It's not that funny

It's not that funny.

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It's more of a rollicking adventure salted with good humor than a straightforward comedy film. The humor is excellent, however.

Is it supposed to be?

It is that funny.

You must be fun at parties...

>a fantasy adventure wasn't like my Jim Carey movies!

the lack of quips make you angry?

it's charming.

it's never been "funny".



It has good moments tho


It's a comedy. Comedies are supposed to be funny. It's even listed on several "funniest movies ever" lists despite not being funny at all.

There is but one key

One of those movies you had to see as a kid or it won't be special.

No, but it's pretty funny and made me care for the characters, which goes a long way.

Film is a poor medium for 'commedy' anyway. Stand-up is superior in terms of the amount and quality of the humor

It's funny enough, and wholesome as fuck.
It's a great movie.

It's clever. Not funny.

This. Its okay but nowhere near deserving of its cult status.

you thought it was a comedy?

is Robin Hood: Men in tights the sequel to this

>The Princess Bride is a 1987 American fantasy adventure comedy film directed and co-produced by Rob Reiner

It's weird how this was created as some sort of parody of adventure fims but to most people it just plays out as an actual adventure film, if only a tad sillier than others of the time. It's a great movie, but I guess it failed in what it tried to accomplish.

>modern day princess bride

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It's a hell of a lot funnier than op.
Tho his attitude, opinions, and life ar ungodly comical. So I suppose he does know a good joke, being one.

This desu. Indiana Jones is played more straight but it's the same. Impossible to understand the hype when you watch those for the first time as an adult.

MILF Robin > Young Robin

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The original novel is basically the stories that he told to his very young children. And then it's written with the abridgment thing because the writer realized that it's not a very good story without presenting it as a joke.

Basically the "I'm just pretending to be a retard" of it's time.



It's the type of shit everybody does nowadays, ironic movies.

It's a novelization pretending to be an original work, retard. You're so seriously fucking stupid.

Have sex.

Henry Cavill played Chad in that movie.

t. Capeshitter

Finished now. Anything else?

Henry Cavill plays Chad in all movies.

It's supposed to be comfy

Zoomers like OP need their constant ironic quips. Anything less than Marvel-tier humor is simply not funny to them.

And so the faggot admits defeat.

I don't get the appeal either. It felt liket a weird meme movie to me.

You're not that bright.

People don't like it because ot's funny but because it's white

comedy means the story is about a character that goes through shit and comes out on top

I watched it when I was about 23, 5 years ago, and i loved it. Its comfort levels are off the charts. It feels kinda like a play more than a movie.

>fantasy adventure comedy film = A comedy

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Yes. Are you really that desperate to look smug?

I love that flick, but since I hate Magic stuff it's down a few notches in my opinion.

Wait a fucking second.
Princess Buttercup was that woman in House of Cards!?

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Claire Danes was that era's version of Cara Delvigne: chrisma-free, lacking in talent and not quite pretty enough to play Star. It also skipped the kino ending in favour of a happily-ever-after barf-fest.

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Not him but it's not just a comedy, and just because you don't find something hilarious doesn't mean others think or feel the same way as you. Personally, the movie made me laugh. I've watched it with other people and they laughed, too. What's your gripe?

That torture scene really fucked me up as a kid.

You tried to shit this movie and came up with "it's not that funny," it must be nearly flawless kino.

Holy shit what a hot fucking take this guy has, everyone must have just realized how shit this movie is because of your insightful and poignant post user! My god if only we'd had you here all along telling everyone what to think maybe we'd all be better off. Thank you so much user, I'll never forget you.

Its great and a cult classic

Fuck off with your terrible opinions and lack of a strong argument.

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Its more clever and whimsical than funny. It does have some funny moments though.

That one got me by surprise. Great flick.

It is.

Id still hit it

This movie is a great movie fuck off with your pleb opinions/bait.


Wesley is the annoying dad in Liar Liar and the guy from the original Saw, lol.