Did someone really love Shinji?
Did someone really love Shinji?
his mom and kaworu, the fact that they both died is why hes so messed up
But I thought the mom was the villain?
Villains can still express love, user. In fact a lot of times love is what drives villains to do their villainy stuff in the first place.
have sex
God did.
Literally everyone, Shinji is a bitter, spiteful freak who ruins everything for everyone.
trips confirm
gendo but he got ate
Gendo, Yui and Kaworu
Its anime, so everyone has to orbit around useless virgin soiboi.
Everyone in the show loves him, each in there own ways.
Aukua loves him, but also wants to fuck him, but also wants to kill him cause she knows she is better then him in a lot of ways.
His dad loves him, but knows he cant't show it.
Misato loves him, wants to fuck him, but knows his dad will remove her if she gives in.
Rey loves him but can't express it, Its also sihinji's love for Rey that causes her to lose control and turn into an angle.
The rest of the cast who work at nerve love him, but feel sorry for him.
The special angels like Kaworu love him, but have trouble making shinji happy, because shinji can't be happy, to be happy for shinji is to let the angles win.
The secret to Shinji is that he a weapon, he can't be happy, to beat the angles he has to be upset, cause this is explained when shinji is in the AT field at the end of the series.
>this post
Yes, he pushed everyone away because he couldn't love himself
>confusing love and sex
j-just like me
i did ;_;
dilate anime tranny
I watch the last episode and self insert as Shinji :D
have Sechs
literally me
Here, let me proofread, translate and correct this post to make it readable for not retards:
Everyone in the show loves him, each in there own ways.
Aukua loves him, but also wants to fuck him, but also wants to kill him cause she knows she is inferior to him in almost every way which breaks her mind in the end because of her pride.
His dad loves him, but knows he can't show it, which leads him down his entire path since he's just as autistic as Shinji or even more.
Misato loves him, but is also fucked up and basically adopts him like a crazy cat lady adopting a new cat to fill a void in her heart and try to be a mother-figure to something but fucks it up pretty badly, which again leads her to go into depression because she wants to be a good person but is confused on how to do it.
Rei ends up liking him because he actually let her realize human emotions since her turbo-autism makes Shinji and Gendo look like normalfags but she can't express it until that battle with the circle/snake Angel where she self destructs Unit-00 to save him.
The rest of the cast who work at Nerv pity him or view him a tool to get the fucking robot to move.
Kaworu "loves" him in a platonic way. He loves him in the sense an Angel sent to destroy humanity actually bonded with a human, and his experiences with him taught him a great deal about the Lilin (humans).
The secret to every character of the show is that Anno went through depression while making Evangelion and projected the different unique facets of his depression into different characters differently. Almost every single character in Evangelion is a flawed human being, except maybe the freckled class rep girl and the lesbian woman who worked under Ritsuko.
Yes all the delusional weebs that think this anime is not garbage
>saying this on a Japanese website
I'd like to self insert into Shinji
Go away moot nobody likes your waifu here.
In this case a giant mother goddess who is the prototype and source of all souls
Well what am I supposed to do?
You are not a very good interpreter of characters
Why does this show keep yelling at me? I habe to just 'love myself' huh? Okay, whats that like, you say I should 'just do it's? What am I supposed to do here
Yeah me
Shinji is such a pushover I wanna bully and fuck him
I bet he would even cross dress for me since he's such a pussy
i know who did
>initially relate to Shinji
>realize that he's actually just a mentalcel who is super competent and is loved by everyone
>as opposed to me, a super incompetent who us loved by no-one
>can't relate to anyone.
Is there no kino representation for actual honest to god losers?
Misato saves his life on two separate occasions in EoE. She dies trying to help him get over his issues.
Only his dad did, everyone else was just using him for their own ends
And his dad was too autistic to show his love
based anno poster
What is love besides a need connection betweed people?
Clearly you didn't watch the show.
Care to refute anything I posted? I'll be happy to debate what you have to say.
Everything! Please watch the show instead of shit posting!
How am I shitposting? I've watched the shows more times than you've taken a shit. Refute specific points I posted or fuck off.
No, losers don't deserve it
The loser was in Evangelion, you just never noticed and nobody spent time with him, because he didnt matter.
Güd taste
My Friend Dahmer (the comic, not the movie)
Who are you talking about?
In the show at least, Asuka has a thing for him. She says so in episode 22 I think when she is getting mind probed. His mother loved him as well and Kaworu by self-admission.
In the manga he has an openly romantic relationship with Rei but he's also not as much of a nervous wreck in that
I know right
Just look at this little slut
you're supposed to forgive yourself for being that way and realize that there are some things you won't be able to control in life
then you violently go out of your comfort zone by forcing yourself to interact with others until it mentally scars you
once you get that scar tissue, suddenly it's far easier and snowballs into a smorgasbord of friendship that builds and challenges your self-esteem
eventually at the end of it, you come out at the end a stronger/happier person
the thing is, you have to forgive yourself first which is the hardest step of all
it literally takes an apocalyptic event for shinji to realize this illustrating how hard that initial step is
it's a step I'm still trying to take and most depressed niggas never get past
Asuka and Shinji have essentially the same needs as people, it’s just they express themselves outwardly differently. They both seek outward validation from others, stemming from their lack of parental figures. Shinji seeks his in the form of love and acceptance, Asuka seeks admiration and acceptance.
Asuka see’s her own weakness in Shinji and thats why she hates him, when she gets mad at him for never doing things for himself, she is actually getting mad at who she is as well
Is Rian Johnson a weeb? What did he mean by this?
Love this shit
okay now wat
>love drives the villain
Yes. A lot of "villains" in a lot of media are acting out of love. They're good people who were doing terrible things to save the ones they love.
No. Good people don't do "terrible things" to save anyone. If you love someone, that doesn't mean you have the privilege of destroying that love for others. Sometimes love means letting go. If that's your definition of love, you've a twisted interpretation which is why villains aren't lovers, they're villains.
You're fucking retarded.
>Good people don't do "terrible things" to save anyone.
Are you 12 years old or something? Most of those people are doing those things to save their loved ones. Whether it's "terrible" or not is all up for interpretation, which is how conflict even happens in the first place.
>bad guy does terrible thing
>good guy steps up to stop them
>stops him, but we learn his tragic past and his motives - his wife or family or people were all being killed so he had to take drastic measures to save them
Now reverse roles:
>your wife is being killed or your family is going to die or your people are going to get wiped out
>take drastic measures to save them
>some guy working for the bad guys stops and most likely kills you
It's all about perspective, dumb dumb.
Nah, faggot. Good and evil are not simply based on perception. That's relativism. Realize that good people don't do terrible things though you may be inundated with rationalizations on the part of evil trying to represent good. Grow the fuck up and realize that evil persists because of rationalizations just like one you're making.
What if all this is bunch of self-flaggelation
'Good people' lol you're so fucking dumb
Nice post, Satan. It's no wonder you can't understand morality and think it black and white.
>you can't understand morality and think its black and white
The irony of you calling me Satan while arguing about "good ppl doing evil shit". Evil thrives in the gray. Evil wouldn't get anywhere unless it were able to convince decent people that their selfish and corrupted actions were for the right reasons.
It's strange, isn't it? Here I am telling you the truth, but that post was marked 666 to deceive you. Morality is complicated, but it certainly doesn't condone taking innocent lives for the benefit of others.
Hm yes really makes you think quite ironic hm?
I don't know why you're still struggling with this.
What is good?
What is evil?
>bad guys going to come kill my family, friends, and people to secure their existence since they're about to be wiped out by your faction
>take charge, gain power, and wipe out the threat so you can live peacefully
Who was in the wrong here?
In a world that's half destroyed by climate change and where humanity is living in underground cities hiding from giant aliens a zoomer kid that's got it all - a house, friends, a penguin, girls who talk to him and people who care for him - gets a giant mech handed down to him by his mother and is given the opportunity to fight for earth and earn an honest living... But refuses it all because daddy doesn't love him and he feels like the world owes him
I'm not struggling with anything. Defending yourself against evil is fine. People who do that aren't villains. You become the villain or no better than those who perpetrated evil against your loved ones, when you decide that your love ones take precedent over everything else; the loved ones of others and other innocent lives. That's evil because it's selfish, arrogant, and destructive to take from others even if it's in defense something. You become the evil that's working against you and it influences your actions.
Vade Retro Satana
You're still not getting it. Try this one.
>full blown war interplanetary war
>Earth is about to die and millions will perish
>the only way to save mankind to go colonize a new planet and be able to use their resources to save everyone
>alien species on the surface fight back, but through our superior technology we subdue them and mankind is saved
Who was in the wrong here?
No she wasn't, her soul was in his eva, and she protected him when she could, i.e, trapped in the angels shadow.
>zoomer kid that has it all
>mother dies when he's a toddler
>father isolates himself and sends shinji to live with his teachers or other authorized guardians
>always alone until he's practically 14 yrs old
>father calls him to pilot an Eva to save humanity; practically a murder bot that's becomes an extension of his body as he can now feel every hit in every battle while piloting an Eva
>life is suffering and is left with the choice of choosing to save ppl who were never really good or cared about him or just let it all end
You don't seem to understand the concept of morality. Your dying breed doesn't not permit you the right to destroy another group to continue that existence at the detriment of another. A better example would be your homeworld becoming the alien planet that gets invaded by a superior force and it wipes out your family and friends. The reason, whether it's trying to survive plagues or not is irrelevant, to you. They'll just be a superior force that indiscriminately kills everything you know and love. Do you want to describe that as moral?
>her soul was in his eva, and she protected him when she could
None of that is evidence to the contrary, dumbass
Yui was a prime example of a villain, user. Even if acting out of love.
>seeks to become God incarnate
>purposely puts herself in the giant robot knowing this would force her son to pilot it
>waits 12 or 13 years, however fucking long it was before Shinji came back
>once he was in the robot, she could go berserk and fuck shit up
>end goal: she just said "lol cya later hun, I'm gonna go float around in space for hundreds of thousands or millions of year or eternity or whatever. Have fun on your tang planet"
user... I'm almost at a loss for words. You made my fucking point for me yet you still aren't grasping it.
The humans are the evil alien invaders in my example which is the point I set up. How are you struggling with this so hard?
Yeah, Rei. She had unlimited and unconditional love for him.
>The humans are the evil alien invaders in my example which is the point I set up.
Yeah, what's your point again because I'm pretty sure mine was that good people don't do evil shit? You just keep posting examples without really explaining what the example represents to you while leaving it up to my interpretation.
Nah, she gave everything to save humanity for a world that probably didn't deserve it. God gave her a path, and she accepted it willingly no matter the sacrifice and probably now has to suffer an eternal existence forever alone.
If you mean, within the show: yes, some with no reason. If you mean irl as a character, thats yes and no: noone likes him for himself, but everyone likes him, cause he is the avatar for the viewer, he is mostly empty, so you imagine being him while watching the show. He is necessary
>good people don't do evil shit
>You just keep posting examples without really explaining what the example represents
I don't understand how you aren't grasping this.
>humans are about to be kill
>need to go colonize that planet for resources
>conquer the planet and survive
>even bring in the alien species to their civilization and we all hold hands and sing Kumbaya in peaceful harmony
Flip it around
>aliens come and try to conquer Earth
>humans naturally fight back against tyranny
>humans lose and are conquered, but are spared as long as they let the aliens rule over them and take their resources, but the aliens give them great technology and better lives they could achieve on their own
Which party was in the wrong here, dummy? Who was good? Who was evil?
Lovely picture.
What did m00t mean by this? Why does she look like him?
The last two episodes are just bad. Any “deepness” is not contrived, it’s a sermon, a gay one. Worse than magma diver. Thankfully end of evangelion redeemed it and gave an actually conclusive and satisfying ending.
>who was good
>who was evil
You said in the earlier post that humans were evil alien invaders, and I agree. The invaders, once they start to use violence and death to influence outcomes, are evil no matter whether they're human or alien.
You are gay
>daddy I'm hungry
>sorry hunny we just have to sit around and await slow painful death since it would be bad to go get those resources on that planet even if we could live in peace with those aliens
>b-but dady I don't wanna die
>enough, I don't want to be evil to save your life. Now snuggle up with me while we waste away
Yeah, me of course
No one said you couldn't negotiate with aliens peacefully and promote trade and commerce with them. But saying
>i'm hungry so imma go cannibalize these other people and their resources
... yeah, that's evil.
What if I can't negotiate with the aliens? They don't want to just give up their resources? Do I go back home and tell my kids "sorry guys, the aliens said no so let's just snuggle up and wait to die excruciating deaths"?
Who's the real evil person here? The guy who went and took the resources or the guy who just sat around and watched his people all die off when he had the power to save them all?
Could you please stop with this puerile bickering?
don’t pretend EoE is a less satisfying ending than 25-26. I do respect the temerity of what they did but EoE was Anno’s Sistine chapel mural
>Who's the real evil person here? The guy who went and took the resources or the guy who just sat around and watched his people all die off when he had the power to save them all?
Wrong question. The real question is whether it's evil to refuse the requests of someone in dire need and whether that refusal parallels killing someone in order to take items you're desperate to have. Arguably both are evil, but one hasn't resorted to taking the other's life in the process. There's nothing immoral about dying or starving to death.
>The real question is whether it's evil to refuse the requests of someone in dire need and whether that refusal parallels killing someone in order to take items you're desperate to have.
Okay so I'll pose the scenario again for like the 6th or 7th time in hopes you answer it.
Who's evil here?
>guy who sees his people dying since resources have run out
>other guy who refuses a request for resource aid to prevent mass deaths
>finally, first guy says "no I'm not going to watch my people die. I'm taking these resources by force if you won't let us have them?"
Who's the evil one? The guy refusing the request for aid or the guy who took action to save millions?
only in an evangelion thread.
The greater evil will always be the aggressor who no longer wants to negotiate and decides to take by force just to spell it out for you.
That's fucking retarded. Nearly every crime in existence is guided by good motives. Selfish people will kill a few dozen for fun. Selfless people will gulag millions.
The road to hell is paved by good intentions.
I love EoE and I think it’s better than the last 2 episodes, but I wouldn’t go as far to say that the last two episodes are bad
>tfw you turn into an angle
So the guy who goes and takes resources to save millions or billions is the bad guy, not the guy who says "lol no fuck off I love to see you guys suffer"? It this what you're saying?
>So the guy who goes and takes resources to save millions or billions is the bad guy, not the guy who says "lol no fuck off I love to see you guys suffer"? It this what you're saying?
It's funny how you gloss over all the suffering the "good guy" will cause likely impacting more than those he's trying to save.
No he was a skeevy little perv and a pussy
>impacting more than those he's trying to save.
Where did I point out numbers?
>alien planet is virtually untouched, has a race of aliens in the population numbers of 100,000
>can save millions or billions by conquering it and gathering the resources
>he's the evil one though
>nigger-tier human thinks he can escape the Big Freeze by plundering other planets
>he's the evil one though
He is evil. Morality is based on how you deal with others, your interactions with people who are not yourselves. Just like the evil represented in your image post: no race decides for another whether their technological advances are meaningless or whether a race will never reach a point of advancement without their influence. These are things that are unknowable- just as they were for any group that chooses to spout such hubris. Killing innocents is evil no matter the reason.
This only matters if you consider death and suffering a negative
we all know who
Evangelion sure is an evangelical series
None of that is evil or malicious though.
Um no people who do bad things cant be good, that's the definition of bad. The goodest thing is to never to anything bad even if it's good to do the bad thing because its bad. DUH
So then she's not a villain, stupid.
No. They didn't even like him, because there was nothing to like. There were no friendships in that show. All of them were fucked in the head coworkers that were forced to work and live together. I've seen more camaraderie among McDonald's employees. They barely tolerated each other. That is not love.
That's why the main character could cry in the corner and do nothing, while his coworkers were getting slaughtered. He didn't really give a fuck about any of them. His dying boss had to kiss him just to get his attention.
She's a sympathetic villain, and a highly subversive one because she basically causes Gendo and Shinji's condition on purpose by arranging her suicide in front of Shinji without telling either of them what would happen. Her desire to put her son at the forefront of human Instrumentality caused all his trauma and sense of isolation. She killed herself in front of her son so he would begin the traumatic journey that would put him in the Eva
Now I think I actually understand this animu and why it's so popular. Thanks.
It always seemed like dumb teen angst dialed up to 11. Couldn't get into it. But if it's about poorly-socialized people with attachment disorders the characters seem more plausible.
That so many people identify with this flick is now much more disturbing.
Oh yeah definitely its all about attachment disorders
Okay that's a bit more malicious. But in the service of saving humanity from the existential alien threat: still not villainous.
In war you often must sacrifice what you love.
Its a complicated story designed to have pain come from good intentions, but yeah Yui engineered all their pain for reasons of love
There is no real existential alien threat, killing the angels is a ritual that began with second impact to achieve instrumentality. Yui's goal was to make Shinji the chief conciousness in Instrumentality as well as preserve her soul forever in the Eva as proof humanity existed
haha yeah I love niggerball
So does everyone who watches NGE start diagnosing themselves with attachment disorders?
it's not about attachment disorders, it's about the inherent flaws of being separate beings capable of feeling emotion and never being able to understand anyone else fully
His mom, obviously
The main character needed a father figure. A male mentor and role model. I don't need to be a psychiatrist to figure that out. Am I saying give him a military drill instructor to yell in his face? Yes. That’s exactly what I’m saying. He was a child soldier, but he was never treated as such. He was treated like a lab rat. No wonder he never belonged.
The Eva program was a military program, but run by civilian scientists. That’s a bad combination. That’s no way to fight a war. His boss did the best she could, but failed. Her last resort was to manipulate his horniness. Sad.
Good point actually
Shinji does relatively well when given direct instructions so that'd probably work. Hooking him up with Misato who tries to play the hardass when she's mad and acts like a slut the rest of the time is a terrible decision.
Doesn't one of the earlier episodes show Shinji miserably and mindlessly doing target practice under Misato's guidance who, in spite of being his guardian, is first and foremost a military person? When she exercises discipline or shifts into that mode, she's all business, and that training was actually taking a toll on Shinji's sanity. That was obvious by the way he was numbly intoning "center the target, pull the trigger" or whatever it was, over and over and over. He needed training, but actually he needed some level of understanding and camaraderie. That's what was actually lacking. He didn't have anyone who was like a brother or sister in arms, just people who seemed alien to him giving him orders that seemed oppressive and against his nature but which he found it easy to submit himself to due to his fundamental lack of self-drive.
The angels wreck shit in successive waves, targeting cities. I'd like to know how that's not a threat to human survival.
The angels were awakened by humans disturning Adam in pursuit of the Instrumentality promised by the Dead Dea Scrolls. Killing angels is damage control at best
>Misato who tries to play the hardass when she's mad and acts like a slut the rest of the time
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Ikari! Are you crying over your daddy issues again! Maybe you need a waifu to kiss your booboos! I will be your waifu, Private Ikari! I will be your love interest throughout the entire show! But I will never, ever let you get to first base! That is what the Japs call "tsundere"! I will treat you like shit and you will love me for it! And the first and last words out of your mouth will be "desu"! Do you understand me?!
First killing them is a ritual.
Now it's damage control?
Whether or not they were unleashed by inadvertent human action, they were destructive force that couldn't be turned aside by other means. Therefore they were an existential threat, and humanity was at war for survival.
Maybe instrumentality was a prize to be won, but human existence was also very much on the line. So as I said above, Shinji's mother made a sacrifice for victory in a necessary war. So not a villain.
Did they ever explain why it's titled "Neon" instead of Neo? Did a translator fuck up again?
Greek user, do you speak it?
>he doesn't like neon lights
No. But I know that "neon" is a gas and "neo" means new.
Based and true
Neon means new in Greek, dummy
Neon Genesis Evangelion literally means Gospel of the New Genesis.
Neon was named that because it was a new gas