Is concernedmemer /ourguy/ ?

Is concernedmemer /ourguy/ ?

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Die you worthless bigot

What website is that? Definitely has Yea Forums vibes to it.

Attached: jaycee.0.jpg (1200x800, 171K) Forums

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holy fuck roasted

Yes. Fuck trannys

if gender affirmation surgery has been shown to have zero outcome on thwarting their suicide rates, doesn't that tell you their issue is with their own mind, and not the body they inhabit - ergo mentally deranged?

Who the fuck does this tranny think they are fooling? Not only does this faggot think he's a woman but he expects everyone else to think he's a woman and not only that but as a tranny he gets mad when you don't refer to him as a woman

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>dude just grow your hair out and call yourself a girl lmao you'll break all the records

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Can you make money as a tranny athlete?

Oh, yeah. You'll get paid to give motivational speeches to biological females about overcoming adversity.

why is moot playing superman 64

For real though do they do testing for tranny drugs in my system or can I just wear a wig and call myself Tammy and win a bunch of trophies and money?

Trannies love speedrunning their lives too

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Depends on the sport or "activity" depending on how anal you are about what is and isn't a sport. I'm pretty sure you could just slap on a wig and fake tits and go win the women's dart championship, but being a chick wouldn't give you much of an edge in darts.

you're not going to win shit, the strongest XX women are stronger than you'll ever be

Shut the fuck up tranny. Literally no woman on this planet is my equal.

That's a bold statement, I've had a chick deep throat my cock and use her tongue to tickle my asshole. Can you say the same? Wanna try?

post body

I bet you thought this post was clever you fucking faggot.

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you don't have to like it, but this what peak female athletic performance looks like.

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he was a mediocre lifter and after "identifying" as a woman he now has two gold medals and one silver medal and is likely to qualify for tokyo 2020. same thing with those two high school runners from connecticut and that cyclist rhys mckinnon. just a bunch of beta male losers who found a way to win at something through socially-approved cheating.

depends on if the event has self-identification (just say you are a tranny and that's it) or if it follows ioc guidelines (which are bs and are currently being challenged by civil rights groups). ioc says all you need to do is keep your testosterone level below 10nmol/L, even though at 9nmol/L that's already 3 times higher than an average woman's. add to this men's skeletal structure and organ sizes and "fair play" is pretty much dead lmao.

i just can't figure it out, bros. why is it?

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why don't women (XX) just work harder?

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The strongest woman who ever lived is only marginally stronger than an average man who has never exercised in his life.

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all i can imagine is some skinny pasty white kid saying this thinking he is the ultimate alpha

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this fucking timeline

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And my mental image of you is of an obese smelly tranny who thinks Women can compete in sports with men

lmao I ran track in high school and I wasn't that good but I still could outrun every girl on the team


Their defenders will tell you that the suicides are because of the 'intolerance' and 'oppression' they face from the rest of society, even though no other marginalised group in history has committed suicide at the rate they are.

No it can also be about how society still looks down on them and treats them in the media

>tfw you and your bros will never pretend to be women just so you can absolutely dab on a team of muslim handball players that are half your size and also actually women

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does the study say what sport these elite athletes compete in? Strength and power is specific to training

No. I'm just drunk and want my dick sucked and probably bigger than you.

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seething and you know i'm right

here's them winning

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because i'm not attracted to dudes. sorry.

go find a tranny to poz your hole if you love them so much.

>when you call yourself a member of the moral majority and then celebrate suicide rates like a fucking psychopath

You didn't deny being an obese tranny. Real women are inferior to me and so are trannies.

So you want the trannies to survive?

Celebrating tranny suicides are a moral solution to a disgusting problem.

....are you a femboy? mtf or whatever? I mean, whatever bro, I'll try to remember your pronouns as you're guzzling my goo.

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You're not making any sense. Start over.


This has literally nothing to do with trannies. You are not equal to a real man. You shitpost on Yea Forums all day and never leave your room. Any man with actual hard labor or a daunting task ahead would choose an able bodied woman before an obese pimply faced edgelord incel male. Maybe instead of enjoying the accomplishments of other men via osmosis, you should try to accomplish something in your life other than being born with an X and Y chromosome. The fact that you argue nonsense like "but if I DID actually try I would be instantly better than a woman" just makes you twice as pathetic, it'd be like when Cartman tried to beat the disabled kids at the special olympics and got his shit rekt. Nothing is more embarrassing than an armchair athlete.

Nah, this is the thread theme

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t. psychopath, people with morals want to help the mentally ill not cleanse the earth of them

>Projecting this hard
I'm more athletic than your average man, I'm certainly more athletic than any woman on earth.

If frannies are supposedly woman-minded individuals stuck in a man's body, why are so many speedrunners trannies? Speedrunning video game, let alone playing them, is a male's hobby.

I'm not celebrating anything, just educating. I'm a suicide preventor if anything.


>lying on the internet
You can fool us but never yourself. Also you aren't fooling us.

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Only psychopaths support letting these freaks live in pain and prey on children. Performing a coup de grace on trannies is ultimately the moral choice.

You first

agreed we should rehabilitate serial killers

you have a severe misunderstanding of statistics

I support tranny suicides. It's the altruistic thing to do if you really think about it.

>Only psychopaths support letting these freaks live in pain and prey on children
Wait, when did we stop talking about trannies and start talking about catholic priests?


Media and Society have never treated trannies better before though, shouldn't the rate of suicide theoretically be going down?

easier to rehabilitate than an incel


I worked for a major silicon valley company and one day a weirdo who previously used to wear sandals and a man bun cut his dick off and became a trannie (that is, after taking 6 months paid "medical leave" to do it)
when it returned it turned the office to shit. sticking its nose into everything, increasing bureaucracy and rigid top down control. Our work got worse and it became a chore to do it.
Trannies are toxic dude. The 40% that commit suicide are doing the human race a favor

Just because you cut your cock off and stuffed a fistfull of estrogen pills up your fag ass doesn't mean everyone else did. Go dialate.

No woman is my equal. I could probably kick the shit out of at least 10 women at the same time and I'm not even exaggerating.

Borat thinks the song is "Girls just want to have fuck"

At first I was furious, but now I realize the olympics are going to be kino once half the people in the women sports are going to be men taking estrogen. Women will turn against trannies, and SJWs defending this shit are going to be in a hilariously awkward position when the trannies are winning everything.

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We're still talking about trannies. All trannies are pedophiles.

>I could probably kick the shit out of at least 10 women at the same time and I'm not even exaggerating.

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Why do you feel the need to pretend I'm a tranny? Is it because otherwise you don't have any arguments?

I think you spend all your free time sucking dick.

hmmm yes but what are you doing to persuade catholic priests to off themselves so they'll stop diddling little kids? we must address the pedo menace in all its forms, you know.

Are there actually trannies here? I thought discord trannies was just a meme but I can't imagine wasting your time defending the honour of these freaks online unless you are one.

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The guy used to be on the Men's national team (so he is really good) and now qualified for the womans' team

Why are cis women so damn bitter lmaooo? Are they really that jealous that they have to lash out with shitty insults whenever a transwoman is mentioned?

I can't say I blame them though, it must suck to be made obsolete.

What the fuck is wrong with this community

is that todd vanderwerff

>defending their honor
>pointing out the ways in which hypocritical retards are hypocritical and retarded
pick one

You're a massive beta cuck if you couldn't take multiple women in a fight.

I'm stating an objective fact, one you can't prove otherwise. No woman is my physical equal. Why does the truth bother you so much?

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It is a problem but not all priests are child molesters but all fags and trannies are. There's a subtle difference.

>I'm stating an objective fact, one you can't prove otherwise.
So am I.

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>gender affirmation surgery

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The real suicide squad

[citation needed]

Yes it's real and yes they think they are women

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However these tranny athletes aren't on estrogen. Because that would be discrimination. All they have to do is say "I'm a woman" and then they magically are one.

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nah, you alt-right manbaby snowflakes are just really really easy to troll

Fuck off redditor tranny. All fags and trannies are child molesters and we all know it.

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What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

I'm a man, I could kick the shit out of rhonda rousey or Amanda nunes. Women are weak.