How many have you seen?
Iv'e seen 57
Yea Forums's top 100 films [2019]
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Seems okay except Aliens is better than Alien
How many have you seen?
Everyone but La La Land, Yi Yi, In the Mood for Love, Only God Forgives, The Social Network and Intolerance
If it wasn't for The Killer, The Wizard of Oz, Fanny & Alexander, Summer with Monika, Psycho, Hard Boiled, Irreversible wouldn't be on the list. I spammed the survey a lot.
82 here. That's a very normie and entry level list.
Isn't this the curated list that removed all the meme entries? (like TDKR, PC2, BP, RotS)
Social Network is pretty great and La La Land is very good.
You should check em' out
Also what are your thoughts on Das Boot and Eyes Wide Shut?
Alien is a film
Aliens is a flick
What's BP?
Here's the real 2019 list
I am still Pleb it seems
Can you please send me the link to this list. I was wondering why The Assassination of Jesse James was removed
I compiled a database for the project. Added around 6000 entries but didn't have the energy to enter all metadata. Anyone interested in it?
It should read 6000 films, 1000+ entries (individual lists)
What my thoughts on Das Boot and EWS?
They're great movies.
Das Boot is probably among the top 3-5 war movies together with Path of Glory, FMJ, The Deer Hunter and First Blood.
It's way of realistically potraying the dramatic events makes it an intense ride. It fully encaples the feel of being locked in a position were you can't do anything except pray to god.
EWS is perhaps Kubricks best. It works on all levels, including the metareality level when one considers the events happening around the filming (Kubrick being murdered, Cruise and Kidman divorcing).
I almost completely agree with you
but I don't think EWS is Kubricks best work but it is definitely a masterpiece
i'm actually really interested but i don't want you putting all the work in for only a few guys to see it
>Evangelion is the only animated movie
Are you fucking serious m8?
No worries, I'm glad to share the work since I spent time on it.
I will upload it in a few minutes
Which ones have you seen?
thanks a lot bud
let me know if you got any questions, there may be some oddities in the sheets
Such a cringe list I don't even need to check the rest. Unironically linking letterboxd makes this even worse. How do you people justify this sort of behavior? Letterboxd is literally r/eddit.
Yea Forums has pure negative criticism
the other sites has constructive criticism
one thing encourages results, the other most often results into nothing