Are you subscribing to Disney+ for this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I dont care for star wars, so no.

Not interested in stah wahs, even if I was I would never pay for this shit to watch 1 thing. Disney cannot stop private trackers, VPNs, or file sharing in general.

Too much star wars. I've already got fatigue.

We could elevate the level of film and television if we just stopped talking about Disney products. Let the shills shill to each other while we move on from being led like children to the latest focus group claptrap.

Who is with me?

I take the No Disney Pledge!
Say it!


I'll wait for the yify rip

is every media company still run by jews?

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I'm holding off on having a look at D+, think I'll wait for an "X period for free" trial and then just shitcan it before I get charged. Mostly just interested in like, scooping up all the aesthetic shots for music videos.

Nah, Favreau has tainted himself enough

I don’t give a shit about Star Wars but that may be the coolest version of the fett helmet yet.

>fags that don't know how to support the empire
First day sub of course, maybe even just combo it

all nu wars is faggot shit

No for Songs of the South classics like that

>Are you subscribing to Disney+
>for this?
Double no.
I won't even pirate it until the memes confirm whether it's garbage or not.

I'm going to steal it like I do all media

Is this payback for Hitler making "Triumph of the Will" and creating the first tv broadcasts?

>exclusively on Yidsney streaming service
My sides.

It's payback for us all being filthy goyim.


No. But I have recently renewed my library card. Started reading fiction written before 1990. Having a blast.

no, I don't care for starwars anymore

I will never give Disney a dime.

Holy shit didn't notice that. What the fuck were they thinking?

Should I write the Boba Surlacc Pit debacle?

First act will be R rated.

since subscribing is the only possible way to watch it, i guess ill have to (wink, wink)

Sure focus group. I'll answer.

You have nothing but this show that interests me and you want me to pay 15 bucks a year? Nah. Best case scenario for you, is that I buy a month and binge watch it in a weekend,since it's being released opposite of the NFL season, I can occupy my Sundays-Mondays until they are all released.

I just don't care about star wars anymore. Only for the memes.

>subscribing to neo-cable

God I hope they actually go to different planets

I heard Favreau shot the whole thing on Earth.

Looks really cheap.

>A New Hope for TV
The fuck? We're in a golden age of TV and it's the movie business that is falling apart, are they getting high on solvents?

I'll absolutely be doing my part!

No. Ill just find it on a streaming website within 2 days of its release.

>he gives money to the mouse

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I won't, mainly because I stopped consuming Disney related crap a few years ago. That being said, the trailer looked legitimately interesting and I remember enjoying the portrayal of mandalorians in KOTOR I and II.

I will torrent it and come back here to bitch about how badly they fucked it up. And so will you.

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>We're in a golden age of TV
That was a decade ago you retarded zoomer poof

>paying for the most easily piratable content
These streaming services are the pinnacle of braindead consumerism.

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I'll "subscribe" to a free stream of it an hour after it premiers lmao

lol I won't even pirate it

No, I am subscribing for the 20 years of Sneed.

Will this be on prime eventually, because i sure as hell wont subscribe to yet ANOTHER streaming service.

Probably won't even bother to torrent it to be honest.

It's Disney, it won't be anywhere else except for torrent sites


Why bother when it's this easy to get it for free?

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>there are people in this thread right now that will keep giving Disney money
Just let that sink in

No, I don't care about capeshit

>first series = good
>second series = full blown feminism, fuck men

Just as all the other series, so in I'm not.

no but i do hope its not bitrate starved when i grab the 2160p web-dl

who wins out in the streaming wars boys? My money is on ISP's in the endgame. Final bosses are Comcast, ATT. Mouse is getting bought within a decade


I'll continue to enjoy the dumpster fire they've made for themselves from a safe distance. I wouldn't waste my time let alone money on this shit.

The trailer is great but so was the one for Force Awakens, and we know how that and the ST turned out.

It kind of remind me of westsworld.

If you subscribe to disney+, you should just expect for people to randomly kick you in the nuts for it.

VERY cool

i wouldnt give disney money even if i liked nuwars

I'm subscribing for Simpsons because I lost my hard drive with the old episodes and the daily Sneed threads make me miss it

No, but I'm going to pirate it.
>Disney cannot stop private trackers, VPNs
>have none of that shit
>download new releases 24/7
Being a Southie Yuropoor is sometimes comfy.

If they do a free month I'll get it to watch the Simpsons

the tactic to not release the first 13 seasons on bluray will net more subs than the MCU catalog

>No. Ill just find it on a streaming website within 2 days of its release.
Not downloading it on rarbg within less than 12H

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It's a word play with "A New Hope" episode IV.

Why do people praise rarbg so much? It just seems worse than TPB in every way.

fuck off honestly

You kiddin? TPB is just a shadow of its former self, it's completely messed up. I like how clean rarbg is, and you get the movies on the frontpage when they come out

>buying TV shows

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No I'll do what I do with all my media.
Torrent it.

What do you mean? I use TPB and I've only had a problem with it once when some guy used bots to spam and seed malware, but it was taken down in less than an hour and was pretty obvious to anyone paying attention.


Was going to, but now that i know it's going to shill Sequel Trilogy lore, I'll wait and see.

no, if it is good I will pirate it

it'll be available online shortly after

>are you subscribing to disney plus
Disney will never see a penny from me ever again, and if you have any sense youll do the same
>for this?
Im cautiously optimistic for this, if people sy its good i will pirate it like any honest american should.

Nooooo think of the billionaires!!!!! How will they be able to afford their 10th yacht without your 10 dollars????

Have sex and buy merch, nazi

It will be findable within 49 minutes of it dropping.

don't forget that they are dropping episodes weekly, not all of them at once.

Orange Trooper Bad!!!!

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We don't even know if it'll be weekly. I wouldn't be surprised if it's longer. Anyway, it's gonna be shit, and the other series look even worse, Cassian Endor?? Then they'll rape Obi-wan beyond recognition, they'll throw in Darth Maul and Qira and shit. Enjoy endless drivel provided by the most cancerous studio in the world.

for this. and kenobi. and clone wars. and falcon/wintersoldier. and vision/witch. and moon knight. and she-hulk. and every disney animated movie. and every pixar animated movie. and eventually every marvel movie. and every star wars movie. and hopefully gargoyles.

the deal they ran that was like 3.75/month for 3 years was too good to pass up.

I’m subscribed in the case they add this

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holy shit is that real?

I'll find a way to watch it through some totally legal other means.

Fuck Disney, I'll never give you another penny for how you massacred my boy.

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i don't need to, there are a lot of pirate streaming pages that will have the episodes right after they are released.

It has nothing to do with fatigue, they just aren't good.

>thinking nuWars would convince me to subscribe to Disney+
nah, but The Proud Family will

Oscar proud is a snack making genius and fuck anyone who doesn’t like Proud Snacks!

>He continues hinting the show will have political messages

This wouldn't bother me if if Star Wars wasn't owned by Disney, because Star Wars was always jam-packed with politcal messaging and themes since its fucking inception.
But knowing Disney, this means all of the politcal messaging will be about banal, ham-fisted SJW shit and little else.

yeah Disney politcial messages comes down to white men are evil, white women are godesses, niggers are pets, chinks are ugly and communists. Homosexuality and transgenderism is good, heterosexuality is bad. Women are strong independent, men are stupid and weak.

Exactly. People said George’s anti Bush comentart was hamfisted but the subtext wasn’t the main focus or his main objective. Just a few throw away lines and a theme about freedom vs security that I actually agree with. Disney belittling the main demographic of Star Wars for being born with the wrong chromosomes and desecrating Luke’s 40 year status as a modern myth hero was beyond arrogant, and their response to that criticism made it even more apparent how they actually feel about the fans.

>Clicks on thread

Obviously you do

The irony is that Disney is literally the Empire, Bob Iger sat at Trump's economic board and Trump praised him when he boughr FOX. Only a fool would thnik that a megacorp like Disney is anti Trump, the candidate of tax cuts for the 1%.
That's sickening that they are riding this kind of narrative when they are actually 100% behind Trump policies.

i'll torrent it

OP asked a question and received an answer.
Don't be rude and assume people don't care about OP

Disney definitely has ideologues in the company but yeah, there political stances are insincere. They still didn’t have the balls to make Elsa a lesbian because it would have hurt the film with families. Lucasfilm is just the worst because Kathleen does believe all that shit which is why 90% of the people she picks to write comics and books are feminist SJWs talking about farts and periods.

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Nah fuck (Disney)

I think Kathleen Kennedy is a radical male hater despite owing her career solely to men. She probably resent this men she had to sleep with to get what she wanted. I heard whores are rabidly anti male when they talk among themselves. Now she has power and knows that we's in a timeline where women get away with absolutely anything, that's why she doesn't care about the consequences. If she was a male, she would have been fired during the mess that was TFA's production. Bob Iger is to blame for letting her ruining SW without lifting his finger. he's a total fraud, just like her.

At the risk of armchair psychology, maybe that's why she hates men.
She knows damn well she'd be nothing without them, and it must eat at her to know she's a middle manager at best that's been propped up by men.


George Lucas gave her an opportunity no one else would have, and what did she do? Get rid of him after only two months and consistently ruin his legacy and doing to SW everything George fought against. This is what happens when you give power to women, they are the most soulless corporate suits. Always willing to go to great lenght to please the boss at the expense of everything and everyone.

for didny

user I'm five steps ahead of you - I won't even torrent it, I'll just make popcorn, kick back, and laugh at you and the rest crying about manbaby wars

Imagine paying for any streaming service besides getting Amazon as a free add on to your expedited shipping account. Torrents exist, you stupid, human slave-tier good goy faggots. Never give these Baal worshipping baby fuckers a single solitary shekel.

Why would I? It'll be on rarbg

Fuck no

assume I know nothing about the internet except how to click things.
How do I do this?

Yes, and it’s the smaller version with only 4 companies. Our world has been completely hijacked by a child sacrificing cult of demon worshippers who call themselves Jews for protection and concealment.

I'd rather wack off with a cheese grater

At the end of the day, both the extreme, 'woke' blue-pilled and the extreme, "truth-seeking" red-pilled are just bigoted idiots that the elite puppeteer by constantly pitting them against each other through media propaganda.

The prequels might get a lot of shit for being garbage (because as a whole they were indeed pretty fucking garbage) but the were also the movie trilogy with the most complex, in-depth and thought-provoking political themes; their messages didn't come off as extremely forced or one-sided by any means. And I have to give George credit for having the balls to do that, even if such political and SJW controversy was a lot less 'volatile' and 'forbidden' to bring up in those days.

Too bad we'll never get anything like that again in post-Lucas era Star Wars owned by Disney.

Not that user but if you want my opinion, I think Kathleen's radical feminist antics aren't genuine and it's just a shallow act she puts up because her superiors told her to do so. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyone who has any remote connections to the entertainment industry should know that Disney only allows yes-men (or women) to climb up their corporate & studio ranks.

Any talented writer, director, producer, actor and so on who genuinely DOES love and care about the franchise - to the point where they're willing to challenge their fucking stupid decisions in an attempt defend and preserve it - is either fired, bribed or pressured until they finally cave in, or just outright blacklisted. And it's the same reason why the franchise is being run into the ground within such a short period of time, and why Rogue One, Solo and etc were production nightmares with their rushed reshoots and last-minute director, actor.writer, etc swaps. So firing Kathleen Kennedy won't make much of a difference, they'll just hire another indifferent, spineless brown-noser to replace her.

cringe, but redpilled.

Not the user you replied to, but even so, on top of not being good, too much Star Wars "demystifies it" for me.

>Not that user but if you want my opinion, I think Kathleen's radical feminist antics aren't genuine and it's just a shallow act she puts up because her superiors told her to do so.
That's why i didn't call her a feminist, I think she resent men and disguised her male bashing agenda as feminism but she is driven by a hatred for men. those strong female characters are ridiculously one dimensional and bland. But she also made sure all the male characters are weak and dumb and helpless. It's like it's how she sees herself and decided to project it on men. Now we have movies that have a mostly male audience filled with narratives telling them that they suck. I don't know what kind of retarded Disney exec thought she was going to make star wars great again with this.

Here's the problem though, you're acting as if Kathleen is the only person who has complete, total control over the entire franchise's future, and that she isn't just another spineless brown-noser following direct orders from those that are even higher than her on the corporation's food chain.

If the radical feminism shit is just some insincere, fake act that she puts up for her superiors (and I wouldn't be surprised at all that's the case,) then all of the ham-fisted SJW pandering, shallow feminist themes & characters, and white people/male stigma garbage is just the result of her going through the motions with said fake act.

>I will torrent it and come back here to bitch about how badly they fucked it up. And so will you.

i had enough with watching poor luke getting raped on all theaters of the world.

>I will torrent it and come back here to bitch about how badly they fucked it up. And so will you.

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My only intent for future NuWars release is shitpost so hard that I can absorb the details by osmosis.

just for one (maybe) good show? hell no!