Is anybody else unable to watch popular movies and TV shows seriously, anymore, perhaps due to the weird fans or normies that like the programme? I find that I most often drop out of watching regular movies with people, and just prefer to watch very obscure, usually old movie classics or television episodes. What are things that do it for you? Why do you think they appeal to you? Do your relationships with people you know suffer due to a lack of involving yourself in their movies/TV episodes? Thank you.
Anti-Normie Movies/TV
No, I'm not a hipster. Other people's love or hate of a show doesn't have any impact on me at all.
Most shit normies like is garbage. That being said if you like something then just enjoy it I guess.
>watch very obscure, usually old movie classics or television episodes
Oh shit, we got ourselves a real Holden Caufield here. Everyone stand up and recognize his unique individualism.
this is some stupid ass faggot pretentious shit. Get over yourself user its one thing with normie ass onions wars marvel movie 2.0, but you can just enjoy some movies at the theater.
You are not unique. You are not special. Get over it/
Thank you for the comment.
Well, I tend to think of myself as having other analogues to my type, as in other people a lot like me, too.
I'm sorry, it's just that all of the major popular stuff strikes me as cringeworthy. I can't get into stuff. I have an aversion to the popular, which attracts the sóys and other normies in droves. I almost laughed at my cousin's face for saying that he was going to a Marvel and Star Wars themed convention, where the crowds would more than likely look like pic-related.
A lot of modern movies give me the niggling feeling I'm being manipulated. It's hard for me to tolerate when I'm being sold a product against my will, so I really can't take product placement. So much media these days has a disguised moral, which can be interesting if the moral is challenged or is explored in a few different directions, but otherwise is just gratingly manipulative too. Hating that kind of content leaves behind only really, really stupid modern shit, which is so poorly constructed that its manipulation is obvious enough to see and then ignore; or the rare interesting and beautiful thing that some sleeping producer accidentally allowed to be funded. Older movies are the only way to escape the headache that is modern media
>A lot of modern movies give me the niggling feeling I'm being manipulated. It's hard for me to tolerate when I'm being sold a product against my will, so I really can't take product placement. So much media these days has a disguised moral, which can be interesting if the moral is challenged or is explored in a few different directions, but otherwise is just gratingly manipulative too. Hating that kind of content leaves behind only really, really stupid modern shit, which is so poorly constructed that its manipulation is obvious enough to see and then ignore; or the rare interesting and beautiful thing that some sleeping producer accidentally allowed to be funded. Older movies are the only way to escape the headache that is modern media
Very eloquently stated. That describes a lot of how I feel about modern entertainment media.
this started for me with Dexter fandom. Drove me nuts how people would talk about shows in 'seasons' as I was used to watching episodic shows. To this day the only serial I've enjoyed has been breaking bad.
Interesting opinion, thank you. What I am also interested in knowing is why you didn't enjoy Dexter (Or did you, but the fans made it not a worthwhile experience?), but you liked Breaking Bad? I thought both were well done, if with rowdy, even annoying fanbases. Those are a couple of the last normie shows I really indulged in, plus Mad Men, if that counts, but I thought it was a bit more niche.
for whatever reason I'd watch this show on TBS called 10 Items or Less (worked in grocery stores, thought it would be interesting). Every episode they would literally stop the show and have the actors highlight a particular product and gloat about how great it is.
I'm really picky with subject matter, meth and the american southwest just sounded interesting. Never gave dexter a shot, didn't sound good and fandom ruined it.
I suppose season 1 of westworld was decent but I'm a big fan of crichton.
Fight Club: The Person
OK, thanks for expanding upon that.
Last year I binged 1930-60 noir films via rarbg and YT, with chasers of 1975-1989 made for tv network horror movies on YT. Both were cathartic and dozens of movies were equally comfy, surprising, smart and white.
literally too good of a post for Yea Forums
godspeed, user
When art is made by someone who has a very different perception of our reality and existence compared to my own, I can tell. For example, I can't stand Renoir (or at least the few films I have seen of his) because I simply can not connect with him, and I find that his work is extremely frustrating to me. They're made for people whose presence in my life contribute to the distanced feeling I have towards them as normal people. What I mean is that by watching his films I'm bombarded with the reminder that I do not fit in. This has taught me that whenever something is hailed as great, it means that it's considered great by a majority of the critics/audiences. And if something is beloved by the people I don't fit in with, I shouldn't expect to always love it either.
Same. I've become very good at seeing programming trends. Some of the things I notice are disgusting.
Nope. Letting a fandom have any impact on your own opinions of something is just a highway to excluding yourself from the enjoyment of a lot of things and it is entirely your own fault. Further, if you think about it, most if not all fandoms are probably infested with some shitty people as any large well known thing you can think of so in the greater scope of things that leaves very little to enjoy. Do yourself an enormous favor and reflect on your inner workings a bit. Other peoples opinions really shouldn't hinder you in life, it is just silly.
Absolute bugman mentality.