11.5 year old cousin is over

>11.5 year old cousin is over
>she wants to watch a movie in my room
>mom tells me to "keep the door open"
What the fuck did she mean by this?

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She doesnt want you watching any movies that aren't age appropriate for her and wants you to keep the door open so you dont expose her to incel kino

Obviously your cousin is a whore, and your mother is concerned about preserving your virtue until you are married

You know exactly what she meant user....

Don’t take it to heart, unfortunately there are a lot of pedophiles around nowadays because our government doesn’t execute homosexuals, so it is an instant of “better safe than sorry”

>when mom gives you hints she found your 80GB lg folder

>mom found your cunny visual novels

No, his mom was a crazy slut already in elementary school and thinks all the other girls are same.

Honestly this. The mother remembers herself at 11.

>peepaw solved the futanari enigma

Is she hot?

Please stop posting this

It means you have the brick face, pudgy body, and sloping gait of a kiddy diddler post pics

Rape her to just to spite that roastie lmao

She obviously wants to watch user, give her a show

Close the door and find out. I fucked around with my cousin once, it was great.

Toó old, actually

mom knows little girls are very lewd, cause she was young once.
she thinks the poor thing wouldn't be able to keep her legs closed near such a stud

Girls who were molested said to me kids like sexual intimacy but they always grow up to regret it. No matter how gentle you are.

Do the mods even know what "television and film" means?
They seem to have an unexplainably hard time with the concept. It's baffling.

She knows.

bullshit. its a scientific fact that women who start her sexual life early become happier adults and more satistifed with their lifes in general

Gtfo reddit

You like dick, bitch?

Just put on something with a plot about kids her own age to relate to, like Boku no Pico

lol relax mom I'm not going to do anything to her

>wife found out about my 2tb cunny folder
>caught me in the act watching a francesca webm marathon
>forced me to unlock my phone and horrified to see all of the cunny IGs I'm following
>packed up her things and took the kids to my in laws
>begged and pleaded for 2 months to get her back
>went back but made me promise to never have any of those things again
>still mourning over that huge collection that took me years to build
>my beautiful cunny s mouse folder ;_;

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>go and see cousins/aunt
>like to pick up my cousins and throw them around
>aunt says that cousin is getting to the age where I shouldn't be so physical with her
>she's 10 and completely innocent in every way
>I ignore her
Old hags are just jealous and crazy.

Greentext pls

Cuz u Yea Forumsniggers are pedophiles. And your whore mother understands that about you

>Small cousin over
>Nags and cries, wants to watch a movie on my TV
>"Hey user, why dont you show her some movie so she shuts up and we dobt have to do parenting :)"
>Turn on Hobo with a Shotgun and leave
I hope she is traumatized for life now

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>francesca webm
a what?

>10 years old
>completely innocent
is she retarded or something?

My mom actually found my IG lmao it was awkward as f u c k

That'd be kinda hot desu

She literally knows nothing lewd. Girls aren't like your fag animes

I didn't know anything lewd until I was like 12.

This thread has nothing to do with television or film. It is a thread where pedophiles are discussing how to groom underage girls for sex.
If you report this thread, you get banned.
What the fuck?!

Have sex, tinfoil incel.

No that guy is retarded 10 are sexual af and hes obviously a pedo too

I mean, wouldn't you be worried if you left a child with a irresponsible adult?

pretty sure both my dad and brother are into little girls
we'd never dare to talk about it, mom probably knows, but has enough common sense to just ignore it

>sister is 12 now
>her friends that comes over are starting to get hot
>they like to hang out in my room
fuck should I do ?

>I didn't know anything lewd until I was like 12.
cus you were a retarded nerd

Feels bad man. This is why man of culture should never marry.

Now the question is, are you into little girls?

i was fapping twice a day by age 8
girls mature sexually much early than boys, you were probably just a little slow, champ

>If you report this thread, you get banned.
>What the fuck?!
Then just gtfo take a hint retard fuck off :^)

Tell that to Sylvia Likens's parents

I remember this thread

Pretty sure my mom knows I'm a pedo. Ever since she caught me watching that anime

Yes, I'm a straight man

You get the fuck out, cumbrain.


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>52 year old mom is over
>she wants to watch a movie in my room
>11 year old cousin tells me to "keep the door closed"
The fuck??

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Your mum must have contigency plans for when one of you can't control themselves anymore.

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Which animu

Just kill yourself my man like for real

Hah yeah I bet, what kind of profiles did you follow? Just asking cuz I bet it was funny hah...

this was true like pre 2010 but now statistically like 60% of kids aged 13+ have been exposed to online porn in some form or another its exceedingly prevalent

I want to fuck her so bad i would kill for that sweet cunny

literally, see OP

My sister is 11 and has no friends
Life is good

Agreed. OPs mom is an ashamed slut and assumes the worst of everyone. Seen it way too often. It's like an alcoholic giving their teenage kid a sip of beer followed by a long lecture on moderation. Mind is in the gutter but their pride is on a pedestal.

who showed you to fap?
i swear I discovered it entirely by accident on my 14th birthday

>pretty sure both my dad and brother are into little girls
My dad and uncle are in their 50's and make lewd comments about teenage girls, uncomfortable as fuck

>having an easily accessed cunny folder
>not asking /g/ to hide it for you

Based and heteropilled

get some. you'll regret not

Do your kids know their father is a pedophile user

Not for her though

>what do you think of my new swimsuit anonnie? :3

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get an inside lock for your door

Can't retards see this is bait?

Molest her

is not uncommon at all for girls her age to start their sexual life. if is not you, it will be some retard asshole

You know, Pavaga and related

what? you really think its impossible?


Kill yourself pedo

Fuck off desu


Yeah well, she does have one good male friend. I had way more friends when I was her age, she's more socially inept than me

I'll molest you

Reddit is here

just very unlikely. the whole story is clearly bait.

>an instant
Fuck me

He has the s mouse folder i doubt its pure cunny folder only

how could cute little girls be cringe?

Uh oh

"Hardy har, mom. Don't quit your day job."

I unironically want to make love to addie:3

>mfw my mom told me my dad was a pedo and she was thankful I wasn't

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but seriously, what kind of psycho degenerate would look at this wholesome picture and think "sexualized depiction of a minor"?

Mouse folder?

is this the pedo containment thread?

>went back

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They can be sexy

yeah I don't know what that is either
Disney teen shows maybe?


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Should've made her watch BvS followed by S11Ep5.

How fucking new to the internet are you zoomer fucks that you don't have fake profiles to follow this shit

have sex incel, with a consenting adult over 18 years of age.

Not in my case tho
I wasn't even abused as kid

Do women even care if you like l girls lol

why are little girls so much better than big girls?

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It varies.

It really is.

Youd be surprised how some women operate, I've been fuckbuddies with an older woman for a while who was single when we met then one day told me she she has a boyfriend while we were having sex


They are not fucking cute at all you cunnyfag retard

i've been saying for ages that Yea Forums should allow ONE (1) of those. Most of the time, they're kinda Yea Forums related, and they're always a good beacon for freedom of speech

I fucking do
She used my phone and lurked into my apps, shit went down

probably. my Dad's a hebe too

Sometimes your sexy sister jumps on blue balls. Ouch - Frank Sinatra

Underrated post.

Yeah they know they cant compete

I wasn't either. But my dad did touch some girls at school (he was a teacher). Mom told me the hole thing because my step sister spilled the beans one time we were fighting.

Means you fucking stink, nigga!

No no no

This isn't real freedom of speech

You haven't self actualized enough

Freedom from consequences... freedom

Clean your room

Wash your penis

fuck I mean whole lmao

Become Kyousuke, except you go for Kuroneko.

>older woman
gtfo you grannylover

why are pedos always ugly balding men who wear backpacks and circle around schools or wait at bus stops nearby at 3pm

it's so blatant lmao

Am I the only one who finds these little girls ugly? Look at the size and shape of her head. Just because she has green eyes doesn't make her pretty

Shes 42 and has no kids cus shes a hedonist

i can smell you from here you fucking roastie

How is that possible?

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