 15-20 min
5th - Holly ~30 min

im hoping she cant beat anyone anyways, in which case, i'm officially happy with this years winner

they likely won't do it but as long as she takes cliff down they create the option of taking out holly and they def will consider it.

cliff wants to be in the final 4 with a showmance so fucking bad

taran just got a 1000 bucks donation damn

keeping Tommy would be a brainlet move
Nicorey kept James at F5 in BB18 and betrayed Sitting Ducks, didn't buy them any loyalty from James at F4
and Tommy is way better at comps and way bigger jury threat than James was

holly wants to use the christie info to evict tommy as a jury threat

that's actually perfect
then she and jackson would lose his and her jury vote
and then nicole would be one step closer to 500K

>Tommy is way better at comps
no he isn't. Jackson is better is way better than he is and he's on par with the other 3 in terms of comp wins
keeping a strong duo going into final 4 is a brainlet low iq drop out student move if i'm being completely honest with you

in the last hour not only she ended her not being on the block run but she also expressed an idea that would definitely lose her several jury votes
not looking good bog

Why is she seen as an all star? She was only the 4th one evicted and was played like a fiddle

bro its just part of their nature they dont want a faggot to win

dollars or bits?

>evicts 2 latinas and 2 gays

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>keeping a strong duo going into final 4 is a brainlet low iq drop out student move

i absolutely agree with you
only Jackson and Holly are not strong duo evict Holly - Tommy and Jackson are strong solos left in the game
that's where they actually form a strong duo to battle another duo

tommy never developed the competitive drive as a child; too busy playing with dolls

It’s not about the comps, just the math. Holly is 100% going to keep Michie safe and vice-versa. And since they are statistically more likely to win a comp than Cliff or Nicole, this becomes extremely dangerous when there are so few people left

watch holly win the next veto

Allstars has never been about bringing the best players back, just the memorable fan favorites. If we're going by skill at the game, I guess Vanessa, but I doubt these would agree to do another season.

Lol Bog is a brainlet.

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Aura really likes him.

>tfw no paypigs

so when is cliff gonna tell nicole not to use the veto?

Unlike Shelby, Vanessa is a real lawyer now.

>It’s not about the comps

It's F4, it's all about the comps. It's not BB19 or BB20 where everybody is just begging to be in F2 with Tyler/Paul.Tommy stays to F4, him and Jackson make amends and team up against Ciff/Nicole, neither of them want to be in F3 with unbreakable obvious duo.
F4 will be 2vs2 no matter what, you are naive to think otherwise

>My Precious

Cliff the next Marcellas?

except they aren't teaming up to take out cliff/nicole at final 4 and going to the end together. tommy would 100% go after jackson because that is the only person who has a chance to beat him

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Based on how she talked about her game post season, I think Vanessa would make room to play again in a heartbeat.

shes about to be a parent with her lesbian partner

True, but remember that the one vote is all that matters. Say Nicole wins HOH and puts up Jolly. Statistically, they’re more likely to win the veto than cliff or Nicole. Then the showmance is obviously gonna vote to keep itself safe. Keeping Tommy would keep the game balanced

nicole gonna use the veto on cliff and force jackson to nominate holly (his showmance partner) as the replacement

and they gonna vote tommy out

>holly (his showmance partner)
did you think we didnt know that?

Not voting out Holly would be the kind of retardation you’d only see in the early seasons

The sodomite will always run right to watermelon man

lmao yes he is

this is a retard season

welp, hogg just said they gota send tommy. said holly hasnt done well in these mental comps at all

>not wanting to go to F3 with a showmance


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lol quarky decided to win DE HOH because of some random quote in a Bible

based god fearing quarky

wished god gave nick a reset

Is a cliff forgetting that the veto exists?

Cliff says that if it was Jackson on the block against Tommy they would take a shot.

yup, if jackson was up and they didnt. i would call them complete and utter morons. but i can understand keeping hollys mush brain

holly eavesdropping on cliff and nicole

Holly's brain is a bowl of soup, and she's probably pregnant. Tommy is an athletic little twink who is completely punished. Makes sense which one to get out.

can bb pull off a miscarriage two years in a row?


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While 1 of them is going to get 500k

Wait, what? There was a miscarriage?

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kek. cliff and nicole saying ovi should've leveraged his power to stay another week. jackson all like

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we witnessed it happen during the house meeting in bb20

And he wanted to flip that week 1 vote too
based chadson played hard from first night, every week all the way to the F4
He is an antithesis of modern BB winner who lays low and does nothing for majority of the season
I will be sad if he doesn't make it

Attached: snacksons horcrux getting destroyed.webm (1278x718, 1.02M)

She was pregnant? Lmao

>nicole says that she wasn't bullied as a kid

oh it definitely shows

I love Nicole. I do not love her ever increasing use of the baby voice

she’s also living rent free in the jury house (:

yeah, what a stupid fucking retard raw dogging it with Swaggy when she's on a fucking chance of a lifetime TV show experience. Stupid dumb bitch couldn't either just keep her panties on or be bothered to use a rubber that they provide. I hate those two so much

>screaming makes you miscarriage
lmao are women really this fragile?

mistie living rent free in jury