welcome to /trek/ - Hitler did nothing wrong edition
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Just watched the enterprise borg episode. I really think season 1&2 is not bad of this series. It explains a lot about the beginnings of star fleet.
the time travel stuff may have been lame and turned people off but there were plenty of classic startrek type episodes that were honestly great
the romulan minefield one and then the repair station one for example were pretty cool
Yea muh temporal cold War is retarded but the rest seems good. Also I want t'pol to mind meld with me while we fuck
I didn't really like Enterprise when it aired, but it was entertaining enough, and not totally offensive. If only I'd known how bad it would get, I would have revered it.
if it got to the romulan war it would probably be held in high regard, supposedly based combs as shran was set to become part of the main cast which would have been kino enough on its own
Hitler isn't in trek
History is important. It fleshes out the quadrant, which of course is more than enough to have a show about, no need for an entire galaxy.
and the sauna one where they all get naked
Was Manny Coto a meme? I remember the show getting into gear when he was added on but I haven't rewatched it since it aired so I'm fuzzy on details.
>Yea muh temporal cold War is retarded but the rest seems good.
The bad part of TCW was that it kinda derailed the series. Instead of showing us the beginning of the Starfleet and the formation of the Federation that we know from previous series, we got silly ass time travel plots with ugly ass aliens as villains to boot.
'women should dress modestly in the future, In star trek they look like harlots
How do you figure?
at least they aren't covered in stupid tattoos!
WaS janeway insane?
puritan grampa
>tfw things end up pink on the show because you're color blind.
enjoy your ink-blue-skinned pink and blue-haired wife (polyamorous)
How would you know?
Just look at the first episode of ENT, instead of dealing with the fact that just made first contact with the god damn Klingons, we got a plot that dealt with the ugly ass bald aliens and their mysterious leader guy. and the whole Klingon thing was sidelined.
Someone tells you afterwards.
Lock the door on your way out, gramps. Us kids wanna talk in privo.
How would you be able to relate if you're color blind?
comy thread
Well her actress seems to think so, as she claims to have played her like that due to the writing being so inconsistent of her characterization from episode to episode.
how does she explain killing that combo guy?
Did trip do anything wrong in enlightening the cogenitor?
I'd post a Pic but fucking 4pleb on at&t
Without a pic, we can't help you.
yeah he kicked me out of his house for saying melon,that asshole
he should have just let it be
also shout out to based Andreas kasulas in that episode
Michael Rapaport looks like Odo. Has that ever been discussed in these threads?
Trip ("Charles Tucker III" -- what a douchebag name) was a total fucking piece of shit whose every decision was wrongheaded and dumb and who should have been kicked, in the rear end, right out of an airlock into space and then targeted with torpedoes AND phasers and fired upon. What an idiotic rascal.
54 times
You sound angry. Why?
Look, I didn't mean to come off angrily. I just HATE Trip and if he were a real person I'd sock him right in his jawbone. He doesn't deserve to be an engineer when he doesn't know anything. To heck with him!
fucking love that actor dude he always plays a good villain
Do you envy his good looks? I have no issue admitting he's more handsome than me.
b a s e t
maybe he's evil irl?
This meme has seen its heyday come and go.
He looks like a beaver! The issue is his character's competence, however. He's just a fool! How are his bad decisions and inefficacy tolerated? I just punched my daggit pillow five times! I do not like that this character exists! It doesn't make sense.
I like trip.
I'll trip you!
lol what the fuck is your problem
Stop doing that.
He's just angry. Nothing wrong with venting. Today Trip was the target, tomorrow it'll be someone else.
He sounds retarded. Not just Yea Forums retarded, but like actually retarded.
Venting? On a siamese finger painting forum?
The faggot schizo should learn to control himself in more healthy ways.
Why are you being so hard on him?
Rageposters shouldn't be encouraged.
>He looks like a beaver! The issue is his character's competence, however. He's just a fool! How are his bad decisions and inefficacy tolerated? I just punched my daggit pillow five times! I do not like that this character exists! It doesn't make sense.
It's for his own good
Maybe he's just having a bad day. I'm sure we've all had those lol
Yes indeed we all have, but this siamese finger painting forum isn't a healthy outlet for such emotions.
I just come here to have fun and laugh.
Why is there this constant dialogue about what /trek/ is supposed to be or what you come here for? Just post
Why don't you understand human conversations?
People are concerned about what direction the community is going. When STD ses3 comes out, we have to stay United and to do that we should foster comradeship.
*DSC ses3
It's STD, faggo
Unity, friend. Let's go with DSC/STD from now on for purposes of inclusiveness.
Fuck the unity movement! It's thought control and it's faggy
You guys are getting dangerously close to forcing me to turn on my tripcode, as if this ignorant OP wasn't enough reason.
this isn frenlyposting
eat my taint
Damn this dude has been posting since 9am
Do you have a vagina yet?
I'm in Norway so I can't relate. Maybe if you say how many hours he's been posting?
>Adopt your TripCode and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!
-Star Trek
>tripcode threat-posting
new level for /trek/
About twenty consecutive hours. He was posting about unity and weathering the STD storm yesterday morning
Just when you thought /dreck/ couldn't get any /dreckier/
What happens when STD starts again? I don't get it.
He has been posting all day everyday for over 2 years now
What a life.
This. I have a suspicion that many of the most annoying posters are the same guy.
Yeah he blatantly samefags
Like who?
I'd like a private thread for myself and the other so-called "annoying" posters, because we're funny and creative and you aren't!
So go talk to yourself in the /tg/ trek general
There's a connection between frogposting and some of the most awful repetitive shitposting here. They tend to coincide. I don't have much in the way of evidence but my suspicion is growing stronger.
It's all the same guy
that place is so goddamn slow.
Spread your asshole for tripposting as soon as I'm off this ban for posting that 13% of the American population commits over 50% of the violent crime
at least its content.
Yeah it's obviously the frog poster. He used to shill Midnight's Edge and is probably the chart poster, too
Probably CringeyMars in the discord because they both get butthurt super easy
He'd have to be on several devices at the same time, won't he? I have to wait 60 sec between each post+the fucking captcha
Yeah he just turns his phone in airplane mode on and off when he gets banned and posts his dumb shit again
It's you, isn't it? content guy/frogfag
Yeah, a phone, tablet, and computer. CringeyMars was talking about how he got a cheap tablet through work a couple weeks ago.
If you're criticizing others ITT, please highlight your best posts for review.
Who was colorblind?
Someone needs to get a hobby. jesus
>frogposting suddenly stops
We're getting close, aren't we?
Here's mine kill yourself
tasha dying was a sad
Hi CringeyMars
This technically isn't frogposting tho. I don't know what he's supposed to be.
Yes, yes, so this is the level of wit we're dealing with. You just love to drag down others who are better than you, it's clear.
To the guy who these monkeys are piling on: keep doing what you do, dude. You're awesome
was geordi realy blind? do they show how he sees?
>if I post as trekkie229 they'll stop talking about me
fuck you
There is no wit in having conversations with yourself daily you fucking basketcase
Does trek have special swearing, like BSGAL has frack?
kys faggot
honestly kind of sad
So, CringeyMars confirmed as /trek/'s retard?
This desperate swerve is pretty strange. If it wasn't CringeyMars they would have let him take the blame.
hi trekkie229
Who knows? /trek/ is full of larping weirdos who crave attention. It's hard to tell what's what.
Long time, no see, trekkie. What's it been, like a year?
Not really.
I've personally had people here pretending to be me, giving retarded replies to anons I'm in an argument with. That shit is fucked UP.
Didn't he say he posts with a trip?
He did, yes.
He also said he was a jannie once so obviously quality content on Yea Forums is a big deal to him and he probably aggressively polices posters he disagrees with.
He turns his trip off and pretends to be normal.
It's true. It happenes! I hate when it happens that shit is fucked UP and I do not like it when that occures
>randomposting stops
How strange.
That's downright devilish.
he sometimes avatarposts with this image when he doesn't have a trip on
He's also the webm spammer.
I'm excited by all this mystery!
ANYWAY, back to Star Trek. When Shran said "I'd do anything for you, Captain. You can have anything you want," did he mean that literally?
CringeyMars also tries to change the topic when he feels uncomfortable and has done so with every person he's debated with in the discord. Instead of admitting he was wrong it's easier to talk about something else.
Why does /trek/ claim to hate tripfriends but whenever anons show up who challenge the status quo they spaz out trying to identify and pigeonhole them? Maybe everyone should adopt trips, because that's what it seems like everyone wants.
Why are you insane?
Excellent retort, friend. *pats you on head and gives you a treat*
Do you have actual mental health problems you've been diagnosed with?
outside of me this entire thread is just one guy fyi.
there are three people posting right now
tripfag day of the rope soon
Why's this the new go-to response when someone gets mad about something true being posted?
Strange response.
Isn't CringeyMars always telling Bashirfaggot to stop using her trip?
To you it's "true." To everyone else it's insanity. That's literally the definition of insanity btw.
Holy Christ, this place has gotten as bad as a #1000+ /vg/ general.
So, I don't use tripcodes but you assume that I do and base your responses on that. Then you call me insane. Funny as shit.
We're having a state of the union discussion right now, for /trek/'s health.
No, this started when user asked if the frogposter is also a number of other annoying posters and through discussion we've discovered a pattern of behavior which fits the psychological profile of one individual. The fact you're getting upset proves we're right.
You guys keep complaining about the trip posters, but what have they done, brought on decent content and discussion? YOU are the ones ruining /trek/ not the tripfags. this thread is proof. fuck you autists.
Star Trek Picard better be good or it will be the end of this board!
Na just kidding it will be more anger and sadness, I guess it will give us something in common to share.
Except they did show formation of the Federation later in the series. Starting off with that would have been shit, they got to explore starfleet and humanity before it got cucked by the federation, which only based member's are the andorians and tellarites.
Can you provide an example of me being upset? I can prove yinz wrong without getting mad.
The fact you're replying and know we're talking about you is proof enough.
I wish those faggots would stop banning me for posting spoilered nude Marina Sirtis photos. Fucking rats.
I honestly forgot that existed.
Sorry to disappoint, but I'm just a random chimer-in and you've been wrong all along. I bet the tripfriend you're discussing is laughing his/her ass off right now.
>it wasn't me bro
Is there anything that screams "we're out of ideas" more than a Nazi episode?
then just use the other boards and a post a link there.
sensors not working?
I don't use tripcodes unless I'm posting OC which benefits from verification, sorry fag.
fuck off tripfag, day of the rope is coming.
>three tripfags
>BF and VF are asleep
Hi NTT/CringeyMars when are you having your operation?
It's incredible to me that innocent tripcode users who just post their thoughts and opinions here are threatened with lynching. /trek/ is a foul place, and it should be a place of peace and understanding and fellowship.
You just don't get it, do you? When you go out of your way to be annoying and shit up threads all day everyday eventually people get tired of it.
Tripfags are not the problem. You, as a person, are the problem.
I don't do that, though. I rarely post in Star Trek threads at all.
You're so full of shit.
Assume I'm not. Are you now embarrassed?
>it wasn't me bro
>even though I keep replying to you
/trek/ is full of very, very conflicted people.
I reply to whatever interests me and it doesn't make me your bogeyman. Yea Forums seems really ultra-retarded these days.
The problem with tripfags isn't that they are attention whores, per se. It's that they represent a part of us that we don't want to admit to. They stand out and stake a claim for themselves and people find that alien and intimidating, so they lash out in whatever way they can.
Union Movement forever!
fuck you, bro
I already have friends irl.
dissome new jargon?
If it's spoilered it should be fine tho.
I wouldn't know.
Nazis are an eternal theme, bro.
Only way to trip
>it should be a place of peace and understanding and fellowship.
s n a p
is bajor free?
the face that launched a thousand sims
she's all mine
You are fucked in the head
Brahms is cute, bro
>Star Trek: Discovery
>they don't discover anything
>Nazi germany, the most efficient state earth ever produced
How did they get away with it?
Nazis? Im mein Star Trek? Es ist häufiger als Sie denken...
>Computer, definition of the word yinz.
>Working. A Pittsburgh regional variant of "y'all." Occasionally heard in the rest of Pennsylvania but really only used in daily parlance of people from Pittsburgh and the surrounding area. Some adoption in Eastern Ohio and Northern West Virginia due to proximity.
Jesus, are we really doing this again?
Some things take time to resolve.
star trek
Stop that.
Why would someone "pretend" to be butthurt?
Imagine coming to /trek/ then spending all your time engaging with tripfags.
interesting... celebheights.com
The borg children story arc in Voyager is so shit.
>Nimoy's thousand-shekel stare
>Shatner looking clean as fuck in uniform
I don't believe you.
We went through this in 2017
Imagine how difficult that must have been. No wonder Nimoy was so bitter.
Remind me what happened
How's Ziyal?
How's Ziyal?
For those that missed it--this is a Twin Peaks reference
Wow I had no idea! Thank you frend!
h-hi bash ugu
>the main story is shit but its still a good show
It's the Jimmy syndrome: I spent my money/time on it, therefore I have to say it's good, otherwise I would have made a bad decision.
I say I hate tv-show because it makes me sound jaded and experienced.
It is overall. We're worried about ratings! Tits didn't work, so let's add new kids! Also I can't watch those episodes because Manu Intiraymi. Nigga owes me money.
where can i watch star trek online?
Why does he owe you money?
Most of ENT is shit especially when it became about dealing with the trauma of 9/11
Star Trek shouldn't open with war stories without developing the characters first, or have war stories at all really. One of the reasons the Dominion War has so much weight is because there were entire seasons of character development before they got to the war arc, so we cared about what happened to the characters we loved. Turning Trek into a series about star wars is the opposite of what attracts me to the franchise.
I want to explore and fall in love and grow as a person. Squabbling over territory is boring.
You don't watch Star Trek Online, you play Star Trek Online.
>conference tables
in picard 2022 there will be upheaval of the entire federation
Yes, characters are more interesting to me than maintaining shields and firing torpedoes. There is no real danger to our heroes so focusing on pointless action puts me to sleep.
who cares?
you'll not watch?
you need a bit of both, dontcha?
I didn't say that, but you act as if we're emotionally invested in the Federation
Why wouldn't you be? It's bee there from adam.
There were tripfags, some anons went on crusade about "muh anonymous board" and shit, good tripfags left, trekkie229 happened, no one tripfagged for a while, VF and BF showed up, BF got doxxed, that brings us to present day.
Not really.
Action scenes are interesting because we see our heroes overcome adversity, but the risk is all an illusion. Our heroes won't die so presenting action scenes as if they're inherently compelling is flat. Those scenes work when they're an extension of character motivation so if you don't care about the characters you don't care about their struggles.
Why are Nausiccans allowed in Federation Space so freely?
What does that have to do with user "pretending" to be butthurt when someone else gets called out?
>good tripfags left
I'm just watching Enterprise for the first time. Why are the Vulcans such dicks in this? They're duplicitous and outright bullies.
Nothing. I was just pointing out that we've had the tripfag vs user argument before and a qrd was asked.
They're an allegory for, well, y'know...
You seem very invested in all of this.
As in, the ones who contributed to discussion instead of making themselves e-celebs like now.
The frogs showed up a couple of months ago. They've divided the thread.
Not really, just been here awhile.
What trip did you use?
Frogs have been here before. There was that period where the frog singing faith of the heart was being posted non-stop.
lol you're still butthurt
Didn't say I did
What's that?
>invested-fag starts his shit again
>contributed to discussion
Doesn't really matter to me if someone uses a trip, as long as they're not cunts about it. Trekkie229 really spelled the end of productive tripfagging in /trek/ threads tho.
Yeah but what was your trip name?
Quick rundown.
I don't really like the frogs because they derail even tho they just post friendly comments.
What would you call someone with archival knowledge of the history of /trek/ and a bitter resentment and frustration with VF and BF, who misses the good tripfags?
Do you see how obvious you are?
Listen, to suggest that tripfags in the past behaved like the current crop is pure revisionism.
229 never tripfagged tho.
twek fwends > twipfags
Very well. That will be all for now.
Agreed. Once in a while they're okay but it does get tiresome.
Hi CringeyMars
Time to start talking to yourself again?
I've been open about missing Mentalcrash. She even drew star trek fanfic and took requests.
Namefagging and tripfagging are largely the same for the purposes of this discussion.
i just twy to make fred happy place
She was one of the good ones.
What makes you think I had one? Which one do you think I was?
I usually don't take to the scrawny ones but she had a cute face on her.
Feels good man
She's in Yea Forums sometimes.
Don't know don't care.
>doesn't care
Is she the deviantartist who draws all of her characters in a flat perspective with no background like they're floating in a void?
If I'm so concerned with wanting attention all the time then why do I never trip outside of /trek/?
She does fatfic and landwhale stuff.
she cute
I've seen you on /tg/
>Don't know don't care.
Then why ask? You're not making sense.
He just wants to talk. Give him a break.
It's Bash, warrior queen of /trek/
Because you have a following here and know you're guaranteed to get response.
Why do people follow her?
Good point, Pittsburg area barista Jessica Lynn Ethnicname
He's being a dick thinking he can unearth some hidden tripfag to call out and feel like an e-warrior.
One time outside of /trek/ I called Zeta stupid, and the person replying to me had a total autistic meltdown.
I knew it was you.
Some take pleasure in her pain. Others think they can whiteknight for her and receive handjobs behind the counter of the Target Starbucks where she works.
Probably. Did you say something stupid about Haman?
doxxing isn't cool brah
And the game is afoot.
I didn't dox anyone, it's public knowledge.
Somebody got stabbed at that Target.
make e a thred
white people are the worst
more pics of you in star trek uniform
I am not impressed with Haman not wishing to die. What's the big deal about a person not wishing to die? Do the Titans have a surplus of people who do wish to die?
/trek/ isn't a bad place. people here are nice for the most part.
I thought you said you don't drink because of the zoloft or whatever the fuck you're on?
dominion war>borg war
In your bathroom.
It's complicated. Let's just say don't give him cash for a "good cause" and expect it to get where you thought.
I don't post frogs and I haven't posted ME here in ages
roflmao I'm sorry for not wanting to shit it up forever with an argument
But one of the best things about star trek just the random small stories they get into while exploring space?
So you admit to being a repetitive spammer?
No, I have a full time job and don't have time for that, I do post here occasionally as user
Pretty pathetic attempt at damage control, spammer.
You have to be pretty vain to take pictures of yourself and post them on the internet.
That's what we called episodic television in ye olde days. And yes.
believe what you want, I don't spam
>I used to spam midnight's edge
>I don't post spam
Why should anyone believe you?
what's ME?
What does he spam?
it's called instagram.
Why should anyone believe YOU?
posting a YouTube link is not spamming, it's not like ME came out with Trek content every second
if you'd like to know, I posted
and stopped once NTT derailed the thread
make a new thread